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Time bombs planted by the UPA: Grade inflation in education system


Much was discussed about the uninterrupted supply of scams and scandals during the UPA regime. Unfortunately, what has not been discussed sufficiently, is the havoc wrecked by UPA in the education space. Unlike cases of financial irregularities, the consequences of mischievous or ill-informed tinkering with the education system, show up at least 5 years later. They start to show up only once a few batches of students graduate from the changed system and enter the workforce.

In a nation plagued with poorly designed rules and laws, environmental issues, rickety infrastructure and unplanned cities, our only hope is to graduate at least a couple of batches of well-educated and smart students. Hopefully, once the workforce sees the arrival of products of a good education system, we might be able to see the next generation take the lead and fix issues. Once the judges, lawyers, civil servants, entrepreneurs, politicians, academics and teachers are picked from a well-educated and astute batch of students, we might be able to fix some of our critical issues. The number of issues currently plaguing the system is well beyond the reach of a handful of individuals to fix.

Unfortunately, the UPA years did exactly the reverse. Instead of working on improving access and quality, they accomplished the reverse. It is likely that some of this was done at the behest of NGOs. In a society fragmented via quotas drawn out arbitrarily on the basis of caste and communal cracks, the UPA exacerbated issues by partitioning the education sector in a shockingly sectarian manner as the Reality Check India blog covers so comprehensively in a variety of posts.

Here I will restrict the discussion to something which hasn’t received enough scrutiny: Grade inflation. For the uninitiated, Grade inflation is the tendency to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past.

This is the graph of the median percentage in the CBSE Class 12 examinations. It shot up by nearly 8% between 2004 and 2016. This happened in the regime of a sycophantic IAS officer who faithfully implemented many of Kapil Sibal’s disastrous ideas such as the CCE which replaced the Grade 10 board exam. In 2016, over 11% of all candidates scored a full 10/10 GPA in the CCE style of assessment. The practical component of Science stream subjects have been reduced to a joke, as nearly everyone receives a full score of 30/30 or 29/30.  Students who have barely attended labs during the school year manage to score full marks in practical work. Guidelines for correcting papers are such that grammatical mistakes even in language papers, do not invite much penalty.

Grade inflation compounds and leads to a rapid decline in standards and it also conceals any possibility of detecting or arresting that decline. It was revealed, that in 2016, CBSE awarded as many as 16 extra marks in Mathematics in the Class 12 exam. And that the scores on marksheets, were often as much as 10% higher than what the candidates had actually scored. As s country which ranked only above Kyrgyzstan in the PISA test, it is unacceptable that we turn off an alarm just because the music isn’t as sweet as we’d like it to be.

Only 4.7% of the students scored above 90% in CBSE 2013 exams (class 12) but in CBSE 2016, this corresponding fraction was 7.7%. Similar trends are observed in the ICSE and ISC examinations, where this ratio jumped from 7.1% in ISC 2013 to 11.8% in ISC 2016.  A score of 90% indicated excellence, even just a decade ago, but now many of the good schools have an average score of well above 85% thanks to this unprecedented run of inflation of marks. Subject-wise histograms reveal atrocious grade distortion and the curves do not even remotely resemble bell shaped curves or normal or Poisson distributions.

The current government has made some effort to clamp down on the issue of grade inflation, but the domain of assessment and the calibration of scores between different boards is something which requires the inputs of academics and statisticians. Inflation also becomes a cat and mouse game where all school boards start misreporting scores to compete with each other. Not only does this need to be nipped in the bud, but we also need an exam-watchdog organisation to ensure that examining bodies stick to standards. If this government does manage to swing the axe on grade inflation and the generous award of extra marks, it could be the defusal of a ticking time-bomb, though it is already quite late. Stray cases of  “saffronization of education” are unwanted, but they are trivial issues in comparison.

Ashutosh, check your facts on Hindutva


Ashutosh, a spokesperson of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has appeared in the op-ed page of Indian Express yesterday which is one place to meet/read most of those who are plotting overtime to break India along communal lines and put the blame on RSS and Modi-government.

Much of RSS’ and Hindutva’s ideologues mistake has been to concentrate on social reforms and leave the field of academic and media manipulation to Nehruvian-Left combine. It has had a disastrous effect. The Left-Liberals have worked overtime to divide the people on sectarian and communal lines. India First thus could never get off the ground.

Ashutosh, a JNU alumni, largely targets two of RSS’ main idealogues—M.S. Golwalkar and VD Savarkar. He quotes from their works to show they were anti-Muslims and anti-Christians and their concept of Hindu Rashtra didn’t have any scope for minorities. He says this philosophy is being brought to fruition under the present dispensation. Says Ashutosh: “This is a desire for civilizational conquest.”

Ashutosh quotes from Golwalkar’s Bunch of Thoughts: “There are three enemies of India–Muslims, Christians and Communists.” He further accuses Golwalkar as a fascist who was inspired by Hitler.

Dear Ashutosh, are you aware of these words of Golwalkar: “The Muslims must realize that we are all one people and it is the same blood that courses in all our veins.”

