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The significance of Brahmacharya: Practicing self-discipline and spirituality in modern times


Brahmacharya is a concept deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy, wisdom and spiritual practice. The term Brahmacharya is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Brahma” which means the ultimate reality or the divine, and “charya” which means practice or conduct. Brahmacharya, therefore, translates to the practice or conduct that leads to the realization of the divine. The core of Brahmacharya rests on the practice of celibacy or control over sexual desires.

However, in a broader sense, it also includes abstaining from any form of physical, mental, or emotional indulgence that may distract or divert us from our spiritual pursuits. In Hinduism, Brahmacharya is considered one of the four stages of life, the other three being Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (retirement), and Sannyasa (renunciation). Brahmacharya is the stage of life where one devotes oneself to the pursuit of knowledge, spirituality, and self-realization.

The practice of Brahmacharya involves strict self-discipline, including celibacy, control of the senses, and a focus on one’s spiritual path. It is believed that by practicing Brahmacharya, one can conserve their vital energy, which can then be redirected towards spiritual growth and the pursuit of higher knowledge.

Famous Followers of Brahmacharya Throughout history, there have been many famous followers of Brahmacharya who have embodied its principles and made significant contributions to society. One such example is Mahatma Gandhi, who famously practiced Brahmacharya throughout his life. He believed that celibacy was essential for self-purification and the attainment of spiritual and moral strength.

Another famous follower of Brahmacharya was Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual leader and philosopher who played a significant role in introducing Hinduism and yoga to the West. He emphasized the importance of Brahmacharya as a means to attain purity of mind, body, and soul, and ultimately, to achieve self-realization.

In the present times, when we are constantly bombarded with distractions and temptations, the practice of Brahmacharya has become more relevant than ever. In today’s world, where we are surrounded by technology, social media, and instant gratification, it has become increasingly difficult to focus on our inner growth and spiritual well-being. Our minds are constantly preoccupied with external stimuli, and we often find ourselves getting caught up in materialistic pursuits, relationships, and sensual pleasures.

This constant distraction from our true selves can lead to anxiety, stress, and a sense of disconnection from our higher selves. The practice of Brahmacharya can help us overcome these challenges and lead a more fulfilling life. By cultivating self-discipline, we can learn to control our desires and impulses, cultivate self-discipline, focus, and achieve mental clarity, which can help us navigate the challenges of modern life.

Additionally, the practice of Brahmacharya can help us develop a deeper connection with our inner selves and the divine. By conserving our vital energy and redirecting it towards spiritual growth, we can experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. In addition, the practice of Brahmacharya can also have a positive impact on our relationships.

By abstaining from sexual activities outside of marriage, we can develop a deeper and more meaningful connection with our partners. It helps us to build trust, respect, and emotional intimacy, which are the foundation of a healthy relationship. Moreover, by avoiding emotional entanglements and focusing on our spiritual growth, we can avoid the pitfalls of toxic relationships and emotional dependence.

Practicing Brahmacharya in modern times does not necessarily mean complete celibacy or isolation from the world. It can involve making conscious choices to limit our exposure to distractions and sensory stimuli, and to focus on our spiritual path and personal growth. Whether we choose to practice Brahmacharya in its traditional form or adapt its principles to suit our modern lives, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Russia and China relation- Old friends new horizon


As Chinese president Xi Jinping who is believed to be much more comfortable staying at home has gone on his first official visit after being elected to a third term in power, The western world under American leadership keeps an eye on this much-hyped visit in both Chinese and Russian Media not because it may fuel the Ukraine War but also because of recent events in the middle east and China’s effort to become peaceful meditator in global conflicts. Many believe this effort by the Chinese was to put a question mark on the United States capability to solve global problems.

Russia’s expectations from China

There is no doubt that the Russian economy has been hit by the western sanctions, with the US has succeeded to some extent in cutting down Russian exports from global trade. The point to note here is Russia’s economy was solely export dependent on mainly Oil and Natural gas, and the other was defence equipment. Though countries like India, China have come forward and increased their imports of oil and gas to a subsequently high level giving some breathing space to Russia economy. India’s alone import of Russian oil increased from 9.5 USD Billion to 37.8 USD Billion making Russia 4th largest oil partner in 2022-23 from 18th in 2021-22.

But does just exporting them would serve the Russia economy? The answer is a Big NO. Russia is a kind of a child always surrounded by its internal and external issues, whether it is 50 years of their Cold War with the west in the past or Meddling in Afghanistan for nearly a decade or Putin’s backing to Asad’s army in Syria, Russia likes to be in the middle of the conflicts. But Putin knows better that his population is going or would go restless in future with economy, public health, inflation, and unemployment all in bad shape. He just can’t cover all his military adventures under the carpet of Nationalism. And So at the moment it just one country China which is economically and geo-politically stronger than ever can come to their rescue.

Russia needs Chinese Investment to boost its infrastructure, manufacturing sector , and public sector. In the recent past, China’s imports of Russian natural gas through the Power of Siberia pipeline are set to have risen by at least 50% in 2022, according to Russia’s top producer, Gazprom. China’s Russian crude oil imports expanded 10% on year in the first 11 months at nearly 80 million tonnes. Imports from Russia rose 8.3%, slowing from a 28.5% gain in November, as a surge in COVID-19 infections following China’s abrupt end to severe restrictions weighed on domestic demand.

Diplomatically also Chinese holds a key significance for Russia being a permanent member of the security council, it has always vetoed in favour of Russia for almost all important discussion on Russia – Ukraine conflict. Among them, the most significant was the Discussion on the ”Bucca massacre‘, on which even India was clear to take a stand by condemning the incident and asking for an independent investigation. China has been the only power quite vocal in the UN against United States policies and has been reiterating it that is the US and its allies who are fueling the Ukraine war by supplying sophisticated arms and ammunition to Ukraine. 

