Monday, October 21, 2024
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Judicial interference and policy making


Finance Minister Arun Jaitly recently said that judiciary is breaking legislature brick by brick. Looking at recent judgments and directions there is no doubt that judiciary is dealing with issues which are by and large in policy making domain.

Reasons stated for this overreach are many but interconnected. They basically highlight the issue that quality of legislative and policy making work has deteriorated drastically in last couple of decades, mainly due to coalition governments and lack of strong leadership. This created a vacuum which allowed judiciary to usurp some power from other domains. At that time it was even cheered by many who have turned its critic now.

Sense of unrestricted power and chance to take populist decision will make it difficult for judiciary to give up its power voluntarily now.

But there is one more point which I believe is missing from this debate. Judicial overreach has given opportunity to individuals/pressure groups to have a direct role in policy-making. Those who feel that government is not taking sufficient measures in some urgent/important problem file PIL to get courts give direction to government. It also allows these individuals to get a well thought out response, a plan of action and written assurance from government on these issues of importance.

This I feel is very important point. It basically implies that all RTI queries get superficial responses, all suggestions given to government department may or may not fall on right ears. Even though PM’s grievance redressal mechanism is active, it usually takes care of individual grievances rather than policy suggestions. Even though MyGov portal has good visibility, its impact on actual policy is undetermined.

This points to same problem which RW twitteratti express repeatedly, which is complete communication breakdown. It takes a special meet arranged by Swarajya with MoS Finance to explain why this is not the worst finance ministry ever. Although he pointed out correctly that not all issues can be settled right now, it still does not explain why is there no communication on status of a policy measure, like whether some issues is being considered at all, if so what are some problems, why does government repeatedly publish draft policies which are nothing short of rubbish (eg IIM bill, Geospatial bill), why does it take many decision without explaining logic behind it and backtrack the moment there is outrage. It is ironic to note that Pandit Nehru is said to be best communicator in this regard, even in the days of no technology. It is said that he even told the logic behind his foreign policy in simple terms during his elections campaigns.

An obvious solution would be to to collect popular questions and publish periodically FAQs on all important policy matters, which genuinely tries to explain the current status rather than typical response of “matter is under consideration by government”. But given yesterday’s Textile Ministry incident, the question arises, ‘Does the government care?’

An Open Letter to Nitish Kumar

Respected CM Sir,

I had never imagined of writing a letter to you but as they say, unplanned things are more likely to happen vis-a-vis the planned ones. I write this admist the unrest at Bihar , and particularly at Gaya after the cold blooded murder of Aditya Sachdeva, the boy standing at the last phase of teenage. I write this letter on behalf of non-intelligentsia class of your state who feel vulnerable today in their own home state.

Sir,we feel vulnerable and fearful that we may become the victims of some political leaders if we deliberately or unknowingly tend to hurt their ego in some way or the other. We feel fearful that our bodies may get reduced to few gram of ashes within a few minutes of time. The fear  has accrued as a result of your inability to reduce the crime rate in our home state & the fear has further widened because of the involvement of legislators of the ruling party in many cases. You may belie my statement by arguing the fact that you have suspended all such alleged legislators including Manorma Devi. But can you answer the fact that why did you lent the MLC ticket to the wife of a goon of Gaya who is an accused on grounds of sedition as well. Wife of such person who never respected law in his entire life was made responsible to frame laws & obviously she only got the ticket beacuse he was not eligible under RPA. Even if I buy the shallow justification of your spokesperson that you have zero tolerance against crime, why don’t you go and meet the family of Aditya Sachdeva who fear that the evidences can be tempered with in the meantime ?  Why don’t you assure us that no such brutality from any legislator from atleast your ruling coalition parties won’t happen in future?

Sadly, instead of visiting the family of deceased, you are busy rallying for your political party in other states. Instead of assuring you people’s safety and making us feel safe, you are busy in doing your political gimmicks. I request you from the core of my heart to correct the anarchy and criminality undergoing in here& return the old Bihar to us where engineers, doctors, students were safe & the discussions used to happen on Special Status of Bihar and not on the Jungle Raaj of Bihar.

Yours respectfully
A Bihari



For yet another time a hapless parent in Kerala is crying her heart out for the most brutal murder of her young daughter. In all, thirty eight stab wounds and injuries on her person, including her genitals and almost every other part of the body. The unfortunate victim this time is Jisha of Perumbavoor, in Ernakulam District, close to Kochi, the commercial capital of the state. If one examines the frequency with which such incidents happen in Kerala state and the involvement of the blue-blooded and the lumpen element alike, one can easily understand that there is something seriously wrong about the mental makeup and psyche of Kerala society cutting across class, caste and religion.

Soumya, Krishnapriya, Shari S Nair, Anagha, Ambili, Chinju, Al Jasna, Suryanelli girl . . . Jisha, the ever lengthening list of girls cruelly molested, body parts mutilated and then murdered in the most heinous manner is not uncommon news in the “most politically aware state of India.” This bizarre refrain of being politically conscious has started sounding sickening to the people of the state and those outside the state have started viewing it as absurd and extremely ridiculous. Yet it is shamelessly repeated by the politicians, intellectuals and the media in spite of repeated and unending signs pointing to a completely contrary state of affairs. The unashamed and brazen manner with which the politicians dub Kerala as the most progressive state in the country is one of the deep set mental disorders inflicted on the collective Malayali psyche.

One of the commonest forms of this collective mental disorder of Malayalis is the “delusion of grandeur.” According to the Encyclopedia of Psychology “A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth.” This narcissistic personality disorder is visible in every aspect of Malayali cultural, social and political life. Kerala is indisputably a state that has produced a number of talented writers, thinkers, social reformers, sports personalities and a handful of political visionaries. It is commendable that the state has achieved great strides in the areas of elementary education, health and personal hygiene. It has or had one hundred percent literacy and that every Malayali gloats over the fact that he or she reads the newspaper everyday and that (questionably) every male and female takes bath twice a day. For an average Malayali these are consummate sophistication(s) and signs of cultural superiority which other Indians cannot attain. They often blow their own trumpet about every Malayali household having toilets and that none of the Malayali openly defecate. (This is only partially true! In Jisha’s case she neither had a proper house nor did her family have a toilet. The fact that her house did not even have a safe door that can shut out the dangers of the outer world led to her ghastly murder!! As a Malayali living in the state I can vouchsafe to the fact that at least 25% of the Malayali households do not have such basic amenities.) Then what big difference can you cite between the backward states like Bihar or Orissa and Kerala. But the “highly knowledgeable and politically conscious Malayali” do not want any comparison whatsoever with any of these so-called backward states at all. The present frenzy is to beat Gujarat in comparison and contrast with statistics and figures.

