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यह कैसी आज़ादी?


पिछले कई दिनों से देश में एक दंगल चल रहा है। अखाड़े में एक तरफ “आज़ादी” खड़ी है तो दूसरी तरफ “राष्ट्रवाद”। दर्शक छात्र और विश्वविद्यालय है। विचारधाराओं की अड्डाबाजी हो रही है। कहीं टिका-टिपण्णी मीडिया वाले कर रहे हैं तो कहीं बुद्धिजीवी वर्ग। खूब नारेबाजी हो रही है। बाजार गर्म है। जे. एन.यू और दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय जैसे प्रतिष्ठित शैक्षणिक संस्थान में अगर देश विरोधी नारे लगे और हमारा खून न खौले तो सच में हमारे खून में न देश का नमक है और ना ही पानी। नेहरू जी के समय से जे एन यू जैसे शैक्षणिक संस्थान वामपंथी विचारधाराओं का एक मजबूत अड्डा रहा है और ऐसे देश विरोधी कार्य उस समय से चलते आ रहे हैं पर यह दुर्भाग्य है की ये सब आज तक एक किताब के अंदर बंद रहा है क्यों की अन्य विचारधाराओं का कोई वजूद और अस्तित्व नहीं था। दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के रामजस कॉलेज में जेएनयू के छात्र उमर खालिद को बुलाए जाने पर हुए विवाद में दोनों गुटों में हाथापाई के बाद लड़ाई तेज हो गई है। अब यह लड़ाई राष्ट्रवाद बनाम राष्ट्रवाद बनाम देशद्रोह की हो गई है। कुछ साल पहले जे एन यू में एक राष्ट्रवादी संगठन अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद मजबूत हुई है और इसी कारण अब वामपंथीयों के कुकर्म उजागर हो रहे हैं जो उनको अब पच नहीं रहा है। भारत विश्व का सबसे बड़ा लोकतंत्र है और सबको बोलने की आज़ादी है। संविधान ने आज़ादी की एक लक्ष्मण रेखा तय की है और हमें उसी तक सीमित रहना चाहिए।

जो कुछ कैंपस में हो रहा है और जो देश को तोड़ने के नारे लग रहे हैं उससे ये पता चलता है की हमारे शिक्षकों ने किस तरह से छात्रों पर एक विचाधारा का प्रचार कर प्रभाव डाला है। हमारे शैक्षिक संसथान में बहुत विद्वान शिक्षक हैं जो अपने कार्य तक सीमित है पर कई हैं जो कैंपस में राजनीती करने आते हैं, सरकार को संज्ञान लेना चाहिए। भारत हमारी माँ हैं और भारत माँ हमारी माता इसलिए राष्ट्रवाद तो हर हाल में मुद्दा है। एबीवीपी के विचारधारा से में बहुत प्रभावित हूँ क्यों की वो देश की बात करती है और राष्ट्रवाद तो हर हाल में उनका प्रमुख मुद्दा है। मेरा मानना है कि अधिकांश छात्र जो भारत को अपना देश मानते हैं, महिलाओं का सम्मान करते हैं, कश्मीर को भारत का अभिन्न अंग मानते हैं और सबसे बड़ी बात उनमें राष्ट्रवाद की भावना है वह सब राष्ट्रवादी हैं। संविधान में स्वतंत्रता के अधिकार को अनुच्छेद १९ से २२ में शामिल किया गया है। परन्तु हमारे तथाकथित बुद्धिजीवी ये भूल जाते हैं की कोई भी मौलिक अधिकार पूर्ण नहीं होते। बोलने की आज़ादी में कई बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है जैसे की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा एवं शांति। देश में आपको बोलने की पूर्ण आज़ादी है लेकिन एक सिमा रेखा तक, लड़ना है तो देश के हित के लिए लड़ो। जेएनयू में महिषासुर दिवस का मनाया जाना, अंतरराष्ट्रीय वेदांत सम्मेलन में योग गुरु रामदेव के विरोध जैसी बातों से हमारे शिक्षण संस्थान हिंदुत्ववाद और ब्राह्मणवाद के विरोध का अड्डा बन गए है। कैंपस में नारे लग रहे, “अफजल तेरे खून से इंकलाब आएगा,अफज़ल हम शर्मिंदा हैं, तेरे कातिल जिंदा हैं, भारत तेरे टुकड़े होंगे।” सामने आया दिल्‍ली यूनिवर्सिटी में हुए प्रदर्शन का वीडियो इसमें प्रदर्शनकारी नारा लगाते हैं, “हम क्‍या चाहते आजादी, कश्‍मीर मांगे आजादी”। जब भारत ही नहीं रहेगा तो इनकी राजनीती कैसे चलेगी? हम सब को अब एक होना होगा और भारत की रक्षा के लिए राष्ट्रविरोधी ताकतों को कमज़ोर करना होगा।

कुछ दिनों से दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय की एक लड़की गुरमेहर कौर मीडिया सेलिब्रिटी बननी हुई है। गुरमेहर ने दावा किया की वह बोलने की आजादी के लिए आवाज़ उठाई है पर उसनें सिर्फ अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद् को इसके विरुद्ध बताया। कोई भी राजनीती से सम्बन्ध रखने वाला व्यक्ति को पता होगा की यह पक्षपातपूर्ण है। फिर भी गुरमेहर ने परिषद् को बोलने की आजादी के विरुद्ध बताया। हमारी लेफ्ट निष्ठावान मीडिया ने पूरी कोशिश कर इससे एक सुसमाचार सत्य और शहीद की बेटी के द्वारा इससे एक भावुक रंग देनी की कोशिश की गई, क्यों की तथ्यों और तर्क में कोई जान नहीं था। गुरमेहर एक छात्र नहीं बल्कि एक सावधानी से तैयार की गई प्रचार है, और उसका वामपंथी संघठनो से पुराण नाता है। गुरमेहर एक सामान्य छात्र नहीं बल्कि एक अनुभवी राजनितिक सामाजिक मीडिया उपयोगकर्ता थी। दंगल होना चाहिए पर देश को दांव पर लगाकर नहीं। हरेक देश के दो बेटे होते है एक आज़ादी तो दूसरा राष्ट्रवाद। हारे कोई रोएगा तो देश ही। हमें आज़ादी तो चाहिए पर राष्ट्रवाद को हराकर नहीं। जय हिन्द!

Who is the real torchbearer of Freedom of Speech? Left or Right?


(Co-authored by Avinash Jain and Abhishek Jain)

In the recent past there has been a tussle going on between the left and right side of political spectrum in India. A tussle which wasn’t seen before the elections of 2014. A tussle which has engulfed every person in India to take a stand on issues whether they like it or not. This is about setting the narrative and showing which side is more intolerant or in other words which of the 2 sides is actually a true torchbearer for freedom of speech as each of them claims the other being intolerant. And this intolerant issue got to its peak in 2015 when many returned their ‘Sahitya Academy Awards’ back as a protest against ‘Dadari Incident’, India was termed an intolerant country after that. So why to recap all of this?