Chinese Interest

This is not a hidden fact that the Chinese have nothing to lose with Russia, Rather they have much to gain. So despite their bloody past and differences which involved war in 1960 and a race to take a leadership role in central Asia which is largely dependent on Russia for their security and energy needs have come down to an agreement to fight together as a team if not as strategic allies in the world influenced by western culture and ideology. China has been constantly dependent on Russian Advanced missile systems, tanks and state of arts military aircraft on which the Chinese have been doing reverse engineering for a decade and selling them to the world as made in china product thus making space in a league of military export countries.

But at the moment if you carefully watch China, They are actually looking to bring some settlement between Russia and Ukraine not because they want to end the war but to project Xi Jinping’s stature as one of the global leaders who can bring peace and settlement in even the toughest of the crisis. No Doubt they have dented the leadership space of Americans by making to sit arch-rivals Saudi and Iran around the table and initiating some talks.

But Why there is so a sudden change of heart of the Chinese who is regarded as a bullying and expansionist mindset, and having trouble with all its neighbour including Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia and India. The reason I see is Xi after getting elected for a record 3 term have not been able to deliver on the economic front for his nation, Economy wise china’s growth is sliding down post-Covid. There has been a major decline in foreign Investment with many American and Japanese company pulling their manufacturing from China.

Also, China invested heavily in CPEC which they regarded as a dream project and a way to revive the ancient Silk Route has already taken a hit, and countries part of it are under the trap of Chinese debt or have defaulted. Xi has to appease his local audience and the only way is to project China as the ultimate peace broker and Xi as its leader to whom the World Listens.

Not to miss an important point of “Indo-Pacific”, the US won the first round here by making the move first and forming a strategic grouping in form of QUAD and AUKUS with like-minded democracies and countries with common interest of free Indo – Pacific region. No doubt China need Russia desperately to counter this and have some sort of say in this region.

Are Hindu scriptures inherently casteist?


Social systems resembling divisions among the multitude based on profession and/or status were historically prevalent throughout Europe. Caste, often argued to be one such European innovation, today is an inherent part of Indian society. Hinduism, although one of the more liberal and tolerant religions, is polluted by the divisions of caste. 

In the cauldron of today’s caste-driven Indian politics, criticizing this divide would be equivalent to condemning the very structure of ancient Hindu scriptures namely the Manusmriti and the Rigveda. Numerously have these Hindu scriptures propagated a divide on the lines of caste and gone even to the extent of dehumanizing women: 

“For the welfare of humanity, the supreme creator Brahma, gave birth to the Brahmins from his mouth, the Kshatriyas from his shoulders, the Vaishyas from the thighs and Sudras from his feet.”- Manu’s code – I-31 

“She who disrespects to (a husband) who is addicted to (some evil) passion, is a drunkard, or diseased, shall be deserted for three months (and be) deprived of her ornaments and furniture.”- Manu 9:78 

Description of caste as in the Manusmriti.

As opposed to the contribution of the Aryan invasion theory or the Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis to the question of who Indians are or what their contribution to Hinduism is, one thing can be ascertained about Hindu practices in the subcontinent is that Hinduism has largely been polytheistic. This is one strong parallel that can be traced back to European origin and deduced to be dominantly an Indo Aryan narrative. We can thus also conclude that The Aryans refined old hymns, composed new hymns that eventually were compiled to form Hindu scriptures like the Manusmriti. 

Only recently, Chandra Shekhar, a prominent leader of the Rashtriya Janta Dal in Bihar called out the ‘double standards’ of medieval Hindu texts like the Ramcharitmanas written by Tulsidas. He went on to say it has sowed hatred in the hearts of Hindus by making them more divided on the lines of caste and hierarchy. He substantiated his claim by quoting a verse from the Ramcharitmanas itself: “अधम जाति में विद्या पाए, भयहु यथा अहि दूध पिलाए।” — Educating someone from a lower caste is like giving milk to a snake. 

Notable mythologist Devdutt Patnaik in his article on the emergence of caste in India writes “The idea of purity is what established casteism in India. Purity has been manipulated by many Hindus to create a draconian hierarchy, despite opposition by other Hindus, especially the poet-sages. Academician-activists tend to focus on the former as “real” Hindus and ignore the latter. They ignore the idea that purity pervades all of human society in various forms from taboos in ancient tribes to fascism in modern times.”  

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar pointed a contradiction in the Vedas as to how caste originated with 11 incompatible versions in sacred Hindu scriptures at the minimum. As a result of consistent oppression at the hands of Brahminincal conduct, a mass number of Mahars following Ambedkar took to Neo Buddhism. A religion that varies relatively in principle but fosters equality of its members without any divide. It was made to reject hegemony of the Brahmins and the intrinsic structural divide established by ancient Hindu Scriptures. 

The oppression of the ‘lower caste’ peaked in British India and paved way for canonical figures like Ambedkar and EV Ramaswamy to stand up against it. The latter, reverently called ‘Periyar’, is a figure of pivotal importance in Tamil Nadu if not all of South India. Periyar gained widespread popularity for his demand of Dravida Nadu or a State for the Dravidian people, free from the shackles of the Indo-Aryan hierarchical system of caste. Such was the extent the differences between different sectors of Hinduism that it ultimately drove some to demand a separate State in principle, different from traditional Hindu culture. 

Reducing the image of figures like Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar to merely a torchbearer of reservations in India is rather preposterous.  It’s about time Hindus acknowledged the intrinsic divides in sacred texts that lead to the formation of entire religions and reformist movements like the Brahmo Samaj.

Addressing inadequacies is the cornerstone of evolution be it religious or political and only then will the country slowly but surely break away from the shackles of caste and until then policies like the uniform civil code will always be a far-cry. And If Hindus themselves don’t recognize and accordingly address these deeply rooted divisions, who will? 

Rural tourism: A driver of the rural economy in India

India is a country that possesses an abundance of riches, including wealth, power, and beauty bestowed by nature. It is a place where some regions are considered a paradise on earth. If one were to search the entire world for such a place, India would be the country they should look to.