The essential Malayali political leader has a quixotic personality about him. Every leader in God’s Own Country entertains delusions of grandeur. In this attempt they unwittingly do a Don Quixote act and make themselves “greater fools.” He tilts at windmills, driven to take on challenges that he knew he could not meet, imagining himself to be waging a lonely war against giants. Every leader has his own band of Sancho Panzas and it is indeed a funny sight when the Quixote arrives at locations of man-made catastrophe, natural disaster, murder, rape and other not-so-happy-occasions. Those around him egg him on. One of their enviable qualities is that such leaders never tend to be weighed down by the oppression of reality. They don’t hesitate to make macho posturing at the very site of calamities and make it appear that they have instantaneous solutions to very problem. The gullible people are either happy to lap up their words and promises or are desperately in need of Don Quixotes in their real life. The tallest and most popular leader of the LDF is a classic example of this strategy to gain popularity. Although the nonagenarian has led many a crusade against several atrocities and illegal activities committed by scores of different mafia in the state, he has tilted at windmills a few times.

One such occasion was when he waged a lonely crusade against the revenue and forest land encroachers in Munnar, assisted only by three high ranking civil servants. None of his party colleagues backed him, and yet in the capacity as Chief Minister of the state he orchestrated a “tilt at windmills” knowing fully well that it was going to be a damp squib. With a few stage managed demolitions and half-hearted attempts at taking on the might of the land mafia in Munnar, he quietly withdrew when he knew that the spoils of the operation would raise the bar of his carefully cultivated image of a knight in shining armour. Another bizarre instance was after the murder of CPM rebel T.P. Chandrashekharan’s murder. He had a score to settle with the official and stronger faction of the CPM. Hence the opportunity was ripe for him to have another “tilt at windmills.” His grandiose and much hyped visit to TP’s house at Onchiyam in Vadakara Taluk of Kozhikkode district was an event to watch for. The easily-deceived, over-trusting Malayali avidly watched the TV for some action of substance. At TP’s house he did manage to create emotion-filled, melodramatic scenes with his widow K. K. Rema. Beyond these theatrics nothing much happened after that. As usual he carried on with his usual business of taking on the masses for a ride and reaped rich dividends out of the most brutal and sensational murder (in the history of Kerala) committed on a rebel CPM leader by the conspirators and murderers of his own party.

“The most unkindest cut of all” on the Malayali body politic, committed by this nonagenarian, came in the form of a treachery. The breach of trust and back-stabbing committed by the most popular leader of Kerala was not just against the late Shari S. Nair and her parents, but on the entire Malayali society. Our Quixote’s most outrageous “tilt at windmills” would not be comprehensible if the background story of this treacherous deed is left out.

Similar to the beginning of the tragic stories of many other girls in Kerala, Shari S Nair of Kiliroor in Kottayam, too became a victim of the enticement of the glamour world. It all started when she won the 2003 Miss Kottayam title. A very close blood relative of the innocent girl laid the web of sex-trap and the unsuspecting parents got carried away by the promises of riches and fame. She was trapped in the lucrative sex market and the racketeers presented her to many important personalities of Kerala state. Her sorry plight was celebrated with much fanfare by the insensitive print media of the state. Television channels displayed their deceptive best by sensationalising, twisting and distorting this news time for weeks on end— television news channels in Kerala are notorious for this. The miserable and helpless girl ended up in the hospital. The then Congress Chief Minister showered umpteen number of hollow promises by way of financial compensation and job; and assured the family that all culprits would be nabbed and brought to justice. But the man who reaped riches out of this unfortunate incident was the darling of the masses.

In 2004 September our own Quixote went with his bunch of Sancho Panzos and the indispensable press to the hospital to meet Shari, her father Mr. Surendrakumar and his family. In the same manner as he presently went and met the late Jisha’s mother, on that day in September he consoled Mr. Surendran and just like the Chief Minister he too showered the family with rosy promises and assurances. But at the back of his mind he was mumbling these words: “Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless.” (Cervantes’ Don Quixote). Yes this visit and this incident’s repercussions did catapult the Left to victory in the 2006 elections. Fortune did guide his affairs; he waged a visible battle against all injustices meted out to this family. Only God and he knew that it was a camouflaged deceptive battle for power. When the righteous war reaped riches for him in the form of Chief Ministership of Kerala, everything about this family was forgotten.

In the meantime the unfortunate girl succumbed to death after giving birth to a premature baby. The harrowing experience of living with a fatherless, motherless young child was too unbearable for the family. They had to put up with the most humiliating comments and taunts of the society, the social stigma was unbearable. Yet they lived on in the hope that one day their chivalrous hero who is now the supremely powerful person in the state would render them all help. Five years after the much hyped visit to the hospital, in November 2009 the wretched, powerless and inconsolable parents approached Quixote—now the Chief Minister of the State—at his official residence for help. The gutted parents and the child ended up in a police station. “Culturally superior Kerala society” should have hung their heads in shame as a mark of respect and protest to this harrowing experience of the victims of one of the most sensational but distressing sexual harassment episode in Kerala’s history. But nothing happened, the collective Malayali conscience was living in self-delusion and apathy. The intelligentsia of Kerala and the media showed a blind eye to the pitiful sight of the innocent young child holding its unfortunate, dead mother’s photo. Our megalomaniac Quixote had become a Nero fond of playing a stringed instrument.

His ‘celebrated promise’ to the parents of Shari and to the Kerala society that all those behind the fate of Shari S. Nair would be handcuffed and paraded on the streets of Kerala after attaining power had by then become the stuff of legends! Until the day of elections in May 2006 political leaders and those seeking easy publicity would throng the house of Shari, but after the elections neither anybody from the newly elected LDF government nor did anyone belonging to any other party visit them. Now history is being repeated. Shari has now become Jisha and the entire Kerala and India have started chanting “I AM JISHA.” Jisha’s mother is going to face the same fate as that of Shari’s parents. After May 16 nobody is going to pay attention to Jisha’s family. Unlike in the case of Shari, Jisha’s murderer and those behind the incident may be few in number or it might even be one person’s crime.  Behind Shari’s fate there are scores of people: from the accused Lata Nair, Omanakkutty, Manoj to Praveen to the infamous VIP. In fact the entire Kerala society is responsible for the fate of such an innocent girl who was taken advantage in the name of promises of film and television career.  All of them are roaming free now. The doctors and the hospital staff including nurses had abused Shari and her parents with very cruel taunts and vicious insinuations for the ignominy of conceiving a child at this young age. Media had widely reported that subsequent to the visit of the CPM leader Ms. PK Sreemathi teacher to the hospital Shari’s condition deteriorated.

