Thursday, October 24, 2024
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The Broken Idol


I am a broken Idol,
Don’t recognise me?
Don’t know my name yet?
Your memory wasn’t so much weakened the other day,
I know it’s not your fault.

You called me Ganesha,
I was not your God but you found a god in me perhaps,
I had done nothing not intended to,
I just was sitting on a hill-top
and pretending to watch everything,
It proved too much and you broke me down.

I feel bad not for myself
as I was as lifeless then as today I am,
But for your complete ignorance,
Just ask yourself,
did you really broke me?

I wasn’t mere an idol but

Your tolerance,
Your pride
Your art,
Your culture,
Your history,
Your religion to an extent
Your civilization,
Your humanity.

I was the one who connected you to yourself,
I was yourself.

(For those who have broken the Ganesha Idol in Chhattisgarh)

Indian Army ripe for reform


Given the recent uproar over the videos posted by soldiers on social media, it was expected that the news that SS Chauhan, a second lieutenant in Indian Army who was court marshaled in 1991, being acquitted would make a lot of noise.

However, it didn’t. This news quietly got buried among the avalanche of news about the coming UP elections. Even as an avid news reader/watcher, you are not to be blamed for muttering who SS Chauhan?

To sum up the case briefly, Second Lieutenant  Shatrugan Singh Chauhan, who was  on his first posting in Srinagar – just 12 days on the job in the Indian Army’s Sixth Rajput Battalion was wrongfully court marshaled.

The young officer‘s entire world came tumbling down when during a search operation wherein he recovered 147 gold biscuits weighing around 27.5 kgs in April 1990. Though the gold biscuits were recovered in the presence of other soldiers and surrendered to the then Colonel KRS Pawar and then Lt General Zaki Mohammad Ahmad. Instead of being applauded for successfully completing his mission, Chauhan was court-marshaled on false charges and branded a deserter. To top it off he was awarded a seven year punishment. All this while, the gold was “allegedly” siphoned off by the senior army officers. Twice he has narrowly escaped with his life. Once some army officers covering him with a blanket attacked him while he was sleeping in a tent and another time he was even shot at.

Despite all this, he has endured and finally on Jan 20, the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) has reinstated him as a Lt Col after 25 long years. He has regained his seniority and promotions. The court has mandated a financial award of Rs 4 crore to him and another Rs 1 crore is to be deposited in the Army Central Welfare Fund.

But can all this replace the life that Chauhan could have had – a dashing army officer- a dream which was so brutally marred? What a fall for an organization that prides itself in its discipline and fairness! And this is not an isolated incident. The army has always protected itself and hung anyone who doesn’t conform out to dry.

There has been a lot of television debates for OROP and other financial allowances which the army gets or doesn’t get, but never do we hear about the urgent need for internal reforms. The army has always been shy of external scrutiny, preferring to draw conclusions through their own “court of inquiry”.

External scrutiny aside, the armed forces even dislike any discussion on their existing system of functioning. Under the guise of “don’t create discord between officers and soldiers” and “this is what Pakistan wants” the army generals on TV debates has always been able to sweep major issues under the rug.

Now that the media has moved on to other breaking news, the soldiers who posted videos would quietly be shipped off for a “punishment posting”. Under the Army Act, soldiers and officers are not allowed to interact with media and can face severe disciplinary action. Though the terminology of “social media” wouldn’t have existed at the time when the act came into force, but the army would consider itself well within its rights to punish them for the videos. And you can be very sure, that they promotional prospects are now down the drain and they would never be making it to the ranks of a Subedar.

The “Sahayak” system is a British era tradition as is the “60 days leave”. Soldiers get 60 days leave because it allows them to go back home to their villages and have 3 menstrual cycles or 3 attempts to impregnate their wives.  While this may still make sense in today’s era, the system of “sahayaki” has genuinely become outdated.

With graduates and more and more literate men being commissioned in as jawans – the more they are refusing to do these kinds of tasks. Have heard many acounts of jawans being punished for refusing to be a sahayak, which previously used be a coveted job as it allowed a jawan close proximity with an officer.

They may be made to stand with a heavy tire around their waist for all to see, or maybe they will be made to run with extra weights in their backpack. Is it not unfair? But if their Subedar lets one go unpunished for disobeying an order, tomorrow ten more may refuse to go into battle.

Security concerns regarding employing civilians in an Officers home are genuine. That is not debatable. What is missing is the way army is handling the system of sahayaks. If the army can be self sufficient by employing soldiers in trades such as cooks, waiters, cleaners and sweepers then why not for helpers or “sahayaks”?

On looking closer at the issue, it is clear that while an officer is a bachelor, the “sahayak” system works quite well. Yes, you guessed it right! It is majority of the times that the lady wives treat the “sahayak” as their own personal butler and servant, that discord creeps in.

And can you really blame the women? Their problem is the unlimited amount of time that they have to spend preparing for frivolous Ladies Meets and Welfare Meets – another army system that is ripe for reform.

Every time a General comes to visit, a plethora of dances, songs and skits are performed for his wife. For while the General is usually busy on site visits and attending important briefings how can you leave the lady alone by herself in the guest room.

Junior officer’s wives are harassed to practice and perform for the occasion. If they don’t, you can be sure that her husband will not receive a favorable ACR. (Annual Confidential Report)  She has to leave her young toddler (to look after whom she gave up her budding career) in the hands of the “sahayak” who has no time from these duties to look after his own children – to go and attend a Ladies Welfare Meet which the sahayak’s wife would also be unwillingly attending. Isn’t it laughable?  To top it all, most junior officer’s wives are just waiting for their husbands to pick up the ranks so, they could enjoy these privileges – and the vicious cycle continues.