Or, “Let Muslims be more devout Muslims. We will help them to be more devout.” (He wrote in Spotlight (P 48).

Or, “Let the Muslims evolve their own laws.” (as a caution against the Uniform Civil Code).

Before we come to the Hitler part, let’s dwell on the Muslim/ minority bit a little longer. It’s a fact that Golwalkar was embittered by partition and the two-nation theory. He also feared the religious identity of Muslims could keep them emotionally in sync with Pakistan and work to India’s disadvantage.

While evaluating this sentiment of Golwalkar, as well as on Hitler, we must remember that men are product of their times. India was hurting under the yoke of British and an enemy’s enemy is one’s friend is perfectly logical. Hitler thus could have been seen as useful to fight British; as imperialist Japan was seen to be useful by Subhas Chandra Bose. It’s also pertinent to remember that Jewish people were the role model of Golwalkar. Its not a profile of a man who was anti-Semitic or proponent of Hitler’s fascism.

Ashutosh further claims that Veer Savarkar’s idea of India was not “common love” but “common blood.” Well, this is what Savarkar wrote in Essentials of Hindutva, and I quote:

“Afer all, there is throughout this world so far as man is concerned but a single race—the human race kept alive by one common blood, the human blood.”

This doesn’t look like words from a man who wanted Hindu supremacy.  Indeed, when confined in Ratnagiri, Savarkar invited all untouchable families in his house and dined with them. The Pan-Hindu canteen and Patit Pavan Mandir are standing symbols of his efforts.

It’s been the ploy of mischief-makers to take a sentence or two out of context and paint an individual, organization or a movement in a poor light. Let’s make a few points in this regard:

One, RSS doesn’t follow a book. Indeed, Hinduism doesn’t follow ANY book. Golwalkar’s Bunch of Thoughts isn’t a recommended reading in RSS. Indeed, take a head count and you won’t find 10 persons in RSS who would’ve read the book

Two, RSS has no qualms in denouncing or apologizing their own actions. It was Golwalkar himself who repudiated and withdrew his book “We the Nationhood Defined” in 1948. RSS also officially disowned the book in 2006.

Three, not all BJP men are from the RSS. For example, the present chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath is not from RSS. (So Ashutosh stop suggesting that RSS, VHP, BJP are all the same).

Because of this brain-wash, Muslims in India consider RSS to be an existential threat. It’s time they consider the points below and repudiate this propaganda of India-breakers who are anybody’s friends but theirs.

  • RSS doesn’t look to restrict Muslims from doing Namaaz;
  • It doesn’t call for Burqa ban;
  • It doesn’t ask to butcher Muslims or have them kicked out of India;
  • Indeed; it asks government to promote Madrasas;
  • It’s not against Muslims getting subsidy for Haj; or mosques not getting aids
  • It doesn’t say that why “pakhandi” babas have alone been jailed and not certain Maulanas who are less than pious;
  • Why government has control over Hindu temples and not over Masjids or Mosques;
  • RSS has backed bans of animal sacrifice in a few Hindu temples, such as Dakhineswar Kali Temple in Kolkata. They haven’t made any such appeal against Bakri-Eid.

Attend any Hindu festival in RSS shakhas and you would see all caste participate equally. There is complete harmony among followers of all religions. Many of them are untouchables and yet they distribute “prasads.”

The harder men like Ashutosh try to create a communal divide, the stronger should be our resistance to it. India First should always supersede our religious identity.

Did Arvind Kejriwal’s immature election strategy drown AAP in MCD elections?


Sometimes truth is so simple that it escapes the eyes of the clever. Clever people are naturally inclined to search the subtle, to investigate the infinite. Unfortunately they oftentimes end up being victim of their own ability. This we saw in wise people declaring 98 percent and no less possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming the US president. Closer home, we saw the wise predicting the same in UP, in Punjab and in Goa. The municipal elections of Delhi have concluded and the results are out. The results of the election are as under:

Total seats contested: 279
The tally Party-wise is:
BJP: 181
AAP: 48
Congress: 30
Others: 20

To be honest, past MCDs ruled by BJP have dismal record of performance with ghost employees, ghost schemes and absolutely disheartening corruption. The common sense and sense of the wise political analysts predicted rout for BJP and either a spectacular victory for Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party or a return of Congress. The results have amazed everyone. The pundits have been breaking heads on TV studios through the day trying to decipher the results.

The inferences are generally vague. Most are blaming the fact that Arvind Kejriwal ran away to promote the party in Goa and Punjab is something which disenchanted the voters. Most AAP supporters on channels, since AAP cleverly never sends their spokespersons to TV to communicate to people in their times of fall and send instead ‘supporters’ to studios so that they can easy escape out of the situation when things get too difficult to handle, credit the BJP wins to all odd things- EVM tampering to less love of masses as compared to more love of the masses for Modi.