Shari’s young innocent daughter might have reached her late adolescent years now. In spite of state police enquiry and then the CBI enquiry, Shari’s father Surendran’s questions regarding the crime have not been satisfactorily answered. Those who have to give the answers are busy making claims in front of the electorate about their glorious achievements during their rule in Kerala. Several such incidents point to the fact that Kerala society is mentally sick; its psychosexual disorders are chiefly due to cultural and political reasons. Patriarchy rules the roost in the state, in spite of the contrary claims of having a liberated, educated women population. Further, it is largely a repressed and inhibited society with many of its young adults moving around with sexually frustrated minds. Sexual sadism (as in the case of Jisha’s murderer), exhibitionism, voyeurism and alchohol/substance abuse are all rampant in the state. All such disorders are prevalent in almost all states of the country, but when such instances happen frequently in the “most politically aware and culturally superior state,” one must understand that not just something but many things are “rotten in the state of Denmark.”

– written by T H Valsaraj

How much do we know about fundamental rights of armed forces?



This post is a result of the 140 word tyranny of Twitter which, while well suited for one-liners and retorts, handicaps expressing of a complex idea coherently. I was trying to refute a view that serving soldiers of the armed forces are banned from expressing political views on social media, and after trying to argue my case via serialized tweets, decided that it called for a blog post instead.

Let’s get some basics sorted out first. The Indian Army is, and MUST remain, an apolitical organization. No two ways or arguing about that. My book ‘Riding the Raisina Tiger’ is about a scenario where it ceases to remain such, and the consequences. However, that should not and does not mean that individuals who form part of the organization also need to be bereft of any political views as individuals, or that they should be prevented from legal expression of those views in their individual capacities. This is part of their fundamental rights as citizens.

It is true that on joining the armed forces, an individual agrees to some of his or her fundamental rights being restricted. These are laid down in Army Act Section 21 , which accords the Central government “Power to modify certain fundamental rights in their application to persons subject to this Act.” Sub section (b) empowers the government to “make rules restricting to such extent and in such manner as may be necessary the right of any person subject to this Act to attend or address any meeting or take part in any demonstration organized by any body of persons for any political or other purposes.” There is therefore no restriction for them to have and express political opinions as individuals.

Since the Army Act dates back to 1950, much before the advent of social media or the internet, it does not cover the conduct of persons subject to it online. This gap is filled by instructions issued be service headquarters covering the Do’s and Don’t for serving personnel while posting online. The are as under.

So, in effect, there is no rule prohibiting armed forces personnel from expressing their personal political views on social media individually. And that, I believe, is the way things should be. For in the army of an independent democracy, the solider is also a citizen with voting rights. He therefore is expected to have a political opinion to be able to exercise his franchise judiciously. And in this day and age of feedback driven world, wouldn’t it be unfair both to him and to those who represent him to deprive him of the freedom of expression which would convey his opinion to the political class and allow the same to be an input in their decision making process.

That brings me to the disturbing fact that a large number of people suffer from this misconception, probably stemming from an idea of what they feel ‘ought to be’. They seem to associate, or rather mix up, the apolitical nature of the organization with the political awareness of individuals who form the organization. This point of view possibly originates from within the army itself, which was traditionally a colonial force with rules framed to suit the colonial masters. Ever apprehensive of a mutiny and aware that the army was the lynch pin of their ability to maintain their rule, it made sense for them to bar not only political activity amongst soldiers, but also discourage harboring of any political thoughts or opinions at all. That was also the reason why traditionally soldiers were isolated in sanitized cantonments and discouraged to fraternize with civilian population of places where they were posted.

Post independence, this mindset was difficult to shed by senior officers themselves, having been brought up in such an environment, and therefore they continued to discourage political thought. This also suited the leaders of the nascent government, in whose minds the colonial regime’s fear of mutiny was replaced by dread of a political coup by the army. The fact that till recently, there was no concerted effort by either the military or the civilian leadership to ensure that soldiers got to actually exercise their right to vote , is demonstrative of this.

Today, almost seven decades after independence, things have changed in a couple of ways. The army has remained an apolitical organization, having repeatedly proved itself in war and in peacetime turmoils. The specter of a military takeover doesn’t haunt the political leadership (or at least, given the track record, it shouldn’t). Also, and significantly, the soldiers and officers today are more connected with the ‘outside world’ thanks to increasing awareness and availability of improved tools including mobiles, internet and social media. To say that a soldier of the 21st century would not have a political opinion would be naive. And to deny him the expression of the same, within the framework of existing rules, would be curbing his fundamental rights over and beyond what is laid down in the Army Act.

Enlightened democracies world over have rational and liberal rules in this regard. The policy in the US armed forces with regard to political activities by soldiers is illustrative.


Not only are they explicitly allowed to express their “personal views or public candidates” but, unlike restrictions still in force in India, they are even permitted to “join a partisan or non-partisan political club and attend its meetings when not in uniform.” The riders to these are that they do so in their personal capacity, and as individuals not collectively as a group of soldiers.

It is time, therefore, to shed our outdated perceptions about what does and does not constitute an apolitical army. To put the record straight, it implies that while collectively and as an organization participation in politics and expression of political views are proscribed, there are no restrictions in doing so in an individual capacity.


The above post has appeared on my personal blog

Knowing ABVP, its mission and contribution


“True progress is slow but sure. Work among those young men who can devote heart and sole to one’s duty.Awake them,unite them,and inspire them with the spirit of renunciation”, these were the words of Swami Vivekananda in 1891. ABVP is the student organization which claims to follow that path. It is famously said that youth life is the most precious life. The way in which you utilize this period will decide the nature of coming years that lies ahead of the nation. According to an utilising youth life for nationalism and bring back the lost glory of Bharat is important.