Besides these institutional reforms, army should also look at the corruption that is slowly creeping in. From recruitment scams, siphoning of rations, procurement scandals, land grabs, to bribery in MES and BRO, the army needs to take a hard long look at itself.

And it seems like the army has been doing some thinking! Its move to employ non combatants in a lower pay band for the role of sahayaks is a welcome move. In another recent development army has also issued a WhatsApp number for soldiers, which takes grievances – directly to the Chief of Army Staff.

While the sentiment is appreciable do we really want our soldiers breaking the chain of command? How will the COAS differentiate between a genuine complaint and a grudge? Has our army become so apprehensive of social media that it wants to avoid more embarrassment?

Veteran organizations like the IESM are doing a stellar job in their fight for OROP and pay anomalies for widows. However, they have to begin and take forward the discussion on internal reforms of the army, as the army itself seems reluctant to.

Corruption and such outdated and resource consuming activities have to stop if the army is to modernize itself for the challenges ahead. Else the adage spoken by many officers has surely begun to ring true – The army is its own enemy!

The author is a blogger and an army wife. Opinions are her own.

Panchatantra in modern day Rajya Sabha


In a present day there was a jungle. There lived animals of all kind peacefully. There was a democratically elected group in jungle. A skulk of foxes grew stronger in the jungle grabbing everyone’s attention. Group of foxes is always a rare thing and is considered beautiful. Taking the advantage of this popular notion the foxes added foxes migrating from far jungles. Though the foxes grew in strength they weren’t powerful animals. And foxes knew it well. So the skulk started showing atrocities on poor animals to show their strength. It made friendship with power hungry animals like bear, vultures, crocodiles which couldn’t make any mark it election. The agenda was very clear the foxes wanted to rule the jungle. Some animals dismissed the idea by saying it was cunning specie and did not fit to rule. While some animals thought, it might be given a chance.

The government was silent on fake power shown by foxes on weak animals, addition of foreign animals, cunning techniques to derail administration. A wolf pack which was closely watching these developments, came to conclusion everything couldn’t be relied on the government, we should also take some action. The wolf pack was always concerned about the jungle. The wolves were one of the major reasons the jungle was peaceful.

The wolf pack started exposing the lies and cunning techniques of foxes. Every time the skulk tried to create chaos in the jungle and administration the wolf pack gave a ruthless answer. The foxes couldn’t attack the wolves. Though the skulk outnumbered the wolves it was insecure and lacked confidence. It also worried the attack on the wolves might derive larger attention and all jungle animals might stand by wolves. Foxes couldn’t afford to weaken the planned unholy foundation laid for a long time. Finally it decided to do what it does best, cheat. Because of its number it had representation in administration. Using its administrative links it started lying in newspapers that wolf pack is trying to disturb jungle peace. It used its power over newspapers which didn’t agree. The crocodiles cried over these issue and the vultures flew all over the jungle spreading the false message.

This didn’t deter the wolf pack. It kept doing its job towards the jungle selflessly. Soon the wolf pack started finding support from young cubs, babies, calves, joey, pups, infants, colts and so on. The young generation of the jungle had great ideologies and wanted their jungle to be greatest. They couldn’t tolerate the cunning foxes. The wolf pack voice had reached more than the wicked foxes, crocodile and vulture cries. It had greater impact than fox administration controlled jungle media.

Now the skulk was very much worried and decided to call Jungle Rajya Sabha. In the Jungle Rajya Sabha the foxes planned to malign the wolf pack and blame it the government’s failure. On speaking in Jungle Rajya Sabha foxes had privilege of no need of explanation and it could reach more people. But the fox calculation was wrong again. It drew more attention but because of lies of the foxes. The young guns started showing all facts to the skulk. Crocodiles cried again and vultures flew with a message as planned. But the support of jungle folk made the wolf pack bigger and stronger. But will the other animals stop believing the foxes?

Will the government take action on the foxes? When will be the moral of the story be learnt?

Derek Oberin thinks Twitter will do coup in West Bengal


TMC’s Rajysabha MP Mr. Derek O’brien yesterday said in Rajysabha, “There are few twitter users, who are planning coup against the West Bengal Government.”  Naming some of the twitter users, Mr. O’brien put it to notice of the Chairman that such people of twitter has Nuclear formula with them and they can use that to over throw his poor Didi’s government.

Mr. O’brien blamed PM Narendra Modi for following people who follow such power full twitter people, who can start world war three with their tweets exposing fabrication of news and misleading done by Main stream Media. Mr. O’brien made the house aware that he has all the Riots (Rights) to convert one run into two run and converting theft in church into attack on Indian Christians by Hindu extremist.

Mr. O’brien asked Mr. Narendra Modi to provide him SPG cover to safe guard the life of his twitter account from getting trolled and hacked by twitter trolls. O’brien has demanded to enact a law where he and his Didi’s government can prohibit the Media, in case of they throw some cartoon artist for making cartoon on the social and political conditions of Bengal.

Mr. O’brien closed his speech saying, “Hindus celebrating Kali Puja and Saswati Puja are threat for the Indian culture and peace so such kind of activities are  banned by West Bengal government to promote Freedom of Speech and Right to live.”

Immigration and Freedom are not one way street


Trump’s executive order on halting immigration from 7 countries have kicked up a storm in many parts of America, and the order is being projected as something unprecedented, diabolical, and unexpected from a civilized world. But looking at the coverage, I think some very important points are completely being overlooked into this debate. I will try to point them briefly.

