Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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#IamHoneyTrappedHelp : Dear Varun baba, the door is that way


Such moments in life are few and far between so one should savor them to the fullest. Like when the vending machine accidentally gives you two candy bars instead of one. Or the waiter suddenly likes you enough to bring you a free beer on the house. Or when you come home one night in an oddly good mood and find that some problems in your life have solved themselves. And then you curl up with your favorite feel good movie.

Ta ta ta ta ta… tra la la la la la …


Well, that problem took care of itself. I guess BJP can continue with its Uttar Pradesh campaign now without being dragged down by an incompetent dynast with a big ego and lots of friends in *exactly* the wrong places.

Well, Varun baba, you are now free to tap your Whatsapp group contacts and see what they can do for you. Perhaps you can launch a Twitter hashtag for journo friends to volunteer to rescue you: call it something like #IamHoneyTrappedHelp!

Look at the bright side, Varun. On the one hand, you ruled yourself out for the post of UP Chief Minister. I suggest a two minute silence for all the trees that had to die so that there would be posters all across Uttar Pradesh pushing for little Pappu to be made the CM face for India’s most populous state. But on the other hand, you Varun are now free to take up causes that are closest to your heart : such as protecting lying journalists from having a bad day on Twitter. Go take out a “Patrakar Yatra” from Noida to Gurgaon to bring to notice the problems faced by media celebrities.  The two biggest issues facing idea of India experts today are encroachment by the Government of India into Lutyens bungalows and encroachment by common citizens into the media space. I bet you can sit down with Nandita Das and Brinjal to put together a statement of their misery that will finally move the masses.

And Mata ji, you no longer have to embarassed by the ways of your support base in front of your high society friends. Chote Malik has already covered your good name with glory. Now you can take all that glory along with you in to the arms of those who share your good name. We are content to send you our salaams and pranams from a respectful distance. Have mercy on our poor souls and quit the party, please. We beg you.

I really feel for the media on this one. A sex scandal involving the BJP should have been on the frontpages by now. They should have been celebrating by now, relishing the discomfiture of bhakts and sticking it to them. But God has a dark sense of humor. To quote South Park,  God does not laugh at a simple knock-knock joke. God needs deep irony to have a laugh. A BJP leader is caught in sleaze and bhakts are loving it, while those in Lutyens rush to provide cover. Why o why…why could it not have been some other BJP leader?

You know Varun, Karma can be a …. Well, I could tell you what it can be, but then you would report me to the Whatsapp group and I don’t want any more drama. Let’s just say Karma can be a “honey” sometimes. Simply put, what I am trying to say Varun baba is that the door is that way. Don’t let it hit you on the way out.

चाटुकारिता नहीं आती तो काँग्रेस छोड़ दो


काँग्रेस पार्टी के खानदानी चाटुकार और चापलूस दिग्विजय सिंह ने काँग्रेस के सभी नेताओं को जल्द से जल्द चाटुकारिता का कोर्स पूरा करने के लिए कहा है।

दिग्विजय सिंह ने कांग्रेसियों को सीधे – सीधे शब्दों में कहा कि जो कोई काँग्रेस के नेता सोनिया गाँधी, राहुल गाँधी, प्रियंका वाड्रा, रॉबर्ट वाड्रा, और नेहरू-गाँधी-वाड्रा परिवार में पाले जानेवाले कुत्तो की चाटुकारिता नहीं कर सकता है उसका काँग्रेस पार्टी में कोई भविष्य नहीं है और ऐसे नेताओं को पार्टी छोड़ देना चाहिए।

दिग्विजय सिंह ने कहा कि जल्द ही उत्तर प्रदेश चुनाव के चलते राहुल गाँधी अपने भाषणों में शक्कर पेरकर गन्ना बनाने की फैक्ट्री की बात करेंगे तो सभी काँग्रेसियों को उनकी हाँ में हाँ मिलाना है। कोई भी काँग्रेसी नेता गन्ना पेरना है या शक्कर इसपर विवाद नहीं करेगा।

