Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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When terrorists beg for sympathy?


When 8 SIMI terrorists were gunned down by the MP police then the usual suspects – the liberal secularists – started shedding gallons of tears.

How can the police so cruelly kill the “innocent” terrorists? They asked. Don’t they have heart? Would they have not shown compassion towards them?

Wiping their tears they discussed with their secular friends that all the 8 activists (according to The Hindu) who had fled the jail at around 2:30 in the morning after murdering head constable Ramashankar Yadav by slitting his throat would have been hungry. So, as a secular country the government should have first arranged for their morning refreshment. But the communal Indian government and MP government decided to kill them. So horrible! So shameful! All the police personnel who were part of this operation should be immediately suspended, arrested and tried for murder.

These murderers never showed any sympathy while killing others and bombing innocent men, women and children but today their admirers in the media, in the political parties and the Human Rights Organizations are asking why sympathy was not shown to these dreaded terrorists. Whether they were killed in a fake encounter or not needs to be properly investigated first. But the left liberals have already declared that the encounter was fake. They had also previously declared Ishrat Jahan an innocent girl and the Batla House encounter as fake.

Criminals (and their admirers too) since eons have always sought sympathy and talk eloquently about righteousness as soon as they realize that they have been cornered and their end is near.

In Mahabharat we see how Karna upon facing inevitable death was talking about morality. But he had forgotten that he had willingly or unwillingly supported all the evil plans of Duryodhana. Duryodhana had tried to burn the Pandava brothers along with his old mother Kunti alive and later had tried to publicly shame Draupadi. Karna along with Duryodhana had also killed unarmed Abhimanyu mercilessly who was so young.

However this is not to suggest that Karna or Duryodhana were like these dreaded terrorists. These terrorists are zillions times worse than many despicable characters mentioned in Vedic books.

Whether the encounter was fake or real but one thing is sure that today billions of Indians are feeling relived after hearing the elimination of these terrorists. Only if the Indian judiciary would have been effective then there would have been no need of any encounter – fake or real. But our judiciary drags the case not for years but for decades.

And during these period the innocent men, women and children live in fear because no one knows when these enemies of humanity may break the jail, hijack the plane or bomb the train.

And the most disgusting part is that there powerful sympathizers are ever ready to come to defend them.

India boycotting Chinese goods: Doing more harm than good!



Anywhere you go in India nowadays, you will catch people vociferously chanting for boycotting Chinese goods in India. This is a common site in India in the aftermath of the vicious Uri attacks which took place in September. Actually India has alleged Pakistani army to feed terrorists in terms of training and ammunitions.

Now many people will end up thanking what China has to do with all this?

Actually China has been supporting Pakistan in terms of budget and weapons, moreover in the UN too China wielded its veto power to put stymies over India’s efforts in banning Masood Azhar, one of the most wanted terrorist for India and all over the world! This actually has outraged masses in India and suddenly a wave of patriotism has swayed. The so called “nation lovers” are appealing to the people all over India not to buy any Chinese product.

For any Indian, this should be a welcome step BUT we have to contemplate on the other face of coin too!

Its festive season in India with Diwali festival at the doorsteps, leading to a boom in the market. The market of idols, LED lights, firecrackers, electronics and many other commodities. All of these are actually imported from China at a mass level. The real picture is that Indian sellers have bought these commodities from China two-three months ago and now that China has been fully paid with the amount, Indians boycotting their goods will have no real impact on their GDP. But the issue is that it will have a resounding impact on Indian sellers and GDP of India.

Indians are in a wave of patriotism after the attacks and this wave has overtaken the real sense behind boycotting Chinese goods. Rather than afflicting Chinese GDP and economic growth it will have an adverse impact on Indian market and GDP.

One more issue with Indians is that they can’t buy the same commodity at higher prices than what they used to buy at comparatively very lower price. As the goods will be made in India, they will be costlier than Chinese goods as India still doesn’t have the required industrial advancement as does China.

So, instead of being blind patriots, Indians should keep calm and give a heeding on this face of coin too!

SIMI Lives Matter : Left Liberal ecosystem tying itself in knots??


