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अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी या देशभक्ति या कुछ और

कुछ लोग कहते है की अगर आपने एक पार्टी के विरोध में कुछ बोला नहीं की आप देशद्रोही हो गए और दूसरी तरफ दूसरे लोग यही बात कहते है अगर आपने एक पार्टी के विरोध में बोला नहीं की आपको भक्त करार दिया जायेगा। जैसे अगर किसी ने आज की तारीख में यह बोल दिया की JNU में देशद्रोही नारे लगे तो बीजेपी वाले लोगो की नज़र में आप देशभक्त होते है या नहीं लेकिन दूसरी तरफ वाले आपको मोदी भक्त या आरएसएस का एजेंट या कट्टर हिंदूवादी या भक्त जरूर कहते नज़र आ जाएंगे।

अब इसी का दूसरा पहलु देखते हैं। अगर किसी ने यह कह दिया JNU में जो नारे लगे वह देशद्रोही तो है, लेकिन….? तो आपको जो कल तक मोदी भक्त कहते हुए नज़र आ रहे थे आज आपको देश का सच्चा देशभक्त कहता हुआ नज़र आएगा और दूसरी तरफ वाला आपको देशद्रोही, पाकिस्तानी समर्थक, वामपंथी कहता हुआ नज़र आएगा। आखिर आम आदमी जाये तो जाये कहाँ। इसी वजह से बहुत सारे लोग खुल के यह बात कह नहीं पाते है उनके मन में क्या है। तो यही वजह है की कुछ लोग इन झमेलों से अपने आप को दूर रखने की यथासंभव कोशिश कर रहे है।

सबसे ज्यादा तो तरस आता है पढ़े लिखे नौजवानो पर जो की जीवन में किसी ना किसी तरह एक खास राजनितिक आइडियोलॉजी को सपोर्ट करते है। किसी राजनैतिक आइडियोलॉजी का समर्थन करना गलत नहीं है, पर तरस इसीलिए भी आता है क्योंकि उनकी वजह से ये राजनितिक पार्टी अपने आईटी सेल के द्वारा इन चीजो को देखती परखती है की उनके बारे में युवाओ की क्या सोच है और उसी के तहत आगे की रणनीति तय करते है। और युवाओं का जोश तो देखते बनता है कैसे कैसे शेयर और like होती रहती है सोशल मीडिया पर लेखो का, रिट्वीट और ट्रॉल्लिंग होती रहती है।

दुःख तो तब होता है जब बिना कुछ जाँचे परखे शेयर और like करना शुरू कर देते हैं। वे ऐसा क्यों करते है? क्योंकि यह उनकी आइडियोलॉजी जो किसी एक खास राजनीती से मिलती है, इसीलिए ऐसा करते है। और बिना जाँचे परखे शेयर, like या ट्वीट करना सही नहीं है, क्योंकि कभी कभी इससे गलत सन्देश पहुँच जाता है। और बुद्धिमत्ता का परिचय तो देखिये सिर्फ like या चुपचाप शेयर कर देंगे, ना ही कोई कमेंट ना ही अपना विचार, तो फिर शेयर करने का मतलब क्या हुआ। आप पढ़े लिखे है समझदार है, आपको यह भी पता है कोई भी राजनैतिक पार्टी परफेक्ट नहीं है फिर भी आप जैसे पढ़े लिखे लोग उनका इस तरह समर्थन करेंगे तो क्या होगा इस देश का, देशहित में सोचे क्या सही है क्या नहीं।

आजकल सोशल मीडिया पर दो ही बाते चलती है या तो आप विपक्ष के साथ खड़े नज़र आते है या सत्ता पक्ष के साथ। आपकी अपनी कोई आइडियोलॉजी नही है। आप निष्पक्ष बात नहीं रख सकते है, क्योंकि ऐसा लगता है जैसे आपको कोई हक़ नहीं है ऐसा करने का। सबसे बड़ी बात है विरोध करना है, करे लेकिन आप एक दूसरे के मौलिक अधिकारो का हनन करते हुए विरोध नहीं कर सकते है। अगर आप किसी के ऊपर उंगली उठाएंगे तो आपके ऊपर भी कोई उठाएगा।

उदाहरण के तौर पर NDTV, INDIA TODAY कहता है TIMESNOW और ZEENEWS एकतरफा न्यूज़ दिखाता है। यही बात दूसरी पार्टी कह रही है। तो सवाल उठता है एकतरफा कैसे हो गया। आप कहते है ये एकतरफा है तो दूसरी पार्टी कह रही है कि वो। तो बात संतुलन की हुई नहीं ना। आप अपने स्टूडियो में एक्सपर्ट को बुलाते है कहते है वीडियो सही नहीं है है और वही दूसरी तरफ दूसरी पार्टी इसके उलट कह रही है। हद तो तब हो जाती है जब एक न्यूज़ चैनल किसी को देशद्रोही साबित करने पर लगा हुआ है तो दूसरे न्यूज़ चैनल देशद्रोही नही साबित करने पर तुले हुए है। और दोनों तरफ के लोग यह कहते हुए नज़र आते है की मीडिया ट्रायल बंद होना चाहिए। कैसे बंद हो दोनों तरफ तो एक ही बात चल रही है? एक साबित करना चाहता है देशद्रोही है दूसरा करना चाहता है देशद्रोही नहीं है। बात निष्पक्ष कहाँ रह गयी? तो फैसला कैसे हो की सही कौन कह रहा है?