ABVP is the only student organisation which was at the forefront of many agitations that our country has witnessed. Starting from the Goan liberation movement of 1961, the participation in large numbers during the Chinese aggression, the relentless fight against corruption in Gujarat and Bihar in the early 1970’s ,the massive presence in the fight against the emergency in which more than 5000 members of ABVP were imprisoned under the MISA. As a nationalist ideological movement, ABVP has been fighting a long and igorous war against anti-national ideologies, even at the cost of sacrificing its young and dedicated workers. The ABVP’s bold fight against Naxalism and left wing extremism, where many of our volunteers were brutally murdered , is an example of the kind of commitment to nationalism, patriotism and selflessness for the motherland.

The first martyr of independent Bharat Syama Prasad Mookerjee said “the character of youth determines the life or death of the nation” ABVP stand by that line whenever the integrity of the nation is threatened. The situation of Kashmir in late 1980s and early 1990s was such period. It was a time when the ancient land of Kashyap Rishi was threatened due to various internal and external factors. ABVP as the nationalist students organization fought tooth and nail at the crisis for the motherland. The Kashmir blunder of Nehru which resulted in not fully integration of Kashmir with India and imposition of article 370 which is nothing but a blot on our ideals of nationalism. Article 370 was imposed despite heavy opposition in constituent assembly from all quarters. The situation of Kashmir decline slowly,but after 1971 war,the Pakistan army started fueling fire in the already messy situation of Kashmir. The vote-hungry politicians also not helped the situation.

In the winter of 1990, local newspapers in the Kashmir valley published press release issued by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, asking Kashmiri Pandits to leave the valley. The terrorists started killing the Hindus and challenging the state. Hindus were forced to leave Kashmir. At that time ABVP showed for what it stands for, “Nationalism and togetherness”. ABVP took the open challenge of Islamists head-on.
ABVP believes in the ideas of Ambedkar. He said”Communists want absolute rights so that if they fail to come into power, they would have the unfettered freedom not merely to criticize, but also to overthrow the state,” These were the uteruses of Dr BR Ambedkar in the Constituent Assembly about Communists.

He dismissed class struggle and called himself staunch enemy of Communism. Seventy years down the line, the same people for whom Ambedkar had such thoughts are trying their best to hijack the Ambedkarite ideas and India’s educational institutions. The recent incident of Hyderabad Central University, where a Dalit student committed suicide was used like a weapon to create a divide in the pluralistic society of this great land in the name of Ambedkar movement.

Any death is very sad, but politics over death is more adverse. No one is asking how an organization claiming to follow the ideas of Ambedkar is celebrating “Beef party and”Yakub hanging” as martyr’s day. Ambedkar said, “saving cow is central to Indian culture”, and he was the architect of Bharat’s constitution in which ban on cow slaughter is in directive principal of state policy, also Yakub was given death sentence according to the judgement of the highest court of Bharat of which Ambedkar was the strongest propagator.

The self-proclaimed saviours of India’s educational institutions are those who say that, they didn’t believe in boundaries and oppose every wrongdoing but at the same time pass a resolution hailing the Tiananmen square massacre of 1989, in which thousands of innocent student where brutally killed because they where fighting for freedom of speech in universities and democratic rights in China. This incident shows hypocrisy of Leftists at its best.

But the bottom line is different, which is not shown, that is Indian Leftists are working to benefit anti-nationals and Islamic extremists. Those who are spearheading the campaign and calling it an “institutional murder” are those who oppose Indian culture and ethos but go on to receive Calgary Peace award in US which indirectly promotes Christianity. The point is that in educational institutions, the Left of India is facing the threat of extinction as they are the last terrain of ideological control. Bengal has gone, Kerala has gone, they are suffering everywhere.

So,they want to create an atmosphere of fear, lawlessness and anarchy. The tragedy is that Communists who are claiming legacy of Ambedkar, believe in Leninism and Marxism of which Ambedkar was the biggest critique. They believe on foreigners like Marx, Lenin, Engels and Stalin while Ambedkar always called for Indianisation. Ambedkar was always against dictatorship and stood for democracy, while Communists always try to capture public institutions. Bengal was the finest example in which all posts in higher academic centres were given according loyalty parade of CPM.

The GOD’S own country story: of moral policing and political correctness


The great tide of street agitations, seminars, conventions and innovative symbolic protests against Narendra Modi government at the centre began in Kerala in November 2014. The government was barely six months old and it was as though scores of athletes (read anti-Modi brigade) were waiting at the starting point of a steeplechase competition for the sound of the gunshot. The gunshot in God’s Own Country came in the form of an attack on a restaurant owned by a few Muslim youth in Calicut allegedly by Yuvmorcha activists. The reason for the attack being that the restaurant furtively gave away its premises for (im)moral activities.

There have been several video clippings of young couples in compromising positions in the parking lot of the restaurant doing the rounds on social media. These young couples could have been lovers, husband and wife, young girls and boys skipping the classes, or any of such relationship between a man and a woman. It is nobody’s business to secretly shoot video footage of such activities in a private restaurant meant for the public. The liberals, leftists, “self-proclaimed” progressive intellectuals and the feminists of the state are of the view that when grown up people engage in such activities—even if it is on the street—nobody has any right to pry into their private affair and let alone raise any voice against it. The writer of this article also corroborates the argument that no modern civilized society should allow any type of moral policing and unsolicited peep into others’ private lives. I would rather leave it to the better sense of the readers to judge whether the repeated happening in this restaurant was a case of “Peeping Tom Syndrome” or a case of unethical business tactics put into practice. Since the case is sub judice let us not make any further comments about it.

What emanated from this incident were unprecedented scenes on the streets of Kerala. The Kiss of Love Campaign emerged quietly as a facebook campaign under the leadership of a certain Rahul Pashupalan and his wife Reshmi and several accomplices. All the people who opposed PM Modi, his party and their ideology showed tremendous zeal and passion to exhibit their zest to uphold “liberal values”, “progressive outlook of life” and to maintain their “secular credentials” by participating in this innovative form of agitation. This went on for almost a year in various parts of the state especially in Cochin and Calicut (although everywhere the “kissers” had to overcome the violence that erupted out and the thousands of voyeuristic looks of the mobile camera eyes). As opposed to the classic voyeuristic action or the “Peeping Tom” phenomenon, here the “victims” (read exhibitionists) were seeking out the voyeurs. The onlookers did come out in large numbers—in thousands—and a handful of well known people from all walks of life as exhibitionists were seen at a few venues. The drama went on for almost a year and the organizers did try to transplant it to many other Indian cities—but unlike in Kerala, it fell flat elsewhere.