If the Left Liberals are seeing a shrink about their endless string of failures, it is hard to tell whether their therapist is actually treating them or actively encouraging them to commit suicide. Whatever convinced the assorted left liberals that batting for SIMI terrorists was going to help turn public opinion their way? Already they were under a cloud over their response to the surgical strikes and now this?

Of course, we cannot even begin to speak on this subject without first paying tribute to the head constable whose throat was brutally slit as these terrorists broke out of jail in Khandwa. Let us pause for a minute, drop everything else and think of him and his family. Like all of us, they must have had plans for a joyous Diwali. But…

Zara yaad karo kurbaani. 

What was his name? Tell us, Madam.


Now let me know if you notice anything.


Yes, the journalist who knew the full bio-data of a slain terrorist like Wani doesn’t have knowledge of the full name of a martyred cop. Or did she know it, and didn’t reveal the full name since it contained the “Yadav” factor, which will be prominent factor in the coming UP elections? We shall never know.

The Congress ecosystem went into autopilot, raising “questions” over the deaths of these terrorists. Keep in mind that this is exactly what they would have done with the surgical strikes, had the Modi government fallen into the trap of releasing the video. But this time I believe that the autopilot is sending the Congress into a deep nosedive. Here’s the Hindu:


“Activists”. Come on guys, you can do better. You could have called them “students”. They put the hint in the name of the organisation and still the bozos at the Hindu’s internet desk could not pick up on that. Pity.

Although it is not immediately known how many of the “activists” were mild mannered children of headmasters,  The Hindu was generous enough to put up their CVs for our perusal. A sample profile of one of these activists:



A precious young life snuffed out. Where will the barbarism stop?

Coming back to my original point, the left liberal ecosystem can no longer help itself. As far as the Congress is concerned, the Digvijays and the Nirupams take it from here and they go on, hammering the last nail into the Congress’ coffin. Should the Congress wish to take this issue “to the masses”, the BJP counter-campaign practically writes itself:

“Should we have fattened these terrorists on Biryani?”

The BJP leaders don’t even need to say that line aloud any more. The masses can already hear it inside their heads. The Congress strategy is so supremely self-defeating that it defies attempts at rational explanation. Except for one.

Cricket fans will remember the infamous “Sehwag no ball incident” from 2010.

Sri Lanka Cricket and offspinner Suraj Randiv have both apologised to Virender Sehwag for denying him a one-day century after a deliberate no-ball from Randiv ended the match and left the India opener stranded on 99, despite him hitting the delivery for six.

Is the Left Liberal ecosystem pressing the self destruct button in a pathetic bid to deny Modi the satisfaction of building a Congress mukt Bharat? Is Congress destroying itself proactively out of spite? We will never know for sure. But, just like in that ODI game, no matter what the Congress “strategy” is,  remember that the result will still be the same:




Hypocrisy and hollowness of the Regressive Liberals of India

The Indian left, much like it’s western counterpart has become inherently regressive. The glorification of archaic and patriarchal Islamic practices has become synonymous with progressiveness and secularism for them. People like Shehla Rashid are leading left-wing student movements in central universities. She is the one who wrote this article. If Marx or Stalin would have read it, they would have shot themselves. Karl Marx’s views on religion were crystal clear, whoever wants to read them can easily do so online. Stalin was much more militant in his views, he closed the Mosques in the Soviet Union and tried to forcibly get rid of the Hijab.

The bonhomie between the Islamists and the communists that we see today is against the very nature of communism.

The term regressive-left was coined by the Islamic reformer and one of the greatest speakers against the Islamist movement, Maajid Nawaz in his book, “Radical: My journey from Islamist Radicalism to a Democratic Awakening”. It is an amazing read, you can buy it here. There are many characteristics of the regressive leftists but the most important one is, they don’t oppose, and sometimes support the bigoted beliefs of the minority community. The left in the west criticizes / abuses the majority religion (Christianity) with ease, but ask them to say a word against the Hijab and they will loose their minds. Same is the case with the leftists in India, they have contempt for Hinduism while they actively support sharia loving bigots like Gilani and the Kashmiri Freedom strugge. You can read my analysis of the same here.