Most critics are in denial of a problem in the first place:

While India has been a victim of Islamic separatism, radicalism and terrorism after it’s partition in 1947 on religious lines, the problem has expanded worldwide in the post 9/11 era. There have been regular terrorist attacks: Mumbai 26/11, Thailand, France, Belgium, London, Spain, China and numerous other countries which have direct links to Islamic radicalism. But instead of recognizing the Jihadi inspiration and link behind such attacks, many commentators try to cover them with the apology of ‘Terror has no religion’. To prevent such attacks, governments have been forced to step up the security at airports, and are trying to spy in the digital world, which have created another uproar in the the form of Snowden leaks. But until the ideological fountainhead of these attacks are identified and countered, increased security measures will only lead to a police state with limited effectiveness.
While Trump’s order may or may not be correct, he is spot on in identifying the problem. The critics who fail to recognize the problem in the first place don’t have enough credibility left, howsoever noise they will make. Advent of social media has ensured that such people don’t retain monopoly on disseminating their ideas.

Golden principal is not a one way street:
While Trump’s order must be criticized, it must be pointed out that sixteen countries ban Israel passport holders to enter their countries, all of which are Muslim majority. It is just one example of discrimination against people of different religious beliefs from these countries, and in most of them, the situation of minorities can be termed pitiable at best. If Muslims are not ready to treat other religious beliefs with respect, why should they expect equal treatment from other countries? Trump’s order should be criticized, but only after these countries revoke the ban on Israel passport, right?

Immunity of religious criticism is inconsistent with freedom:
While most religious beliefs are mocked and criticized, Islam has been given a free rope due to the fear of violent reprisal. Many movies mock and have uncharitable portrayal of Jesus, TV series like South Park are acerbic to every one, but they dare not portray Muhammad. Books like Satanic verses has been banned, and the author is still in hiding to protect his life. The editorial staff of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was gunned down. Islamic society is plagued with problems such as Sharia law, which allow polygamy and divorce by saying ‘Talak’ three times. Criticism of such practices are met with the labels of ‘Islamophobe’ and ‘Intolerant’, while it is the other way round. Such a myopic and ‘my way or highway’ attitude towards religion is inconsistent with the principles of free movement and integration. Granted that not everyone is like that, but even a small fraction of people with such attitude are enough to bring the system out of equilibrium. Remember, not every Muslim demanded that Pakistan be created out of India, not everyone wanted Charlie Hebdo punished. Thus immigrants in need must be helped, but at the same time, it must be recognized that special efforts need to be in place to ensure that the integration is smooth, that freedom and criticism including satire should be accepted as a part of life.

In my personal view, Islam needs lot of reform, the most important among which is the rejection of Sharia. Religions are private belief, and they should not be allowed to affect legislative matters. Immigration without efforts coupled with such reforms will continue to increase the problem due to few bad apples. And while immigration helps a small fraction of population, a majority of them continues to suffer under the regressive Sharia laws. It is time that the world takes notice.

Convenient Coalition Vs. Aspirational Alliance


It is that time when contesting parties take the road less traveled, woo their voters with dream schemes and swear by their promises. Each party attempts to gerrymander vote share and appease voters with the sole objective of winning maximum seats in the area. In the fragmented marketplace, it is monastic to envisage a clear winner, who succeeds in winning two-third of the assembly benches. And thus, are born coalitions or alliances.

Coalitions are essentially a permutation born out of arithmetic. They are the modus operandi, in the absence of a clear winner. The first coalition government was led by Morarji Desai in March 1977 which lasted till June 1979. Since then, India has witnessed both natural coalitions (Shiv Sena – BJP) based on similar ideologies and misplaced coalitions (Mufti – BJP) based on no visible common ground. Coalitions are based on arithmetic convenience and negotiations.

Alliances are formed by parties that mutually support (or claim to) each other’s ideology, and see eye to eye before the commencement of elections. Alliances avoid pitching opposing candidates, display a joint show of power and leverage on each other’s vote bank.

They may be running together for a common cause or a common enemy. “In politics, common enemies are identified before common friends”, says Kumar Ketkar, the veteran political analyst.

The notional credibility of a pre-poll alliance is comparatively higher than the post poll coalition. When two opposing parties collaborate post elections, to pass the test of numbers, voters of either parties may stand disillusioned. They view the coalition as an arrangement purely political in nature. This triggers an air of skepticism that lingers during the entire term. Leaders need to keep proving themselves, to ensure the voters do not switch sides. Coalition members are repeatedly making ideological adjustments, to keep the numbers intact.

The 25-year old BJP Shiv Sena alliance was called off before the Maharashtra elections itself in 2014, one of the reasons being incongruous math behind seat sharing. In October 2014, BJP fell short of 145 seats in Maharashtra. After multiple rounds of negotiation, one time natural partners in alliance, Shiv Sena and BJP formed the coalition government in Maharashtra. However, the camaraderie was conspicuous by its absence. More than two years hence, the coalition has weakened. As the two parties decide to part ways for BMC elections 2017, this is the journey of a natural alliance to a claustrophobic coalition.

The BJP Mufti government in 2016 at Jammu and Kashmir is a glaring chalk and cheese coalition for the nation. Political analysts could not see this beyond rudimentary arithmetic. Latter half of 2016 is testimony to the brittle nature of this odd alliance.

Coalition is a low risk low return strategy. Since the parties do not invest in the relationship before polls, they are not obliged to deliver on each other’s manifesto.

Pre-poll alliances on the other hand, are aspirational in nature. Since these alliances are forged way before voters hit the road, they are not coalesced solely on the back of power and position. These alliances typically comprise of parties that either want to consolidate vote bank and/or fight against a common threat.