फैसला तो न्यायालय में ही हो सकता है और जब न्यायालय तक बात पहुँचती है तो दोनों तरफ के लोग जल्दी फैसले के लिए धरने प्रदर्शन शुरू कर देते है, जल्दी फैसला दो, जल्दी फैसला दो। अगर जल्दी आ गयी तो जिनके पक्ष में फैसला नहीं आया वे कहेंगे फेयर ट्रायल नहीं था और अगर देरी से फैसला आया तो यह कहेंगे की सरकारी पक्ष के लोग दवाब बना रहे है अदालत पर। उसके बाद भी अगर फैसला पक्ष में नहीं आता है तो कहेंगे की अदालत का फैसला प्रभावित था। एक तरफ आप कहते है फैसला अदालत में होनी चाहिए ना की सड़क या स्टूडियो में बैठकर, आप करे तो ठीक हम करे तो गलत ये कैसा पक्ष है। दूसरी तरफ आप कहते है 3-4 जज मिलके यह फैसला नहीं कर सकते। आप खुद ही सोचिये आप कहना क्या चाहते है? अगर जज फैसला नहीं करेंगे तो कौन करेंगे? आम आदमी? अगर आम आदमी करेंगे तो सोचिये क्या होगा देश का यह सभ्य समाज नहीं रह जायेगा, यह एक जंगल कहलायेगा, जंगल।

अनुशासन जरुरी है देश को, विचार को, अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए, और अनुशासन के लिए कानून जरुरी है। एक तरफ आप कहते है ज्यूडिशियरी पर पूरा भरोषा है तो आपको उनका सम्मान करना सीखना होगा, एक तरफ आप कहते है आपको संविधान पर पूरा भरोषा है तो उसका सम्मान करना सीखना होगा, ना की अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी के नाम पर उसको कोसना। आपको अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी इसीलिए मिली है ताकि कुछ सिस्टम से गलत हो ना हो जाये, अगर कुछ गलत होता है तो उसके बारे में उसे बताया जाय ताकि सुधार हो सके। एक छोटी सी वीडियो क्लिप देख रहा था उसपर किसी ने लिखा था संघी और तथाकथित रक्षा विशेसज्ञ, और वे थे आर्मी के एक सेवानिवृत अधिकारी, जिस व्यक्ति के बारे में यह बोला गया कल तक यही व्यक्ति NDTV पर रक्षा विशेषज्ञ के तौर पर आता रहा है और आज संघी हो गया। तो सोचिये आप कहना क्या चाहते है।

मेरा सिर्फ यह कहना है की बात द्विपक्षीय होनी चाहिए, युवाओ को संविधान और कानून को सम्मान करना सीखना होगा। आपको पता है हर कार्यालय में एक समय निर्धारित होता है की आप समय पर आये और अपना काम समय पर करे। और हम सब इसका पालन करते है। आप स्कूल में हो या कॉलेज में हो या यूनिवर्सिटी में हो हर जगह एक समय निर्धारित होता है की उस वर्ग में जितने बच्चे है सबको एक सामान शिक्षा मिल सके, अगर ऐसा नही होगा तो सोचिये क्या होगा। तो अनुशासन जरुरी है अपने से बड़ो का सम्मान जैसे जरुरी है वैसे ही देश का संविधान और न्याय व्यवस्था का सम्मान भी जरुरी है। अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी भी द्विपक्षीय होनी चाहिए ना की एकपक्षीय, क्योंकि अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी का मतलब भी यही होता है अगर आप अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी के नाम पर सिर्फ अपनी ही बात कहते चले जायेंगे तो यह सही मायने में अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी नहीं है।

अंत में अपने सभी युवा साथियों से अनुरोध करूँगा की वे सोचे देश के लिए, इतनी सारी समस्याएं है जो ख़त्म होने का नाम ही नहीं ले रही है। दुनिया सिर्फ सोशल मीडिया या आपके इर्द गिर्द घूमने वाली चीजो के साथ नहीं है, गाँव जाये असली भारत वही बसता है, जहाँ आज़ादी के 65 साल बाद भी लोग एक अदद रोड, एक अदद हैंडपंप, एक अदद बिजली के खम्भे के लिए तरसते है, शिक्षा तो दूर की बात है। आपके अंदर अपार ऊर्जा है जिसका संचालन आप ही कर सकते है सही दिशा में करे, हम कामयाब होंगे, और जरूर होंगे।


Abrahamics religions are eroding our vibrant tribal culture


A Good friend of mine happens to be posted to a Tribal Agency area near Vishakapatnam, He also happens to be the founder of a small NGO that works with the underprivileged class. He was narrating me the story of a remote tribal village. The NGO’s volunteers had visited the village to brief the youngsters about the opportunities that are available for students who clear their 10th exams. There are no pucca roads to the village, the village does not have any electricity, and the water source is a stream that flows by. Seven cases of Hepatitis were also registered and last year there were a few deaths as well. Ramakrishna Mission’s volunteers had visited the village and handed them Solar Lanterns, however, my friend says that there is no continuity to these relief efforts.


The Road To Nowhere

My friend said that a few people from the Church had approached the village recently and offered to take care of them provided that the village converts to Christianity. Historically the Church has preyed like vultures on the poverty of people and this precedent transcends geographic boundaries, wherever the Church has gone. My friend asked me in despair “Why cannot we protect our own, why are we so helpless?”

My friend managed to speak to a few people and also convince a family to retain their faith. The Man and Woman of the family work as laborers in sugarcane fields and they did not want their daughter to meet the same fate. My friend promised that he and his NGO would help them in all their capacity so that the young girl does not turn up as a laborer in a sugarcane field in a remote village.

The Village faces a civilizational challenge, they have to abandon the faith of their ancestors, their beautiful world of village Gods and Goddesses in order to feed their stomachs. Worse fate awaits them as the Church will extract their pound of flesh for playing the ‘Good Samaritan’. It will be not be long before these people will be forced to coerce others of their kind, forced to hate their own people for not converting. These folks and the generations to come will become unknowingly the slaves to an Abrahamic God.

The Answer to my friend’s question is unfortunately in the affirmative. Yes, we are indeed helpless and we are facing an existential crisis. The Phenomenon this village encountered where in a missionary of a foreign religion reached the remotest corner of the country can be termed as “The Last Mile Erosion of the Native ways“. We are helpless because of the non-existence of a two walled defense mechanism, something that any country has to provide its citizens.