Keeping our personal religious bias aside, if we analyse the actions of these regressive liberals and the so called ‘elite’ of the country, who more often than not tow the same line on many socio-political issues, the hypocrisy becomes evident. On one hand they enjoy mutton biryani, beef curry and are very vocal about their rights to eat ‘whatever they like’, while on the other they make emotional appeals to have a peaceful Diwali, as the sound scares the dogs. As it turns out, cows are not animals worth saving because the minority enjoys their meat, while a dog’s life is much more valuable. I wonder if they would fight for the right of some North Eastern tribes who cosume dog meat.

I have gone through multiple forums, I am yet to hear a logical argument that justifies this hypocrisy. If you have one, please post it in the comments.

How many JNUites praised Heena Sidhu who refused to wear a Hijab, or overtly supported Ayan Hirsi Ali in her struggle? Genuine Islamic reformers like Irshad Manjhi and Maajid Nawaz are branded as Islamophobes, while intellectuals like Sam Harris are abused online for their logically sound views. People like Taslima Nasreen and Tarek Fatah are considered ‘communal’, agents of ‘hindutva’. The voice of those demanding “Azadi from Oppression” for the Kashmiris are silent on the oppression of women in Islamic socieities.

It’s about time that we call out these so called liberals for their hypocrisy and selective bias. We need a strong right wing liberal narrative to counter the nauseating regressiveness of the left.

Part 2 : Inaction of HRD on Core Issues, Ministers have changed nothing else has


On the 25th of October, Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry held a meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) which was chaired by HRD minister Prakash Javadekar. Without any doubt this was the most important meeting done by Mr. Javadekar after being appointed as the HRD minister in July this year.

In this meeting, which was attended by every individual who has a say in forming the education policy and implementing it attended the meeting, 21 state education ministers along with ministers of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship & Youth Affairs and Sports. Clearly lots of expectations were there from this meeting about the scrapping of RTE, implementing RTE and a relook on No detention policy. As I have written before on how previous HRD minister Smriti Irani performed well below par on the many core issues, a lot was riding on this meeting as well as the new minister. But this time around as well they have come up short…very short. It seems like NDA-2 under PM Modi is not at all serious about reforming the education sector as pointed out by this article in Swarajya Magazine.

According to the HRD ministry’s press release, it was agreed that:

  • All stakeholders must take accountability for improving learning outcomes.
  • The central government may bring in a suitable amendment that will give states the freedom to review the ‘no detention policy’.
  • The task of completing the training of untrained teachers should be completed within the next five years.

The above points suggest that many who were looking for signs of reforms will only be disappointed. After making huge the poll promises to change the way HRD works by BJP before 2014 elections, an excerpt from the BJP Manifesto of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, it seems that BJP is yet to make any concrete effort on this.

BJP will set up a National Commission on Education to report in two years on the state of education and the reforms needed. Based on the report, BJP will implement a National Education Policy to meet the changing dynamics of the population’s requirement with regards to quality education, innovation and research, aiming to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping its students with the necessary skills and knowledge and to eliminate the shortage of manpower in science, technology, academics and industry.

Even on the issue of No detention policy where BJP said it will look to change it the progress has been close to zero and now the talks to setting a new committee for NEP makes no sense at all. This report which says that the new committee will be formed under an ‘Educationist’ just mocks all those who have worked and given time to HRD ministry over the last 2 & half years where they were inviting suggestions on the various government platforms by the ministry.  On top of everything Mr Javadekar himself is an educationist who has vast experience in the education field and which was also one of the reasons why he was made the HRD minister.

All said and done BJP has about 1 year to turn around it’s way of governing and start implementing promises they have made on the core issues otherwise there will be no time left of political capital to make the necessary changes. Politics aside, HRD ministry is one of the most important ministry which will shape the future of India depending on the type of education we were able to provide to our future generations. Ministers have changed and hopefully the ministry also changes the way it works for the better.

Film criticism – kya se kya ho gaya – how the trade of movie reviews has fallen


I still remember, as a child I eagerly waited for the monthly women’s magazine that my mother used to read. I used to peep out of the window and as I’d see the newspaper guy, I will jump out and grab the magazine before anyone else gets a look of it. I will run to the terrace with the magazine and directly go to last few pages, where they used to print movie reviews.