BJP had won 282 seats and 29.86 percent votes in the 16th Lok Sabha elections in May 2014. Fast forward to November 2015, a pre-poll alliance was formed between Janata Dal (United) (JDU), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), and Indian National Congress (INC), which proved to be a decisive. BJP’s vote share fell to 24.42 percent in just eighteen months. One may argue that citizens vote differently in national and state elections. Even if that proposition were to be true, one wonders if the vote share would shift so dramatically, if this was a post poll coalition than a pre-poll alliance. Moreover, there has been no alleged squabbling between the Bihar alliance members. The cohesive forces are visible as alliance members share stage to send a resplendent message of unity to voters and opposition alike.

Another high-profile pre-poll alliance that deserves discussion is the INC SP alliance in Uttar Pradesh.  This alliance is a realistic leap for the national party and a risk mitigating strategy for the ruling party in the state. Obviously, both parties run the risk of losing loyal supporters and party workers, who may not approve of the alliance. This risk can be mitigated if the two leaders communicate their underlying intentions unequivocally and convince both camps of the alliance synergy.

INC suffered from chronic anti-incumbency in 2014 across board. SP voters who continue to latch on the sentiment would dismiss the pre-poll alliance, and even contemplate voting otherwise.

INC workers who believe in the stand-alone merit of their cadre would perceive this alliance equivalent to the leadership conceding even before the polls.

Political landscape is still decoding the underlying principles of a pre-poll alliance. In its current form, it is not seen as a marriage of ideologies or a struggle for a sordid cause. It is a coalition based on ‘projected numbers’ at best. With increase in number of parties, and raised aspirations of regional parties, devices that burnish performance of alliances would need to evolve. Intuitively, alliances score better than coalitions on three main fronts:

Firstly, alliances reduce the number of contesting points in the election polygon. This reduces the probability of a hung assembly and implicitly increases the size of each slice of pie. Odd and desperate coalitions are kept at bay, since the numbers are taken into account well in advance.

Secondly, the alliances campaign jointly communicating their best ideas. The manifesto is quintessentially the crème de la crème of each alliance member. Alliances tend to invest higher energy in convincing the voters about their intentions and commitment to the alliance, compared to individual party campaigns.

Thirdly, alliances form the basis of future political relationships. Alliances help parties expand their base in other regions. In April 1999, BJP lost vote of confidence in Lok Sabha, by sheer margin of one vote. This prompted BJP to scout for pan India partners, which would eventually lead to the formation of National Democratic Alliance (NDA) before the Lok Sabha elections, 1999. Similarly, the proposed Mahagathbandhan may prove a decisive piece in devising politics of tomorrow.

As we inch closer to 2019 elections, and the oldest national party already forming pre-poll alliances in both Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, one cannot help wonder is this of prognostic importance. If these alliances deliver in the next two years, and more such amenable alliances are formed in the next 10 state elections due for 2019 Assembly polls, Modiji will have to make some new friends and befriend old enemies.

More power to governance!

In an alternative India: India of Leftists and Liberals


In an alternative universe, “entertainment is opium for masses”, said a leftist. He sat to extreme left when people were debating innovations, science, travelling around world, love, poetry, development, tragedy, statistics, facts and almost everything. He was always inert, as an expert only passed judgement, conclusions, statements, caused fights, disturbances and went back to extreme left. No wonder his ideology grew popular and his followers are called leftists.

In the same alternative universe, there was a land called Bharat, also called India, also called Hindustan, also Jambudweepa. Surprisingly its citizens weren’t confused by more than one name. It was a nation, where civilization that had survived for 7000 years. Strangely, there was no single state language or a language common to everyone. Adding to the stupidity the people had different cultures, but respected others’ culture. The people were highly patriotic but irresponsible. Dumb Indians were courageous yet peaceful, never aspired to enlarge their borders. Welcomed travelers, refugees, migrant even the invaders. They followed the co-operative, co-existent system which had developed through the course of the years of their civilization. Boring citizens weren’t much bothered about differences, showed integrity. At the same time strongest countries in the world were struggling to manage people of different cultures and places.

A popular left aside leftist decided to introduce some chaos and anarchy in India. He belonged to cream of the society. He created a nexus among his families and friends. Took them to higher positions and generations of their kin followed the same. They all had a cute desire ‘power, richness must always reside with them’. So they divided people and distracted from their looting process. They kept people photogenically poor so they can stamp their obsession for authority. They took precautions that scary words like growth and development aren’t much heard. With fear people might question their capabilities they gave awards, certificates to each other and acted smart. To prove their smartness they suggested foreign solutions to Indian problems and tried to convince hard India has no solutions. They hand-picked slaves and appointed to higher posts to facilitate their cause. The people left the leftists to do their job because they were too busy struggling, never understood leftist agenda.

The leftist had enjoyed their run for years. They promoted themselves as saviours of poor, killed whoever disagreed with them or suppressed the opposition because they were annoying.  Brilliancy was by just a few lies about running government and hiding facts from people they ensured no opposition developed. They planned to rewrite the history of India. They had to, as history was a dangerous place. On reading history a normal individual wouldn’t believe the leftists since he could understand the true foundations the country was built on. Glory would make him proud and he would learn lessons from dark times. So education was made easy by trimming the lengthy and uncomfortable history to distorted history. To tell fair tales and setting a narrative they followed old leftists guideline. They nurtured their dumbest slaves as filmmakers. Controlling entertainment would ensure controlling the narrative of masses. Also history, facts could easily be distorted. They infiltrated the entertainment sector with their family and friends didn’t allow any outsider to grow. Completely lefty style. Entertainment was easy as there were no demands. Blatantly copying all around the world was enough. Truth wouldn’t hurt them because they knew foolish audience who loved them. People were convinced that what they show is entertainment. Like other leftists they praised each other and elevated themselves to larger than life.

They were joined by liberals. This was the costliest hobby on the alternative earth, where they weren’t bound by any laws and rules of any country. Only they had liberty to do anything, say anything in the name of freedom and not others. The lies were easily manufactured at shops called media, who were obedient slaves.