The Country had to put up the first line of Defense. Not only it is the Job of state to protect the sovereignty of the land but also it needs to protect and preserve the native ways. India is a diverse country with a history of several big traditions and small traditions. Mainstream society had always co-existed with tribal societies and most importantly the various tribes had the freedom to preserve their own rich traditions.

The Word secular was included in the Preamble of the Constitution during the Emergency through the 42nd Amendment. This came as a boon to protelyzing faiths like Islam and Christianity. They now had the license to convert the heathens. The Underprivileged Tribals and Dalits were the first ones to be targeted by the Abrahamics and to this day continue to be harvested.The Leaders of this Country should have had the foresight to protect the underprivileged class, instead they left them to the wolves. The 42nd Amendment was the destruction of our first line of Defense.

With word ‘Secular’ in the Preamble, India had to become a Country that guaranteed Religious freedom in letter and spirit. However the Majority native community continues to be not treated on par with the Foreign Abrahamic ones. Hindu temples were taken over by the several state governments. A Major chunk of donations received by the temples goes to the treasury of the state Government that is supposed to guarantee religious freedom.

The State Governments are actually no better than Land Grabbing Mafia. The Endowments department in each state is constantly on the look out to grab Temples whose revenue cross a certain threshold say a couple of Lakhs. In the Present Day, the donations to temples annually cross hundreds or even thousand crores in certain states. Millions of Hindus still are ignorant of their constitution conferred rights to live and thrive as a free community.

If the Temples were in the Hands of the Hindus, then we could had several schools, colleges, universities & hospitals that we could put to the service our poor and underprivileged class. The Grabbing of our temples by the state is the destruction of our second line of defense and thus we now find ourselves in a helpless state against the wolves of Christ and Muhammed.

People may argue that the 42nd Amendment was essentially not anti-Hindu in nature (Hindu as per the constitution means anybody who is not a Christian, Muslim, Jew or a Parsi), but a move to position India globally as a peace loving fair country that guarantees religious freedom or at worse just a tokenism to appease vote banks by Indira Gandhi, However the takeover of temples by the State governments prove that the establishment is a good friend of the Abrahamics helping them to harvest the native population.

The Congress has always been a Minority appeasing Hindu-phobic party throughout its existence. While one may liken them to asuras like Ravan, the BJP or the NDA is no Ram. The BJP benefits from a massive Hindu vote that is given in hope that that it will set things right and that at least they shall guarantee constitution enshrined rights to Hindus. The BJP seems to be in no hurry to do that. There seems to be a lack of political will in this direction even though many in the party at various levels are aware of the problem. Performing Ganga-Arthi at Varanasi or referring to Hindu saints in election speeches are just not enough. The Natives need to be conferred their rights and it should happen right now. I hope the party remembers what happened to Vajpayee.

Let me state the problem we face; Hindus are leaderless, no political party is backing us, No mutts or Babas to save us and in reality we are not a community but self-atomized people pretending to be a community.

A Defense mechanism to protect the diverse Hindu community has to be built up from the scratch.

  1. Hindus have to come up with a Congregational Mechanism to deal with the Abrahamics. This serves in informing our people about the various perils we face periodically and ensuring we deal with them effectively. This will also ensure that Political Parties will behave and toe the line.
  2. Hindus need to wrestle back the control of their temples and affiliated institutions. We do not have any other source of funds, this is our only source. We can ensure the donations to temples are put to the service of our underprivileged class.
  3. Hindu mutts should be made to adopt a transparent administrative process and should be made accountable for the donations they receive.
  4. Individuals cannot stand up to vast network of missionary organizations with massive funding & with the support of our own establishment. We need to create a vast network of Hindu groups to fight the missionary activities of the Abrahamics at various levels.

If we do not evolve with changing times and if we fail to put up a spirited defense against the Abrahamics, our much vibrant and diverse traditions will be eroded to last mile. Our Civilization will lose its life and will be relegated to museum exhibits.

Why this intolerance against PM Modi? Its the crackdown silly!

It has nothing to do with democracy, concern for poor, concern for minorities, concern for Dalits, opposing fascism, or concern for India’s Constitution.

Whether it was Yakub supporter Rohith’s suicide or crackdown on JNU’s  ‘Bharat ki Barbadi’ culture the Congress \ Communists \ Maoists \Jihadis \Evangelists and their media friends are constantly cooking up reasons for attacking P M Modi. If it is purely a political activity nothing wrong in it. But it isn’t. It’s a battle for survival of the corrupt and \ or the anti-national. Here is a partial list of those who are getting in big trouble with the law of the land.

On the Run

Sonia & Rahul Gandhi have now the  ‘accused status’ (Trial Court and High Court have confirmed this. The Supreme Court has refused to interfere) in the National Herald case. Not just Subramanian Swamy, but the Enforcement Directorate too is going after the NH scam. The Agusta Westland helicopter scam is also being probed in which the British agent Christian Michel who was a key figure is being extradited.  This may get Sonia Gandhi or her close aides in trouble. Rahul Gandhi’s British Citizenship or FEMA violations, depending on the way he decides to defend,  are bound to cause him difficulties. Robert Vadra’s land deals are getting investigated by the Haryana Government

Former Finance and Home Minister under UPA  P Chidambaram’s son Karti has been sent notices by ED for his vast assets. Karti’s name also come up in connection with Rahul Gandhi’s UK company. Maran is running out court granted reliefs and now has to appear illegal telephone exchange case.

Dawood Ebrahim’s properties in India and his Dubai funds are being sqeezed. Information from Chhota Rajan is helping in this. Shahrukh Khan’s Kolkata Knight Riders and Kundu dealings are being probed.  After UPA Government didn’t do anything beyond blaming Lalit Modi for IPL scams, the new government has started his extradition proceedings.  The benevolence of State Bank and other Government controlled banks towards Vijay Mallaya has ended. His multi million dollar severance deal with Dieago is getting blocked.