How did it come to an abrupt end toward the last lap of 2015?  The anti-climax of these absurd and bizarre protests was that the agitators were being taken for a ride by Mr. Rahul Pashupalan, his wife Reshmi and their accomplices. They were recently arrested for running a huge racket of flesh trade. The modus operandi was that Rahul negotioated with the clients and on offer was his wife Reshmi herself. It turned out that Kiss of Love Campaign was a very cleverly worked out ploy for the couple to make a database of young women involved in the Kiss of Love campaign and later entice and enlist them to their flourishing flesh trade. It is a pity that two elected representatives from Kerala, belonging to the two fronts, one each to the Parliament and State Assembly, gave all moral and logistical support through their unusually frequent comments and write-ups on various social media platforms and public meetings. The very fact that they were hand in glove with the dubious agitators like Pashupalan, speak volumes about the high moral ground that they adopt in various issues! Many noted, but overzealous activists, writers—and unfortunately—many gullible students fell easy prey to the ugly designs of a few individuals. Once the true colour of the organizers came out in the media, suddenly “all smiles stopped together” and one could see many Kiss of Love campaigners and supporters shamelessly scurrying for cover. When this disgraceful newsbreak lost its sheen in public minds slowly some of the earlier Kiss of Love activists started coming out from their foxholes and making noises disassociating from Mr. Pashupalan & Co.

There is a very disgusting counter-narrative to this whole debate of Sangh Parivar’s alleged moral policing. This counter-narrative is not a fictitious argument put forward to discredit the “supposedly true narrative” of moral policing unleashed by the Sangh. Incidentally, the Calicut restaurant “untoward incident” was just a one-off happening, if it could be called moral policing (or a matter of freedom to express love and cuddle in public) by any stretch of imagination at all. In a state where the activists of minority Muslim fundamentalist organisations like the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), Popular Front of India (PFI), Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) and scores of other Islamist organisations have given a free rein to its cadre to bash up any non-Muslim man seen friendly with a Muslim girl or woman (in public or in private) is quite shocking! More shocking is the apathy with which the so-called secular political parties, tolerance-guards, culture-preservers and sundry activists ignored these acts over the past several years. Scores of such incidents have been reported and many more have escaped the attention of the media all over Malabar region and sporadically in South Kerala too. Whether such bashing up and crass religious intolerance come under the ambit of moral policing or at least under INTOLERANCE are matters to be decided by these “pundits” only.

These unreasonable extremists have vitiated the communal atmosphere of North Kerala so much so that a non-Muslim male school or college student is wary about being familiar with a Muslim female classmate or a schoolmate in public view (outside the campus) in many parts of the state. (Definitely these incidents are not widespread and do not happen on a daily basis; but when an isolated incident in Calicut has been picked up for a long deceptive struggle with multiple ulterior motives, such happenings should have aroused the conscience of this brigade). Unfortunately these incidents are not restricted to the students of schools or colleges. Even among the grown-ups this has happened in many towns and villages of Kerala. The whole narrative of the Calicut incident and its ugly aftermath should be analysed in this context.

Hence what has happened in God’s own Country over the past several months is nothing but a blind and highly hypocritical attitude on the part of the ruling party and the principal opposition. Both the fronts and its cadre have actively abetted and involved themselves in the street agitations. Kerala’s ruling party, Indian National Congress’s, fate and future hinges upon the benevolence of IUML and its cadre. They can only soft-pedal the moral policing committed by these zealots.  In the case of the Left and the principal party in that alliance—the CPM, they simply do not let go any opportunity to tarnish the image of Mr. Narendra Modi and his party. Hence in almost every street corner kiss-protests, the CPM cadre unabashedly participated alongside the likes of Pashupalan. Those mainstream media trying to be “politically correct” either buried such reports conveniently or tucked these reports to some remote corner in the newspapers in the form of a two line report. The electronic media never really bothered to take up such matters seriously. While the “secular” parties are wary about the loss of Muslim votes, a section of the media is worried sick about a possible downslide in circulation due to the collective bargaining power of this minority community.

The viral quote, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize!” is applicable to God’s Own Country too. This is in essence the social, political and cultural condition of present Kerala. The penchant for political correctness supposedly impelled by liberal ideologies is in effect a perpetual fear of offending the sensibilities of the minority group. Free inquiry by those considered is at stake and the vernacular mainstream journalists have become crafty spin doctors. Many acts of minority bigotry is neither seriously reported and brought to the limelight by the media nor criticized by the intellectual elites and creative writers in the state. Professor PJ Joseph’s hand being chopped off is a case in point. Had it not been for the court and the NIA, the whole issue would have just evaporated into thin air as the issue was treated with such insensitivity by the present rulers, the Left, the liberals and all who joyously celebrated Kerala’s recent tryst with sexual freedom. Weighed down by the demands of patriarchy and rising orthodoxy under the watchful eyes of the “Progressive Left,” many tried to paint Kiss of Love as a campaign for releasing Kerala from its regressive mindset. However things have gone back to square one. In the bargain, the political parties which partook in the year long struggle for freedom to express love in public, shared the spoils and are having the last laugh!!

Why NDA govt will not pursue AgustaWestland deal


While defense minister Manohar Parrikar said in the Parliament that Agusta case will not go the same way Bofors case did, I have serious doubt that NDA govt will be interested in extensive investigation and quick trial. In fact, while I do believe that current government will not let any big scam happen under its watch, there is very less chance of getting convictions in any big scam happened earlier.

There are two major reasons for my doubt:
1. There is no strong correlation between corruption allegations/conviction and receding popularity. Recent Bihar assembly election is shining example of this assertion. In fact during Lok Sabha election, while Congress managed to get only two seats in Maharashtra, one of them is prime accused in Adarsh scam.

In fact, there is a chance that corruption accused will play victim and gain more sympathy, which is last thing any political opponent will want.

So, as long as popular support is not inversely related with accusations, no government will be interested in prosecuting its opponents even for a legitimate case. And I believe that it will take at least 10-15 years till our society matures to that state.

2. Inefficient investigation institution and slow judiciary: Investigation machinery has been deeply infested with corruption and political biases. So, even if government wants to build a strong case, there is no assurance that all investigating officers will be equally serious about it.

Even if one completes investigation and builds a strong case, judicial procedural delays and loopholes give all the time to accused to stand in next election, play victim card and garner sympathy. If tide turns and opposition is elected in next election, then case automatically dissolves; evidence, witness disappear, and officers involved in investigation are persecuted.