दिग्विजय सिंह ने मणिशंकर अय्यर का उदाहरण देते हुए पार्टी कार्यकर्ताओं को बताया कि एक बार राजीव जी ने बैंगन को अच्छा फल कहा था तब मणिशंकर ने बैंगन के बखान में कहा कि बैंगन फलों का राजा है और गाँधी-नेहरू परिवार की तरह उसका जन्म भी सर पर ताज पहनकर होता है।

उस समय जिस किसी ने बैंगन को सब्जी बताया था उसे पार्टी अनुशासन का पालन ना करने के अपराध में पार्टी से बाहर निकाल दिया था और कुछ नेताओं को तो राजीव गाँधी का अपमान करने के अपराध में जेल में डलवा दिया गया था।

दिग्विजय सिंह ने अपनी बात को समाप्त करते हुए कहा,”सात समंदर की मसी करूँ, लेखन सब बनराय। धरती सब कागद करूँ तबपर भी नेहरू-गाँधी परिवार का गुण लिखा न जाय।।” राहुल गाँधी ने जब इसका अर्थ पूछ तो दिग्विजय सिंह ने  मन ही मन सोचा की यदि इस उल्लू राहुल गाँधी की जगह कोई समझदार व्यक्ति काँग्रेस का नेता होता तो उनकी राजनीति चौपट हो गई होती।

IIT Bombay professor in plagiarism row


When the Government of India (GoI) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) are leaving no stone unturned to lift the state of Indian research to the world class level, plagiarism is the last word they want to hear.

For our readers, this lesser known word means the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work (see Plagiarism).

It is disappointing and shameful to know that a very senior and decorated academician of this country has now been caught in this act of academic crime. Prof. Sudhir R. Ghorpade, the Institute Chair Professor at IIT Bombay has found to be key person who plagiarised some one else’s work. He is a distinguished, well-known and decorated mathematician who served as the Head of Department of the Mathematics at IIT Bombay (see his detailed honors here).

He published a paper in the year 2014 in an international journal named Finite Fields and Their Applications. The said paper contains a copied result which led to retraction of the research paper. The retraction notice clearly points out the intentional and wrongful appropriation of some other’s result even when the corresponding author (Prof. Sudhir R. Ghorpade) knew about this result which he discussed in his earlier works. This case is different from the allegation of plagiarism made against Prof. C. N. R. Rao, where the matter is resolved after a written apology (see here) and no retraction took place even after the request for withdrawal of the article by Prof. Rao.


Generally, one or two chances are given to the author for explanation or withdrawal before any action by the Editors of the journal. This amounts to the seriousness of the case when the Editors retracted the article with the following comments:

“This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (

The present article has been retracted at the request of Gary L. Mullen, Editor-in-Chief and Rudi Lidl, Associate Handling Editor. This article does not cite Ref. [1] [Yves Aubry, Marc Perret, A Weil theorem for singular curves, in: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Coding Theory, Luminy 1993, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996, pp. 1–7] even though the corresponding author of the present article has previously written papers which not only cite Ref. [1] but also explain that Ref. [1] proved Lemma 2.4 of this article. This makes it especially surprising that the authors of this article now claim that their Lemma 2.4 is a new result.

The editors note that Lemma 2.4 of this article also occurs in Leep–Yeomans (1994) and Fried–Jarden (2008). Two papers by the corresponding author of this article which explain what was done in Ref. [1] are Ghorpade–Lachaud (2002a, 2002b).

Ref. [1]: Yves Aubry, Marc Perret, A Weil theorem for singular curves, in: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Coding Theory, Luminy 1993, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996, pp. 1–7.”

The above quoted notice can be found here.

Given the current circumstances, we appeal the authority to take proportionate action against such misdeeds to maintain the strict code of conduct, research discipline and convey their strong message for quality research.

Minorities Commission turns blind for the human rights of Kairana Hindus


The exodus of about 250 Hindu families from Kairana which was confirmed by the National Human Rights Commission has been flatly denied by the National Commission for minorities as reported in the Times of India.

This incident is a classic example of Minorities rights superseding human rights of the Hindus. This is a big problem as if a person faces any form of discrimination he is at a disadvantage as compared to others but if someone’s human rights are violated his whole existence is threatened. And our Minority commission completely ignored them to maintain it’s political correctness.