NDTV’s alleged FEMA violations continue to get probed.

In Maharashtra, Chhagan Bhujbal is being investigated by ED for money laundering and has attached land property worth Rs 160 Crore. The massive irrigation scam is being probed by the state government.

Anti-national Conspiracy

As if all the above are ‘minor transgressions of law’,  the Ishrat Jahan’s terror activities and she being part of LeT terror network were covered up by a conspiracy executed during Sonia \Manmohan \ P Chidambaram rule. This cover has been blown up because former Home Ministry officials and IB officers have come forward describing what really happened. India’s security was severely weakened. This is bound to be investigated.

Difficult to hide

Since last year, foreign funded NGO s are required to file end-use of foreign money as per law. They can’t use money other than the stated purpose by them. This had made them restive.

Tax treaties, automatic information sharing with many nations and IT powered tax network are making hiding black money trails more and more difficult.

The big and corrupt people feel cornered. Earlier they would ride through troubles with help from the government and adulating media. The Modi Government is systematically investigating these scams and conspiracies.  Vociferous social media are exposing  them, making cover up by main stream media difficult.

That’s the reason for this rising intolerance against PM Modi.

“India Needs Modi than Modi Needing India”


No politician in India has been tainted in such an unabated manner and no one has withstood it with much pliability and audacity as him. Started with unfortunate 2002 Godhra incident where the charges against him were baseless and false propaganda was planted to defame and convert falsehood into belief among the general population and influential intellectuals. As the old saying stands ‘’Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood’’. Today, the lid over the entire planned conspiracy has blown, and IPS Sanjiv Bhatt and Teesta have been exposed.

The unfortunate riots were followed by the state elections the results of which made the psephologists run for cover. Narendra Modi’s name is already etched in the books of Gujarat history, and will always be remembered for his peerless vision and execution. Gujarat development journey has received enormous admiration both across Indian and the World. When Narendra Modi took over as the Chief Minister state was lurching under the effects of ruinous earthquake which occurred in 2001 and subsequently drought and cyclone too decelerated the development journey. Everyone though that to bring the state to normal affairs will take years but under a record time of less than three years Gujarat was on the path to development and entire world talked about the Gujarat Model of Development.

A common man has emerged amongst us in form of Narendra Modi . His journey from a tea seller to the Prime Minister has been one of struggle, dedication, determination, hard work and perseverance. An average Indian finds his own reflection in the struggle of Modi. All my life I have heard the uber famous line “Iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta” and after all I have seen one man just like you and me who is a light for 1.2 billion Indian’s. He has laid out an ambitious and farsighted vision to restore India’s golden days. He believes that inept governance is responsible for all the perils in the society and the solution to all the perils is ‘Development’. He is unusual ,he has garnered support cutting across the traditional vote banks politics. Alas, he is regularly criticised by his opponents as power hollow opposition are finding hard to digest how a common man can become the Prime Minister of the country and become a ray of light for billions. Parliament has been turned into a general akhada with absence of debates and only adjournments. In 1841, the British Prime Minister Lord Derby said in the House of Commons “The duty of an opposition is very simple; to oppose everything and propose nothing”. This holds true in today’s political situation . Intolerance became the word of the year in 2015. No one heard about the term “tolerance” or “Intolerance” before 2015 because it was marketed because of the thrashing loss in the general elections of the opposition to defame and reduce Modi’s credibility.

India needs Modi more than Modi needing India. He is a hope, he is an aspiration, he has committed himself, he has strong convictions, he is resilient, and he has the right intent. A well deserved recognition by the U.S President. As the saying goes great men think alike and this is what Mr Obama’s comment on Modi indicates. Modi and Obama think alike and welfare of people anywhere dominates their thoughts.

Modi’s good governance process seems to be running in momentum. The Chief reformer and his team looks sanguine to consummate those hopes and aspirations. In the hindmost one and half year the administration has moved from an epoch of policy mobility to an epoch of policy primacy. Prime Minister’s ambitious and far-sighted projects such as Jan Dhan, Beti Bachao, Make In India, Swachh Bharat, Smart Cities, are a stride towards cognizance of the Modi’s Model of India-the India 1.25 cr reckon upon.

The Modi’s foreign stratagem appears geared to reinvent India as a more merciless , reliant and taut nation. No suspicion he has shove India as the “biggest opportunity” for both business investment and career-building in the current global economy.He has consummate astounding blooming and economic growth and at the same juncture invigorated societal inclusiveness. Indian faction is now admired all around the sphere and time has changed promptly. Now the World is seeing India with immense craving and buoyancy. The rings of change are swift moving! From expeditious resolution moulding to tactile exertion on the deck level, from ameliorated output to India’s stature on the world stage increasing. India is truly undergoing phenomenal metamorphosis! Narendra Modi’s startling triumph gives India its peerless odds ever of opulence.

Plaudits to him and his zeal. Jai Hind!

Forgotten Jewish Princess


On Tuesday 8th March the world celebrated International Women’s Day. It is celebrated to recognize women who have done exceedingly well in their respective fields as well as to encourage gender equality. But it should also be used to highlight those Women who have suffered throughout ages due to Male Dominance. Perhaps one of the ladies who suffered great injustice was Safiyya Bint Huyayy. There have been a few articles on her here and there but they like to bash Prophet more instead of empathize with Safiyya’s suffering . Unlike Aisha she never got much sympathy from Westerners possibly cause she was Jewish.

Safiyya was the Jewish Princess of the Banu Nadir tribe and one of the wives of Prophet. She was born in Medina. Her mother was from the Banu Qurayza tribe, a tribe who were mercilessly killed after Battle of Khaybar by Prophet and Al-Sahabah(Companions) on allegations of breaking treaty. In that mass killings of around 800-900 men she lost her brother, her husband and her father  who were all beheaded. She had to see all her tribesman getting beheaded, she saw young kids who had just reached puberty get beheaded and she saw the women of her tribe being taken as slaves just as Sura 4 Ayat 24 ordered. Quran Sura 4 Ayat 24 gives full right to believers to take possession of women captured in war.