These analyses are too simplistic. It exonerates everyone, gives vent to everyone and does not help anyway in educating anyone. AAP, looked at in neutrality, has done well for their first MCD election. In neutrality and in isolation, this is a good result. Only, this is not a result in isolation. It is based on the history of AAP. The extent to which this result is damaging for AAP can be measured if we bring referential points in to picture. The key referential points are:
– AAP claimed to be majority seats in Goa. They got a cipher and their Chief ministerial candidate lost his deposit.
– AAP made entry in Punjab with 20 seats but there again what went against them was ballistic claims of forming the government.
– AAP supremo, Arvind Kejriwal, himself turned this election into a referendum for his government.

One cannot dispute Arvind for making this election into referendum for his own acceptability for the simple reason that having lost the possibility of forming the government anywhere outside Delhi (in any full state, to be fair), he had to make it a referendum, proving his strength as a politician to leverage himself once again for out of Delhi initiatives. He was left with Delhi and with 67 out of 70 seats of assembly with him of near-absolute majority, he was sure of making himself visible as a strong alternative to Narendra Modi in the center of Delhi.

Always a media darling, almost a creation of media, he must have counted on a sure win, irrespective of AAP contestant losing deposit in Rajouri Garden By-poll which AAP considered an aberration, to resurrect his position and giant-killer against Modi, latter absolutely detested to the priests of Lutyen’s Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal in 2015 Delhi election, decimating not only Congress, also BJP which was still not over its spectacular LS win, was for the media-haters of Modi a David to kill the Goliath with. Arvind wanted to regain that position after defeats in state elections, and what better place than Delhi. So up came the hoardings claiming Arvind Kejriwal versus Vijender Gupta.

To be fair, both Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal are the outcome of India’s desperation with dynastic, corrupt government. Both were created out of absolute disenchantment of people with the politics as it was with Congress- the eternal ruler and the BJP as a congress which was a little less congress. Both were the result of frustration of people who had been silent for long. Kejriwal’s initial target was Congress which after a string of scams was seen as mother of all corruption. In that sense, both BJP under Modi and AAP under Kejriwal had common enemies.

The IAC had a strong RW support. RW anger against the way things were largely toothless as every election Congress would work out cunning electoral strategy, splitting Hindu votes on caste and class, and consolidating Muslim votes with appeasement and hoax of BJP as anti-Muslim dispensation. The RW support for IAC get shifter to AAP as the initial campaign went with Modi in Centre and Kejriwal in Delhi. What a wonderful team it could have turned out to be!

Kejriwal and AAP was similar to a new startup. Lateral entries came in. Everyone was appointed as the director. These people who got the top roles in return of media management, shrewd, clinical and base electoral politics had no respect for people or their mandate. As in any small IT company, we found booming after Y2K, each with an ambition of becoming another Microsoft, AAP wanted to be biggest party in the nation and therein lies its fault. A party which came into being with strong RW support, translating from the anti-corruption anger, quickly went the Congress way, with 42nd amendment (brought in by Congress against the wishes of authors of constitution during Emergency) terms of Socialism and Secularism as their ticket to power.

Kejriwal came back to power with a recorded apology massage for abandoning power in 49 days in the earlier sting, actually took people for fools and over-estimated the sway he had over the electorate as an anti-corruption crusader. In politics, there are clean people, but no one can be so clean that they can clean other people without getting dirt on themselves. Kejriwal believed he was. He had seen Anna vouching for the honesty of people and masses believing him. Anna had the advantage of lack of ambition on his side. You cannot be ambitious and still claim to be treated as a saint.

This could have been at the advice of reporters like Ashish Khetan and his ilk who made their career out of attacking Modi, thereby drawing some sort of adversarial equivalence that the target for Kejriwal moved from BJP to Congress. So instead of fighting against the party which was linked to all major scams in recent past, on the promise of fighting which Kejriwal came to Power, he began attacking the other candidate who represented hope for people against all the ills of Congress- like Muslim appeasement, Leftist bent, and propagandist politics. The space which is now filled by Yogi Adityanath as able lieutenant of Narendra Modi, was ceded by Kejriwal as he colluded with the corrupts like Laloo Yadav and anti-nationals like JNU brigade openly. This was clearly the case of a politician who does not know his constituency.

If he had the wisdom to anticipate the leftist sway on the larger masses, instead of himself being foolishly misguided by the leftist sway on the media (from where he draws majority of his advisors), which was made abundantly clear by left getting 51 votes (not seats) in the elections. Media has seen the politics from studios where the left forms most influential group, while real-politik gets played in the dusty lanes of the less-developed India, where majority RW ignored out of national narrative for long calls the shots, if not on anything else, at least on numerical strength. By taking a visible anti-RW stance, counting on the loud protests and street strength of left (which oftentimes do not go to vote) Kejriwal reversed his initial politics and this election is a big referendum on that.

What makes it a referendum is that apart from his own fooling arrogance as mentioned earlier, Delhi MCD takes into account the same constituency which gave him brute majority in assembly polls two years back. Failure in this constituency is the testimony of the fact that the same people who elected him no longer favor him. AAP sympathizers quote Bihar debacle of BJP and mention that no one asked Modi’s resignation post that. The argument is flawed a very basic level. The mandate Modi enjoys does not come from one state of Bihar. Bihar failure does not mean that he should resign disrespecting trust other states continue to place on him. On the other hand, Kejriwal is CM on the basis of the mandate given by the same electorate two years back which today has rejected him. This is a fit case for Right to Recall.