While not much can be done about first problem, it is certainly possible to bring reforms to address second problem. As Supreme court itself suggested, completing trial within a year for all cased related to elected representatives, and barring any charge-sheeted candidate from contesting elections would have been a positive step in that direction. But as we know, SC changed its mind later, and govt too after initial push seems to be inactive about it. While some reforms are being suggested to improve judicial system, the intensity is far less when compared to economy and business related reforms.

So, while individuals like Dr. Swamy will try their best to get conviction in these cases, assurance by government certainly rings hollow.

20 quick reform suggestions to PMO, Modi Government


Dear PMO,

Here are some ideas you are best placed to take forward:

  1. To unclog courts, since 70% cases currently pending in courts are intra-government, suggest make arbitration compulsory for all intra-government cases. So, each and every case between 2 Government parties will go for arbitration. There would be a maximum 1 month timeline for arbitration to close, failure of which would lead the case to be referred to a committee of respective Secretaries of Ministries involved – if any case fails to get resolved there within a month, then it will finally go to a Committee which would have respective Ministers of departments involved. In case it still doesnt get resolved within a month, it will go to PM who will decide in presence of the respective Ministers and Secretaries involved. There would be penalties on respective parties and Ministries, if the case goes to the final committee with involvement of the PM
  1. Manufacturing is still suffering from huge number of laws – Labor, PF, Excise, VAT, Customs etc. Last counted, there are 34 laws which any Manufacturer has to conform. My manufacturer friends tell me that its suffocating and a huge disincentive to anyone trying to manufacture in India. While GST will resolve some of these problems, but please see how can these laws be further reduced, simplified and clubbed together. It’s crying need of the hour
  1. Railways – Suggest corporatisation of Indian Railways, like was done with BSNL at Vajpayee ji’s time. Instead of a Government department, make it a PSU. Please read Bibek Debroy Committee report of April 2015. The Committee report, if implemented, can be the magic pill
  1. Taiwan – Taiwan should be to India, what Pakistan is to China. If Modi ji makes a trip there, our guess is India will get commitment of atleast $50 billion FDI, especially into high-end manufacturing – it will be a double whammy, with Japan and US also on our side
  1. Temples – Go to Middle East or Iran, one sees beautiful Mosques, with modern architecture. Ditto with churches in US and Europe. But everyone’s experience of going to Temples is that they are old, antiquated and one faces harassment by Pandit’s. Government control of temples is largely to blame because of committee’s which are overseen by Government nominee’s. But point to deliberate is that why are Hindus not constructing modern Temples on a grand scale? (Hardly few organizations controlled by Western organizations like ISKCON are doing it). The last big movement in constructing modern temples on a grand scale was when Indira Gandhi kept wealth tax at 94% and groups like Birla’s constructed Birla Mandir’s instead of paying their entire wealth to Government.

This issue is a sensitive one for Modi government, but has a huge appeal among BJP’s followers. Suggest bring a law to hand over control of Temples to society. Also, bring new Tax incentives to let companies start constructing new, modern Temples on a grand scale

Western governments do allow tax breaks to religious groups. In the USA over $ 70 billion in tax exemptions yearly is afforded to religious institutions, mainly to Christianity, the majority religion

  1. Privatization – Some noises coming in Media on a committee being formed to consider strategic sale of PSU’s. We fail to understand that why is Government continuing to have such loss making PSU’s in fields like 2 wheelers, watches etc. Hand over smart severance packages and shut loss making one’s – better to spend money in one go, rather than bleeding every year. For others with huge land banks, we are sure they will be successfully sold by strategic sales. Also, privatize Air India, BSNL and other such Govt concerns which are fast loosing market share.

Then there are huge number of PSU Banks which have most NPA’s because of faulty loans granted under pressure from previous Government. Why should 70% of loans in India come from PSU Banks when worldwide figure is opposite (worldwide, 70% loans come from Private Banks!) Privatization of PSU Banks is a tricky issue, because Congress and other parties will make hue and cry that state silver is being sold – in reality, opposition parties are the one who gave such monstrous loans to shady and greedy promoters. So, we feel Government is right in saying current figure of 27 PSU Banks is way too high and they should merge – post merger, incremental privatization can be done

PMO Modi Government
PMO Modi Government
  1. India should consider joining One-belt-One-road (New Silk road) project of China. China is interested in this with India. They are pumping in huge money in laying a network of roads, pipelines and railroads to connect seamlessly between countries. Just the Pakistan CPEC would get $46 billion FDI in Pakistan! Strategically thinking, what does India have to loose? A road travels both ways, so India would also get to export to whole of China.

China’s Deng Xiaoping said “Color of cat doesnt matter, what matters is that it catches mice!”. So, China has huge disputes with its entire neighborhood but at the same time, is involved in massively increasing economic and travel closeness with all of them. There are more China-Taiwan, China-South Korea, China-Japan, China-Asean flights than one can ever imagine between India and any other country. This economic bear hug makes countries closely tied up with China and defuses chances of a clash.

Here is India, with a $2 trillion economy with a $10 trillion economy of China sitting next to it. Why should we not take advantage of it by giving them, say, 3 Silk roads, passing from Tibet and ending up on warm waters of Mumbai, Kolkata and through North-East? Back of envelope calculation says its a $150 billion FDI. India would get direct entry into Tibet and the Chinese would be too enticed not to settle the boundary, because they are very keen on Silk roads through India

  1. Agricultural income tax above 1 crore income – Jaitley ji said in Parliament that people are falsely showing their income as agricultural income and he intends to go after them. So, while tax on agricultural income is a sensitive issue, but why not start by levying Income Tax on agricultural income above Rs. 1 crore per annum? Which political party can oppose tax above 1 crore income? They would only oppose because some politicians from opposition parties are falsely showing their income under agriculture to evade Income Tax. But public will support, so this will sail through. It would also signal financial reform commitment of Government
  1. Swapping part of forex reserves with Government-owned foreign debt – During Vajpayee ji’s time, India started paying back Government debt of western institutions. See what has happened since then:

US, Japan, Europe have been printing record amount of currencies in circulation. Post the East Asian crisis, when a group of investors led by George Soros shorted Asean currencies and led to a crisis, most countries started keeping foreign currency reserves to stave off chances of a currency crisis and country default. Because of legacy of Oil getting transacted in Dollars and with the world keeping their reserves in Dollar, Euro and Yen, even such large printing of currencies by US, Europe and Japan hasnt led to their currencies losing purchasing power.