The enemies found friends in these leftists. Lefties to give new challenges helped the enemy grow and establish in India. Enemy, who had an agenda of spreading its ideology all over the world, funded and helped to continue division and distraction. Opposition party which grew turned out misdirected left. Nature has its own way of balancing. Some started questioning and spoke what’s RIGHT. The questions were RIGHT and were the questions of majority of people. The unquestioned left nexus was shaken as it never happened before. How can left compromise comforts? The nexus came to play spreading the false narrative and claiming victim-hood. Exciting headline was majority questions the minority left. What happens in Bharat? Told or untold, known or not known, truth or lies. History repeats.

Drought hit Beed to be ornamented by chain of National Highways


Beed : Golden Web Of National Highways

We are the citizens of 21st century wherein we aspire to be a superpower by 2020, under the leadership of ambitious PM Narendra Modi. We talk about Digital India, smart cities, startup India, globalization, bilateral relations, advancement in medicines and lot more. Aforementioned things are quite necessary to pace up with rest of the world. But where do we stand w.r.t. infrastructure? Here’s what World Bank has to say about our infrastructure in a 2005 report.

The country’s infrastructure needs are massive. One in three rural people lack access to an all-weather road, and only one in five national highways is four-lane. Ports and airports have inadequate capacity, and trains move very slowly. An estimated 300 million people are not connected to the national electrical grid, and those who face frequent disruptions. And, the manufacturing sector–vital for job creation–remains small and underdeveloped.

Roads are one of the important dimensions of the infrastructure of any country. After independence our priorities were to be self-reliant in agriculture and related industries to strengthen basement of newly formed country.

It was not until Atal Bihari Vajpayee led government took most ambitious road network program since independence. “PradhanMantri Gramsadak Yojana”, which connected most of the villages. Simultaneously, in December 2000, the Government of India approved Phase I of the National Highway Development Program (NHDP) The Golden Quadrangle; which was the precursor of future of highways.

Specifically talking about Maharashtra state Nitin Gadkari in his tenure as PWD minister in Shivsena-BJP led state government under Dy CM Gopinath Munde, worked extensively towards the infrastructure of the state that is why he was obvious choice for union road transport minister and he has proved his abilities and vision.

Marathwada region in Maharashtra has suffered with bunch of political and natural calamities. Especially Beed-Latur- Osmanabad are drought hit areas. Beed was the constituency of late Sr. BJP leader and ex Dy CM of state Shree Gopinathrao Munde. To elevate the life of the residents, he in Vajpayee government sanctioned 2 National Highways and long awaited Ahmadnagar-Beed-Parali rail route for Beed. But which due to lack of funds and unwillingness of later governments couldn’t be completed in his days. This region went into a shock after his sad demise. The long awaited dream of development looked like to remain unfulfilled after death of region’s tallest leader at his tallest political height.

His will is set to be fulfilled by his capable daughter duo, MLA and State Minister Pankaja and MP Pritam. After their continuous efforts to get funds sanctioned by PM Narendra Modi. Within 2 years of Modi Government, five new national highways are going through and across the district. The funds are whooping 2000 crores for road and for rail its 2400crores. The two older incomplete National Highways are being completed on high priority. Special company is set by state and central government to complete the A.Nagar-Beed Railway project before 2019 as promised by Mr. Modi in his rally, remembering his brother late Gopinath Munde.

New routs sanctioned:

Chakur-Ahemdpur-Ambejogai-Manjarsumba-Jamkhed-Chakan (Pune)
Majalgao-Dharur-Kaij-Kallam-Pandharpur (Pilgrimage)
Near about all State Highways of the districts are being upgraded to National Highways.

This is one of the visionary steps towards solving major problems of Marathwada region. This web of National Highways lifeline is going to be a boon in various ways. This area is known for sugarcane cutters and farmers. Road transport system is going to establish an easy connection between farmers and the merchants. Major markets like Aurangabad and Mumbai have neared to farmers especially for perishable items like Fish, vegetables etc.

Transport helps in increase in the demand for goods. Through transport newer customers in newer places can be easily contacted and products can be introduced to them. Transport helps in stabilization of price. Transport exerts considerable influence upon the stabilization of the prices of several commodities by moving commodities from surplus to deficit areas. Transport increases mobility of labor and capital. It makes people of one place migrate to other places in search of jobs.

Road transport is of particular advantage to the farmers. Good roads help the farmers to move their products, particularly the perishable products; like vegetables, quickly to the towns. This area is also famous for its quality custards which can now be transported easily and the big markets. This is going to create the hub for cereals, pulses, custards, vegetable, cotton and even poultry business. Industries from Ahemadnagar may expand towards Ashti, Patoda in later stages which will create huge employment opportunities to name a few.

This is huge leap towards making Marathwada Self-reliant without giving away any free packages like largesse. This government has again proved to be comprehensive and development oriented which is working hard to ease the life of masses.

MP Dr. Pritam Munde with valuable guidance from her sister State Minister Pankaja Munde has proved that she is determined to follow the footprints of her late Father Gopinathrao Munde  to accomplish his task in the central government.This new web 7 National Highways across this district will prove a new Golden Web of long awaited sustainable development.