Well we saw something really nasty on the night of 26th Feb when two very eminent personalities of India one a retired cricketer and one of the best opening batsman to ever wear Blue for Indian cricket team Virender Sehwag and the other an actor who really made his mark last year with critically acclaimed movie ‘Sarabjeet’ Randeep Hooda took on twitter for some witty fun. Now it all started with a simple tweet from Viru which was basically in good humour. The tweet went viral as with its satirical take on the whole issue , Hooda on his part liked the tweet and found it witty.

Once the tweet surfaced entire left ecosystem swung into action by abusing Randeep and Viru and started name calling.

Rana Ayyub one most vocal leftist voice on twitter even stereotyped entire state of Harayana; which is the home state of Randeep Hooda.

Barkha Dutt the known pakistani sympathiser and prominent liberal voice jumped in the defence of the girl giving it a sexist spin:

And the gem came from, with one of worst sexist tweets generalizing the film actresses as bimbette which literally means ‘A woman regarded as having an exaggerated interest in appearing sexually attractive and as being intellectually vacuous’.

Yet no so called champion of feminism objected to ugly remark. Instead when some Right Wing Twitterers objected Banerjee shamelessly defended with wierd logic.

Mihir Fadnavis comes with another gem stating 2 rich Haryanavi ganging up against 20 year old which is typical of Haryanvis again stereotyping people of Haryana. As this article on points how left lib exposed themselves about their own vile hatred over someone else using their freedom of speech.

The saddest part of this entire episode is that left leaning liberals kept abusing using the choicest word in the name of Freedom of Speech and tried to cull the dissent from Right Wing terming it as abuse.

The question is, is the Freedom of Speech fiefdom of left which when Right Wing exercises, Is termed as abuse or bigotry.

The girl clearly has a political agenda on her mind and there are proof that she has been hobnobbing with hardcore leftists like Kavita Krishnan and bigots like John Dayal since sometime. If you are getting into Politics you should be ready to face the unpleasant things also. One cannot hide behind the gender or family legacy.

Entire narrative that was set by left was the freedom of speech is only for me. If you don’t agree with my views, you are a bigot, misogynist. That’s how the whole episode turned out to be.

The girl who is the talking point of this episode appears to have a political agenda and used her father’s martyrdom to further her agenda turns out that Capt. Mandeep Singh father of Gurmehar was martyred while combating the terrorists and not in Kargil war as claimed by her.

Is the girl so innocent that she can’t even realize that if her father was killed in a war or while combating terrorists, Pakistan was directly involved in it.

This is just one of the many recent examples of left setting up a ploy to make India intolerant under the Modi regime which many regard as Hindu-Right wing. Before this there was the incident of BSF soldier Tej Bahadur whose video had gone viral about the type of food and conditions lower ranking soldiers are treated with. But an ongoing investigation has pointed out some Pakistani links. Tej Bahadur was made an hero of freedom of speech with government and army labelled as culprits. Pakistan had even used this incident to mock Indian armed forces, clearly the left liberal of India & Pakistan have similar motives. That’s why the whole current Ramjas issue also came into be when an event was canceled where Umar Khalid (Bharat Tere tukade honge..Fame) & Shehla Rashid of AISA were the key speakers. ABVP is being made to look as the culprit when they only exercised their Freedom of Speech by protesting against the said event.

And this was just last week, two weeks ago Sanjay Leela Bhansali was manhandled in Jaipur during a shooting of his upcoming movie on Rani Padmavati but as per some reports it was a reaction to movie crew firing gunshots in air. That time everyone in Indian film industry stood in support of SLB & condemned the violence but none of them came forward when recently a movie called ‘Lipstick under My Burkha’ was is being denied certification by CBFC there hasn’t been a whimper from the industry. The movie has a certain community as its basic premise which is enabled by left-lib and hence no freedom of expression here? Same way none of the so called eminent citizens of India spoke when Tarek Fatah was man handled & attacked when he went to address an Urdu Festival, he had to then leave in the end.

So the question really here is that who is actually for the freedom of speech and who is against it? Is it the right or the Left-Liberal of India? Who is the facised force here? It was congress which brought the dacorian law of 66A to muffle the voices on social media platform like Facebook and Twitter. Recently a Member of Parliament of TMC a left leaning political party named two twitter handles in Rajya Sabha where the concerned handle users couldn’t even defend themselves. They were attacked by the MP as they had exercised their right of speech and tweeted on the dire situation in West Bengal which is being governed by TMC.

We have seen this again and again over the years now where the left has propped up some or the other icon which would play victim and cry foul and this will go on till 2019 when the main battle for Lok Sabha will be fought. Let’s see who they prop up next year in 2018.

Also as the time of this article being written ABVP had filed police complaint for Gurmeher Kaur asking Delhi police to act against those who are threatening Miss Kaur on Social Media platforms with death threats and Rape Threats.

Freedom of speech isn’t one sided as left thinks. But they won’t understand that and call it post-truth and debate on it for days. But then that’s how they have been doing it for years.

In the end check this video montage on the whole who killed whom issue and who want’s peace by brilliant @superlonday.

The accountability for India


Freedom of Expression is a phenomenal thing. The power to express all emotions good and bad. Strong and feeble. Great power that. Though not all encompassing.

You cannot make rape threat to anyone by virtue of freedom of expression. You cannot threaten to cut someone to pieces by virtue of freedom of expression, not to mention ‘beheading’someone. You cannot apply freedom of expression to tell someone that you will be destroy them. If you stand by someone who made those threats there is every possibility that you could be considered part of conspiracy. Someone accountable would call you out. You ought to face it.

Above are the threats that were made to India by pseudo leftist liberals. Every single Indian had the accountability to call out. Call out, we did. You conspired, we stood up. You wanted to spread the venom, we put a tourniquet. It wasn’t pleasant, but it worked, at least for now, it did.

Now, how are we wrong when we do that? When you sling mud at the sacred feminine that is Mother India you are right. But when we call out the folly of a 20 something girl who cannot differentiate war from peace, we are wrong. When we speak it is extremism, when you speak it is freedom of expression?

We still did what we did with a lot of satirical humor. You got us into the mud slinging because you dragged into it someone very very important to us.Well played, villains. But no, Olive Green has and will have nothing to do in this business. Keep them away.

#IsupportABVP is not politically aligned. It is nationally aligned. The new placard from the queen of placards might not directly violate national interests. But it indirectly does. Remember the sponsors behind stone pelters, the masterminds behind the terrorist attacks- all of those were indirect. Going against ABVP, in this case, is indirectly taking a stand against the nationalistic interest of not letting poison spread. Let’s condemn the violence, the threats and all the works, fake or otherwise. But, dear friends, let us teach  them to respect the motherland, respect for all women would follow.

We Indians are passionate beings. We love passionately. We protect that which we love even more passionately. And as for India, you would have understood by now, that she will be protected.

**Throw back to 2009 when  a ‘premier’ TV channel sent a legal notice for defamation to a blogger for (rightly) calling out on one of their ‘star’ reporters. So as it stands freedom of expression sometimes does have certain limitations.

The game of one way Freedom to Dissent & the baking news


There is no nation in the world, where people shy from praising their own nation! There are absolutely no question marks when it comes to the kind of feelings about one’s own nation. But now, people who always had one excuse or the other to not salute the Tricolor, people who borrowed foreign communist ideology, people who lost their chairs and power in the last Loksabha Elections are suddenly enlightened by coining new terms like FoE, Right to Dissent etc etc. For 70 odd years everything was so fine, so peaceful, so free and suddenly in past couple of years it seems that all has changed.