A country whose geographical journey begins from the snow-covered Himalayan mountains in the northern region, passes through the desert landscapes of Rajasthan, and then crosses the lush forests of Madhya Pradesh. Next, it sails through the extensive backwaters of Kerala before culminating in the crystal-clear waters of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

This journey offers a thrilling experience through high-altitude terrains and peaceful lowlands. Tourism is a vital industry that has become the fastest growing service sector in India. It has a positive impact on various aspects of development, including social, economic, cultural, educational, and political. The industry employs both skilled and unskilled professionals, and its potential for expansion and diversification is vast.

Apart from generating economic benefits, tourism plays a crucial role in enhancing India’s soft power by facilitating cultural interactions between Indian citizens and people from other countries. Such interactions foster regional cooperation and contribute to political stability in the region. The travel and tourism industry is a rapidly growing sector globally, outpacing the global economic growth rate with a growth rate of 3.5 percent in 2019.

This sector contributed a significant 10.4 percent to global GDP, providing employment opportunities for around 330 million individuals and accounting for 27.4 percent of global service exports. However, the COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on the industry, causing the economy to come to a standstill and resulting in a decline in the sector’s contribution to global GDP and employment by 49 percent and 19 percent, respectively. In the domestic context, the sector played a significant role in the Indian economy, accounting for 6.9 percent of GDP, 5.8 percent of total exports, and 8.8 percent of employment in 2019.

India’s rich heritage and culture have not translated into significant success in the international tourism market, as the country holds only a marginal 1.2 percent share. This is due to limited tourism development in traditional cities and towns with historical, architectural, and cultural significance. Additionally, poor infrastructure and communication have contributed to the under-exploration of many magnificent tourist attractions, hindering sustainable growth in the industry. To address this issue, India requires a comprehensive approach to developing rural tourism, which holds the potential to drive the sector forward in the future.

Journey of partial success

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), “rural tourism” is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor’s experience is related to a wide range of products generally linked to nature-based activities, rural culture, and sightseeing. Rural tourism offers an alternative to busy urban tourist destinations, allowing visitors to enjoy a healthier and more culturally enriching experience. It can also serve as a buffer during times of overcrowding in popular tourist destinations by absorbing some of the tourist influx.

In India, the rural economy currently makes up 46 percent of the national income, with 68 percent of the population, 64 percent of total expenditure, and 33 percent of savings. This indicates the potential for rural tourism in the Indian market, particularly among millennials who are drawn to new cultures and unconventional, adventurous experiences. The Ministry of Tourism has identified rural tourism as a niche area for the development of rural India. To promote local products and services through tourism, a national strategy framework has been drafted that aims to create employment opportunities and empower women.

In 2014, the Government of India launched the Swadesh Darshan Scheme to position rural tourism as a major driver of socio-economic sustainability and social integration in rural India. Historically, pilgrimage and rural tourism have been interlinked and complement each other in generating employment and developing peripheral infrastructure.

To develop selected rural areas and provide hassle-free services to tourists, the Ministry of Rural Development launched the Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban mission in 2016. NITI Aayog has identified certain islands, including four islands of Andaman and Nicobar and five islands of Lakshadweep, for holistic development. The development of the Lakshadweep model of sustainable tourism could make India a role model for the world without jeopardising the region’s fragile and sensitive biodiversity.

The Indian government has also allocated a significant amount of funds towards the flagship Swadesh Darshan scheme, with Rs 1,412 crore being set aside in comparison to Rs 600 crore in the previous financial year. As part of the revamped Swadesh Darshan scheme, 50 destinations spread across 15 states will be identified and promoted under India’s new tourism policy, which is primarily focused on destination tourism.

Additionally, the Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD) scheme will also receive almost the same amount of funds as the previous year, with Rs 250 crore being allocated towards it. To boost tourism in border villages, the government will facilitate tourism infrastructure and amenities through the Vibrant Villages Program.

Furthermore, the approach towards tourism will be integrated with the art and craft sector. The Unity Mall will be established in state capitals or the most prominent tourism centres to promote and sell each state’s unique “one district, one product” (ODOPs), “geographical indication” (GI), and other handicraft products. Despite various developmental efforts undertaken by the government, rural destinations have been unsuccessful in attracting tourists.

Face of Adversity

Compared to urban populations, rural populations are not only impoverished but also less familiar with the concept of cultural and rural tourism. Additionally, they lack knowledge about how to market their cultural, artistic, and craft-related services to tourists. Poor transportation, insufficient infrastructure, and inadequate lodging further prevent these areas from being recognised as tourist destinations. In rural areas, the main problem is that most people rely on agriculture or traditional artisanal businesses that do not provide sufficient income. This results in families struggling to make ends meet, with few earning members and high expenses.

Due to cultural taboos and low literacy rates, many people are not able to explore other economic opportunities. As a result, rural migration has become a major issue in India. One solution to this problem is to develop rural tourism, which can create new economic activities and increase demand for services. However, this can also bring challenges such as increased competition and crime. Therefore, it is important to carefully plan rural tourism development to ensure that local communities benefit and the environment and natural resources are protected.

To achieve this, education and proper understanding of both tourists and local people are essential. There also needs to be a democratic movement that allows people at all levels to participate in tourism development and decision-making. Overall, rural tourism has the potential to provide economic opportunities for rural communities, but it must be carefully managed to ensure that it benefits everyone involved. Major challenges faced in rural tourism development in India are the lack of digital literacy, marketing, and proper tourism infrastructure.

While technology can increase travellers’ confidence to travel, the low level of digital literacy in rural areas hinders the adoption of technology-based solutions. Despite having a higher number of internet users in rural areas than urban areas, almost 60 percent of the rural population does not actively use the internet.

To address this issue, Indian tourism startups can provide digital literacy and simplified digital solutions to improve the livelihoods of local communities. Moreover, extensive advertising through all media, especially social media, should be an integral part of rural tourism development. Advertising should be segmented, with each segment treating a different target group.

Additionally, the quality and capacity of transportation and basic tourist infrastructure, such as toilets, parking, and lodging, are often substandard and unreliable in many rural areas. Therefore, developing community-based tourism infrastructure and attracting public-private partnerships can be a solution to this issue. Also, multi-modal connectivity in line with Gati Shakti should be launched to provide seamless connectivity to rural tourism sites. Infrastructure development is necessary for a rural destination to develop and sustain.