Arvind Kejriwal’s mild-mannered technocrat image was carefully crafted with pens in the pocket, oversized shirts, and worn-out slippers. Inside the pretentious image was hidden a megalomaniac, over-ambitious man. We cannot blame his failures on his coterie. He is the man who made this coterie carefully. He needed to surround himself with people smaller than him in political stature, being a novice, and make huge arrogant noises to prove his stature. Head of a state which in effect, nothing but a municipality, he not only kept hitting above his weight by attacking the PM on matters of national and international importance for which CMs of much larger states kept silent. He, the man who came to politics on the promise of transparent and accountable governance was much closer to the Russian model of communism, which talks about equality but punishes anyone who dares to question to Gulag.

It was fortunate for the citizens that the second candidate our democracy created out of desperation from decades of mis-governance, emerged into more powerful figure with more sincere intentions and the position between Modi and Kejriwal was not reverse. Arvind Kejriwal, being entrusted with small constituency with small scope decided to take no responsibility and made attacking the Prime Minister his full time occupation. Kejriwal has mediocre talent around him who are equally ambitious. Having seen that Kejriwal wants to offer no real tangible thing to people, nor has what it takes to offer people anything good, apart from promises to appeal to greed of the corrupt and illegal, sought their pound of flesh for having created a demi-god out of a base man. They were appointed to committees, un-elected given cabinet rank, free hand to indulge in corruption.

So one MLA’s father gets caught in rape case, another gets arrested in fake degree, yet another in sex scam, and instead of showing bit of remorse, our man arrogantly keeps attacking a man who has little substantiated charges against him, who keeps working tirelessly changing the landscape of the nation. With his Naxal colleagues, we find Kejriwal standing with the corrupt, nation-breakers, throwing public money to further his ambitions, with nation-wide advertisements and compensation to people merely on the basis of the possibility to attack Modi. If one takes the history of last two years, you would find Kejriwal standing with all things immoral and illegal- take black money and demonetization, take cow-slaughter.

The results which should have been humbling event calling for introspection among AAP cadres, found them attacking not only democratic institution like election commission, rather also attacking the voters, the same people to who they will again be going in assembly elections. It is at one level satisfying since it guarantees eradication of this bane on Indian democracy called Kejriwal in the next election. Greed has its limits, you cannot keep appealing to the greed of people especially if you have failed on your earlier promises. This bribing of voters cannot replace governance. People do realize that freebies is only for them, while governance is for their future generations. Anyone who has had a child would know, the hardships for present are easily bearable if they come with the assurance of better tomorrow. That is what story of human survival is all about. Only a short-sighted politician will not understand that.

As Confucius said, “If your conduct is determined solely by consideration of profits you will arouse great resentment.” This is not the case of absence of love towards AAP, it is the case of abomination towards AAP. Kejriwal’s colleague from media might have told him that vulture politics over deaths make good story, but nobody seems to have told him that it does not make a good politics. People do not only not love Arvind Kejriwal, they deplore him.

Why Sonu Nigam’s argument against loudspeaker is economically valid


Everyone have free speech but the moment they “practise” it;  in our nation, they face the flak for doing so. And, to add to our woes, we seem to have an army of (paid) trolls patrolling the internet, pouncing on unwitting citizens. Whether you agree with Sonu’s tweet is a secondary matter but what is more important is that he has every right to speak fearlessly. If you shun his opinion today; there are chances that tomorrow someone else will shun your voice. This problem gets circular with every step we undertake without thinking rationally of the social consequences.

Like you, Sonu Nigam is also blessed with individual rights. If he is disturbed by the “unaccountable” loudspeaker near his place, it is the “responsibility” of the mosque to examine the social impact of the loudspeaker (in the first place). Unfortunately, the whole loudspeaker saga stands politically hijacked. This article attempts to make an economic argument with reason instead of emotions.

In a country like India, personal space in public places is hard to come by because property rights are not fundamental human rights. Property rights are merely legal rights, today. This premise is important for everyone to understand because we are economically dealing with tangible and intangible functions in our daily life. Azaan loudspeaker should be backed by the property rights but our constitution does not guarantee this, therefore, the “burden of proof” of secularism credentials is endowed with the India’s constitution than with Sonu Nigam or Mosque (in this episode). To decode this premise, at what point should loudspeaker be permitted to enforce its noise on others? Is the loud noise socially consented by the people around the mosque? This is where Sonu Nigam falls in the picture because he is disturbed by the “early morning” Azaan (prayer).