And if that was not enough she was brought as a captive slave in front of the Apostle by companion of the mass slaughter Dahya Alkali. But her astounding beauty drove the prophet to command Alkali to leave her and have the pretty seventeen year old for his own wife. She was married and converted. Afterwards the Prophet consummated his marriage to Safiyya for three days. She was told to cover her face with Hijab.  She did everything that was asked and remained a faithful wife and yet she did not get a single penny from the looted property of her own tribe nor what belonged to her father for which she was the rightful heir. She was often teased by favorite Aisha and Zaynab for her Jewish Ancestry. And yet there is little or no mention of the injustice done to her.

Now try to imagine what the poor girl must have felt when she saw her father, brother and husband brutally killed. Imagine what she must have felt when she saw all those of her tribe including children who had reached puberty being brutally killed. Imagine what she must have felt when the women from her tribe were being taken as war booty. And then try to imagine being married to the guy who ordered all the suffering and trauma that was heaped on her. It is a pity Safiyya doesn’t get talked so much as Aisha does cause Safiyya’s story is truly heart breaking. This article isn’t meant to bash any Religion or its Founder. It is meant for only one purpose. To get justice for Safiyya-The Jewish Princess.

The Story Of the Jewish Princess needs to be known by people. The great injustice done to her needs to be acknowledged by those who hear of her. Very few Western and Liberal hearts would ever bleed for her. But perhaps Pagans who have suffered a fate similar to Jews may be able to empathize with the Jewish Princess.


Khan, M. A. Islamic Jihad. USA: Felibri, 2011

The Hadith, (pp. Sahih Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith Number 512-513).

The Hadith, (pp. Sahih Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith Number 522-524).

Safiyya Bint Huyayy In Wikipedia. Retreived on March 6 2016, from

Author, Dom The Conservative. (2016, Jan 05). Sorry, liberals. There’s only 1 interpretation of Islam — Muhammad’s

[Video file]. Retrieved from

Saheeh International, The Qur’an 4:24

Oh Kanhaiya poor Kanhaiya be careful kanhaiya


Careful of the “Wolves around you in the guise of sheep” empathizing with your poverty and despair.  These Wolves in private despise the poor Kanhaiya’s like you, if you are not convinced Kanhaiya sniff the lovely scent they drown themselves to avoid smell of sweat from the poor.

Kanhaiya with all your innocence ask them in the last 60 years of their struggle for poor how much poverty they have elevated. Ask the Left liberals why do I need to fight some rich guy for me to become rich and what have they done to make your life better except for asking you to fight. In all earnest Kanhaiya ask them if you are tool for them to keep their job of acting “Messiah of Poor”

Kanhaiya my dear friend they sound very intellectual and articulate and they convince us that farmers of this country are in distress. Ask them Kanhaiya with so much of IQ what did they do for poor farmers in last 60 years and how come the poor farmers are still poor and rich farmers with their support continue to avail benefits thrown by them in the name of Subsidy. Please ask them is it wrong for poor farmers to finally get money they are meant to get? Does that scare them?

After all these question before they start branding you as Sanghi or Bhakth please also ask them politics aside why can’t they respect a poor backward class man like you-Modi who with his hard work and passion and devotion has become the Prime Minister of India. Ask them why do they despise such a man (haven’t riots happened under other CMs) who seem to be talking of development and jobs for poor. They seem to enter into all kind of alliance with every other political party without any ideological convergence

Above questions Kanhaiya are death knell for you for this Oligarchy has understood that you have been awakened from deep slumber and sleep they have kept you under all these years. The hidden ghosts you are fighting to get out of poverty are these same “Purveyors of Poverty “they have kept you poor to ensure that they enjoy the riches.

So my dear Kanhaiya careful for poor in this world are vulnerable and cheap stock for these Oligarchy they despise one man (Modi) because he refuses to let them continue their fiefdom and they are scared that one day he will enable you and you will be no longer a tool in their Hands


Oh Kanhaiya poor Kanhaiya be careful kanhaiya

A letter from Kanhaiya Kumar



Hey guys, sup? Lal salam.

It’s me, Kanhaiya. You might have heard of me, I’m the intellectuals new anti-Modi hope, after Kejriwal and Rahul proved to be such a big dud.

Just a quick intro before we proceed. I’m from Bihar, I’m a 29-year-old student at JNU. A lot of people mock the fact that I’m too old to be a student, and that I should get a job, but screw the haters. They don’t realize the feeling of Azadi you get when you are a student, and I don’t ever want to let that go. I believe that studying is a lifetime process and I plan to keep studying till I retire. #YOLO, right?

I’m also the President of the JNU Student’s Union – You should totally see old videos of how I defeated my opponents. I rock. Like, I’m a total rockstar. But seriously guys, check ‘em out. Don’t forget to like those videos. Also, add me on Twitter and Facebook.

Ok, where was I? Damn I lost my train of thought. Oh yeah. JNU. So yeah, you must have heard of what’s been happening here over the last month. We were just expressing solidarity with a martyr/freedom fighter who attacked the Indian Parliament. That was only because of our well-established belief that India is an artificial construct and not a real country.

Things got so weird man, I mean like this is pretty much what we’ve always done. It’s a time-honoured ritual in JNU to be anti-Indian. Like, screw the state and artificial borders man. We just dream of a perfect world where workers rise up, kill everyone else and create a utopia. We just need to get rid of all those pesky bourgeois douchebags first (that probably includes most of my fellow students, their families and friends, but whatevs, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it).