Can anyone tell me, who will stop me from my Freedom of Expression for my love towards my country? Who will stop? In the same manner who is stopping certain people to appreciate their own motherland? The sad part is today’s media. They are mostly left ideologist, communism is their thought process and when journalism commits suicide shedding neutral nature & adopts one certain line of thoughts suddenly the news start changing.

A year back, students in late 20s and 30s (termed scholars by media) and still studying at university campus on our taxes were alleged of ranting Azaadi slogans and one English news channel got a free pass to cover the university campus for almost 2-3 weeks, there was a high voltage drama, then there were leaders from various parties whom the majority of voters had rejected in Lok Sabha giving regular attendance at the said campus. This channel projected it so much just because it was his smile that attracted one of this channels’ editor but she overlooked what hate this guy was blabbering, just because she herself was in middle of so many taped controversies, its enough for even the dumbest person to understand what kind of people we have doing journalism.

During the same time, there was an opposite scenario in another university, the NIT, Kashmir. They too were students, they too had a voice to raise, they too had genuine issues, but the same media didn’t even dare to enter the campus and cover them. The students used social media platforms like FB to post the ground situation and the kind of fear they were living in. The locals dominated their voice and in the media houses in Delhi, it was pin drop silence. Two sides of the same coin? Or two different angles of ideology (which these media houses follow)?

There is an English news channel which claims to be a National Channel itself and had the most controversial Editor cum Journalist (who is no more associated to the channel though) covered Taj & Kargil live from ground zero & what happened? Her ground zero coverage always gave our side of operations to the ones sitting in Pakistan and helped them make the time of our brave soldiers, policemen in Mumbai toughest one. We lost so many brave soldiers and policemen, we lost so many parents, grandparents, kids so many.

Now just a 20 yr little girl came to limelight for her alleged peaceful message displayed on placards. Just 20? At 18 Indian laws say you are eligible to vote and choose your representative. At 18 a girl is matured enough by laws to choose her life partner but then this media covered her side of the story by her age again. What a drama of playing placards by mentioning Pakistan didn’t kill her dad, war did! My dearest sister (and I mean it, Sister), in the history of the whole world every soldier was killed because of war but what made you specify Pakistan? What? Didn’t you thought for one moment that your stand itself means giving clean chit to Pakistan? I have no arguments for the second part, because its truth that war killed not only soldiers but civilians too world over. But, If you are fighting for peace as u say… Stop fighting (the word you used ‘Fighting’ itself is not peaceful).

Placard or Playcard

You should be rather striving and when you start with a point that can’t be a universal acceptable truth, there will be opposite views to counter and if they are trolls as media tags them and then play the victim card, Miss Mehar read carefully “The fact is – You trolled the whole nation!” How can one forget that your dad and thousands of other brave soldiers who have earned such a huge respect by their supreme sacrifice for their Mother Land? Sometimes media tags you young, feisty, intelligent and in the very next hour the same channel tags you “Just 20”. Did any of the Martyrs in the whole world get a chance to say “My dad would be proud of me”? No, they laid their lives for love, they laid their lives for us and what are we doing? Have you intellectuals ever thought about a small country Japan, totally destroyed 7 decades ago and the transformation without the use of placards? Has anyone heard about Japanese students crying foul and coming out in the name of dissent? They did it by their work, even today Japanese quality is a class in its own. How?

Ok. Now for the ones who were hurt by comments from the likes of Sehwag, Yogeshwar Dutt, Babita Phogat etc etc. They made India proud by their work and how about you all? For the ones supporting girls holding a poster “ABVP is like a bra” is FoE and not abusive? But anyone who opposes in general is termed a Bhakt or a Sanghi. What the hell this media is doing and promoting what? Glorifying criminal mindsets? One set of students can use foul language, one set of politicians can abuse anyone on Twitter or in public rallies, one set of media is the only supreme truth, the moment the other set reacts, oh they are all trolls. If these Indian sportsmen had an opinion or a counter view, they shared it and the moment they shared, came out the victim card. The one way Freedom to Dissent, the one way Freedom of Expression got exposed. People or rather world renowned celebrities came out in open to term these sportsmen less literate.

I wonder where did the educational sense of these celebrities commit suicide while highlighting them as inferiors. The ones who brought laurels to nation. Is this what they talk about giving respect to others views? Right to Dissent? And when common people object or post their views they all are mass tagged as either RWs or Sanghis or Bhakts. I wish to question these mass taggers, by accepting your own logic should we think you the opposites to all the above i.e. LWs, Anti Hindus or Atheists? Its like, everyone I don’t like is a Sanghi or a Bhakt! These so called liberals have only character: That they don’t have any character, they do not want discipline, they want a free run for everything with no morals attached.

A one line advice to all such liberals and their messiahs: Your freedom ends where my nose (the pride of my country) starts.

The funniest part is of my own experience on Twitter in mid of this controversial time: A person twitted his daughter’s experience at an English Channel’s studio how the audience was pre-trained in the name of instructions, how one of the popular shows was organized and while twitting the fact he had tagged the then host, a journo, an editor in chief etc etc of that particular channel. What comes next? A reply from the journo: I don’t know why are you tagging me, I am no more associated to it. Tag the concerned ones. Now this incident had happened when she was the host according to the thread by the father. When I twitted with a hashtag #TagThatPerson(Name) suddenly this crusader of Freedom to Dissent at JNU got into act and took out an arm to kill my Freedom to Dissent. That was the Block Button. Lol! This is what happens when you encounter dissent, easy said than done. I wonder if any ex minister, undergoing trial, in any court of law applies the same logic and asks the court to untag himself from the case because he is no more the minister or his party is no longer in power or he is no more associated to the party during which the alleged scam had taken place. Will the alleged ministers be acquitted? Such a stupid logic! You certainly can’t get away with your deeds. Karma haunts you back.

A son of a Head Master can’t be a terrorist

A daughter of a Martyr can’t talk wrong

A son of a maid can’t be anti national

This is how some of news channels have been so far, Can they guarantee that not a single son of Head Master, Daughter of Martyr, Son of a maid was ever convicted? If these media personnel are to be believed then the D world itself is a product of a Head Constable family. With all respect to the parents and their sacrifices, their loyalty what media is doing is, shielding the culprits by the merits of their parents. Stupid glorification that’s dangerous for India’s internal peace. Protecting criminal mindsets, glorifying them, attaching caste to every incident, attaching religion to every incident. Is this news?

My simple question to all the Scholar Teachers at these university campuses, their students and the section of Media glorifying “Humko Chahiye Aazadi” and even surprised that the Yuvraj of India’s oldest political party too was supporting you all. My question to him too: What happened on 15th August, 194 ? Was it not freedom? Or was it just a transfer of power and appointment of premiers (yes appointment)? The root of pain lies here. The selected ones in the initial days of freedom took the chairs for granted and passed on to family members as if they were the legal heirs.

As time passed by and the transformation of ballot voting to EVM happened, the more the people got educated, the more was insecurity mounting on these families who were appointed as premiers and were loosing political grounds decades after decade. Then came the clarification “Bharat se Nahi, Bharat Mei” and that was the most hilarious U turn. If anyone wants Azaadi within India, I would request those doubting to check their FB friend’s list, their social circle, their business circle. The list will itself tell you how beautiful is our country and how beautiful is the unity in diversity in reality.