Surely, economist Ronald Coase would also defend Sonu Nigam in this case. He would suggest that noise pollution fits the typical definition of an externality, since noise pollution from a factory, a loud garage band, or, say, a wind turbine potentially imposes a cost on people who are neither consumers nor producers of these items. (Technically, this externality comes about because it’s not well-defined who owns the noise spectrum.). For example: In the case of Azaan loudspeaker, it’s efficient to let the loudspeaker make noise if the value of operating the loudspeaker is greater than the noise cost imposed on those who live near the mosque. On the other hand, it’s efficient to shut the loudspeaker if the value of operating the loudspeaker is less than the noise cost imposed on nearby residents. Since the potential rights and desires of the loudspeaker and Sonu Nigam are clearly in conflict, it is entirely possible that the two parties will end up in court to figure out whose rights take precedence. In this instance, the court could either decide that the mosque has the right to operate at the expense of the nearby households, or it could decide that the households have the right to forcefully tolerate the Azaan at the expense of the mosque.

Coase’s main thesis is that the decision that is reached regarding the assignment of property rights has no bearing on whether the loudspeakers continue to operate in the area as long as the parties can bargain without cost. Why is this? Let’s say for the sake of argument that it’s efficient to have the loudspeakers operating in the area, i.e. that the value to the mosque of operating the loudspeaker is greater than the cost imposed on the households. Put another way, this means that the mosque would be willing to pay the households more to stay in a community than the households would be willing to pay mosque to shut down the loudspeakers.

If the court decides that the households have a right to stay quiet, the mosque will probably turn around and compensate the households in exchange for letting the loudspeakers operate. Because the loudspeakers are worth more to the mosque than quiet is worth to the households there is some offer that will be acceptable to both parties, and the loudspeakers will keep running. On the other hand, if the court decides that the mosque has the right to operate the loudspeakers, the mosque will continue to play Azaan loudly and no money will change hands. This is simply because the households aren’t willing to pay enough to convince the mosque to play Azaan softly.

In summary, the assignment of rights in our example above didn’t affect the ultimate outcome once the opportunity to bargain was introduced, but the property rights did affect the transfers of money between the two parties. Instead of giving a political or communal dialogue to the whole debate, it is in the logical interest of mankind to develop an economic sense of the discourse.

Reference: Introduction to Coase theorem

पंकित लाल ने EVM हैक होने की बात को बताया गलत


आम आदमी पार्टी के ख़ुफ़िया कार्यकर्ता मिस्टर पंकित लाल ने दिल्ली के नगर निगम चुनवों में पार्टी के सामने एक ख़ुफ़िया रिपोर्ट पेश की जिसके तथ्य केजरीवाल और पार्टी के अन्य बड़े नेताओं को बहुत ही सनसनीखेज़ (वाहियात) और चौंकाने (बिना सिर पैर) वालें लगे।

पंकित लाल ने बताया कि नरेंद्र मोदी ने हिमालय में तपस्या करके ऎसी सिद्धि प्राप्त की हैं, जिससे वो घर बैठे-बैठे वोट देनेवाली जनता का मन हैक कर सकते हैं। २०१४ के चुनावों के इसी तकनीक का इस्तेमाल करके उन्होंने जनता का मन हैक किया और सभी से जबरदस्ती भाजपा को वोट डलवाया। इसलिए भाजपा पर EVM हैक करने का आरोप लगाना गलत है।

अपनी बात को प्रमाणित करने के लिए पंकित लाल ने सभी लोगों को “इन्सेप्शन” फिल्म को कई बार हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में दिखाया।

केजरीवाल ने फिल्म देखने के बाद उसकी समीक्षा करना आरंभ किया ही था कि पंकित लाल ने उन्हें बीच में टोकते हुए कहा फिल्म से जुड़ा कोई भी आदमी भारत में मतदाता नहीं है इसलिए सभी का समय ख़राब करने की कोई जरुरत नहीं है। केजरीवाल ने पंकित से मानव हैक प्रोग्राम मोदी से चुराने के लिए कहा। जिसपर पंकित ने कहा कि वो स्वयं भी डेंगू और चिकन गुनिया की बीमारी से मरने के लिए तैयार हैं।

केजरीवाल ने पंकित से कहा कि यदि वो लोग मोदी का मानव हैक प्रोग्राम नहीं चुरा सकते हैं तो EVM हैक करके पार्टी को जीत दिलाने का मार्ग खोजा जाना चाहिए। अन्यथा आम आदमी पार्टी २०१९ तक विलुप्त हो जाएगी। केजरीवाल के प्रस्ताव के बाद पंकित अपनी टीम के EVM हैकिंग के रिसर्च के लिए निकल चुके हैं।

Reasons for AAP defeat in MCD


Yesterday the results of Municipal Corporation of Delhi was out. The results came as the big jolt for the Aam Aadmi Party which is ruling Delhi from last two years. AAP which came to power with absolute majority in 2015 could get only 48 seats out of 270 seats in MCD. Here are the reasons I see that people did not vote for them.

Politics of Confrontation

AAP came to power with lots of promises such as that of Mohalla clinics, free wi-fi, women safety, CCTV cameras etc. But instead of fulfilling their promises, AAP and its patriarch Arvind Kejriwal were in regular confrontation with Lieutenant Governor, BJP headed Central government & BJP headed MCD. Arvind Kejriwal blamed them for each and every failure of his. This did not go down well with the people of Delhi who were frustrated with his regular tantrums & arrogant & non-coperative behaviour.