There were 1 or 2 reviews of the film that released days before and were still running. Reviews were simple in nature – Director did a good or bad job, could have done better. Actor is good, heroine looked beautiful, lyrics are good, music is OK, camera work is good or bad, and son on. There was hardly any intention to hurt the filmmaker by teaching him a few things or take revenge from the makers for some grudge the writer may be having.

As the review came only days after the release, one could clearly see the intention of the critic – it was pure judgement of the film with some fine, and easy, language. With the growth of publications, film reviews became an important part of the copy. Newspapers always had their film reviewers who were as honest (not pretentious) as were the films in those times.

Times changed. TV and then Twitter arrived. TV was still okay, though reviews started becoming dumber and reviewers/critics started becoming star. But now we are in the digital age.

Social media is as important and addictive to us as a daily dose of cup of cappuccino. With Facebook and Twitter providing audience, suddenly there was an army of film critics born. They were supposed to be “independent” or associated themselves with various websites. And all of them started bombarding people with their reviews, rather, views.

They all serve the purpose as the films. The common man is busy in daily odds in life and finally he needs entertainment, which is provided either by the movie or the movie critic! Perfect example is one critic on Twitter. He calls himself number 1 critic, apart from being an actor. It’s okay, we, the audience, follow him for his ability to provide entertainment, in the form of abusing top actors, directors, writing demeaning language about actress and so on. It is another thing that if you are forced to see his first (worst) film for a day, you will either want to kill the person or will want to kill yourself.

A director once told me that if a film works, no matter what the content is, it is good. Same applies here; if a critic provides reviews and entertainment, no matter what language he speaks, people will follow him.

However, there is something else that is happening behind scenes. Few days back I was shocked to know a different kind of film criticism business – Pay a decent amount to the most popular or unpopular social media critic, and your job is done!

The critic knows that the audience is smart, so he reviews film accordingly so that he is not caught. If a film is very bad, he will rate it average. If it’s average, he will rate it good, and so on. Those who follows the film critics, are being taken for a ride. They are being trasported to a different environment, where the words of the critic affects them. and it affects the business of the film too.

Suppose yours is a very good film, and a popular critic rates it a bad film a day before release. It does affects the Day 1 business. The filmmakers who are paying to these critics are supporting a different kind of business – of extortion! And they are not doing good to film industry and the audience.

A director joked about it and said there should be column in the film budgeting sheet, where amount payable to critic is added to the total budget of the film.

Today anyone can create a blog (the way I am doing) and a social media account, and start reviewing a film. There is no qualification require to be a film critic, neither there are any schools where you can get graduated in film criticism. I bet if there is a school of Film Criticism, these so called number one critics will fail (with distinction).

I do like to read film reviews but not of those who reviews with some intentions. I still enjoy reading Rahul Desai and Rohit vats, their reviews are not pressured; there is no intention of revenge from Filmmaker, not meant to insult Filmmaker.

I am not a writer, nor an Oxford English student, any mistakes hitting your educated, intellectual mind, please excuse me. But do give your feedback. Waiting for your feedback and your views on the subject.

Thanks for your time.

Muslim Personal Law and the Shayara Banu case : the entire story


The recent debate on the reform of Muslim Personal Law has been spurred by the issue of notice by the Supreme Court in the case of Shayara Banu v Union of India. In this case the wife was not only arbitrarily divorced through Talaq-i-biddat (commonly known as Triple Talaq) by her husband but also was administered drugs which affected her memory and other forms of cruelty during the duration of the marriage. Shayara Banu decided to not take this lying and challenged the constitutionality of three archaic practices under Muslim Law namely: (i) Talaq-i-biddat (ii) Nikah Halala (iii) Polygamy.

Talaq-i-biddat is a form of divorce where the Muslim man can instantly divorce his wife by uttering the word ‘talaq’ thrice. Instantly here means utterance during any period of time in a single tuhr (period between two menstrual cycles of the wife). After such an utterance, the divorce becomes final and binding. There has been a narrative in the media for the past few days that this form of divorce is only valid for Sunni Muslims and that too Hanafi Sunni Muslims.  Even if one is to take this argument on merits, it is pertinent to point out that Hanafi Sunni Muslims are almost 80% of the total Muslim population in India.