Also let’s not even get into how painful the exodus from the land of which one has generations of memories is.

The Minority commission has been reduced to functioning as a vassal to promote the classic victim-hood narrative of raising issues like protesting hate speech, persecution by cow vigilantes and the other usual stuff while completely stifling voices which question the sins of the minority.

We should remember that the Minority commission is appointed by the government even if it functions as per the UN charter. And it blatantly contradicting the NHRC report which on paper is endorsed by the PM and HM as they are part of the commission would result in nothing but a reduction in its own credibility.

Though having said that, no one thinks the commission functions with a sociopath logic and it must have some justification albeit partial, distorted or incomplete. In this case they came to the conclusion as quoted in TOI, by talking to the local people and the local administration. That’s where the problem lies as the local people(willingly or out of fear) and the administration(which turned a blind eye to the exodus) might hardly be impartial characters. And anyway everyone interprets facts differently as per their orientation, belief and acumen.

The fact remains that they have completely denied the existence of the incident ever having taken place and have place no onus on anybody. The complete denial by the Minority commission would not help the Muslims and would further alienate them from the majority. What is more sad is that the commission didn’t even try to attribute the incident to particular individuals, while avoiding pinning any collective responsibility on the whole community.

Finally if the Commission really wanted to help the minorities (the majority in case of Kairana) it would have acknowledged that a problem persists as that’s the only way it can be solved (if one wishes to solve it).

What does it mean to be a patriotic Indian?


Within India we live in a time when patriotism is constantly questioned. I affirm that patriotism is not some ultra-nationalism to be fearful of but a love one shows for his/her country, a devotion to the welfare of the country, not the belief that you should applaud those wishing its dismantlement and destruction in perpetuity.

In a secular country like India patriotism is what has made all of us united and to fight against the British for freedom but importantly and currently against terror sponsored by Pakistan and proxies. It means we are willing to serve the country expecting nothing back and to protect the motherland with one’s own blood, fostered through a love and respect for that motherland.

Patriotism is not allowing your country to be slandered through the prism of ‘freedom of speech’. And those same people who demand “freedom of speech” and support terrorists, have never raised their voice for the 300,000 Kashmiri Hindus murdered or made refugees.

Those slamming Narendra Modi and the BJP need to understand this: the BJP is a wonderful, progressive party that is transforming India for the better.

When people are shouting slogans asking for the destruction of India, what is the Indian government supposed to do? Award them with Bharat Ratnas (the highest civilian honour)?

We are a secular nation with secular values, despite those propagating against us or the Hindu religion. Secondly, one of the core ideas of Hinduism is to allow other religions and ways of life to co-exist. People who feel repulsed by Hindutva need to take some time off to read up about what it stands for. The Vedas (Hindu religious texts) state without any ambiguity that the rites and rituals are valid only in Bharat Punya Bhoomi (India), that once one crosses the seven seas (meaning goes abroad), one should follow the rules and customs of the new host country.

In essence from a 21st century perspective what the religion implies is that one’s obligations to the state supersede those to one’s spiritual beliefs. If you are a citizen of a country, you are first and foremost to be a patriot of that country.

Hindutva is merely another way of putting your country first regardless of religion. It does not ask you go to a temple to worship. It does not say non Hindus don’t have a place in India. A famous saying by JFK is useful to consider in this regard – “ask not what your country has done for you, but do whatever you can for your country”.

Unfortunately, some poor communicators (from RSS et al) have muddied the discourse and confused many. I have seen people who are ready to die for the country . I have seen kids talk with pride, full of vitality and energy when they speak on Republic day and Independence day . I have even seen people speaking ill about this great land as well . So we have both sets of people .

Mahatma Gandhi infused the patriotic fervour among the Indians, as a result of which, we gained freedom from British rule. Even today, there is a need for patriotic thought among Indians and the BJP and Modi represent that.

A true patriot cannot be narrow minded, he/she is a citzen of the world as a whole who will never accept the tarring of his home country and its history by those who spout tyranny in the name of secularism.


“Bharath maata ki Jai”

Anurag-Kjo : Classic Good cop Bad cop, or age old subtle Back Stabbing?