Navigating the future

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched a new initiative called “The Best Tourism Villages,” which aims to recognise villages with exceptional cultural and heritage assets. In 2021, Pochampally village, located in Telangana, was selected as one of the best tourism villages by UNWTO. This recognition has the potential to serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for other villages that rely on tourism for economic development.

It is recommended that the government focus on the North Eastern States, which have significant potential for instant growth in tourism. For example, Sualkuchi village, known as the “Manchester of the East,” is famous for muga, an exclusive golden silk yarn only available in Assam.

Additionally, Mawlynnong village, inhabited by the Khasi tribe, is referred to as “God’s Own Garden” and is located in Meghalaya. Rural tourism can play a crucial role in promoting local economic growth and bringing about social transformation. Therefore, it is essential for the government to recognise its significance and create a sustainable environment to support stakeholders.

To facilitate rural tourism, the government should provide both financial and infrastructure support. A potential measure that could be implemented is the implementation of a unified tax system for tourist vehicles in India, which would simplify transportation logistics.

Furthermore, a collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders and actions is necessary to bridge the gap between urban and rural development. This would require the convergence of various schemes from different ministries focusing on rural development, with the aim of promoting sustainable rural tourism.

बागेश्वर धाम: चर्चा में क्यों?

शुरुआत करते हुए अगर हम आपको याद दिलाए अधीन भारत का तो याद करिए कि आजादी के समय भारत दो गुटों में बटा हुआ था, जहां एक गुट गांधीवादी था तो एक आजाद सुभाष को मानने वाले, इस बात को बारीकी से समझने कि कोशिस करे तो पाएंगे कि मंजिल दोनों का एक ही था लेकिन उनके विचार अलग-अलग, तरीके अलग-अलग और स्पोटर्स अलग अलग।

इस कड़ी में हम एक और उदाहरण आपको याद दिलाएं तो याद करिए कि एक समय के दो खिलाड़ी वीरेंद्र सहवाग और vvs लक्षमन जब टेस्ट खेलते थे दोनों के काम एक, पर खेलने के तरीके अलग स्ट्रेटजी अलग उसी तरह सपोर्टर अलग-अलग।

चलिए अब आते मुख्य मुद्दे पर जो आजकल सभी न्युज रूम में, सभी लोगों के जुबान पर है। मध्ययप्रदेश के छतरपुर जिले से 25 किमी दूर एक जगह है नाम है बागेश्वर धाम

यू तो आजकल ना इस जगह के बारे मे ना बताने कि जरूरत है ओर नहीं इसके प्रसिद्धि कि। जिनके वजह से ये प्रसिद्ध है उनका नाम है बागेश्वर धाम के पीठासीन प. धीरेंद्र शास्त्री जी महाराज।

जितनी तेजी से आजकल ये चर्चित हुए हैं उतनी ही तेजी से इन्हें लेकर लोग दो गुटों में बंट रहे हैं आपस में चर्चा कर रहे हैं अलग अलग प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त कर रहे हैं।

कारण है लोग इनके कारनामे चमत्कार को समझ नहीं कर पा रहे हैं।

चूंकि अबतक लोगों ने सनातन में ज्यादातर पूजा,ध्यान और योग को ही देखा है, सद्गुरु और प्रेमानंद जैसे संतों को ही देखा है पर इससे इतर सनातन की एक और खूबसूरती है कि यह संकट में परेशानियों से लड़ना सिखाता है,मजबूत होना सिखाता है,एक उम्मीद जगाता है कि हमारा इष्ट हमें संभालेगा। जिसके बलबूते हम किसी भी मुसीबत में खड़े रहते हैं।

और धीरेंद्र शास्त्री जी महाराज इसी काम को बखूबी कर रहे हैं। अपने तरीके से लोगों में उम्मीद,भरोसा जगा रहे हैं, उन्हे सनातन से जोड़ रहे हैं, एक होकर रहना सीखा रहे हैं। हां मान लेते हैं कि उनके तरीके अलग हैं, पर ये हमारी उस पीढ़ी के पथ दर्शाता बने हैं जो गांधी से ज्यादा सुभाष पर भरोसा करती है जिन्हें पुजारा से ज्यादा सूर्य कुमार यादव की बैटिंग पसंद आती है एसे समय में धीरेंद्र शास्त्री जी महाराज का चर्चा में आना स्वभाविक है। और हमने ऊपर में बताया है कि हरेक दौर में एसे लोग होते हैं जिनके तरीके अलग होते हैं,स्पोटर्स अलग होते हैं पर काम एक। ठीक इसी तरह बागेश्वर महाराज कि सोच लोगों को अपने धर्म संस्कृति से जोड़ना ही है।

आप चाहें तो भले गांधी और लक्ष्मण वाली पंक्ति में खड़े हो जाएं हैं या फिर उस पंक्ति में जिन्हें बागेश्वर महाराज के तरीके पसंद नहीं पर आप चाह कर भी उन्हें नकार नहीं सकते, इन्हे लेकर कुतर्क नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि आने वाले समय में हमें एसे संतों की आवश्यकता महसूस होगी।

देश के आठ “चिट्ठी बादशाहों” की चिट्ठी

मित्रों जब से तथाकथित महान शिक्षामंत्री श्री मनीष सिसोदिया जी की CBI के द्वारा पूछताछ के पश्चात गिरफ्तारी की गयी है, तब से चिटठियों का दौर शुरु हो गया है। श्री मनीष सिसोदिया जी तुरूंगवास से चिट्ठी लिख र20 हैँ और तुरूंगवास में जाने से बचने के लिए उनके जैसे कार्लमार्क्स सरीखे बादशाह विश्व के सबसे लोकप्रिय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र दामोदरदास मोदी जी को चिट्ठी लिख रहे हैँ।

आइये देश के कार्लमार्क्स सरीखे जिन आठ बादशाहों ने प्रधानमंत्री जी को चिट्ठी लिखी है, उनके बारे में अल्प विश्लेषण कर लेते हैँ:-

चिट्ठी का सार है, “ED, CBI, EOW या पुलिस जैसी सरकारी एजेंसियों का दुरूपयोग हो रहा है। ये केवल विपक्षियों की आवाज को दबाने के लिए कार्य कर रही हैँ।

हे मित्रों उपर्युक्त चिट्ठी को लिखने वाले जो बादशाह हैँ उनकी कथनी और करनी में जो स्पष्ट अंतर है, उसे देखने के पश्चात हि हम उचित और समुचित रूप से समझ पाएंगे कि आखिर इन बादशाहों को जो दर्द हो रहा है उसमें वास्तविकता कितनी है!