व्यंग्य : परवेज़ भाई और जुगाली


ये एक ग्लोबल दिन था- लोग ट्रंप-इस्लाम और फेडरर-नडाल के अलावा- एक देशी पर ग्लोबल समझा जाने वाले भारत और इंग्लैंड मैच पर भी आंख लगाये थे. पिछले कुछ मैच में आने वाली इंग्लैंड की जनता को देख कर ऐसा लगता था कि ये सब ५-१० साल में जब ऊपर निकल लेंगे तब इंग्लैंड में भी भारत और इंग्लैंड के मुकाबले में भारतीय ही इंग्लैंड के लिए ‘चियर’ करते दिखेंगे. अलबत्ता उनकी इकॉनमी की, ये हालत रही तो ‘चियर लीडर्स’ ज़रूर इंग्लैंड की होंगी. इधर टॉस होने ही वाला था कि दरवाज़े पे दनादन ३ घंटी बजीं. घर में सबसे छोटे होने के नाते दरवाज़े खोलना, सामान पकड़ना और कार की आखिरी सीट में बैठना हमारे ही काम था, तो हमने वो किया.

मुख़्तार अंसारी के बसपा में घुसने की तरह हमारे ‘वाट्स-एप’ वाले मामा दनदनाते हुए घर में घुस आये. ऐसा नहीं है कि डिजिटल इंडिया की तरह वो हमारे कोई डिजिटल मामा हैं या सिर्फ ‘वाट्स-एप’ पे बने अभी बने ग्रुप की तरह कोई फर्जी मामा. अभी हमने कुछ महीनों पहले उनके मोबाइल पे वाट्स-एप डाउनलोड कर दिया था और वो ‘जिओ’ के साथ जी भर के जी रहे थे. उन्होंने कहा था कि ‘जिओ जी भर के’ तो जिओ का टैगलाइन है, जिसपे हम ‘रीवाइटल’ बोलने पे खूब गाली खाए थे. हाल फिलहाल पूरा ज्ञान ‘वाट्स-एप’ से ही लाते थे. उनका मानना था कि जैसे ऋषि मुनियों के टाइम पे सूक्तियां चलती थीं और वो पुराणों में लिख के सर्कुलेट होंती होंगी, वैसे ही आज सारा ज्ञान ‘वाट्स-एप’ पे बंट रहा है, बस बटोरने वाले की श्रद्धा और डाटा में दम होना चाहिए. हालाँकि, एक दिन ग्रुप पे दो लगातार आये ज्ञान में एक में टमाटर को ‘एसिडिक’ और दूसरे में अमृत बताया गया था तो वो काफी कन्फ्यूज़ हो गए थे. हमने थोड़े मजे लिए तो चिढ के बोले जब ज्ञानी महात्माओं में मोक्ष प्राप्ति को लेकर मतभेद हो हो सकता है तो, ये तो टमाटर है. धीरे धीरे, वो हम भांजों के बीच बड़े मामा से ‘वाट्स-एप’ वाले मामा हो गए थे.

हमने पूछा “क्या हुआ मामा इतना सर्दी में कहाँ कडकडाते घूम रहे हो. हड्डी वड्डी चटक गयी तो सीधे मोदी से आडवानी बन जाओगे” उनका दिल बहुत बड़ा है तो जाहिर सी बात है, वो हर बात दिल पे ले लेते हैं. वो बोले- “न हम मुलायम हैं न आडवानी. हम तो मद्रास वाले पनीरसेलम हैं, ये सब धमकी अपनी मामी को दिया करो. जयललिता बनी बैंठी हैं, टीवी पे कब्ज़ा करे” हमने उस कमेंट की तकनीकी खामी पर कोई टिप्पणी नहीं की और उन के बगल में बैठने आ गया. पर अभी एक और छोटी सी चुल्ल हमारे पिछवाड़े में साक्षी जी महराज की तरह घुसी थी. “पर आप मैच कब से देखने लगे”. सही बात ये थी कि एक जगह इत्ती देर बैठे रहने का उनमें धीरज नहीं था. इसमें वो बिलकुल आज ‘फ़ास्ट फ़ूड’ जनरेशन जैसे थे- सब जल्दी चाइये.

“मैच कौन देखने आया है, हम तो टीम देखने आयें हैं” हमारे चौंके हुए चेहरे की तरफ देख कर बोले, “हमको सब पता है. वो एक कश्मीरी लड़का खेल रहा है न- क्या नाम..मुशर्रफ” हमने काटते हुए बोला, “परवेज़ रसूल”

“हाँ हाँ वही, देखने आये हैं कि इस टीम में उसको लिया कि, नहीं” मामा ने नाम किनारे किया और एजेंडा आगे बढ़ा दिया. हमें समझ न आया कि हम प्रोफेशनलिजम पे खुश हों कि या खिलाडी की बेजती से खफा. खैर, वो जारी रहे- “‘वाट्स-एप’ पे आया है कि वो ‘जन गन मन’ के टाइम पे चुन्गम चबा रहा था. और खड़ा भी एक दम आराम की पोजीसन में था” पहले तो मन हुआ कि उनको बोलें कि दंगल देखते समय जब दूसरी बार राष्ट्रगान हुआ था तो वो भी कमर का बहाना देके बैठे रहे थे और उससे पहले वाले पे बंटी भी ‘पॉपकॉर्न’ खुरखुरा रहा था. हमने सोचा- ‘नथिंग पर्सनल’ जाने दो. गन और गण तो उनकी क्षमता के ही बाहर था तो वो खुद ही चला गया. फिर भी हमने सोचा मजे तो लें “ तो आप क्या देखने आये हो, वो रहे या न रहे”. अपने देश के करोणों लोग की तरह मामा भी शायद नहीं समझ पाए थे उन्हें क्या चाहिए. तो वो भी कुछ भी बघारने लगे.