2014 was the worst for many well established politicians. I won’t call it Tsunami or Modi Wave, I will term it as frustration of people of India in general gave a collective overwhelming mandate and people saw in Modi something which was missing in a muted remote controlled era of one decade. This not only changed the political equations but also unsettled the ones who were associated with the longest serving government for years and were so comfortable working with them, for them, directly or indirectly. This outcome of 2014 elections sent shivers to many and what was seen as immediate effect was the Yuvraj skipping the dinner party of the outgoing PM who had served the Nation for 10 long years. Few days back he was talking about respecting an Ex PM and this is the same Ex PM whose farewell was not important for this Yuvraj who had to urgently fly somewhere just for the urgency known to himself. This is the same Yuvraj who tore an ordinance passed by the same cabinet just for sake of publicity. This is the same Yuvraj who suddenly hijacked his minister’s press conference like ‘Fata Poster Nikla Hero’ but failed miserably.

This is how some of news channels have been so far. Can they guarantee that not one criminal caught was not a son of Head Master, Daughter of Martyr, Son of a maid? Stupid glorification that’s dangerous for India’s internal peace. Protecting criminal mindsets, glorifying them, attaching caste to every incident, attaching religion to every incident. Is this news? Remember 1980’s Doordarshan? So peaceful, so meaningful, no nonsense only news and so decent.

When Kanhaiya was questioned about age, media protected him for his smile, when Mehar was opposed media called her just 20 and anyone who disagreed to her views was termed Troll. Wow FoE & Freedom to Dissent! This same media committed suicide when a just 15 year innocent girl Jhanvi Behal challenged Kanhaiya. No not even Barkha Dutt spared her. She was not even 20 but media didn’t like her because this little girl was talking about nationalism and talking in a simple language, that, normally any STD 10th class student would have, full of innocence and pride and love for their nation. Time to wake up and realize what we see in news is not news. It’s baked, it’s twisted it’s a dangerously scripted game which may ruin our future and integrity of India. Wake up and say without shame. Let the heartbeats dance to the tune of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”. We are Indians First. My dear friends we may belong to different religions, castes but when the world sees us they call us ‘Indians’. That’s our global identity. Let’s be proud of it. “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”.

If the loud chants in one voice Sachin.. Sachin could electrify atmosphere of a whole stadium, chanting Bharat Mata Ki Jai can electrify the whole nation. Say loud with pride I love India. Time to be aware, time to refrain ourselves from getting carried away by how news are broadcast, Time for the youth to use their senses, we have been living in a friendly world, lets not destroy the peace of current time and the future of generation next by getting carried away by false propaganda.

This enigma called Nationalism


A lil something broke inside me today
As I scrolled through my timeline
I felt like I was being persecuted
For just no fault of mine.

How did it turn out this way Lord
For neither reason nor rhyme
What did I do to become so sinful
How did loving my country become a crime.

Nationalism was like that fuzzy feeling
Of loyalty and allegiance to your mother
When did they change its definition
To mean superiority over others

Einstein called it a disease Lord.
“The measles of mankind”
de Gaulle thought it meant hatred
For people other than your kind.

As I introspected on my vocabulary
I learnt I’ve been naive all along
For even your sentiments are secondary
But Your diction just can’t be wrong.

If for what I feel I can’t be a nationalist
Then those at the other end of the spectrum
Just can’t be called as anti national
There just must be another term.

To know you I must first know me
So I decided I had to take some time
To put my thoughts out on paper
To turn my sentiments into a rhyme.

My nation to me meant my people
And the bond we shared so strong
And even though I wasn’t born there
It’s where I’ll always belong.

My nationality was my identity
Wherever in the world I would roam
We stuck together like a clique
Like people from one home.

To me nationalism meant respecting
Her land her flag her every sign
Realising her every stand was paramount
Than any contrarian opinion of mine.

To ensure my ramblings
Don’t appear as a hollow note
I’ll even go as far
And add an anecdote.

I never believed in the splitting of Kashmir
I thought Aksai Chin should be ours
My country took a different stand
And so very grudgingly I must concur.

For Kashmiris are my people too
You fight for their right to decide
But why stop with those living there
Include the Pandits who were ostracized.

If a nationalist is what I am not
Then I must google to find my name
I guess I can call myself a Patriot
I wish you could claim the same.

I hope you find your own label
For I have nothing left to say
I’m just going to end my rant
With a “Bharat Mata ki Jai”

Meet the “Alt Math”: GDP numbers and The Telegraph’s war on subtraction

Certain Harvard and Cambridge economists and their derivatives in India have been facing a stormy time ever since India’s headline GDP number for the last quarter was discovered to be a solid 7%. By the way, I found this compilation on Twitter of various headlines from “news” organizations. Without looking at the labels on top, see if you can spot which headline came from NDTV:


This is a problem, since the world’s most reputed economist had already projected a fall of 2% in India’s GDP growth to a rousing reception by the chattering classes.


Retrofitting reality to conform to the oracle’s predictions can be a bit of a sweat. You know, there was a time when this country would struggle to reach a growth rate of 2%. I wonder sometimes what Dr. Singh would have to say about that.


But then, I didn’t go to Cambridge University. Not even to the Lennox Cook School.

Nevertheless, the release of GDP numbers gave an impetus to the retrofitting industry in the Indian media. Here is some of that good old Orwellian awesomeness from The Telegraph.


Who wrote this story? A “special correspondent” of course. Well, he or she must be really really special. Let’s read the underlined sentence again: The estimate was cut to 28,30,760 crore from 28,52,339 crore, thus making the estimate go 1,75,554 crore lower.

Wait. What does the calculator say?


Hmmm… 2852339 – 2830760 is merely 21,579 instead of the 1,75,554 that I should be getting. Clearly, I am in need of a different calculator to process the “Alt Math” of the left. As you can see, Modi as PM has been a disaster for arithmetic.


Theek hai!

The perils of a documentary democracy


Our great Bharat as per the classical textbook definition is a democratic nation with the government “by the people, of the people, and for the people” but there is a catch– everything is just on paper– literally, sarcastically, as well as sadistically speaking. Every systems and procedures formed in this nation are for the purpose of creating documentary evidences rather than bringing real changes to the lives of the people. My readers would be wondering what I am talking about but then I can only explain this using examples to substantiate my claims– you although have the liberty to call my examples as “anecdotal evidences” to brush aside my concerns and go back to your liberal utopian worlds.  However, I do take the liberty of requesting you to read this with an open mind.

