Sunday, May 19, 2024


A Sadhu sacrifices

A sadhus with his spirituality and piety has much to give back to the Indian society in terms of - a faith, a legacy and a civilization. And yet he is misunderstood, mistaken by many and mistreated by some.

Our education system is failing us

Why innovative and creative people always hated schools and colleges? Because these institutions put a lot of limitations on those extraordinary minds.

How Assam is tackling Corona virus outbreak

COVID-19 has made a challenging situation before the Assam Government but the State is trying best possible ways to tackle the situation and tackle it.

नाम में बहुत कुछ रखा है

नाम में ही तो सबकुछ रखा है नाम से ही संस्कृति की पहचान, समाज का संस्कार, इतिहास की प्राचीनता और देश की धरोहर की गहराई का पता चलता है ।

The great divide of Hindus in Hindu Rashtra

There is an unholy alliance of Communists, Islamists and Christianity in Bharat waiting to break Bharat into pieces and only Bharat born religions can protect Bharat.

The plight of non neta Modi carpers

The main problem anti modi brigade has with Modi is, Modi has redefined everything that was practiced and followed since 70 years.

3 reasons why organizations should invest in marketing to overcome the COVID 19 business disruption

No business is immuned from the effects of COVID 19. This article can offer a focal point for startups and established businesses, as they embark on the uncertain and unknown world, post COVID 19.

Bed-venture circus: Separatists, fundamentalists & propagandists

Bed-Venture Circus: Christianity, Islam & Communism. Everybody wants a piece of Bharat and I am not going to let them have it. (by @ashachanta)

Was Arnab Goswami attacked by Antonia Miano’s goons?

Journalist Arnab Goswami was attacked by Congress goons when he raised question on Congress Supremo Sonia Gandhi.

ईसाई मिशनरी षड्यंत्रों के जाल में

इस्लामिक कट्टरवाद भारत के लिए सीधा शत्रु है लेकिन ईसाई कट्टरवाद अदृश्य खतरा है जो कि भीतर ही भीतर हमें खोखला कर रहा है। हमें भूतकाल से सीखना होगा कि किस प्रकार रोमन सभ्यता और साम्राज्य का विनाश हुआ। कहीं ऐसा न हो कि हमें भी वही दिन देखने पड़ें!

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