Ambition and Hunger for Power

The second reason is the hunger for power in other states. After getting a huge majority Arvind kejriwal wanted to expand his party in other states too. Like that of Punjab and Goa. He also wanted to show that he is the one who can be the main opposition for BJP when Congress was at its low. For that he & his council of ministers were always busy camping out of Delhi. Even when Dengue was at it rise and people were dying, he & his ministers were not available in Delhi.

Criminal cases against MLAs

AAP came to power with promise of corruption free and crime free rule, but their own MLAs & ministers were accused of harassment, molestation, rioting, kidnapping, and forgery. Sandeep Kumar who served as SC/ST Welfare and Women and Child Welfare minister was seen in a sex tape. His another MLA Jitender Tomar who served as Law Minister was found to have a fake degree. As of 13 more MLAs have been accused of severe charges.

Negative Politics

In MCD election AAP & Kejriwal instead of showing there achievement was busy in questioning EVM’s & all sought of negativity. The last nail in coffin was the tweet which Arvind Kejriwal did just a day before polling. The tweet said

“BJP को वोट दिया तो अगले 5साल कूडा,मछर ऐसे ही रहेंगे।कल अगर आपके घर डेंगू हो जाए तो आप ख़ुद उसके ज़िम्मेदार होगे क्योंकि आपने BJP को वोट दिया”

Due to all these people were angry & frustrated with AAP & Arvind Kejriwal. They wanted to teach them a lesson and what could have been better then these MCD polls. I would say that still AAP & Kejriwal have 3 yrs time to redeem themself  should come out of there arrogance  and should work for development & welfare of Delhi.

देश को मोदी-योगी जैसे नेता चाहिये, केजरीवाल जैसे नहीं


केजरीवाल के चाल, चरित्र और चेहरे को बेनकाब करने वाले सबसे ज्यादा लेख शायद मैंने ही लिखे हैं. १८ मार्च २०१४ को भी केजरीवाल को बेनकाब करता हुआ मेरा लेख प्रकाशित हुआ था, जिसका शीर्षक था: “केजरीवाल: महानायक से खलनायक बनने तक का सफर”. मीडिया ने तो दिल्ली MCD चुनावों के बाद उन्हें खलनायक घोषित किया है लेकिन मेरे हिसाब से तो वह इस “सम्मान” के अधिकारी आज से लगभग तीन साल पहले ही हो चुके थे, उसी के चलते २०१४ के लोकसभा चुनावों में भी उनका सूपड़ा साफ़ हो गया था लेकिन, मोदी की २०१४ की जीत से बौखलाए अल्पसंख्यक वोटों के ध्रुवीकरण के चलते केजरीवाल ६७ सीटों के साथ दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री बन गए.

केजरीवाल किसी भी कारण से मुख्यमंत्री बने हों, लेकिन उनके पास अपने आप को साबित करने का एक बेहतरीन मौका था- जिन मुद्दों को वह अन्ना आंदोलन के वक्त और उससे पहले जोर शोर से उठाने की नौटंकी कर रहे थे, उन्हें अमली जामा पहनाने का भरपूर मौका उनके पास था. जनता ने दिल खोलकर बहुमत दिया था. मेरे जैसे लोग तो खैर हैरान थे, क्योंकि मुझे यह मालूम था कि ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं होने वाला है- काम करना केजरीवाल की फितरत में नहीं है. अपनी पढाई पूरी करने के बाद केजरीवाल को पहली नौकरी टाटा ग्रुप में मिली थी, काम करने की नीयत नहीं थी, लिहाज़ा वह नौकरी छोड़कर भारतीय राजस्व सेवा में आये, लेकिन यहां भी काम करने की वजाये पहले तो लम्बी छुट्टे लेकर “स्टडी लीव” पर चले गए और जब वापस आये तो यह नौकरी भी छोड़ दी और लगे NGO चलाने. NGO चलाने का अपना ही मज़ा है. कुछ किये बिना NGO में विदेशों से भेजे हुए पैसों पर मौज करो. अब सरकार ने ऐसे NGO पर नकेल कसनी शुरू भी की है तो केजरीवाल के बिरादरी के और लोग जो NGO चला रहे हैं, उन्हें भारी तकलीफ हो रही है.

केजरीवाल की ६७ विधायकों वाली प्रचंड बहुमत की सरकार बने लगभग दो साल से ऊपर का समय हो चुका है और इन दो सालों में उनका फोकस काम करने पर कम था और इस बात पर ज्यादा था कि किस तरह से काम न कर पाने के लिए “मोदी और भाजपा” को जिम्मेदार ठहराया जाए. अपनी इस बहानेबाज़ी को उन्होंने जनता के खर्चे पर प्रचारित भी किया. जगह जगह बड़े बड़े पोस्टर और होर्डिंग लगवाए, जिन पर लिखा था- “हम काम करते रहे, वह हमें परेशान करते रहे.” काम क्या हो रहा था, वह सिर्फ इस पार्टी के कार्यकर्ताओं को मालूम था, जिसका खुलासा शुंगलू कमेटी की रिपोर्ट में भी हुआ है और जिनके कारनामों की मैं अपने अलग अलग ब्लॉग में चर्चा भी कर चुका हूँ.