So, where was I? Right, JNU. So yeah, this is what we always did. We used to come to college in the morning, raise slogans, spray some graffiti, maybe terrify a few grandmothers with our edgy slogans, wrap-up and then head home. This was the tradition in JNU, so I don’t see what the big deal was with this particular episode. But man, people totally lost their heads! Almost like they didn’t realize that this is what a good JNU student always does. Damn plebians expected us to act according to their quaint, outdated notions of nationalism and patriotism, when we are quite obviously too cool and enlightened for that.

This government is another piece of work man, in the past we had done and gotten away with way worse stuff, but these damn Sanghi, Hindoo nationalists totally dragged my ass off to jail for such a trivial “offense”. Talk about overreactions.

The courts finally saw sense and let me out. And that brings us to this moment. The very fact that you’re reading this letter shows that you’re aware of my speech and how cool I am. But man, it was scary there for a bit, as soon as I was released, I was wondering about what I should do next. Obviously my fellow comrades at JNU expected a victory speech, and there was gonna be heavy media coverage. I was totally nervous about what I should say, because all I had were these same old lame-ass slogans, quotes and phrases that we communists have been peddling for years and years and years. No one’s going to buy that anymore. Yeah sure, I may get a rockstar treatment from my fellow JNU crowd, but the larger audience watching will pretty much laugh at my face. I was panicking.

That was when a few mediapersons approached me, and asked me to recycle my tired old speech. They said, “Don’t worry Kannu beta, we know it’s all clichéd and crap, but we’ll spin it in such a way that you’ll come out looking like a total boss. A rockstar even

I was like, “Are you guys serious? I’m just going to rehash our tired and worn-out communist phrases like Socialism, Secularism, and Equality which we’ve literally used a billion times before. As well as clichés like upliftment of the poor, elimination of corruption, development of the nation, a just and free society and blah blah. I’m going to act like we communists provide azadi to dissenters and opponents, and promote free speech and thoughts, when anyone with half a brain and an internet connection can do a quick fact-check and see how it’s all just a bunch of hot air”.

I’m also going to attack the BJP government for everything wrong with the country and act like they’ve been in charge for 60+ years and ruined the country with their policies, in spite of the fact that it was the Congress and their communist-inspired lunatic policies that dug the nation’s grave. I’m also going to pretend that West Bengal and Kerala are not basket cases, and are in fact well developed economies with 100% employment and justice, under communist rule. And that there’s no stifling of free speech and dissent in those states. And that people don’t have to travel out of those states for their very survival and livelihood.”

I asked them, “Seriously guys, do you think this is going to work? I know people have short memories, but this is ridiculous. Won’t people see that communism has been thoroughly discredited the world over, and is responsible for some of the most horrendous mass-murdering lunatic regimes the world has ever seen, and how they absolutely clamp down on dissent, free speech and differences of opinion, and keep their countries dirt poor?”

I mean, even I don’t believe in most of the kool-aid these guys peddle. I’m just in it for my fifteen minutes of fame. And maybe get a political ticket out of it (not in Bihar though, I’d be killed off in a second, and stand virtually no chance there. I was thinking of some place maybe in West Bengal) or become a professor at JNU, and retire comfortably. To be honest, the only reason I even wanted to make this speech was because that maha-douche, Umar, got free publicity while I was stuck in jail, and getting thrashed. Hold on, I thought, I should be the one getting famous, not that blanket wearing freeloader.

So yeah, I had all these doubts and questions running through my head, and I told the media guys, “Do you really think anyone will buy this crap? Will they not see right through me, and communism? They’ll see that we are only fit for raising slogans and writing speeches, and that we did absolutely nothing for the 60+ years that we and our Congress friends were in power, and in fact kept the country poor. Most of India is still poor, and I’m going to be selling them the same, stale old slogans. It’s going to be a disaster”

The media guys told me, “Kannu bro, relax. We have experience. By the time we are done, you’ll look like the second coming of Sri Sri Kejriwal. There are a lot of fools who’ll hop on to your bandwagon, because it’ll be the trendy thing to do.”

I really hope they were right, and it works. Anyway, I’m off to my room to practice some more slogans. Remember, the BJP is the absolute worst and they’ve failed this nation for 60+ years. We communists will develop India into a superpower economy. We’ll welcome industries, provide jobs and increase wealth. That’s a guarantee. You can see how well communists have developed their countries across the world. No more poor peeps, and hunger.

And remember, like and share my videos. Add me on Twitter and FB.

Indian elite liberals have declared a Cultural Jihad against people they don’t like


Dear Kanti Bajpai,

It is with great anguish that I am writing this piece. I am not a scholar who has studied  and taught  in the élite institutions but an, ordinary Indian, who has earned his success thru hard work and simple living . You wax eloquently on every subject under the sun  affecting India & Indians as if there is only one view, you talk perched as you are on top of the world, and I quote “Quality of good debate is essential  for good  & strong Democracy” but your column smacks of lies, rhetoric, intolerance &  pejorative.

Your blog in Times of India titled ‘Cultural Jihad’ and dated 27th Feb 2016 abounds with a viewpoint that the élite like you have – India must be ruled as per your point of view or there will be disaster. So let us check on the two most misused words in India today – “Cultural Jihad” and their meaning how you have twisted them to serve your purpose.

  1. Culture – relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society or the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

Your article does not have any semblance of narrative on the rich culture of India but  spews hatred towards Modi and his government, presented in the cover of Culture, Customs or Mores. It is this mindset that clearly comes out in your diatribe against Modi. You cleverly use the word Culture but unfortunately your insidious mindset is revealed.

For me, an ordinary citizen, my upbringing or culture (Sanskrit)  has been developed and nurtured by my parents, gurus, institutions where I studied and worked  and  society at large and I am sure, this would apply, to most ordinary citizens of this country.