Hence such an argument to not debate on the legality of Talaq-i-biddat is not only redundant but also absurd. This form of divorce being a paragon of inequality in its original form itself has attained heights of absurdity in the recent past where the men have been divorcing their wives through skype, WhatsApp, SMS etc. It is only reasonable in such context that Supreme Court has issued notice on this practice.

The Supreme Court about a decade ago in 2003 had referred to this form of divorce in the celebrated case of Shamim Ara vs State Of U.P. This case has been cited in several news reports recently as the case in which Talaq-i-biddat was declared unconstitutional. Nothing can be further from the truth and only a cursory reading of the judgment of the case will dispel such a misconception. In Shamim Ara the point of contention was the method of Talaq-i-biddat. The husband had contended that he had a right to divorce even during the judicial proceedings and even in the absence of his wife. Such a method was declared unconstitutional and not Talaq-i-biddat per se.

The second and I believe the more horrendous practice of Niakh Halala has also been challenged in Shayara Banu’s petition [pdf link]. This practice means that when a husband divorces his wife, both of them are forbidden to marry each other again; unless the divorced wife marries another man and consummates that marriage (has sexual intercourse with the new husband) and the new husband also agrees to divorce her. An example of such a practice can be found in the case of Nagma Bibi wherein she was divorced by her husband in the state of intoxication but the next day the husband himself wanted to annul it. But Muslim community leaders sent Nagma to her home and pressurized her to marry another man before remarrying her husband. This practice makes a woman pay for the deeds of her husband by forcing a sexual intercourse upon her if she just wishes to remain with her husband. This is equivalent to treating women like chattel and property.

The third demand in the petition of Shayara Banu is abolition of Polygamy. The petition says that this practice is as abhorrent as sati. This is so because the Muslim personal law allows a man to have multiple wives, the number is limited to four in India. On the other hand, the practice of polyandry i.e. a woman having multiple husbands is completely forbidden and is considered anti-Islamic.

Opposition of the civil society should not be limited to Talaq-i-biddat, Halala, Polygamy etc. because even other forms of divorce also create a superiority of men over women. Under Mulsim personal law it is the man only who is empowered to divorce. The woman can demand a ‘khula’ which can be granted by the man but can also be refused by the man. Another argument is that woman have a form of talaq in their favour called Talaq-i-tafweez. Again, nothing can be farther from the truth. The expression ‘Talaq-i-Tafweez’ literally means Talaq through delegation. Under Muslim law the husband is also empowered to delegate his power to divorce his wife to anyone which includes his wife. But again, it is up to the husband whether he chooses to delegate this power to his wife or not. In fact, this is a very dangerous practice, because the husband may choose anyone to irrevocably divorce his wife. This chosen person can affect a divorce between a husband and wife without either of them wanting it.

The opposition to these practices has also voiced an argument that these practices are also un-Quranic and find no sanction from the Holy Quran. Such an opposition usually leads to a debate on the interpretation of Islamic religious scriptures which is devoid of any modern jurisprudence. Instead it is more reasonable to oppose these practices in terms of the established global practices of Human Rights Law and laws pertaining to civil and political rights.

These practices are completely opposed to the Jurisprudential notion of Right to Equality. This right has been incorporated under Article 14 of the Indian Constitution. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) also guarantees Right to equality as the foremost Human Right by the virtue of the fact that this right has been mentioned in the very first and second Articles of the document. Article 1 says: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights….”. Article 2 also in the same vein says “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex……”.

It can’t be a coincidence that a lot of Muslim majority countries including Saudia Arabia, which is considered the fountainhead of Wahabi Islamic Jurisprudence, have neither signed nor are a party to the UDHR. These practices violate the UDHR and the Indian Constitution because of the fact that they create two classes of citizens in the form of Muslim men and Muslim women. One class i.e. Muslim men has a dominion over the other class i.e. Muslim women.

Indian Constitution guarantees under Art 14 “Equality before law and equal protection of laws”. The archaic practices of Muslim personal law violate Art 14 on both of its senses. Equality before law means that the Law should accord equal respect and dignity to all its subjects when they are addressed by the state, which is not the case because a Muslim man is accorded more respect than a Muslim woman. Also, an “equal protection of laws” is also not accorded to Muslim woman.