For starters, we have got the bulkiest Constitution in the world– with “n” number of laws and “n raised to the power of n” number of bye-laws, interpretations, case studies, judgments, and what not which create a web of words leaving the best of the culprits to either escape the law with a clean chit or just prolong the justice process using legal technicalities so that they get enough time of a few decades by which time either the complainant would be brought to a compromise or simply eliminated if the defendant is a really mighty fellow. No wonder that people can freely shout with impunity antinational slogans and not only get away with them with finesse but also become overnight celebrities– a feat that is only possible on the entire planet in the great nation called Bharat. Remember the vermins who had shouted “Bharat tere tukde honge, insha allah” and the subsequent sedition charge filed on them and finally the bulky judgement for bail issued by the judge which criticized such acts on nearly four pages but then decided to give bail to the culprits rather than taking the justice process to its logical conclusion! And now what everybody is busy with their “rozi roti- seeking lives” and everything has faded away from the junta’s memory making Kanhaiyaa Kumar and his cohorts “victims” of the government. Any guesses why such delays and miscarriages of judgments take place? The primary simple answer is that there is not enough “documentary evidence” against the culprits– as if the culprits are going to create documentary evidences first and then commit the crime!

Take any case in our judicial system, the average years of pendency for getting judgement is no less than 5 years.  Even our fast track courts (I can’t stop laughing at this oxymoronic term) give their judgements in nearly 3 years even though the case seems like a plain vanilla criminal-victim one, like in case of rapes and murders. The first hurdle in our judiciary is that it is based on the premise that even though a thousand culprits go scot-free, no innocent will be punished. And secondly it is the responsibility of the victim to prove that (1)  s/he is a victim and (2) the person whom s/he is accused is the culprit– and both these facts have to be proven in a 100% watertight shut fashion without any possibility for alternate theories/stories (which the culprit may form as alibis– that is the victim should have every sort of documentary evidence as well as witnesses to counter any possible permutation and combinatorial theories propounded by the culprit’s lawyer– and to add the chat masala to all this, there is the perpetual rule of summons that is in practice in our judiciary, no proceedings are forwarded if summons are not “received” by the defendant, i.e. the defendant should sign on the summons’ copy acknowledgement– again a relic of documentary democracy which gives the culprit the biggest loophole to avoid justice. You just have to commit a crime and change your address somewhere which nobody knows and the summons will come and bounce for nearly 1 to 2 years and in case you have good contacts with the court clerks, it can go as long as 3 years also after which the court will issue warrant against you– first bailable and then nonbailable. The issuance of warrants is again a method of creating documentary evidence by the judiciary that they have done their “jobs” and it is not in their power if the culprit is absconding. The warrants are served through the nearest police station and you just have to give some chai-paani to the local thulla in order for him to give a report to the court that the “house was locked” during the service of summons. Another documentary play wherein the Thulla creates an evidence that he has done his “job” of going to the house of the culprit to service the summons but the same was locked. This process of “gone and found lock” can give the culprit around 6 months to 1 year (or more which again depends on your relations with the right cops!). Okay now that after 1 year a non-bailable warrant is issued against the culprit, then the thulla has no other way but to arrest you from somewhere. It is then that the thulla will finally find the culprit’s house “not locked” and tell you to come to the police station tomorrow along with his Vakeel. The culprit will be made to sign an acknowledgement of the summons copy and told to come to the police station on the days of the hearing- finally the documentary evidence for having met and handed over the summons has been created. Then is the time for the hearing- on the day of hearing, the culprit will appeal to the court to permit him time in order to hire a lawyer to fight his case. And then the history continues- case which has already been dragged for nearly 3 years by the judiciary and the police for documentary reasons is again stretched to the limits of the victims frustration for another decade by which either the victim is totally tired of fighting a long lost case or that both the victims-culprit come to a compromise. Again this is also documented while taking back the case and the case is closed.

This is just a small hypothetical example of a documentary democracy. Anybody who can observe can see that this documentary system of “I did my job” is everywhere from the ubiquitous PUC (Pollution under control) certificate for vehicles (wherein you just get the certificate from any PUC centre by clicking the photo of its number plate regardless of the age and condition of the vehicle) to the innumerable cases of NPA loans pending before the judiciary/DRTs wherein just a documentary evidence for the next Tareekh need to be created along with a reason (alibi would be a better word) for delaying the already dead process.  As seen in the Ajay Devgn’s hit movie, Drishyam, our system just needs documentary evidence and any crime can be committed with impunity if proper documentary evidences are created prior to and after committing the crime.

Sadly speaking all these tactics are never taught in our regular schooling system which teach us to be righteous and honest tax-paying workers who can be steamrolled by the high and mighty as and when required to suit their needs.  The high and mighty although teach these tricks of the trade to their progenies who seem to know all the jugaads to get through the legal tangles be it killing people on the road through rash driving (remember an airman who was killed during Republic Day parade practice in Kolkata by the son of a TMC MLC), road rage (remember the case of Dr. Pankaj Narang, the Delhi dentist who was butchered by Bangladeshi immigrants in front of his 7-year-old son because he was celebrating India’s victory by playing a cricket match with him), rape (the recent horrific one being the Bulandshahar gang rape of mother-daughter in front of their family members by people following the peaceful religion), the mass rioting against Hindus in West Bengal (and no documentary evidence to prove it) and much more if you sift through the mainstream newspapers at any point of time. Every crime will tell you a story of mental torture due to the documentary delays on the part of the police, judiciary, and the legal system in general prevalent in our country as well as the fearlessness with which the criminals stand and roam around in our society by exploiting the documentary system of our democracy.

What is the use of technology if summons could not be served over phone or e-mail? What is the use of biometric-based IDs like Aadhar if you cannot track the whereabouts of a person? What is the use of internet if a victim cannot file a police complaint/FIR without getting harassed by the police? What is the use of Digital India if every time any document has to be produced in a court or government office, it needs to be photocopied on “legal” size paper and attested by a notary? In short, what is use of living in a nation which has most of things from toilets to bridges on paper while the ground realities are in the opposite direction and if anybody complains about it, the simple alibi would be- it was there at as on the date of the document and now it’s gone!

Hail Demoncracy!

मेरे चश्मे से ‘ऐसा’ RAMJAS दिखता है!

  • विवाद की शुरुआत होती है placard पर ABVP लिखकर ट्विटर पर चस्पाने से.
  • सोशल प्लेटफार्म जो किसी भी तरह के विचारों के लिए एक आज़ाद मंच है-ऐसे मंच पर यह placard डाला गया.
  • #ABVP का सीधा-सीधा नाम लिया गया था लेकिन Miss.’G’ के समर्थक ABVP को ओवरटेक करते हुए सीधा कूदे BJP-RSS पर.

FoE की आड़ में शुरू हुआ वैचारिक कोहराम यहीं से राजनीतिक हो गया. छात्र राजनीति को औजार बना कर सरकार पर हल्ला-बोल शुरू हुआ. इसपर प्रतिक्रिया आना स्वाभाविक था. अबतक Miss.’G’ के वामपंथी लगाव और AAP-सम्बन्ध से भी लोग परिचित हो गए थे. उसके हाथ में पकड़े ABVP के placard को लोगों ने कैनवस की तरह इस्तेमाल किया और अपने-अपने पसंद के रंग भरने लगे. एक दूसरे पर राजनीतिक तंज़ कसे जाने लगे.