You wade thru almost all the topics and events  used and dumped by the élite and the opposition once their use is over. Violence in Delhi/UP, churches, killings, legacy of Patel & Ambedkar, beef, verbal attacks & trolling by right-wing, so-called interference in IIT / Delhi University, appointments in  institutes and now it is, Afzal Guru, Rohit Vemula, JNU and what not. To me an ordinary citizen, it is downright low-level spewing of Political venom by the so-called intellectual who cannot see anything good   in the country now.

  1. Jihad- 1 : a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline. 2 : a crusade for a principle or belief.

Again your blog resorts to  sensationalism to showcase the acts and policies of this Government  to represent a Crusade against minorities. How many times are you going to use this propaganda of false attacks – yes you are lying as the attacks on churches have been proved beyond doubt to be “quarrels or robbery or short-circuit”. Surely you will still blame the RSS for the West Bengal Nun rape, deplorable act though.

Sorry my esteemed Sir an ordinary citizen like me does not see any Holy War in the streets of India or crusade for a belief. Yes I see a Holy War in the streets of Malda or in the murder of a young man by Communists in Kerala recently or Communist propaganda  in the textbooks of W Bengal or Kerala for years and by the Congress in the central textbooks.

Let us now analyse your Political Jihad thru the pen on the ordinary Citizens of this country only because they completely rejected & threw away a regime you so very well patronized albeit surreptitiously. Your élite ecosystem is being slowly dismantled and you are alarmed.

First you talk of the “Ordinary Indians”, how clever  Sir, you do not represent us the common citizens of this great country, who toil hard day in & day out, who look to get decent education, find employment & lead a decent life. However, you represent only the Elite Intellectual who are far fetched  from the current ground realities of Modern aspiring young Indians. You have no  right to speak on our behalf, so stop your condescension and do not patronize us.

You state Sir & I quote “The comic and tragic interventions of the government in JNU hide a deeper issue – the governing party’s primary aim of ideological confrontation.”

Yes sir this is  ideological confrontation – not between the  governing party  and  the  ultra-Left (Marxists & Naxalites)  but between the ordinary Indian citizens and the ultra Left (Marxists & Naxalites) and the Anti India forces (the real Jihadists) who want to wage  war against India. You may feel this is “comic and tragic” but to us and our children  who have to earn our entry into any college or institution  this war is serious. Institutions where students come to learn, are being brainwashed into hating India.

Institutes like JNU have become hubs of anti-India rhetoric and slandering. They talk of “Destruction of India” “Breaking India into Pieces” “Nation without Postoffice”. They are not 20 years old kids  shouting slogans but 30 years old men and women tutored heavily to create chaos & war  between its citizens. Otherwise why would they defile and besmirch Goddess Durga venerated by Hindus. Whose great secular ideology are they representing if not of the group I mentioned earlier? So this is not the governing party that is in confrontation, it is doing what every citizen expects it should do, that is, keep up the Sovereignty and Integrity of India .

Let me further explain why this government is duty bound to act. Have you even bothered to check what is being taught in our schools. Students are taught that Bhagat Singh is a terrorist, Lokmanya Tilak is an Extremist, 2nd standard students are told about the miracles, lessons on Gujarat riots show how Hindus massacred Muslims in Godhra. This by the previous UPA government and one can go on and on. You never spoke of this nor did you raise your voice when the Leftist historians distorted our history. We as kids never knew about  Sulaba Sutras 400 years before Pythagorus, nothing about Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, or Bhaskara or  about Shushruta Samhita, no mention about this anywhere in our history. Again I can go on and on. You did not shout Cultural Jihad then, but now you find India “polarized and pulverized”, how farcical can you be.

You have raised some issues about appointments and mentioned Anil Kakodkar resigning but you do n mention how this great scientist pushed a name for an appointment without the person applying for it or being interviewed and felt slighted when questioned by the HRD minister. Did you bother do check with the HRD Minister as you are Professor and Dean yourself? No you did not, because Truth was not what you wanted but only lies to beat and criticize Smiriti Irani and to prove that a right-wing lowly educated woman cannot occupy the position of HRD Minister. Shame on you professor, you stoop too low.

I have only picked some of the points you have raised and can counter every statement or event with facts to show the lies and  innuendos you state, without any proof.

Finally I can only say please come down and meet the ordinary citizens of this country. You are insulting the ordinary citizens of this country, so stop using us as a cover for your élite propaganda. The facts will tumble out and sooner or later you will be exposed.

Satyamev  Jayate – Truth alone Triumphs

An open letter to Ms Martina Navratilova


Ms Navratilova had recently tweeted a New York Times article which claimed to highlight authoritarian approach of the Indian government.

Dear Ms Martina Navratilova,

I grew up in the era when you dominated women’s tennis and have immense respect for you. And the admiration only grew when you partnered another one of my favorite players, Leander Paes. Recently I read an article by you in the Hindustan Times about the Freedom of Expression being threat in India in recent times, in the backdrop of the incident at the Jawharlal Nehru University (JNU) and its aftermath. I fully back your views on the Freedom of Expression and believe that any individual should be free to question the government in a democracy. There is, however, a few small things I would like to highlight here.

What is the purpose of a debate or a discussion? I believe any debate or discussion should be for a constructive purpose and should involve all differing opinions. What happened at the JNU failed on both these counts.

Firstly there was no discussion. It was just a bunch of “students” who had gathered to do sloganeering (when the permission sought was for a cultural program). Pray, what is going to be achieved by such an act when they could have held a discussion on the issue with the student wing of the ruling party, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), which also has a sizeable presence at the JNU. The protagonist in the whole episode, Kanhaiya Kumar, is the president of the JNU Students Union and could easily have organized an open seminar to get different views on board. What stopped him from doing so? Can this also be termed as intolerance to a contrarian point of view?
Second and more important point is the objective of the whole exercise carried out by the “students”.

Do you believe raising slogans like “Bharat ki barbaadi tak jung chalegi” (we’ll battle till the decimation of India), “bandook ke dum pe azaadi” (freedom by use of the gun) is a civil way to raise any issue in a democracy? It is simply a call for war against the nation. How do you have talks when one party openly threatens the other with violence? How does raising such slogans build a better nation? I would like to reiterate here that I am all in favour of questioning the government at each step. Questioning and holding responsible cannot be achieved by abuse and slander, it has to be rational.