प्रथम चिट्ठीवीर बादशाह:-

के चंद्रशेखर राव:- हे मित्रों ये हमारे देश के तेलंगाना राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री हैँ। तेलंगाना में इनकी बादशाहत कायम है। कलवकुंतला कविता, इनकी सुपुत्री हैँ। इन पर मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग का अपराध करने का आरोप है। प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ED ) इसी संदर्भ में जांच कर रही है। आपको बता दे कि “आम आदमी पार्टी के मीडिया (संचार) प्रभारी श्रीमान विजय नायर ने मनीष सिसोदिया तथा पार्टी के अन्य बड़े नेताओं की ओर से काम करते हुए दिल्ली में हुए शराब घोटाले के अंतर्गत भारत के दक्षिणी क्षेत्र के शराब व्यवसायियों से १०० करोड़ रुपये कि रिश्वत प्राप्त की। इन व्यवसायियों में के चंद्रशेखर राव जी की सुपुत्री कलवकुंतला कविता भी सम्मिलित हैँ।

ED के अनुसार कलवकुंतला कविता के साथ आंध्र प्रदेश के ओंगोल से वाईएसआरसीपी के लोकसभा सांसद मगुनता श्रीनिवासुलु रेड्डी के बेटे राघव मगुन्टा और हैदराबाद स्थित अरबिंदो फार्मा के संस्थापक पीवी रामप्रसाद रेड्डी के बेटे पी सरथ चंद्र रेड्डी भी सम्मिलित हैँ। 

आपको ये भी बता दे कि कलवकुंतला कविता और् उनके सथियोन कि ओर से अभिषेक बोइनपल्ली, अरुण पिल्लई और बुचिबाबू गोरंटला ने इस सम्पूर्ण सौदे को अंजाम दिया था। ED के अनुसार कलवकुंतला कविता के पास शराब कंपनी इंडोस्पिरिट्स में ६५ फीसदी हिस्सेदारी है!हैदराबाद के काराबोरी अरुण रामचंद्रन पिल्लई (कलवकुंतला कविता और उनके साथियों के प्रतिनिधि) को पहले हि गिरफ्तार किया जा चुका है। अब कलवकुंतला कविता  से ED द्वारा पूछताछ की जा रही है। मित्रों आप स्वयं इनके दर्द को महसूस कर सकते हैँ और समझ सकते हैँ कि “चिट्ठी के पीछे क्या है”!

दूसरे चिट्ठीवीर बादशाह:-

तेजस्वी यादव:- श्री तेजस्वी यादव जी बिहार के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री, देश के पुर्व रेलमंत्री श्री लालू प्रसाद यादव जी के सुपुत्र हैँ। इनकी माताजी श्रीमती राबड़ी देवी जी भी मुख्यमंत्री थी। तेजस्वी यादव जी के शिक्षा पर तो बात करना हि व्यर्थ है। इनके पिता श्री लालू प्रसाद यादव जी “चारा घोटाले” में मुख्य अभियुक्त थे और तुरंगवास भोग कर तुरुंग से बाहर आ चुके हैँ। मित्रों “लैंड फॉर जॉब” नामक घोटाले में ED ने तेजस्वी यादव जी (जो स्वयं बिहार के उप मुख्यमंत्री हैँ) तथा उनके परिवार और सगे संबंधियों के कई ठिकानों पर छापे की कार्यवाही की और १ करोड़ रुपये नकद, १९०० अमेरिकी डालर, कई किलो सोने चांदी के आभूषण और अत्यंत गोपनीय दस्तावेज जब्त किये। इस “लैंड फॉर जॉब” घोटाले में तेजस्वी सहित उनके परिवार का लगभग हर सदस्य जाँच के घेरे में है। अब उनकी पेशी आदरणीय न्यायालय में भी शुरु होने वाली है। ED के अनुसार ये करीब ६०० करोड़ का घोटाला है। इसे “लारा प्रोजेक्ट्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड” नामक कम्पनी की आड़ में किया गया है। इस कंपनी के अधिकांश शेयर लालू, राबड़ी, तेजस्वी, तेज प्रताप, और उनकी कुछ बहनो के नाम पर है। सरकारी एजेंसी ने तेजस्वी जी को तिन बार सम्मन भेजा है पर एक बार भी वे उपस्थित नहीं हुए हैँ। मित्रों आप समझ गये होंगे की आखिर तेजस्वी जी के द्वारा लिखी गयी “चिट्ठी के पीछे क्या है”!

तीसरे चिट्ठीवीर बादशाह:- अखिलेश यादव जी

हे मित्रों जैसा की आपको पता हि है कि श्री अखिलेश यादव जी स्व श्री मुलायम सिंह यादव जी के सुपुत्र हैँ। तेजस्वी यादव और राहुल गांधी की तरह राजनीति भी इन्हें विरासत में मिली है। इनके पिता उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री रह चुके थे। अखिलेश यादव जी भी उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री बने। आजकल मुख्य विपक्षी दल के नेता के रूप में जिंदा हैँ। हे मित्रों गोमती रिवर फ्रंट घोटाला का नाम तो आपने अवश्य सुना होगा। यह घोटाला श्री अखिलेश यादव जी के शाशनकाल में हि हुआ था। सीबीआई ने गोमती रिवर फ्रंट घोटाले में  लखनऊ, नोएडा ,देहरादून से लेकर आगरा में एक साथ ४०  अलग -अलग ठिकानों पर एक साथ छापेमारी कार्रवाई की थी। सीबीआई लखनऊ की एंटी करप्शन विंग की तरफ से यह बड़ी कार्रवाई हुई थी। इस गोमती रिवर फ्रंट घोटाले में करीब १९० लोगों के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज की गई थी। माननीय अखिलेश यादव जी को यह घोटाला सोने नहीं देता, क्योंकि जाँच अभी भी जिंदा है।