Concurrently, with US, Europe and Japan keeping their interest rates to near zero and even negative, such forex reserves kept by countries in Treasury bills of these 3 countries earn a pittance. So, out of $375 billion of India’s forex reserves, a huge proportion is parked in US treasury bills earning 0.25% annual interest! On the other hand, Indian Government has such huge foreign debt that most of the budget goes in interest and capital repayments.

Looking at amount of forex reserves India should hold – RBI Governors have been amongst the smartest brains worldwide. Instead of keeping quantum of forex reserves as months of net of imports & exports, they have kept the quantum as a proportion of net foreign debt of the country. Now, that our forex reserves have risen by $100 billion in past more than a year, its time to continue on that formula and instead of accumulating more dollars, use them for repayment and also let INR rise against the Dollar

Gold had a bull run for 10 years, went down for 4 years and has started rising again. It shows impending drop in value of US dollar. China is also diversifying part of its $1.2 trillion reserves away from US Dollar. Further, development of Shale gas and stress on renewable energy with signing of Paris Climate Accord, also means less dollars would be required for Oil trade in the future. Dollar value will ultimately lower down and recent US actions of making the country itself as a Tax haven is to attract any kind of money into US – Be it black money, tax evasion money or any color of money. US just needs dollar inflow to meet its current account deficit because money printing cannot continue ad infinitum. Our suggestion is:

Why not take out dollars parked with US treasuries (earning pittance in interest) and instead start repaying foreign currency loans taken by Government from foreign institutions? Mechanism can be that a Government infrastructure company whose projects have already been completed, will pay back the loan to World Bank or IMF or any other International Finance institution. Instead, a similar loan will be provided by an Indian PSU Bank in INR’s. Keeping this action reserved only for completed projects would mean no additional default risk on Indian PSU Banks, which are already loaded with bad loans

  1. Curb sensationalism by Media – Indian media relies on blatant sensationalism. Need is to curb it. A bill can be brought to curb sensationalism by Media. Also, if Media is found to be distorting Facts or sensationalizing, it would be liable to get its License canceled. No opposition party will oppose it – take our word
  1. Franchising law – this is needed for exponential growth in Franchising industry
  1. Education – The excellent US education system entails entrance to Colleges by weightage given as: 25% communication & stage presence, 25% sports and 50% academic performance. Just why is Indian education system giving 100% weightage to academics? If Indian system were to be changed to US system of 25:25:50; then with time, schools will start making systems for grooming of students in personality, sports, communications and so on. Sure, this small administrative order can be issued by Smriti Irani!

Then India needs to move stress from obtaining degrees/ certificates to getting people to learn skills – While Skill India is welcome, but student’s skills need to be physically tested rather than checking answer sheets, which result in ratta-fication. So, amongst the 50% academic weightage too, practical skill testing has to be done.

  1. Indian architecture – Suggest a small clause in tax laws/ stamp duty on Real Estate that if the building has a facade which reflects Indian civilizational theme – 1% relief in Tax or duties would be provided to buildings meeting this norm – result would be more Indian looking cities. 1% extra rebate can be provided if the building conforms to green norms, uses renewable energy and avoids glass exteriors which trap greenhouse gases
  1. Electoral reforms – A committee has recommended simultaneous state elections to reduce continuous atmosphere of politics –– Modi ji has also said he wants to implement it
  1. Small states – High time UP was divided into 3-4 states, Maharashtra into 3, J&K into 3 – How can UP with 20 crore population be EVER governed? Impossible. Mayawati had already passed a resolution in UP assembly for it. If Modi ji can be persuaded, nothing like it. Probably, Bundelkhand from MP and UP can be merged to form a state. Awadh can be one. Maharashtra can be divided into Vidarbha etc. J&K into Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh
  1. SUUTI – When UTI problem was resolved, the shares held by UTI were placed in a trust SUUTI. Now, SUUTI has shares of ITC, Axis Bank, L&T etc of the value of Rs. 30,000 cr. Government has been missing its disinvestment targets since many years, so why keep on holding these stakes? What will Government do with holding shares in tobacco company? There is no legal problem in selling these stakes as simple bulk deals on exchanges can be used to divest

Similarly, Government holds minority share in Hindustan Zinc and Balco whereas the value of this holding has increased exponentially and Vedanta wants to buy the remaining share. We understand that the Courts have accused the Government of backdoor privatization and bypassing of nationalization laws (brought by Indira Gandhi) in case of such stake sales (like Hindustan Zinc, Balco) but I am sure Attorney General Mukul Rohtagi and CJI Thakur can work something out

  1. Socialism to go from National Parks – Till when will we charge Rs. 10/- for entry to Indian wildlife reserves and keep them devoid of modern facilities? A poor continent such as Africa provides sophisticated facilities – resorts, Rotor gliders, Hot Air balloons, full security and other amenities and charges a bomb – but Indian national parks are devoid of such facilities – most western tourists who come to India are the poor one’s – who take a dole from their country and come here and spend peanuts. We need to move up the value chain and what better way than the best we have to offer – abundant flora and fauna! Provided strict environmental norms are implemented, a lot of privatization can be done and fares increased manifold at such nature reserves
  1. Dissolve MCD’s – The one constant refrain from anyone who has visited the West, Middle East, China, Japan, Europe or Asean, is stark difference between public infrastructure of their cities and our cities. Even nations such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Combodia have better roads, public amenities and traffic systems! The MCD model of elected representatives governing public infra is dead since it breeds corruption, unnecessary politics and doesnt bring international standards of public infra and management. All such public infra is best imported from corporates led by FDI – this is a must to complement Smart cities project. Look at what Dubai has been able to achieve by bringing in expertise from Western countries in this regard
  1. Death for corruption – Public services, in West, Middle East, China, Japan, Europe, South Korea or Asean, are devoid of corruption. So, while corruption in top echelons is humongous, but not for daily necessities – like Licenses, water, electricity, real estate certificates etc. The only way out now, in India, is to bring death penalty for corruption in any public service. We are not in 2 minds on the issue. High time this was brought about. India is too lenient, democracy as practiced here is too distorted and there is lack of fear of the adverse in minds of those with even small power
  1. Modern Trucks and transportation – Indian trucks are still manufactured with old technology. The worst part is poor conditions for the driver – rickety seats, no AC etc. Till when will Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland keep giving us trucks of 1950’s vintage technology? Government needs to make driver comfort mandatory including power steering, AC cabins and comfortable seats. This would lower down the rate of accidents and also give relief to over-worked drivers on roads

Indians need to stop the Victim Mentality and focus on Winning


Recently I watched a video about Sam Harris bashing India’s much hyped Caste System and Practice of Sati prevalent in India. According to him problems of India like Malnutrition, Poverty and others problems were result of Caste System and believing in the Theory of Karma. To be fair to Mr. Harris, he did bash Christianity, Islam and practically every thing he deemed was not worthy of continuance in Modern Era. But the summary of his video was: Western Civilization is Cradle of Free Speech, Scientific Advances, Liberal Values and Separating State from Religion evident at Five Minutes and Fourteen Seconds into the video.