You point out how you grew up in a authoritarian Czechoslovakia where there was no freedom to air ones opinion or question the regime and the NYT article you tweeted also goes on to say that anything said against the ruling party is seen a sedition. I am clueless as to what in those slogans and the entire program of 9th Feb, 2016 was directed at the government? The NYT with every anecdote mentions the right wing but never once does it mention that Mr Kumar and Rohith Vemula were left wing activists (not that it matters but any unbiased article should have mentioned it). It very cunningly brings in a caste angle with the story of Rohith Vemula who was suspended for physically assaulting an ABVP leader on campus, but fails to mention that the current ruling party has the most members in the parliament from the backward castes. I could go on and on about the NYT article but lets not waste our time over a viciously biased opinion (not news report).

If you wish to see how free people are to express their opinion about the ruling party and the Prime Minister all you need to do is check the twitter timelines of some leaders from opposition parties (@arvindkejriwal, @ashutosh83B) most of what they claim to be dissent is vile abuse. For the anti-poor part you can check the 2016-17 budget which has been dubbed a “Robin Hood” budget.

I would request you not to judge based on only one side of the story. India is as free as it ever was and hopefully it will continue to improve on the social parameters.

Leftists Outcry Over JNU:Why Support Anti Nationals!


Jawaharlal Nehru University has been in recent times in the news for many wrong reasons. We are witnessing a violent clash of ideologies, a division over the Idea of India, and a battle of one-upmanship over reviving patriotism with deep political and social murmur. What began as a clash of ideology between two students groups has now morphed into a seminal debate on freedom offered in India. JNU has been dominated since Pt.Nehru time by leftists and they believe that they have a right to freedom to raise issue of Afzal Guru but freedom is with certain riders and proclamation in favour of Afzal Guru is in itself ”anti-national”. No doubt India is the largest democracy and we respect freedom of expression but there must be a “laxman rekha”.

We are completely forgetting and making a hero out of Kanhaiya. Shockingly these were the slogans heard not inside an ISIS camp but inside the premises of JNU — ‘Afzal Hum Sharminda Hai Tere Kaatil Zinda Hai’ (Afzal we are ashamed, your killers are still alive) — “Bharat desh ho barbaad, ho barbaad; Afzal Guru amar rahe, amar rahe; (May India be damned; long live Afzal Guru)— Kashmir ki azadi ki jung jaari rahegi. Bharat ki barbaadi tak jung jaari rahegi (Our battle will continue until Kashmir is freed, until India is destroyed)— Tum kitne Afzal maaroge? Har ghar se hum Afzal nikaalenge (How many Afzals will you kill? We will produce one Afzal in every house)— Bharat ke tukade honge dus, Insha Allah! Insha Allah! (India will be broken into 10 pieces, God willing)— Kashmir ko hum lad ke lenge. Bharat ko jihad se hum khatm karke rahenge (We will snatch Kashmir by fighting for it; we will finish India by waging a jihad on it)— India Go back. India Go back— Afzal tera karwaan hai adhura. Mil kar hum karenge poora (Afzal, you left with your journey incomplete; we will fulfil your dream). What can be more depressing and shocking when your judiciary is termed as Killer and few are still making a hero out of him.

JNU has been predominantly a left bastion and such anti national events and activities being held and organized in JNU is normal state of affair since Pt.Nehru regime. But was never exposed or even highlighted because the right wing ideology student group had insignificant say in the campus. Now, a right wing nationalist organization Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad(ABVP) has become rugged in the campus and now someone is there to question and oppose the predominant ideology and therefore the usual state of affair is now being questioned and exposed which is hard to digest for some. Rights come with restrictions and responsibilities so does right to freedom of expression as constituted under the constitution. Article 19 (1)(a) of our Constitution guarantees right to free speech but contains restriction on grounds like public order and security.

JNU’s history points out the violations and misuse of constitutional rights and growing axis of islamic and naxal groups. In 2010, left groups celebrated the Dantewada attack where more than five dozens soldiers were martyred. In 2012, in order to attract minorities and dalit’s to split the country by trying to organize “beef festival”. Left has a long history of divisive politics and what was more sad was the “Mahishasur Shahdat Diwas” organized during Durga puja in the campus where Maa Durga was called a prostitute.A new axis of Islamic forces and naxal groups is emerging and left are trying to attract dalits and other marginalized groups of Hindu society to split the country on caste lines which is perilous.

While lessons of emancipation, prerogative of speech and tolerance are preached to certain sections, some other sections are considered as divine than thou. One has to follow the leftist ideology to grow inside the system and there are sturdy chances that if one questions the leftist ideology, he/she may not get into masters. It is modish in JNU to call Indian army as “rapists”. Irony is, JNU has the most number of sexual abuse cases. Now with a battle over sedition and right to dissent a new debate on nationalism divides India.

As Anupam Kher said recently: Intolerance became the word of the year in 2015. No one heard about the term “tolerance” or “Intolerance” before 2015 because it was marketed because of the thrashing loss in the general elections of the opposition. Power hollow opposition are finding hard to digest how a common man can become the Prime Minister of the country with a decisive mandate. We have a presidential candidate in USA given a call to “Ban all Muslims from emigrating to the United States”, this is frightening and this is real intolerance. In his recent address to the parliament Prime Minister Modi quoted “ Parties aate rahengi , parties jaate rahengi, lekin desh rehna chahiye”. If the country itself will not exist so how will some who have opened stores of politics will function. India is ‘Vasudev Kutumbkam’. It’s a home and home is not a building. It’s a feeling and we run by understanding and integration. That’s the Idea of India.

By:Himadrish Suwan

-Writer is the Media President of Delhi University Students Union