मित्रों देश की सबसे बड़ी ऑडिट एजेंसी CAG (The Comptroller and Auditor General of India) ने दिनाक ३१ मार्च, २०१७-१८ तक (जब अखिलेश यादव जी का शाशन था) उत्तर प्रदेश में खर्च किये गये बजट की जांच की तो उत्तर प्रदेश में सरकारी धन के दुरूपयोग और भारी घपले का खुलासा हुआ जो कि लगभग ९७ हजार करोड़ की भारी-भरकम धनराशि वाला है। अब ये धनराशि कहां-कहां और कैसे कैसे खर्च हुई, इसका कोई हिसाब-किताब ही नहींहै। कैग ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में  उजागर किया कि, अखिलेश सरकार में सरकारी धन की जमकर लूट हुई है। सरकारी योजनाओं के नाम पर फर्जीवाड़ा कर ९७ हजार करोड़ रुपए के सरकारी धन का बंदरबांट हुआ!  सबसे ज्यादा घोटाला समाज कल्याण, शिक्षा और पंचायतीराज विभाग में हुआ है। इन तीन विभागों में हि केवल् २५ से २६ हजार करोड़ रुपये कहां खर्च हुए कुछ पता नहीं है, विभागीय अफसरों ने हिसाब-किताब की रिपोर्ट ही नहीं दी है। ये जाँच भी चल रही है। मित्रों ऐसे कई घोटालों की फ़ाइल अभी क्रियाशील है अत: अखिलेश जी के दर्द को महसूस किया जा सकता है। आप समझ गये होंगे कि “चिट्ठी के पीछे क्या है”!

चौथे  चिट्ठीवीर बादशाह :- फारुख अब्दुल्ला

मित्रों इस व्यक्ति को हमारा देश कैसे भूल सकता है जिस समय खून पिने वाले मानव रूपी भेड़िये कश्मीरी हिन्दुओं का खून पी रहे थे, उनकी महिलाओं के साथ बलात्कार कर रहे थे बलपूर्वक कश्मीर से भागने को विवश कर रहे थे, उस समय ये जम्मू कश्मीर का मुख्यमंत्री लन्दन जाकर वंहा की रंगीन दुनिया के आनंद में लोट रहा था। इन्ही महाशय ने धमकी दी थी कि “कश्मीर से अनुच्छेद ३७० को किसी का बाप भी नहीं हटा सकता”। खैर इन सबके अतिरिक्त आपको बताते चलें की ये स्वयं भी घोटाले में आरोपी हैं। JKCA से जुड़े मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के मामले में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने चार्जशीट दाखिल कर दी है। जम्मू कश्मीर के पूर्व सीएम फारूक अब्दुल्ला का भी इसमें नाम है।  यह घोटाला जम्मू कश्मीर क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन (JKCA) से जुड़ा है। इसमें 21.55 करोड़ रुपये की अचल संपत्ति पहले ही अटैच की जा चुकी है, जिसमे फारूक अब्दुल्ला, अहसान अहमद मिर्जा, मीर मंजू की सम्पत्तियाँ शामिल हैं। अब आप स्वयं सोच सकते हैं कि “चिट्ठी के पीछे क्या है।”

पांचवे चिट्ठीवीर (महिला) बादशाह: ममता बनर्जी

मित्रों इन्हें कौन नहीं जानता। ये भारत की राजनीति की सर्वमान्य दीदी हैं। वर्ष २०११ में बंगाल की सत्ता पाने वाली ममता बनर्जी आज तक पुरे तामधाम से शाशन कर रही हैं। इनकी पार्टी  के करीब २५ विधायक ED-CBI के रडार पर हैं। इनमें TMC के मोस्ट सीनियर लीडर भी शामिल हैं। CBI ने अनुब्रत मंडल को बोलापुर में उनके घर से गिरफ्तार किया था। अनुब्रत ममता के सबसे खास लोगों में से हैं। वे बीरभूम जिले में पार्टी के चीफ भी हैं। गिरफ्तारी के पहले CBI ने उन्हें 10 बार नोटिस दिए, लेकिन वे जांच में शामिल नहीं हुए। इसके बाद उन्हें अरेस्ट किया गया। अनुब्रत को गौ-तस्करी के मामले में गिरफ्तार किया गया है। उनसे जुड़ी ४९ प्रॉपर्टी डीड भी CBI ने कोर्ट में दी हैं।

इसी तरह शिक्षक भर्ती घोटाले में पार्थ चटर्जी और उनकी सहयोगी अर्पिता की गिरफ्तारी हो चुकी है। पार्थ चटर्जी की सहयोगी अर्पिता मुखर्जी के पास से ५० करोड़ रुपए और ५ किलो सोना बरामद किया गया था। ममता बनर्जी के भतीजे और लोकसभा सांसद अभिषेक बनर्जी कोयला घोटाले में ED की जांच का सामना कर रहे हैं। अभिषेक और उनकी पत्नी रुजिरा को पूछताछ के लिए कई बार बुलाया जा चुका है। शारदा चिटफंड घोटाला, पश्चिम  बंगाल का सबसे बड़ा आर्थिक घोटाला कहा जाता है। शारदा नाम की कंपनी के जरिए करीब 10 लाख लोगों को ठगा गया। 40 हजार करोड़ रुपए के हेरफेर का अनुमान है। यह घोटाला वर्ष २०१३ में उजागर हुआ और जांच अभी तक चल रही है। इस घोटाले का पता रोजवैली चिटफंड घोटाले की जांच के दौरान चला था। रोज वैली कंपनी ने ४६४ करोड़ रुपए का चिटफंड घोटाला किया। लोगों को निवेश पर ज्यादा रिटर्न का लालच दिया गया। घोटाले में आरोपी गौतम कुंडु वर्ष २०१५ से जेल में है। नारदा स्टिंग ऑपरेशन:- वर्ष २०१६ में विधानसभा चुनाव के पहले इस स्टिंग के टेप वायरल किए गए थे। इसमें TMC के मंत्री, सांसद और विधायक को कंपनी के प्रतिनिधियों से रुपए लेते दिखाया गया था। यह ऑपरेशन नारदा न्यूज पोर्टल के मैथ्यू सैमुअल ने किया था। मित्रों आपको पता चल ही गया होगा कि आखिर ममता दीदी को चिट्ठी लिखने की आवश्यकता क्यों पड़ी। “चिट्ठी के पीछे क्या है “स्पष्ट है।