सभी अपनी-अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार किस्से गढ़ कर साझा कर रहे थे, बहस का माहौल काफी व्यंग्यात्मक था- कुछ तीर पैने थे तो कुछ गुदगुदाने वाले. इसी दौरान किसी ने ‘Pak’ वाला placard भी सर्कुलेट कर दिया. ABVP के placard पर कलाकारी का जो सिलसिला शुरू हुआ था उसी धारा में ‘Pak’ वाला placard भी गोते लगाने लगा. इसी मज़ाकिया माहौल में सहवाग-हुड्डा ने भी अपना एक ‘placard’ ट्वीट कर दिया, मतलब अब सेलेब्रिटीज़ भी अपने FoE का ईस्तमाल कर रहे थे, दोनों तरफ से ट्वीट्स का हमला हो रहा था चूँकि एक खेमे के पास ‘placard’ वाली तस्वीर थी इसलिए अभिव्यकि का मौका ज़्यादा इन्हें मिला.

याद रहे के अभी तक सिर्फ राजनीतिक दल और अन्य मुद्दे ही चर्चा का विषय थे .

(Miss.’G’ अब तक FOE की एम्बेसडर बन चुकी थी-वो भी ट्वीट के जवाब में ट्वीट्स के तीर चला रही थी)

ट्विटर का मिजाज़ बदला लिबरल-पत्रकार S.G. (ndtv) ने सहवाग को एक सीरियस ट्वीट करके कठघरे में खड़ा कर दिया (“Very sad, 20 year, martyr’s daughter, FoE, girl, rape threat”) ऐसा करके उसने बहस को अपने रंग में रंग दिया था. RW वाले जो अब तक कार्ड-कार्ड खेल कर मज़े ले रहे थे, उनको बैकफुट पर धकेल दिया गया. अब बारी थी LW की जिनके पास अब अपना एक दमदार नैरेटिव था-martyr’s daughter.

RW को वक़्त लगा इस शहीद वाले एंगल को काउंटर करने में. अभी तक तो सब विपक्षी दलों के समर्थकों को ट्रोल कर रहे थे पर अब अचानक बहस का रुख़ बदल दिया गया था. LW के धुरंधर भी कमान संभाल चुके थे फिर तो क्या धर्म-जात-मानसिकता-मर्डरर-अनपड़-ग्वार-ज़ाहिल-औकात, Hooda की माँ से Hooda की को-स्टार्स तक को नहीं बख्शा गया!

अब एक छोर से गालियां तो दूसरे छोर से शहीद की बेटी वाली ढाल!

देश के शहीद की बात थी, पीछे हटना ही था.

तब यह फैसला हुआ कि Miss.’G’ को ही सीन से हटाया जाए. यह लोग उसको सपोर्ट करने की आड़ में सबकी औकात नाप रहे हैं. लेकिन Miss.’G’ हटने को तैयार नहीं थी, ना तो tweets-posts से और ना ही tv debates से! वो ठान चुकी थी जब तक फोड़ेंगे नहीं तब तक छोड़ेंगे नहीं!

(Miss.’G’ ने इस बीच टीवी बाइट्स, और इंटरव्यू भी दे डाले असहिष्णुता का जिन भी बहार आ चूका था, न्यूज़ चैनेल्स पर Intolerance की बहस एकबार फिर छिड़ गयी और एकबार “फिर” डिबेट के लिए पुराने तजरबाकार खिलाडियों को स्टूडियोज़ में बुला लिया गया)

यहाँ  ट्विटर पर गोलपोस्ट चेंज करने की तैयारियां चल रही थी- यानी plan B

उनसे Sehwag-Hooda को अपमानित करने का जवाब माँगा जाए. हम आपस में ही एक-दूसरे की छिछालेदर करते रहते. हमारा कख ना घिसना था!? कुछ मुट्ठी भर लोगों में ही हमारी जान-पहचान का दायरा सिमट जाता है परिवार-पड़ोसी-दोस्त-रिश्तेदार. अब कल तक Miss.’G’ भी तो हम में से ही एक थी, AAP का आशिर्वाद और LW का साथ मिलने से BLUE TICK भी मिल गया, आम से ख़ास हो गईं, उस मुल्क की ज़ीशान हो गईं!

पर आपको तो सुकून मिलना था उनको ज़लील करने से जिनको दुनिया जानती हो.

सफलता तो उसी में है जब दुनिया भर के newspaper/channels की हेडलाइंस ऐसी हों

  • INDIAN actor BULLY a 20yr old girl.
  • INDIAN Cricketer Virender Sehwaag mocks girl for supporting Muslim student’s right to free speech-fall from grace!
  • BJP threatens “Indian” girl with “RAPE” for posting “Pro-Pakistan” messages.

(GeoEnglish, The Express Tribune)

हम अपने शहीद के बलिदानों को नमन करते हैं और देश के गौरव का सत्कार भी. इनके हिस्से का भी तो होगा कुछ FoE!?

Miss.’G’ ने placard के सहारे ABVP पर अपना विचार रखा, तो इन्होंने उसी placard का प्रयोग अपनी अभिव्यक्ति के लिए किया. वो कहां जानते थे के आगे चलकर इस नौटंकी का प्लॉट इमोशनल करवट लेगा जहाँ इनके placard कहानी के साथ नहीं बल्कि विपरीत रख कर सजा दिए जायेंगे!

(Miss.’G’ अपडेट:-NDTV studios-DCW-AAP के दफ्तर से अपनों का आशिर्वाद लेते हुए जालंधर! और वहीँ दूसरी और सरकार के मंत्री अपने और अपने दल के दूसरे नेताओं के बयानों की सफाई में लगे थे)

इस बीच वीडियो आया 21feb का. काफी कुछ ऐसा और भी आया जिसको लेकर LW को कटघरे में खड़ा किया जा सकता था लेकिन किसी A-जर्नलिस्ट ने कहानी का यह सिरा पकड़ा ही नहीं पर LW ने पकड़ा—->फोगाट सिस्टर्स को—- वो तो अपने हरियाणा की छवि खराब होता देख-अनजाने में ही इस ट्रोल के निशाने पर आ गई. कुश्ती के खिलाड़ियों को राजनीतिक अखाड़े में खींच लिया गया. अच्छे-अच्छों को अपने दावों से चित करने वाले इन खिलाड़ियों को अनपड़-गवार-जाहिल सरीके तमगों से नवाज़ा गया. खिलाड़ी हो या कलाकार-आमआदमी या पत्रकार- सबको उनके ट्वीट्स के हिसाब से खेमों में बाटा जाने लगा.

ट्विटर पे एक तरफ ये सब चल रहा था दूसरी तरफ “सड़क” पर एक अलग ही तरह की सियासत आकार ले रही थी.

आईए उतरें सड़कों पर

Day 1

  • Umar khalid को invitation,
  • ABVP का Objection,
  • Prog. Cancellation,
  • AISA-SFI का frustration

Day 2

  • ABVP का चूँकि मुद्दा Umar Kahalid को दिया गया निमंत्रण था, जीत तो मिलनी ही थी. दुश्मनों जैसी सोच रखने वालों को सरहद में घुसने से रोक पाने की सफलता ने देशभक्ति का जोश भर दिया. जीत यह भी के JNU में तो तमाशा करते ही हैं पर हमारा कैंपस JNU के ज़हर से बच गया.  तिरंगा मार्च निकाला गया
  • उधर ख़लबली थी LW के खेमे में. अब ज़रूरी था ब्रांड न्यू लेकिन सॉलिड टॉपिक. FOE का मुद्दा फाइनल हुआ. चूँकि देशभक्ति की बराबरी करनी थी तो कुछ सामन भी जुटाना था. तिरंगा+नए स्लोगन्स+placards+पोस्टर्स और मेन अट्रैक्शन में लीडर्स को बुलाना तय हुआ.