In this context, it is incumbent upon the Supreme Court to utilise the opportunity in the Shayara Banu case to accord Muslim women the full extent of their constitutional right to equality. More importantly the government should also take it upon itself to reform the Muslim personal law through legislation, like it did for the Hindu personal law in 1950s.

The Changing Dynamics of India’s Foreign Policy under Modi’s Regime


Indian foreign policy is in the throes of change , ever since Narendra Modi assumed charge as Prime Minister in 2014 riding a popular mandate. As the Modi government finishes two year in office foreign policy has remained its pièce de résistance and after decades India is enduring a rugged foreign policy. The promise of metamorphose became evident at his swearing in ceremony which saw the participation of SAARC head of state and since then paradigm shift in India’s foreign policy is in pace. Now the country is in position of vigour and when we speak people perceive.

In last decades head of the state never thought of visiting Canada, Australia and Islands of South Pacific but Prime Minister Modi broke the set-trend. It was for the first time South Pacific gained prominence in India’s foreign policy calculations. The rings of change are swift moving and now the world is seeing India with immense craving and buoyancy. When Modi went to China, India and China signed a record 24 business agreements worth more than $10 billion dollars in key sectors, including in railways and education. Similarly, when he went to Japan , India and Japan signed a record agreement worth 33.5 billion dollars. In return, Modi promised to introduce a special mechanism like a “Japan Fast Track Channel for Japanese investors in India” to woo investment into the country. Modi’s audacious engagement with super powers is a new arrangement of India’s foreign policy.

US-India Business Council initiative is yet another audacious initiative by the government where Prime Minister interacted with around 400 CEOs, investors and business leaders during his visit to the United States. Following Modi’s interaction $42 billion was committed for investment in India. John Chambers of Cisco Systems post meeting Prime Minister Modi made a remark “PM Modi is an amazing ambassador of India’s growth story. PM Modi will change the world. He has a global vision, he understands global trends. US and India will be very strong because of your (PM Modi’s) leadership. ” From expeditious resolution moulding to tactile exertion on the deck level. India is truly undergoing phenomenal metamorphosis!

Foreign policy has been the most visible dimension of Modi government’s term. One of the biggest success stories of India’s foreign policy in the past two years has been the speed with which United States relations have deepened. There are the exuberant comments: Modi “transcends the ancient and the modern,” Obama wrote in Time magazine. “Barack and I have formed a bond, a friendship,” Modi said. No suspicion he has shove India as the “biggest opportunity” for both business investment and career-building in the current global economy. Some intellectuals might call “Chai-Pe Charcha” with US President Obama or “Feeding the Fish” with the Vietnam Prime Minister as mere symbolism but in this era of globalization symbolism does matter to a considerable extent. It was for the first time in the history that the leaders of India and the US co-authored a newspaper article with the message “ chalein saath saath.”

In India, if there is one department that has understood the importance of social media, it is the Ministry of External Affairs. Minister Sushma Swaraj has a formidable presence online; she has been acknowledged and cherished for her efforts in helping Indians facing problems abroad with assistance. A Google keyword search shows you that when you also search for Sushma Swaraj, ‘badass’ shows up in the suggestions. This is perhaps for good reason Sushma Swaraj has through various rescue operations shown her mettle in providing Indians abroad with superlative care.

Rather, just being a balancing force globally, Modi has etched out an assertive role for India that seeks to make it a leading power. This is evident in Modi’s global outreach to clinch India the coveted membership of Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR), Nuclear Suppliers group(NSG), although China played spoiler in the latter case.

It would be partisan to compare Nehru and Modi’s foreign policy. When Pt. Nehru was the Prime Minister India was just born and liberated itself from the British dominance. Neither India was globalized nor had acute perilous challenges. Aftermath of the uri attack the Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a strong note to the impostor Pakistan and said, “India would never forget the Uri terror attack and would make all efforts to isolate Islamabad globally.” On 29 September, a military encounter between India and Pakistan began and India conducted a successful surgical strikes across the Line of Control on Pakistan occupied Kashmir(POK) and around four dozens militants were killed.