अब मित्रों छठे चिट्ठी बादशाह तो स्वयं केजरीवाल ही हैं, जी हाँ, अब इनके सामने समस्या ये है कि “क्या निचोड़े और क्या नहाएं”। सत्येंद्र जैन जी मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के अपराध में अंदर, मनीष सिशोदिया जी शराब घोटाले के अपराध में अंदर, ताहिर हुसैन, दिल्ली में हुए दंगो को मास्टर माइंड इसीलिए जेल में, अमानतुल्लाह खान, जेल से अभी अभी वापस आये हैं, सोमनाथ भारती, अपनी पत्नी के साथ घरेलु हिंसा के अपराध में सजा भोग कर वापस आये, एक अन्य नेता राशन कार्ड बनवाने के नाम पर महिलाओ के साथ हमबिस्तरी करते पकड़े गए, एक अन्य नेता फर्जी डिग्री के मामले में अपराधी घोषित किये जा चुके हैं, दो पंजाब के आम आदमी पार्टी के मंत्री रिश्वत लेने के अपराध में बर्खास्त किये जा चुके हैं तथा हरियाणा की एक परिषद निशा सिंह पुलिस के विरुद्ध दंगे भड़काने के अपराध में सात वर्ष की सजा भुगत रही हैं। अब अरविन्द केजरीवाल स्वयं ED और CBI के रडार पर हैं। तो मित्रों निसंदेह इनकी “चिट्ठी के पीछे का दर्द तो आपको पता चल ही गया होगा।

अन्य दो चिट्ठीबाजो के बारे में चर्चा और परिचर्चा करने का कोई लाभ नहीं होने वाला, क्योंकि वो इन छह चिट्ठीबाजो के समकक्ष नहीं तो उनसे कम भी नहीं होंगे। आप स्वयं अनुमान लगा सकते हैं कि क्या सरकारी एजेंसियों का दुरुपयोग हो रहा है या इन नेताओ के कुकर्म लौट कर इनके पास आ रहे हैं और इनके पास इनसे बचने का कोई मार्ग नहीं दिखाई पड़ रहा है।

Vedic quest for Shanti- Deciphering Shanti in Vedic era


Shanti is not a simple word. It is not a mere “happiness” or even “peace”. Shanti purports unison of our intellect with the intellect of our surroundings.

The collective state when the air, water, humans, animals, thoughts, sky, fire, earth, plants, herbs —all work for each other instead of, working against each other is called Shanti. It is a state of equilibrium or harmony.

Vedic people were obsessed with Shanti just like in today’s world we are obsessed with technology or money. In all the Vedic literature they have only said “Om Shanti, Shanti Shanti”. They have never said “Om धन“ or “Om शक्ति, प्रेम” etc.. . They only craved for Shanti because they had understood it is above all.

It is worth thinking and asking the question — Why Vedic people were so much after Shanti?

Perhaps, because, there was a lot of “Ashanti” in those times. Since they lived in close net societies — they saw pain and sufferings daily — like illnesses, cattle dying, crops washing away, apart from battles and animal attacks. They should have been under a lot of stress. There was so much worry that they kept desiring Shanti — where everything was in harmony.

In their quest for “Shanti” they devised various methods. Somehow, they knew that everything has sprung from Om — the sound of big-bang. They very intelligently used this Om to connect with everything.

This could have been their hypothesis- “Everything is a result of the primordial “Om” sound so, all creation knows the language of Om and can respond to it. If this “Om” sound is tamed; it can be used to connect with everything.“

After all , what could have been a better tool than “Om” — the only common factor in all creation — to connect with everything! . This was the first step.

And thus, Vedic people prefixed everything with Om.

Shanti mantra’s start with Om to invoke Shanti in all existence. One of famous mantras and my favorite is

ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः।
वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरेधि॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om. May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Whole Universe.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.
Om peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!
— (Translation by Swami Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, India)

It is also interesting to note that the Vedic people knew that Om appeared from the vibrations of nothing. They termed this nothing as ‘शून्य (Shunya/zero/void)’ or ब्रह्म ( Brahm).

Now, comes the second step — “realization”of ब्रह्म ( Brahm).

Once one has realized ब्रह्म he is able to see ब्रह्म everywhere and attains “Shanti”. Surely, some people- the enlightened sages — must have reached this state of realization. In this state they might have experienced several attributes of ब्रह्म which they tried to explain to us via Upnishads. Surprisingly and oxymoronically, अनन्तता (Infinity) is an attribute of this ब्रह्म (Brahm) which itself is शून्य (Shunya).

The अनन्तता “infinity” is also explained in shanti mantra of Isha and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad almost like the mathematical rules for infinity (∞ — ∞ = ∞ , and ∞ + ∞ = ∞). By the way, my father had discovered the similarity with maths that I am only quoting here.

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |

The infinite proceeds from the infinite.
(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),
It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.
Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Hindu methodology has given many complete and step by step process to gain ultimate Shanti or Bliss by connecting with Brahma .

If one starts at the right age, there is a high chance that one can become one with that ब्रह्म.

One of the methods is the “technique of elimination, coupled with visualization” whereby, you eliminate more gross and complex forms of nature like your gross body and start to connect to subtler forms like your breath , the red hue of rising sun etc.. . You continue eliminating connection with grosser forms and start connecting with subtler forms till you are able to connect with the “nothingness” and feel it . Once U can visualize this nothingness you will realize the infinite. This is the state of ultimate Shanti or Bliss.