मैं पूरी जिम्मेदारी के साथ यह लिखना चाहता हूँ कि केजरीवाल ने पिछले २ सालों में “काम” कम और “कारनामे” ज्यादा अंजाम दिए हैं, इसी वजह से लोग केजरीवाल और उनकी पार्टी से बुरी तरह खिसियाये हुए थे और वह सिर्फ उस मौके का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे कि कब इन्हे दिल्ली से बाहर का रास्ता दिखाया जाए. चुनावों के जरिये दिल्ली की जनता ने अपना निर्णय सुना दिया है. भाजपा पिछले १० सालों से MCD में थी और अगर केजरीवाल ने पिछले दो सालों में ठीक से काम किया होता तो उन्हें यह MCD चुनाव जीतने में कोई मशक्कत नहीं करनी पड़ती लेकिन जनता यह अच्छी तरह समझ चुकी है कि काम करना केजरीवाल जी की फितरत में नहीं है, यह सिर्फ काम से बचना चाहते है, उसके लिए इन्हे किसी भी व्यक्ति पर कैसे भी आरोप क्यों न लगाने पड़ें. दिल्ली और देश की जनता इस तरह की नौटंकियों से अब ऊब चुकी है और हालिया चुनाव नतीजों में जनता की इस सन्देश को बहुत साफ़ साफ़ देखा जा सकता है कि देश को अब मोदी-योगी जैसे काम करने वाले नेताओं की जरूरत है, केजरीवाल जैसे बहानेबाज़ों की नहीं.

Sagarika Ghose, which history book have you been reading?


Dear Sagarika,

I read your blog titled “Manifesto for a liberal Hindu” yesterday. You must remember me for I used to sit next desk to you in Times of India in the 90s. You might as well be remembering K.Dutta, then sport head, who I remember for one particular evocation: “Its better we laugh amongst ourselves and correct our copy than be a laughing stock to the world.”

Those at desk who ignore this wisdom and clear your copy without cuts aren’t your friends. At best they are fools or at worst, fellow conspirators. They let hacks like you write on subjects about which you knew nothing; and know nothing. If there was a sensible hand on desk, you could’ve been saved this public shame.

First, you start the piece as addressed to Liberal Hindus. I know there is another Hindu on your mind—the Internet Hindu which is a straight lift of the euphemism which presstitutes of the West reserve for Rajiv Malhotra. Don’t tell me that you haven’t heard of Rajiv or that Internet Hindu is your original.

You call upon these liberal Hindus (of your imagination!) to take on the “strident voices” who call for a “holy war” against other religions. Let me tell you no Hindu, yes No Hindu, liberal or illebral, want a “holy war” against other religions. If it were so, you would have heard the war-cry to change the name of “Allahabad” which continues to be one of the most pious holy places for Hindus. Or question the logic of “Lodhi Colony” or “Aurangzeb Road” given the “war” they carried out against Hindus and their temples. Why, even original “Kashi Viswanath Temple” in Varanasi was converted into a mosque and continues to be one to this day.

Hindus don’t want Hindu first. They want India first. But this simple narrative escapes you, either out of ignorance or plain mischief.

You further state that Hinduism has been an amiable religion from time immemorial. WRONG. Hindus were a splendidly martial people. Wish you had read any of the accounts of Greek writers who accompanied Alexander in his invasion of India and declared that very few in the world could match the courage or fortitude of Hindu warriors. Hindus didn’t turn amiable—only their spirit was crushed under the terrible yoke of British. It would be the fate of any people who are under foreign domination. Why even England suffered the same fate after Romans left them after four centuries of domination. England was poked, raided, looted by all and sundry in Rome’s aftermath.

You then mention Akhlaq, Pehlu Khan, attacks on movie directors, meat-eaters, rationalists as a mark of “strident Hindus” which must be kept in check by liberal Hindus. May be this is your concept of “war” which is mentioned in an earlier para. By this definition, any issue of law and order must be placed at the doorstep of “Strident Hindus.” If I may ask you, why Muzaffarnagar riots don’t form a part of your description? Is it because the then government was headed by Akhilesh Yadav, a non-BJP government?

Why this concept of war doesn’t include merciless hacking of BJP workers in Bengal and Kerala? Why is that calling Maa Durga as prostitute by Left-Liberals doesn’t upset you? Why not a word when the Azaadi brigade keeps silence on soldiers or CRPF men being martyred? Why no reflection on Kashmiri Pandit exodus?  But Akhlaq and Pehlu are Muslims and serve your purpose on communal lines. It’s no different than the British Raj who divided India on communal lines. I can see such protagonists are still working overtime to break-up India.