Twitter has been buzzing frantically ever since Anurag Kashyap tweeted to PM Modi on Sunday asking him to apologize for his Pak visit last December (a claim, he has seemingly back tracked on since then).

While the industry seems to be divided on the issue, the majority of ‘India waale’ are voicing their opinion strongly against anything to do with our arch rival neighbours this time (a few select left liberals notwithstanding, as always). This makes one wonder, how is it that an industry which thrives on understanding public perception, can have such a divided opinion on an age old debate. After all they are not politicians, right!!

Did Anurag really feel that the PM will pay any heed to what can be best described as groggy tweeting, if not drunk tweeting like he himself said. Obviously he knew fully well the only thing that would come out of this episode would be more criticism against some sections within the film fraternity, if not the entire industry altogether. So, why did he still go ahead and seek an apology from one of the most popular PMs in recent history?

If Karan Johar’s message citing the investment and jobs riding on release of ADHM is anything to go by, did Anurag and Karan plan this good cop bad cop strategy? Because Karan’s statement that the film was shot when attempts were being made by Indian govt and PM to pacify and improve relations with Pakistan, is exactly similar to what Anurag tweeted 48 hrs earlier, albeit with a much more politically correct tone and statement. Isn’t that how a good and bad cop work together?

Having said all this, if one scratches the surface of the Anurag – Karan professional bonhomie, it would come to light this camaraderie was not always the case. Coming from two polarly opposite type of cinemas within the industry, there were a few instances of war of words between the two directors and they rarely saw eye to eye.

So were Anurag’s tweets, while supporting ADHM on the face of it, actually a subtle way of stoking the tempers against its release? That is how it seems, because the opinion against the movie has only grown stronger since Sunday morning (especially within the myopic regional political outfits). One wouldn’t blame him for this after the debacle of Karan’s debut as an actor in Anurag’s ambitious directorial venture – Bombay Velvet.

And ‘BTW’, although snapping ties with Pakistan and their artists is a welcome move in light of strained and ever deteriorating relationship between the neighbours, the diktat by some Bollywood organisations to ban the release of movies already made with Pakistani artists is surely avoidable. But seeking an apology from the PM of the country is even more avoidable and prepostrous – for, even though an apology was never required because the PMs visit to Pakistan was well intended, with the surgical strikes he has corrected his attempt at finding a Anurag – Karan kinda brotherhood with the ‘mother-ship’ of terrorism.

Or, may be this entire episode is neither of these things and just a good old publicity stunt as two big ticket movies are clashing at box office this Diwali. After all, negative publicity is……

(written by Neeraj Ashok, author of ‘The Linchpin’ – first of the Political Thrillers from Kabir Sood series)

Bhagwangad Dussehra Meet – Pankaja’s Struggle for Ascendancy


As the Dussehra approaches people of Maharashtra eye on the three traditional major mass meetings. The one being held in Nagpur organized by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh second is Bhagwangad Dussehra Melava started by late Central Minister Gopinathrao Munde and the 3rd is  ShivSena’s Dussehra meet on Shivaji Park Mumbai.  All these mass meetings have been conducted regularly by the respective organizers. But this year two of the above faced shadows of uncertainty. Shivsena’s dussehra meet was on radar of the Marathas for the offensive remarks on the Martha Kranti Morcha in Sena’s mouthpiece Samana,  and Bhagwangad Dussehra meet was uncertain due to the opposition of the mahant of the shrine Namdev Shastri to Pankaja Munde.

Bhagwangad is the shrine of the late saint Bhawanbaba situated near Pathardi, district Ahmednagar in western Maharashtra. This hill was inaugurated as Bhagwangad by first chief minister of Maharashtra Yashwantrao Chavan in 1958. Till then the annual function of VijayaDashami is held incessantly on Bhagwangad. After the death of Bhagwanbaba his disciple Bhimsinha Maharaj succeeded him as the abbot of the shrine.This was widely worshiped by the masses nearby.