This is obviously not the first time that the Line of Control (LOC) has been crossed, but this is surely the only time when the crossing has produced tangible results. This highlights the conviction that Prime Minister Modi has displayed. Gen (Retd) Bikram Singh, the former Chief of Army Staff, had the following words to say, in a TV interview: “These kinds of operations have been done in the past. I’ll be honest with you. But, the scale at which it has happened, the political will after which it has unfolded is something to be appreciated. Earlier, it was left to the military to carry out. But this time the military operations have been supported entirely. I would say, they’ve been steered by political will, by political agenda.” It is India’s major diplomatic victory that today no nation is questioning the surgical operations carried out by our army. Mind it, don’t be soft enough to become a soft-target. I know Taj was not built in a day but it should have been rebuilt in a day.

Modi’s foreign policy appears geared to reinvent India as a more merciless, reliant and taut nation. Indian faction is now admired all around the sphere and time has changed promptly. Now the World is seeing India with immense craving and buoyancy.

Indians in US are missing important life events of loved ones due to VISA renewal policy

It was Saturday morning, and I woke up hearing my phone ringing. It was my sister from India who was calling me to inform that she got engaged last night, and they were going to get married in 3-4 months. I was very happy for her, and we had a lengthy talk about the arrangements for the wedding ceremonies, the invitations, the music, and of course the attire. Yes — nothing was set in stone just yet. But, it felt so good to have spoken to her after such a long time, and on such a good news. We hung up, and in no less than two minutes, I felt a sinking feeling. No, not because my sister was getting married. It was because of the uncertainty I will need to go through just to get to her wedding. Let me start with giving you some background.

You’d think that I should not miss it for the world! After all, I only have one sister! And, that is true! But, travelling anywhere outside the United States is not easy as it seems for people like me. I have been legally employed in the United States on an H1-B visa for close to a decade. I originally came here to pursue my master’s degree in computer science. Having graduated from one of the good universities, I immediately landed a job out of school, and my employer sponsored my temporary worker (H1-B) visa. I have worked hard all through these years to also secure support from my employer to get a permanent residency (green card). But, there is an insanely long (decades long) wait for the green cards to be issued to people like me, especially ones who were born in India. So, while we wait, our “Temporary” H1-B visas are renewed every 1 or 3 years and that allows us to legally work in the United States.

So, coming back to the sinking feeling. I just realized that the Visa stamped on my Indian passport had expired. While I had the necessary work authorizations to continue to work in the United States, I would be required to submit for a Visa Re-validation once I exit the United States. Unfortunately, the visas cannot be re-validated and the passports cannot be stamped within the United States. Vipul Naik, of Open Borders, explores some possible reasons why this is so. But, several such questions remain open. Why can’t highly-skilled immigrants get their visas renewed or re-validated while within the United States? Also, those who have lived in the US for years, why do they have to apply for visa renewals and undergo same rigorous checks as first time applicants? If I have a pending green card application (with an approved immigration petition), shouldn’t I have a longer authorized visa stay on my passport?

The Visa stamping process is not simple, and often involves an interview at one of the United States consulates in the country you are visiting. People like me must spend money for the visa fees, fill up a form that asks you information you may have provided already so many times (famously and formally called DS-160), set up an interview appointment at one of the offices (and this is not easy to get at a short notice), and carry all your original documents (birth certificate, marksheets, tax returns, paystubs, and more) everywhere. This required so much planning and preparation ahead of time. Considering that there is a decade long wait to get green cards, I would be doing this process almost each time I visited India. This is a time-consuming and a risky process for both employers and the employees. I have recently seen some of my friends experience further complications when they got stuck back in India because of processing delays and errors. Some employers are not that kind enough to wait till this is sorted out, and they end up terminating the employment. Without a visa sponsor, individuals can no longer get that visa stamped, do not have that job, and now stuck in a different country with no job.

Those who have lived for decade or over can have their American dream come to abrupt end if the interview doesn’t go well. It also results in fire-sale of houses, cars and all their belongings as they have to rely on mercy of friends and neighbors for such sale. The applicant is not given a chance to personally dispose of their belongings, though one may have lived decades in the US. I had a colleague who skipped his own younger brother funeral because of uncertainty surrounding the re-validation process, and the colleague who went for his father’s funeral was stuck in India for 9 months though he had all the paperwork. Imagine having to go through interviews and paperwork, while mourning the loss of a loved one. Very heartbreaking!

Thus, families have started fearing to get visa re-validations. They have simply stopped travelling outside the US. This has led to many missing weddings, funerals, and other important life events of their loved ones.