Day 3

  • सब कुछ तय समय पे और प्लान के मुताबिक़ हो रहा था. अपने कैमरा वालों को उनकी पोजीशन दे दी गई थी, चारों लीड स्पीकर्स की स्पीच भी रेडी थी, पार्टी का मीडिया भी तैनात था, पार्टी लीडर्स के आने का कन्फर्मेशन भी आ चुका था.
  • LW को इतने बढ़िया प्लान के साथ तैयार देख NSUI को लेफ्ट-आउट होने का ख़तरा दिखा. चूँकि टाईम कम बचा था तो उन्होंने छोटे कार्यक्रम *अनशन* के प्लान के साथ अपना एजेंडा भी सेट कर लिया.
  • मार्च और अनशन शुरू हुआ
  • मीडिया पे प्राइम-टाइम स्लॉट lined-up था-ट्विटर पर बहस चालू थी-लिबरल मीडिया के रिपोर्टर्स भी अपनी पार्टी की मदद करने के लिए ऐसे-ऐसे नेताओं को खोज रहे थे-साक्षी महाराज-गिरिराज सिंह-अनिल विज जिनसे काम की बाइट मिल जाए ताकि मैदान में खड़े सिपाहियों तक असला पहुँचता रहे.
  • विरोधी खेमे का मीडिया तंत्र भी बढ़िया काम कर रहा था. ना तो tv channels ABVP को बुला रहे थे और BJP प्रवक्ता BJP सहित RSS-ABVP की ओर आते तीर भी झेल रहे थे. ट्विटर की बहस भी किसी नतीजे तक नहीं पहुंच पा रही थी. एकतरफा नैरेटिव से ही कहानी हिट हो चुकी थी.

Day 4


  • थोड़ी उम्मीद उस समय नज़र आई जब किसी एक चैनल ने “रामजस~आज़ादी” विडियो आखिरकार दिखाया. कहानी में पिरोए गए सभी किरदारों को गढ़ने वालों के बारे में भी दबी-जुबां में ही सही पर चर्चा होने लगी. शाम होते-होते Umar Khalid पर लगे charges साबित होने की ख़बर भी आई.
  • कुछेक channels ने तो ABVP को बोलने का मौका भी दिया.
  • ABVP कहिन
  • हमारा विरोध तो Umar को बुलाने पर था. विरोध दर्ज कराया और prog. रद्द  भी हो गया.
  • अब अगले दिन यह अपने ढोल-डफली-डंडे-गाने-नारों के साथ पोस्टर उठाये इस बात के लिए आ धमके के Umar का कार्यक्रम रद्द क्यों किया गया?
  • इनके ताम-झाम को देखकर रामजस स्टूडेंट्स ने सोचा DUSU वालों को बुला लेते हैं कहीं सिचुएशन हाथ से ना निकल जाए, DUSU वालों ने हमें बुला लिया.  ABVP तो वहां पहुँचने वालों में से चौथे नंबर पर थी.
  • यह AISa-SFI वाले कैमरा टीम के साथ मानो हमारा ही इंतज़ार कर रहे थे. हमने तय कर लिया था इनसे भिड़ना नहीं है बस इनको कैंपस में नहीं आने देना है-रास्ता रोक लेते हैं. रास्ता ब्लॉक किया तो यह धकेलने लगे. हमारी ओर से भी धक्का मुक्की हुई. इन्होंने आज़ादी और खाक़ी-चड्डी वाले नारे लगा कर उकसाना शुरू कर दिया.  फिर तो माहौल एकदम ही बदल गया. दोनों पक्ष आपस में भीड़ गए. स्टूडेंट्स की संख्या के हिसाब से पुलिस कम थी. उन्होंने लाठियां चला दी. हम सबको पड़ी-मतलब जो उनके डंडे की जद्द में आया-उसको पड़ा.
  • हमपे यह तमाशा थोपा गया! Placard पे हमारा नाम लिख कर सोशल मीडिया पे चमका दिया मतलब बिना जांच-सबूत के सीधा मुज़रिम करार? डिफ़ॉल्ट सेटिंग्स की तरह. बाद में ये लोग अपनी शिकायतों के पिटारे के साथ पुलिस स्टेशन के बजाए न्यूज़ स्टूडियोज़ और DCW के गेड़े लगाते रहे. केस दर्ज तो थाने में ही होता!?  फिर इनके नेता उठ कर आ गये. अपने राजनीतिक फायदे के लिए पुरे देश के स्टूडेंट्स आपस में लड़वा दिए और हमें 5 दिन तक कोसा सो अलग. इनको तो अपना एनुअल फंक्शन सेलिब्रेट करना था. पुरे ताम-झाम लेकर यह तो आए ही बवाल मचाने थे-सो मचा दिया.

पूरा खेल चारों तरफ से राजनीतिक बू मार रहा है. आगे-पीछे-ज़ाहिर-छुपे सभी लोग राजनीतिक पार्टियों से जुड़े हैं! अब आप कबूत्तर बनना चाह रहे हो तो बात और है. पूरा मीडिया तंत्र इनको मंच देने की होड़ में लग जाता है. हमें मौका मिलता मीडिया ट्रायल पूरा होने के बाद, मानो जज अपना फैसला सुनाने से पहले पूछ रहा हो “आपको कुछ कहना है?”

Dissent or attempt of succession?


“Communists want absolute freedom so that if they fail to come into power, they would have the unfettered freedom not merely to criticize, but also to overthrow the state”. These were the words of Dr. BR Ambedkar in the Constituent Assembly about Communists. What we are witnessing since the last two and half years, is the same that Dr. Ambedkar predicted 68 years back.With the unprecedented victory of Narendra Damodardas Modi on the seat of power in New Delhi, their is a rising ultra-left propaganda or say desperation. It is not that it was not present before but now Left pseudo-intelligentsia is feeling threatened that their unquestionable control over the whole education system primarily in Central Universities would get affected. So, in this desperation they are restoring to all types of activities through which they would tarnish the Indian State. But it is only a small angle in this whole COMMUNIST GAME. The covert ideas are what we are not paying attention to, is perhaps the most dangerous thing and direct attack for what our forefathers gave their life to earn for us and due to which we are living and talking to each other DEMOCRACY.

It is true that under Article 19 of Part 3 of our Constitution, we have freedom of speech and expression which is the Magna Carta of Indian democratic values, this article is aimed at establishing ”a government of laws and not of people”. But very cunningly under the garb of freedom of speech, Ultra-leftists are playing their Secessionist agenda. Under the Indian Constitution, the states have no right to secede from the federation. Communists want to create a situation after which people get so angry with the state, that they respond with violence to overthrow it. In the last two years the debate has totally been shifted. Now we are not discussing that how anyone can question The Idea of India for which the likes of Subhas Chandra Bose gave their lives, nobody is discussing how someone can call The Supreme Court of India as Murderer. The Ultra-left has shifted the debate to, what is wrong in questioning anything as we have freedom of expression. Freedom of expression does not mean that you have the right to question the very idea which has given you the right to freedom of expression.