During this time somewhere Gopinathrao Munde who was the devotee of Saint Bhagwanbaba started visiting the shrine regularly. He also started to address the mass meetings of Dussehra since 1993. Since then this shrine started getting political attention. Gopinath Munde and Bhagwangad this equation came in existence. Every year he addressed the crowed of around 10-15 lac from shrine and later that crowed became his political power. The majority crowed visiting the shrine was belonging to Vanjari Caste, the caste Munde belonged to. After the demise of Bhimsinha Mahraj of the shrine, Namdev Shastri Sanap was appointed as the Mahant (chieftain) of the shrine  by the intervention of Munde. After that also Munde kept visiting Shrine on and on.

Later after the demise of the Munde in a car accident, Namdev Shastri Sanap the Mahant of the shrine stated that he has chosen the Pankaja daughter of Munde as the daughter of the Shrine and she will continue the tradition started by late Gopinathrao Munde. 2015 was the 1st Dussehra Meet after the demise of Munde and it was successfully conducted by Munde’s Daughter Pankaja. But the prime cause of the today’s scenario of the shrine can be seen in last Dussehra meet. Dhananjay Munde nephew of late Gopinathrao Munde also visited the shrine with his supporters but he was expelled by the people by pelting stones at his fleet. This vulnus is still bleeding in Dhananjay Munde’s heart deep down somewhere.

To avenge this abasement he joined forces with the mahant of the shrine under guidance of Sharad Pawar. Pawar has given the chair of LoP in Legislative council to Dhananjay Munde in return of the Vanjari vote bank. If he fails to gain the votes of the Vanjari community as its the 3rd largest caste in Maharashtra’s politics which was the primary vote bank of late Gopinathrao Munde, Pawars closest political opponent. Now that traditional Vanjari votes went to Pankaja being the heir to Munde.

Pawar with his face cant get through these traditional Vanjari votes so he is going through Dhananjay Munde. If they stop Pankaja from making speech at the Shrine it will be big victory to Dhananjay and Pawar. After finishing Gopinathrao’s influence on the shrine it will be easier to capture the shrine it will lead to capturing the Vanjari votes.

Earlier  to counter the politics of Sharad Pawar which revolved mainly around the traditional Maratha and Dalit votes Gopinathrao Munde came with the new equation of caste politics, popularly known as “MaDhaVa” (Mali, Dhangar and Vanjari) 3 major castes after Maratha in Maharashtra. He managed to snatch the power from Pawar.  In current scenario both the equations are meaningless for Sharad Pawar as traditional Maratha and Dalit votes have separated themselves from Pawar hence he is in search of new equations. Which is probably to target Maratha and Vanjari votes together. If they somehow manage to snatch the Bhagwangad from Pankaja it will be lot easier to bring this new equation to reality.

But after today’s successful Dussehra meeting Pankaja has proved that she still has an upper hand on the Vanjari community and they have rejected Dhananjay at least for today’s date.

Black Money generation cannot be stopped only by tracking and tracing


It needs to be stopped at the root.

One of the root causes is the huge and easy availability of cash in our monetary system. This is one of the reasons why black money finds an easy outlet that encourages huge transactions taking place in cash. Hence, one of the approaches to curbing Black Money transaction is to restrict this easy flow of cash or making it as difficult as possible.

There is a very simple way to do this – withdraw Rs. 1000/- currency notes from circulation. Please note that I am not, at this stage, suggesting demonetization because it leads to huge administrative load in implementing it and a lot of honest people are subject a lot of unnecessary harassment and hardship.

My proposal is simply this : effective immediately, the government should stop printing Rs. 1000/- notes. Simultaneously, banks should be instructed to stop issuing any Rs. 1000/- notes lying with them with should be returned to the Reserve Bank for destruction. Whenever any customer deposits any Rs. 1000/- note in the banks, that too should be returned to Reserve Bank for destruction.

After one year of such exercise, demonetization of these notes should be announced, so that it is only the big fish who are storing huge amounts of illegal cash have to cough up that amount and explain where they got it from.

The net effect of this will be that people will now have to use Rs. 500/- notes for making high cash payments which will be doubly difficult as compared to when they could use Rs. 1000/- notes.

One year after the above exercise starts for Rs. 1000/- currency notes, it should be extended to Rs. 500/- notes also & similarly Rs. 500/- note demonetization should be announced after 1 year of quiet withdrawal of the same from circulation, as proposed for Rs. 1000/- notes.