“याद है पुराने चट्टे पे हमारे पास एक भैंसी थी. जब कारगिल का युद्ध जीते थे, तो उसी समय उसको लाये थे. एक लाहौरी भैंसे और देसी भैंस से पैदा हुआ थी, तो हम उसको कश्मीर की कली कहते थे.” लाहौरी भैंसा १९९८-९९ में उनको कहाँ से मिला था इस बात पे हम उनसे जिरह करना नहीं चाहते थे. वो चालू रहे- “बहुत शानदार भैंस थी. जितना मन आये उतना दूध देती थी. उसकी वजह से दूर दूर से लोग उसका दूध तो लेते ही, देखने भी आने लगे.” हमने मन में सोचा कि गाय भैंस को देखने लोग आते थे, तो मतलब गाँव में लोग काफी खाली थे और मनरेगा काउंटर सिर्फ पैसे लेने ही आते होंगे.

इधर दोनों कप्तान फील्ड पे आ गए और मामा तब भी जारी रहे ,”कभी तो एक दम शांत रहती तो कभी एक दम बौरा जाती. जब उसपे ज्यादा ध्यान देते तो बाकी भैंसे बौरा जातीं. जब छोड़ देते तो ये पगुराने लगती. समझी न आता कि साला चक्कर क्या है. कई बार खूँटा उखाड़ने की सोचती, तो कभी खुली छूट के भी घर से जाने का नाम न लेती” हमें लगा मामा टॉपिक कहीं का कहीं ले जा रहे हैं. वो बड़े भावुक हो गए तो हमने अपना मुंह बंद ही ठीक समझा. वो फिर बोले, “हमको कभी न समझा उसको चाहिए क्या. एक बार नेताजी के चट्टे में मुंह मार के आई तो हम बहुत कष्ट में पूछे कि ‘बेटा तुमको क्या चाहिए’ तो हमारे कंधे पे अपना नथुना रगड़ीस और एक दम से खूब सारा गोबर कर दीस”. मामा के ‘मोमेंट’ में खलल पड़ गया था और मम्मी चाय लेके उनके नथुनो तक ले आई थी, “हम समझ गए कि इसको शायद खाना वहां है, और हगना यहाँ. फिर, कभी खाती यहाँ थी और हगती वहां. हम बहुत गुस्से में एक दिन कस के मारे, तो अगले दिन बंटी को सींग मार दी. काफी दिन तक जो भी उसके नज़दीक जाता उसको गिरा देती. फिर खुद ही कुछ दिन बाद मस्त होक दूध देने लगती.” हम अब बुरी तरह उकता गए थे तो हमने पूछ दिया, “तो मामा पॉइंट क्या है?”

उनकी हालत उस बल्लेबाज की तरह थी जो २०० होने से ३ रन पहले अचानक पारी समाप्ति की घोषणा होने से बौखला जाता है. इस कमज़ोर पल में चाय के प्याले ने उनका साथ दिया. कसके सुड़कते हुए बोले, “ जब भी कोई पूजा या हवन होता, सब की नज़र सिर्फ उसी भैंस पे होती. बाकी सारी भैंसे चाहे एक दम काएदे से खडी रहें या लोट जाएँ. लेकिन सब इसी को देखते, और ये ससुरी, हमेशा जुगाली करती रहती. सब बोलते- ‘अरे ये देखो २ मिनट शांत नहीं रह सकती, जुगाली तो करेगी कित्ता भी सिखा लो’ और हम मायूस से हो जाते. सोचते दूसरों को दिखाने को ही सही कभी स्थिर रह जा. पर हम कभी उसको मारे नहीं न कभी सताए.” उस समय हमको मामा बिलकुल आम इंसान नज़र आये, वो वैसे भी चाह के क्या उखाड़ लेते.

जब मुझे एहसास हुआ कि उन्होंने उदाहरण इतना गन्दा और बदतमीजी भरा लगाया है तो मैं बेचैन हो गया कि तभी वो चाय का एक और बड़ा सुडका मार के बोले, “ २ दिन से ये ‘वाट्स-एप’ पे मुशर्रफ का वीडियो और पिक्चर आ रहा है तब से हम यही सोच रहे हैं कि हम ठीक किये या नहीं, ये फैसला देश पे ही छोड़ दिया जाए.” वो फिर परवेज़ को मुशर्रफ बोले थे और हम अब टीवी की ओर मुंह करके देख रहे थे. हमसे उनकी ये बकवास झेली नहीं जा रही थी. हमने कहा,”ऐसा भी हो सकता है वो अच्छा न खेलता हो” ये बोलते ही ऋषिकेश कानिटकर के ३० मैच दिमाग में घूम गए और हम चुप हो गए.

“खेल वेल कोई भी हो, ये सब बातें पॉलिटिक्स से ही होतीं हैं. आज अगर उसको फिर से लिया और वो जुगाली किया तो हम मानेंगे की हम सही किए नहीं तो सोचंगे कि – “ ये वाक्य मामा ने पूरा नहीं क्या, शायद बिस्कुट मुंह में आ गया था. मामा अब तसल्ली से कुर्सी पे सरकार के अमिताभ बच्चन टाइप पसर गए थे. मामा ने फिर आखिरी सुड़का मारा और मैंने पलट के कहा, “मामा पनीरसेलम नहीं, पन्नीरसेल्वम. और मद्रास नहीं, तमिलनाडु है स्टेट” मामा ‘वाट्स-एप’ पे घुस गए थे. शायद वहां उन्हें टीम की खबर पहले ही आ गयी होगी. अब सिर्फ उनको ही नहीं हम सभी को टीम की परवाह मैच से ज्यादा थी.

Section 377: A Run-down


Every person has a right to live his life the way he wants while making sure that he, in that process does not encroach on another individuals’ right. What is “freedom” then? Is it above your rights or parallel to it? The Indian Constitution defines freedom as a fundamental right in many senses. In simple terms, it means the power to not be enslaved. It is free will for each and every citizen. Freedom does not differentiate between different classes, castes, or gender. Freedom is equal for everyone. But what if the provider of the freedoms, our Constitution, takes away a freedom based on some constricted dualities?