I find it difficult to understand why we cannot allow visa re-validations/renewals within the United States. I see the following benefits:

  • The system will enjoy a higher compliance/renewal rate. More people will avoid overstaying their visa limits, and renew in a timely manner.
  • Getting the machinery to renew/re-validate visas within the United States will not just become the extra revenue source for agencies such as USCIS or DHS, but also help them hire more workers to process this increased demand (We do want more American workers getting jobs, don’t we?).
  • Easier background checks for people who are within the United States. Once you are outside, I’d imagine it becomes difficult to track and probably expensive to get credible background information from third-party sources.
  • More importantly, a boost in the travel industry because people like me can freely travel outside the country. This will surely indirectly add revenue and funding to the federal agencies keeping our borders safe.

Although I am happy for my sister, and I should be putting her life event on priority, I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place. With a heavy heart, I have decided to skip the wedding like 100s of thousands of my compatriots in US who have missed and continue to miss important life events. This is a cruel byproduct of the broken US immigration system and I wish I knew about these hassles of travel and backlogs before I came to this country, now I am stuck in a quagmire of uncertainty.

No religious freedom for minorities in Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia has Sunni Islam as the official religion of the country. The legal system is based on the Hanabali School of Islamic Jurisprudence. Things like ‘Black Magic’ and calling for ‘Atheist Thought’ or calling into question the ‘Islamic Religion’ has been criminalized.

As per the Religious Freedom Report, 2014, “The government sentenced to death at least one prominent Shia cleric and arrested several individuals who publicly criticized discrimination against Shia citizens. The government have detained individuals on charges of violating Sharia, committing blasphemy, sowing discord in society, and insulting Islam”.

The report also states that since 2004, Saudi Arabia has been a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act for having engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom.

The country’s constitution is the Quran and the Sunna (the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad). There is no legal recognition or protection of religious freedom. Conversion from Islam to another religion is considered apostasy, which legally can be punishable by death, though Saudi courts have not issued a death sentence for apostasy in recent years.

As per July 2014 data collected by US state department, total population of the country is around 27.3 million out of which 85 to 90 percent of citizens are Sunni Muslims while Shia constitute 10 to 15 percent of the citizen population.

All citizens are required to be Muslim. Non-Muslims and many foreign and Saudi Muslims whose religious practices differ from the government preference, practice their religion in private and are vulnerable to discrimination, harassment, detention while noncitizens are deported from the country

The discrimination against Shia’s in employment opportunities is done commonly so much so that Shia’s don’t want to reveal their identity as it can negatively affect their careers. A very small number of Shia, occupy high-level positions in government-owned companies and government agencies.

The government did not legally permit non-Muslim clergy to enter the country for the purpose of conducting religious services. Entry restrictions in the country make it difficult for non-Muslims to maintain regular contact with resident lay clergy.

Religious literature of any kind other Islamic literature as recognized by Saudi Arabian state is not permitted but since a substantial Christian population lives there, ‘Bible’ is allowed to be carried only if it is not in Arabic language because Bible in Arabic language is looked suspiciously as a tool to secretly convert the Muslim population into Christianity.

During the time of Ramadan, even Non-Muslims have to do fast and if they are caught eating in public it is considered a punishable offense. The foreign population is around one-third of the total population. Non-Muslims are required to convert to Islam to be eligible to get naturalized as citizens while Non-Muslim children studying in private schools are required to study ‘Islamic Civilization’.

As per government policy, non-Muslims are prohibited from being buried in the country. In totality, the discrimination against non-Sunni population who does not follow Wahabi form of Islam is justified theologically and is done institutionally.

On a whole, Saudi Arabia is not a nice place for minorities to live because they are expected to live their life as per the Islamic traditions and customs guided by Sharia law.

When there is no freedom to follow your own beliefs, customs and traditions then the situation becomes problematic. India has a large expatriate population living in Saudi Arabia which accounts to around 3 million. This population is a big contributor to India’s GDP as they send a lot of money back to their families in India.

The kind of brutal discrimination and repression faced by them show a larger picture of the treatment of minority groups as a whole in the country. The time has come for the international organizations to look into the matter and ensure the safety of minorities in Saudi Arabia.