When this is accomplished, handling black money in cash will become five times tougher because the highest denomination note now available will only be the Rs. 100/- note.

While this may appear difficult, it is not impossible, and certainly highly desirable.

From a practical point of view, what may help is that with the government’s huge thrust on making banks accessible to all, a large number of people from the lower economic strata who are used to “cash dealings only” will probably begin using the banking system and cheques for payments and thus reducing their dependence on and recourse to cash. Secondly with the growth in Credit Cards and internet commerce, the need for cash amongst the relatively well off will also drop considerably.

Therefore, the only ones who will face difficulties will be those that want to do clandestine deals in cash to avoid paying tax and clearly life must made difficult for such people.    At this stage it will be interesting to see what are the currency denominations in some of the major economies of the world. I did a small study and this is what I found :

Denomination of Currency Notes in some major economies

US has the following : 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100 USD

UK has the following : 5, 10, 20 & 50 UKP

Euro (for all Europe other than UK) 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 Euro (covering France, Germany, Italy and several others, totaling 27)

Canada has the following : 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100 Canadian Dollars

Australia has the following : 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 AUD

China has the following : 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1000 Yuan

One can see therefore that out of 5 nations listed above (excluding EU) only one, i.e. China has a 1000 denomination note – all others have only 100 or 50.

As for the Euro, which covers approx 27 nations (excluding UK) the highest denomination is 500.

Japanese Yen has not been considered above because traditionally the Yen has been an extremely small value currency unit and they therefore tend to have high value notes – currently it is 1000, 5000 & 10000.

It is clear therefore that the proposed move to have only Rs. 100/- as the highest denomination note will be in sync with the rest of the major economies of the world. As can be visualized, it will be a major step towards curbing black money generation and circulation, right at the root.

Mr. Anurag Kashyap, you are wrong, and this is why you’re wrong


“Fundamentally Reluctant” is what Anurag Kashyap’s bio says. I say given his recent stupid rants against the Prime Minister and Government at large he better change it to “Fundamentally Ill”. As only a brain dead person would question the PM on an action his government never initiated. What this esteemed director tried is nothing new to Bollywod: “Fake Activism + Fake Patriotism = Bollywood’s intellectually dead class”. For those among Bollywood for whom saying “By The Way” Bharat Mata Ki Jai not only need medical treatment, they need brain surgery.

This individual is mostly known for his “Drunk Rants”. But then on the eve of Oct 15, suddenly claiming that he is not under any alcoholic influence tweeted that  PM must apologize for visiting Pakistan , same time ; he claims when KJo’s movie Ae Dil Hai Mushkil started filming. Now, this director compares making of a movie to the diplomacy undertaken by GOI for the benefit of the nation? He wants the PM to apologize for his visit to Pakistan which actually told the world that despite New Delhi wanting peace and despite Delhi’s repetitive efforts of harbouring peace between the two nations?

It was Pakistan who continued to use “Terror” as policy against India, does he not know? This visit of Prime Minister and the diplomatic follow up ensured that world stands behind India when our brave jawans carried out the surgical strike across LoC. Someone need to remind the Bollytards, get your act together and make sure you don’t please your “Secular Masters” by speaking against PM Modi for no fault of his and thereby doing a publicity stunt.

Anurag Kashyap also wants the PM to provide protection (against what, only God knows) and ensure smooth filming of the film and take away the ban! Now, Mr Kashyap, when was the movie banned at all? Did Censor board ban it? No! Did the Government ban it? No! Did any CM of particular state banned it? No! Then how on earth are you, Mr. Kashyap claiming that the movie is banned because there are Pakistani artists acting in the movie?! No one has banned the movie until now.

Yes, the film associations who thought that at a time when there are stressed relations between India & Pakistan, when our jawans are being killed by Terroristan, when there is continuous firing from across LoC, when our innocent civilians are killed, we should stand behind our soldiers and our Government. But for monetary gains, you falsify your claims and target the PM for visiting Pakistan? Anyway, people would have ensured a silent protest by boycotting the film if it was to be released today in Cinemas and those associations sensed the mood and rightly so, instead of making loss, they decided not to release any such film that pictures Pakistani artists.