This duality is seen in the Section 377. On one hand, the constitution grants fundamental rights like the right to life and personal liberty, which simply stands as the freedom to choose how to live your life in a meaningful, complete and dignified manner; and on the other hand it takes away this freedom by criminalizing a person’s right to choose whom he wishes to have sexual intercourse with in the Indian Penal Code.

Section 377’s roots lie in the religious morality of the time which abhorred non-procreative sex. Since its inception, Section 377 has remained unchanged. Even now, major religions in India believe homosexuality is immoral and support Section 377 as the protector of the Indian culture.

Lord Macaulay drafted the Indian Penal Code in 1861 during the British colonial regime in India. The Indian Penal Code contains Section 377 in the sub-chapter titled “Of Unnatural Offences” under the chapter “Of Offences Affecting the Human Body”. It reads as follows:

377. Unnatural Offences – Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation – Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section.

Thorough reading shows that popular conception regarding this section is wrong. The term “against the order of nature” makes it such that any voluntary sexual activity not aiming at procreation falls under this section, which means that homosexual intercourse as well as oral and anal sex between a man and a woman is punishable under the current law. For the purposes of this section, we are not taking bestiality into consideration.

Homosexuality in India has been a taboo since time immemorial. Majorly, the LGBTQ community is pushed down with threats of punishment. The LGBTQ community, already bogged down by centuries of ridicule and hate, have one more thing to worry about-a jail term. According to Health Ministry statistics 2.5 million Indians have been recorded as homosexual. The real figure will be much higher. With such a substantial number of Indians belonging to LGBTQ community, Section 377 still exists. In the worlds’ largest democracy, an existence of such a section not only takes away the right to choose a sexual partner from the LGBT community but also from the transgender community. The newer generation, sensitive to the winds of change, is currently fighting this battle out in the Supreme Court of India.


  • 2001: Lawyers Collective, on behalf of NAZ Foundation (India) Trust, filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Delhi High Court seeking to legalize consensual sex between two adults of same gender.
    September 2, 2004: PIL was dismissed.
  • November 3, 2004: Review petition was filed which was dismissed.
  • 2005: The LGBTQ community approached the Supreme Court against the dismissal by the Delhi High Court.
  • February 3, 2006: The Supreme Court ordered the High court to reconsider the matter on merits.
  • July 2006: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare through National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) contended that Section 377 acted as an impediment to HIV prevention efforts in the High Court.
  • November 7, 2008: Final hearings concluded. HC reserves its verdict.
  • July 2, 2009: Delhi High Court holds Section 377 to be violative of fundamental rights laid down in the Constitution insofar as it criminalized consensual sexual acts of adults in private.
  • March 27, 2012: SC reserves verdict on appeals filed against the Delhi High Court judgement.
  • December 11, 2013: SC sets aside the verdict of Delhi High Court.
  • December 21, 2013: Government files review petition to the Supreme Court.
  • January 28, 2014: Supreme Court dismisses the review petition.
  • February 2016: SC agrees to set a 5 judge “constitutional” bench to listen the matter.

A constitutional bench is formed only when the court is convinced that there is a “substantial question of constitutional law” that is raised in the case. The basic question is why members of a community should be persecuted based only on their sexual orientation or preference. The case-hearing by the constitutional bench of the Supreme Court has given hope to the LGBTQ community as the move represents the notion that the Indian judiciary is going to review this matter seriously. This decision will be the last judicial recourse available to the petitioners who are looking at a progressive remedy for all those suffering under the draconian and colonial law. No further update is received till now.

Fundamental Rights violations by Section 377:

Every human is born with a basic right to choose his/her partner. This right is totally subjective. Every person shall be allowed to consent freely. This is one of the many reasons why sexual harassment and rape are crimes against society. Consent must be obtained freely and without the intervention of the state agencies.

If we come down to Article 14 it states:

“The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”.

We can sense a direct contradiction between Article 14 and Section 377 as the former gives the right to each and every person to be equal before the law whereas the latter restricts a particular section of people from selecting their partners for a matter as personal as “consensual” sex based on gender. When such a gender discrimination is present, Article 14 is violated.

The right of privacy is implicit to the right of life and liberty under Article 21. In order to live happily a person needs to live his life with peace and dignity in his individual sphere without any interference of law. Private, consensual sexual relations will also come under the ambit of Article 21. The Supreme Court has held that under Article 21, life does not means mere existence but it also includes the necessary freedom to exercise the means for existence. Therefore, according to Article 21 life without freedom amounts to mere existence which does not, in reality amounts to “life” by any means. Hence, Section 377 itself is violative to the basic fundamental idea of life vested within Article 21 since a very important sphere of life includes love, affection and even sexual relations from a life-partner.

Why should Section 377 be amended and not scraped?

Section 377 cannot be termed as a “bad law” in totality as it covers one of the most ignored problems in our society that is “male rape” which is not covered under Section 375 or 376 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or any other statute. Section 375 and 376 define rape and the punishment for rape. Male rape is committed when two men whether major or minor, indulge into sexual activities without consent.

Section 377 also criminalizes bestiality which is sexual intercourse with a non-human species. Bestiality or zoophilia is categorized as animal abuse and is treated as a crime against nature. It also adds to the spread of harmful diseases.

Section 377 was drafted under the British rule in the view of the then existing society. Currently, the scenario of the Indian society has changed drastically. It is diverse. The citizens are aware of their rights. The police must not enter somebody’s bedroom to keep an eye upon another persons’ intimate life. If this leeway is given, there will be rampant violation of one’s right to privacy.

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