You take your nonsense further by writing that Hindus never sought political power. Which history or religious books you have been reading Ma’am? Hindus have always believed that “shastra” and “shaastra” go together. That’s why you see our gods, Ram, Krishna etc with a weapon in their hands. ALWAYS. It’s not “Krishna, Ganpati are playful” as you mention.  “Shaastra” can’t be defended without “Shastra.” Real Hindus know that. It’s been an old ploy to keep Hindu placid and non-violent, that “Amaan ki Aaasha” nonsense, which Britishers made good use of—by also promoting Mahatama’s Ahimsa—that served to keep their subjects docile. Please don’t try this trick on us. Not Again.

You say that Hinduism survived because of its “inwardness” despite enjoying no political patronage. Again which history books have you been reading.? All these splendid temples came up without any political patronage? The trouble is you have been reading books which treat North India’s history as the real Indian history.  They had a motive in ignoring Pandyan, Chola, Chera, Satavahana, Pallava, Kadambas, Gangas and Chalukyas history.  You are a spokesperson of the same divisive brand. It won’t work. No longer, Ma’am.

There are other inane references—such as “Azaan” issue,  social medi trolls—which turn your piece nothing better than a rambling. The “Azaan” issue was not just about one religion. Sonu Nigam had called for a similar restraint on all religious noises. Social media trolls, well but for them, presstitutes would still be up to their tricks. Now they are being questioned and their lies are being made public. Indeed, they are the copy-editors you must submit your copy

Kannada groups disappointed that Kattappa isn’t killed in the Bahubali conclusion


Bangalore. The various Kannada groups, spearheaded by Vatal Nagaraj have been completely disappointed that Kattappa is not killed in the Bahubali 2 – Conclusion. If he is killed in the movie, I would not have wasted a single drop of tears, as much as I would not have allowed one drop of the Cauvery water to Tamilnadu, Vatal told in a press conference.

“We initially demanded an apology from Kattappa. Hold on here! The apology is not for Kattappa killing Bahubali in the movie. It is for Kattappa scolding Kannada Chalavali with derogatory remarks nine years ago, in the ongoing decades-long political drama. He did act in several movies that were released in Karnataka since then. But, none was as big as Bahubali”, Vatal explained why this movie was selected for the apology seeking.

“When we allowed Bahubali 2 to be screened in Bangalore and Karnataka, it was with the hope that Kattappa would be killed in the movie. Kattappa defied all the odds once again. We will have to wait for Bahubali 3 now”, a visibly disappointed Vatal told the media. When our reporter explained that the second part is the conclusion, Vatal said he does not care.

“Have you seen the movie? The river scenes are shot in kaveri. If we release water to Tamilnadu, then how will the river have enough water to drown Sivagami. Our party, recognised or not, will always fight for just causes and we only burn down the vehicles from Tamilnadu and vandalise the auditoriums where Hindi, Telugu or Tamil movie are screened”, Vatal turned political and a little bit violent kicking tyre of a car with TN registration number.

Our reporter, fresh from watching the epic, had felt Vatal exhibited love, greed and betrayal in a much better way in contemporary Indian politics than that of a fictional epic: Love  of power, greed for money and total betrayal of people in 2 states.

Government streamlines new platforms for start-ups


Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, in the quest to provide cushioning to start-ups, plans to launch a new platform within 30 days.

The government had launched the ‘Startup India’ campaign in January last year and had announced an action plan to encourage the start-ups in the country, which includes various incentives for start-ups such as greater access to capital, incubation and appropriate talent for these entities.

Inspired from Linked-in, DIPP takes the ‘Start-up India’ campaign to a new level, with a view to launch a user-friendly portal, website and a mobile application.

The ‘Start-up India’ campaign was launched back in January last year. The Start-up era has made India to get featured on top 50 on the World Bank Business Report, pertaining to certain criteria. DIPP is making such efforts to push the ranks further.

Let’s navigate through the new platform:

Bridging The Communication Barrier: Such platforms provide extensive channel to the start-ups to connect to various:

  1. Incubators
  2. Accelerators
  3. Mentors
  4. Investors
  5. Invest India, the government investment promotion and facilitation agency.

With just one click, Start-ups will have a privilege to directly interact and mitigate their problems if any.

Transparency In Dealing With Government Departments: There will be a transparent platform for the exchange of information between all the stakeholders. Start-ups will now have first-hand information about:

  1. Various notifications or circulars
  2. Various clearances or approvals
  3. Information about incubation
  4. Various tax benefits
  5. Scheme and fund distribution, both state and industry wise.
  6. New rules or any amendments, if any.

Efficiency In Registration

The portal will provide a speedy mechanism for registration. A start-up can be registered and will the granted validation for being an eligible Start-up entity in just 24 hours.

Provide Free Consultation

In affiliation with various legal Start-ups, the portal aims to provide free legal consultation to Start-ups. Moreover, there is a provision for an instant Chatbox, which caters to all your queries.

The portal has already been a success in its soft launch with just 150 members. The government is expecting more than 90,000 members by the end of the year. As of March,2017 there are already 742 entities, which are recognised under the ‘Start-up India’ program.