The people of this country are angry, Mr. Kashyap! We are fed up of these Pakistani stooges earning money and rising to fame here in our motherland and spending the same money indirectly funding ISI (as taxes) who is hell bent on destroying my motherland. MY MOTHERLAND, BTW MR. KASHYAP, MY MOTHERLAND.  It has become a fashion for these publicity hungry stars to speak something under the influence of alcohol and then later retracting their statements. Just so in Mr. Kashyap’s case, he deleted his tweets. Never forget dear, Bollytards, it’s the people of India who make you and its only the people of India who can unmake you. Don’t forget what happened to SRK and his film Dilwale. Don’t forget that Snapdeal had to replace Aamir Khan.

And to top it all of this director of a senseless movie of Bombay Velvet want PM to apologize to nation for visiting Pak on tax payers money?! Really, Mr. Kashyap? That’s height of stupidity! Do these people really know how the system works? It’s high time, Mr.Kashyap that Bollytards like you must really understand first the polity of this nation , get yourself acquainted with the administration of this country and how it functions , then speak. Or you end up making fool of yourself!

Understanding the Political Ecosystem and how to create it


Friends, This is my second article on OpIndia. In my last article I tried expressing my thoughts on what we should try to do for the Core of Right Wing and that was a very vague article. I will try to input all those points in detail and especially Education in articles to follow soon. Today, I want to express my opinion on “ecosystem”. Before I start, I would like to state a fact that I have limited knowledge I could be right or wrong but ready to learn more.

So, we keep hearing about so many things; like its BJP govt, still media is propagating something wrong, NGOs are lobbying, Naxals have support, JNU, some random officers creating mess etc etc .. so how is this possible that such absolute majority govt and strong PM are not able to hold it completely or take control of the situation. This is what 50+ years of ruling of Congress did, created an “ecosystem” where even if they are not in power their elements are doing their best to serve them. This cannot be undone in 5 years of govt, yes it can be weakened and I can only hope NDA is onto it.

Okay so what is this “ecosystem” technically? Imagine it being a sphere where Human well being is at center and surrounded/supported by Goods available, services provided, ethical values, law, education system, infrastructure etc. It constitutes “ecosystem” and in this age every country’s ecosystem is enabled by external drivers of change.

Leftists understood the value of this ecosystem so early that they started creating it to suit them since we got independence. This took real meaning for them when they literally took education as a weapon in early 70s and started using whole country’s infra to serve their needs. Now check out one example how they worked.

Saiyid Nurul Hasan , 1971 Education Minister literally geared education system to complete left. Founded ICHR to alter history officially, just look at the list of chairmen till date and read out objectives to clear my point. I have no idea if NDA 1 even tried to counter this or NDA 2 is even understanding this. Then they created ICSSR, a bigger control Unit. This is a composition of 27 research institutes, it almost covered every aspect of social life. It does major cultural exchange with Russia, China and France. Such love for red lobby, countries they did not cover under culture exchange program are Australia, Japan, Israel, Taiwan, Lanka etc. Same Saiyid Nurul Hasan became governor of Bengal and then founded Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian studies in Calcutta in 1993. This institute was devoted to area studies, and that was “Islam”, funded by govt of India. 🙂

I read NCERT books like many others, I used to believe that Babar was a great warrior, a hero for us Indians. Rana Sanga was a coward and he was mentioned like an enemy for our hero Babar. Good that I grew up and got to know it was opposite. But this is how left worked, controlled thoughts through education first. Then they controlled graduation, research, history and social/economical and political sciences. They have their brainwashed mob sitting everywhere, in media houses, institutions, diplomat circles, officer lobbies everywhere.

I mentioned in my last article, Education is the biggest weapon we can have. Let’s work towards it, lets start destroying WRONG history, WRONG social practices and everything which is WRONG. Let’s present the correct version of history to our kids, lets teach them ethical practices of social sciences, social lives, lets be a better Nation. Lets put our nation INDIA FIRST.

Can we not do that ?? We have options, strategy, ACTION PLAN, govt in place …. we just need to get together and work for it. Are we together and ready?