The broader aim of this leftist idea is to de-legitimize the various institutions which are the bedrock of our democratic system and ultimately throw them with an armed rebellion which they are trying since many years in various remote areas of our country by falsely luring the innocent people, but now they have opened a new front through the Central academic institutions by trying to indoctrinate young minds. The event of Delhi University should not be seen as an isolated event, its an episode of a larger anti-constitutional program of the left. G.N
Saibaba, a professor of Delhi University was arrested in 2014, on the testimony of Hem Mishra, a JNU student, that he was urban recruiter of Maoists. The JNU episode where anti-national slogans were raised etc. are other episodes in this larger game plan.

When the Communist party won the elections under the leadership of E.M.S.Namboodripad in Kerala, every political commentator believed it to be a miracle that Left came to power democratically. However, its an irony that the Left can never be democratic. Now, India needs to decide what they want, Secessionist agenda, which would lead to Communist revolution or Democracy. But don’t forget the words of George Orwell that “One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship.”

Gurmehar Kaur: The useful idiot of left liberalism


Gurmehar Kaur, a 20 years old student, almost unknown to a nation of 1.25 billions of people a week ago, is now a hero and victim simultaneously. It should come as a surprise for anyone who is not acquainted with the framework of Indian media and intelligentsia in which they work, but once someone recognizes the pattern, the jigsaw puzzles reveal a larger picture. How did a 20 years girl having no any credibility and credential in any arena became a warrior of free speech and ambassador of courage against the alleged violence of ABVP? It’s all possible if you’re a left liberal and woman who knows what strikes the inner chords of Indian liberals. People like Gurmehar Kaur and Rohith Vemula are nothing more than “useful idiots” in the grand scheme of things in left liberalism and Marxism.

If we focus on the pattern of outrage which has unfolded after May 2014, we can sense a clear desperation by Indian liberals to undermine the credibility of Modi government and nationalist forces at any cost. Murder of Mohammad Akhlaq by people of his village for allegedly stealing a cattle and slaughtering it gave birth to the whole “intolerance” drama for more than three months and ultimately resulting in “award wapsi” campaign by eminent Indian intellectuals. However, the campaign was carefully withdrawn before the investigation reports were revealed. In another instance, suicide of a PhD student of Hyderabad University, Rohith Vemula, was magnified to such extent that it became a national level issue. In this case, narrative of caste struggle was carefully pushed, portraying the current government as anti Dalit and labelling Indian universities as bastion of Brahminical hegemony. Truth turned out to be completely different when investigation revealed that Vemula was not a Dalit, but left’s control on narrative ensured that this will be pushed beneath the surface. Coming to 2017, Indian left liberals were in search of an issue which would give them another such opportunity as they couldn’t find any such issue in past 6 months. Umar Khalid, a PhD student of JNU, notorious for chanting the slogans which call for destruction of India and defending others who did so, was invited to speak in Ramjas College, Delhi University for speaking on “war against Adivasis”. As expected, ABVP protested against it because freedom of expression isn’t an absolute virtue and Khalid is neither a scholar nor an intellectual prowess. This was followed by round of protests between ABVP and left wing student organizations such as AISA and SFI. It was alleged that ABVP beat other students while others were helpless victims. Needless to say, this wasn’t the true version of events as both sides had resorted to violence but left liberal dominated Indian media had decided to vilify ABVP and label it as an organization which curtails the freedom of expression of others.

When left realized that it wasn’t working well, they returned to their old technique of finding “useful idiot” and unleashing the politics of identity. They found Gurmehar Kaur, daughter of Capt Mandeep Singh, who was martyred in Operation Rakshak in 1999, who happens to be a liberal and a girl to make their case more compelling. She posted a picture, holding a placard which says that she isn’t afraid of ABVP and all the students of India are with her. It is unknown to me that how did she determine that all students are with her. People found that she had posted a video in 2016 in which she says that Pakistan didn’t kill her father but war did. Within hours, she became a free speech warrior who had the audacity to challenge “hypernationalism”. However, the liberal tribe of India forgot that freedom of expression is a two way street where one has to understand that other will also exercise his freedom of expression. People on social media were quick to counter her ignorance and stupidity with logic, facts, and some subtle sarcasm. Amidst this, one twitter handle issued rape threat against her. Without any delay, Indian liberal intelligentsia had determined that the person who had issued the threat was a nationalist, and Gurmehar Kaur ran to Barkha Dutt instead of running to police station.

With this one tweet, the narrative completely changed. From free speech, it became “nationalists issuing rape threat to daughter of a martyr who challenged the dominant narrative”. Again, the truth never mattered to these liberals but they seldom bother about it. Everyone who didn’t agree with liberals, exposed their logical fallacy, underscored the utter ignorance in Gurmehar’s stance was referred as “troll”. It’s interesting to note that when liberals actually “troll”, as they did last year when a 15 years old girl Jahnavi, had challenged Kanhaiya Kumar for debate, they call it “dissent” while right wing’s genuine criticism is reduced to mere trolling. The ideology and content figured nowhere in discussion, all which mattered was the narrative which says that a girl was silenced and mocked. Websites like Huffington Post and Feminism in India even wrote articles saying that Indian men can’t tolerate an outspoken girl. What they essentially want to say is that a liberal and feminist shouldn’t be challenged at any cost and if you dare to do so, you will be labelled as ‘misogynist’ troll.

The girl isn’t as innocent as she is being shown by elites as she had shared stage with breaking India forces such as Kavita Krishnan, John Dayal, Priya Pillai etc in the past and Ram Subramanian is her media adviser who also is the media adviser of Arvind Kejriwal. It was also revealed that she has Canadian passport. The biggest lie which was perpetrated and repeated for countless times in this controversy was her claim that her father died in Kargil War while her father had died in Operation Rakshak, fighting with the Pakistan sponsored terrorists. The artificial plantation of Gurmehar Kaur in this series of events reveal that how left is determined to keep the academia as their last bastion when they’re losing their political relevance. The misplaced idealism which teaches Gurmehar that war killed her father instead of Pakistan is result of Marxist indoctrination of students in Indian universities. Indian academia, especially humanities, is completely dominated by Marxists and liberals, having no room for other ideology. They’re extremely hostile of other ideologies in their conduct, which can be seen from the fact that noted economist, Jagdish Bhagvati was forced to leave Delhi School of Economics in 1950s and Baba Ramdev was not allowed to speak in JNU.

Instead of universities being the place of learning and intellectual inquiry, the campuses have become the places for ideological indoctrination of Marxism and liberalism. Due to this phenomenon, Shashi Tharoor appeals others to let Gurmehar Kaur pursue her idealism, as if criticizing her and showing the reality will lead to the crumbling of her perceived world. Be it whether American universities or Indian universities, there is a widespread campaign by left against free speech in which they determine what one should speak. If people’s opinion and viewpoints are not challenged then they’ll never know the flaws of their opinions, but left wants to insulate from any such challenge by suppressing such criticism. In this episode also, people are being told by intellectuals that they can’t criticise the idealism of that girl while successfully changing the narrative. Instead of having debate about the dominance of left liberalism in Indian universities, the debate has been shifted in the direction of trolling nature of Indian right. That’s the accomplishment of Indian left that it has again successfully changed the goalpost.