First and foremost, I have no intentions of denying or putting cover on the issues like Caste System. They still exists in Modern India and those who deny it are fooling themselves. You just have to look into the Sunday Matrimonial Newspaper to see that Caste System is very much a part of Modern India. As Mr. Harris pointed out there was a Sati System prevalent in Ancient India whatever the reasons. I can’t dwell on it cause focus of this article is not Sati or Caste System. This article is all about check mating  the Western Superior Complex, White Prism and their biased views towards others.

I have had my reservations against the likes of Mr. Harris and Mr. Dawkins. I consider them the Christian Version of Islamic Taqiyya Baaz which is the Art of Deceit. Only difference is Mr. Harris and Mr. Dawkins say they are Atheists and try to hold a higher moral ground. They have known urge to belittle everything Non-Western and view everything through their White Prism as I call it. As opposed to them I like Mr. Tommy Robinson a simpleton Catholic and a proud Englishman. And Mr. Robinson is the person who wants everyone to embrace the Western Values and Culture or get out of Europe. That would be considered bigotry, crass hatred and high level of intolerance towards others according to White Prism and Western View of things. But if you judge it though the Hindu Prism you know Mr. Robinson as a person who wants to save his Western Culture, his English Traditions, his Christian Way Of Life and his Individual Freedom. I see nothing wrong in what he says and I urge all UK NRI’s to adopt to the English and European Way Of Life at least when you live and earn your bread and butter in their countries. Persians(Parsis) adopted to our Indian Culture and we still hold them in High-Esteem.

The problem starts for me when the likes of Mr. Harris and Mr. Dawkins want me and other Indian to adopt to their Western Culture and Values in Hindu India. No one is asking the Western World to believe in the Theory Of Karma but when they take away my fundamental right to believe in it then I do have a problem. No one is against Free Speech in India but we are against mindless criticism and bashing of other people’s beliefs just cause you want to show the World how Open-Minded you are. We Indians believe that respecting each others way of life is key to harmony. We need not separate Religion and State like Westerners cause most Vedic Texts teach to do Karma according to ones own Dharma. And Dharma doesn’t mean we believe in Krishna or Shiva as our Lord and Savior. Dharma means we fulfill our duties and obligations to the best of our abilities.

On a factual note Mr. Harris needs to be aware that America has yet to elect a Female for President Post while India had elected a Female Prime Minister more then thirty years ago. America just elected an African American from Minority  as President in 2008 while India has had three Muslim Presidents and one Sikh President belonging to Minority Group much before.  Top US Banks have no Females Directors while 3 out of the top 5 banks of India have Female Managing Directors. US appointed the first female Chief Justice in 1981 some 205 years after Independence. While India elected a Woman Chief Justice from minority community in 1989 some 42 years after Independence. But facts won’t matter as long as US has a higher standard of living as compared to India.

I guess it is not the fault of Mr. Harris. His Western Way Of Life is definitely at its peak. It has made more advancement in Science and in ensuring the Overall Well-being of its citizens then India at this stage. We can judge it from the fact that most Indian Youngsters want to run off to Western Countries. The only way to shut him up is to stop whining and start working for a Better India where Science and  Well-Being of our Citizens come first. We as Indians can whine all day about Western Bias, White Prism and the Incredible Hypocrisy with which they view our Way Of Life. Or we as Indians can say: “Hell With It… We are gonna do what Israelis and Japanese did and that is not to give a damn about these Western Supremacists”.

Until we Indians make them stand in line for Indian Visa in an Indian Consulate it would all be for nothing. There is no point in our IT Knowledge if we as Indians are going to go to USA and work for Google or Facebook. We need to make companies who would take on Google and Facebook. I think it is time to remind Mr. Harris why Columbus accidentally discovered America in the first place while he was trying to find India. But for that Indians need to stop the Victim Mentality and focus on Winning. Enough of these White Supremacists and Arab Sheikhs pushing us around. It is time for India to become a Vishwa Guru just like Swami Vivekananda envisaged and that is not possible until Indians stop giving a damn about Western Views.


Changing Headlines to Change the Message

On 30 April, I noticed a link on a friend’s timeline which was headlined “Meet Balakrishna, the 43-year old Patanjali CEO who doesn’t take salary” (See screenshot below).


I clicked the link to check the story. It was a positive story about achievements of Acharya Balkrishna, Baba Ramdev’s right-hand man and Patanjali CEO. The story mentions how Patanjali Ayurved, a rather new entrant to the FMCG sector has beaten multinationals in their own game and has become a ₹5000 Crore company already in just ten years. It also talks about how Patanjali products have changed customer’s perception that Indian products are inferior to international brands. The story also mentions how Balkrishna who works 15 hours a day and holds 94% stake in the company, doesn’t take a single paisa as salary.

I liked the story and decided to share it on my timeline. But to my surprise, the link that appeared on my timeline displayed a different headline now. It was now changed to “The man who owns 94% of Patanjali Ayurved” (see screenshot below).


I realised what had happened in the interim period. The first headline was obviously given by a junior sub-editor. But soon, a senior editor saw it, didn’t like the positive message that was going out about Patanjali, and got it changed.

Technically, there was no falsehood in the changed headline. But the change was done with a malafide intention.

While the first headline conveyed the message that the self-motivated Balkrishna is taking zero salary in an era in which CEOs of big firms are drawing crores, the changed headline hides this fact and subtly conveys the impression that it’s not the customer who is benefitting from entry of this new player, but it’s Balkrishna who is benefitting the most from the growth in Patanjali’s business.

This shows how the mainstream media uses every tool, every resource at their command to portray a negative picture of those who are working hard to build Brand India.

But let the message go out loud and clear, that they won’t succeed in their crooked game. We shall flag them every time they commit a foul.