Now, how do you Eliminate ? There are various methods outlined by Vedic sages. For example — To eliminate excess weight do yoga, to eliminate toxins the way is व्रत (vrat) and upwas, to eliminate thoughts use jap (chanting) . This process of elimination and visualizations go hand in hand. With practice, these visualizations become stronger and stronger and one is able to visualize and realize energy centers in his body.

According to Vedic scholars these energy centers have different kind of energies. They called the invisible controller of these energy center’s as देवता — one that gives. What does it give ? It gives various organs the ability to perform what they are suppose to do. They codified and differentiated the देवता or deities based on their functions by giving them various names like Idha (Indra), Shiva etc..

Now, the next task was to connect with these देवता. For that they devised a method called यज्ञ (yagna). Yagya is a way to gain Shanti by contacting these deities “within” by means of fire and visualizations.

This idea of yagya is quite an intelligent and wonderful idea. It is a “ near zero cost self-service ” method that can be done almost “anywhere”, “anytime”. All you need is — “your own sound”, “fire”, “ability to visualize”, “some basic food items” and “some fuel-wood “. That’s it! You are all set to establish connection with nature and yourself via sound, light and heat therapy.

This can do wonders if one is able to do Yagya’s properly. For example — Let’s say you have established connection with earth — You may be able to predict earthquake by sensing any differences in the earth.

Sound was of great importance. They had specific patterns for recitation of Mantras which were called as “meters” . One Hymn in Yajurveda says —

O learned ones, may the gaytrf, the tristubh, the jagati, the anustup, along with the pankti, the brhatf, the usnik and the kakup metres bring peace to you with their sweet recitations.”

They immersed themselves in certain frequencies of sound. The heat and light infused with aroma from medicinal herbs cleared their surroundings and minds.

It could have worked wonders in those times and might perhaps even work today. Unless, we try it for sometime we will not be able to understand the techniques and its impact.

Many people have done studies and have found that it does have a positive impact on people’s mind and environment.

Thanks to the Vedic people for discovering these techniques in their quest of Shanti and passing it on centuries over centuries. Now, it is on to us to rediscover them because we need “Shanti” more than anything else in today’s world.

I will conclude this blog with the Shanti mantra — Om Shanti , Shanti Shanti!. ( ॐ शान्ति, शान्ति, शान्तिः)

संविधान निर्माता ने बौद्ध धर्म अपनाया, इस्लाम क्यों नहीं? एक वामपंथी से एक सनातनी का शाश्त्रार्थ: भाग-२

हे मित्रों पिछले अंक में हमने देखा था कि किस प्रकार हमारे जन्म से सनातनी पर कर्म से वामपंथी मित्र ने बाबासाहेब को आधार बनाकर सनातन धर्म की कटु आलोचना शुरू की थी और हमने उसका उचित और समुचित उत्तर देते हुए बाबासाहेब के जीवन काल का कुछ अंश प्रस्तुत किया था। अब आइये देखते हैं कि “बाबासाहेब भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर का इस्लाम के बारे में विचार क्या था?

वर्ष १९५५  में उन्होंने ‘भारतीय बौद्ध महासभा’ यानी ‘बुद्धिस्ट सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडिया’ की स्थापना की।उन्होंने अपने अंतिम प्रसिद्ध ग्रंथ, ‘द बुद्ध एंड हिज़ धम्म’, जो उनकी मृत्यु के पश्चात सन १९५७  में प्रकाशित हुआ की प्रस्तावना में लिखा हैं कि “मैं बुद्ध के धम्म को सबसे अच्छा मानता हूं। इससे किसी धर्म की तुलना नहीं की जा सकती है। यदि एक आधुनिक व्यक्ति जो विज्ञान को मानता है, उसका धर्म कोई होना चाहिए, तो वह धर्म केवल बौद्ध धर्म ही हो सकता है। सभी धर्मों के घनिष्ठ अध्ययन के पच्चीस वर्षों के बाद यह दृढ़ विश्वास मेरे बीच बढ़ गया है।मैं भगवान बुद्ध और उनके मूल धर्म की शरण जा रहा हूँ। मैं प्रचलित बौद्ध पन्थों से तटस्थ हूँ। मैं जिस बौद्ध धर्म को स्वीकार कर रहा हूँ, वह नव बौद्ध धर्म या नवयान हैं।” 

दिनांक १४ अक्टूबर १९५६  को नागपुर शहर में आम्बेडकर जी  ने स्वयं और अपने  समर्थकों के लिए एक औपचारिक सार्वजनिक धर्मांतरण समारोह का आयोजन किया और अपनी पत्नी सविता एवं कुछ सहयोगियों के साथ भिक्षु महास्थवीर चंद्रमणी द्वारा पारंपरिक तरीके से त्रिरत्न और पंचशील को अपनाते हुये बौद्ध धर्म ग्रहण किया। 

हे वामपंथी मित्र अब हम तुम्हे बाबासाहेब के विचार इस्लाम और मुस्लमान के प्रति क्या थे, बताते हैं :- 

१:- बाबासाहेब की दृष्टि में मुस्लमान देशभक्त नहीं होते:- बाबासाहेब ने अपनी किताब ” Pakistan or Partition of India” (जिसका हिंदी में अनुवाद “पाकिस्तान या भारत का विभाजन” के रूप में प्रकाशित हुआ ) में लिखा है कि “इस्लाम एक बंद खिड़की तरह है जो मुसलमानो और गैर मुसलमानो के बिच भेद करता है। इस्लाम में जिस भाईचारे की बात की गयी है वो मानवता का भाईचारा नहीं है बल्कि उसका मतलब सिर्फ मुसलमानो का मुसलमानो से भाईचारा है। मुसलमानो के भाईचारे का फायदा सिर्फ उनके अपने लोगो को ही मिलता है और जो गैर मुस्लिम हैं उनके लिए इस्लाम में सिर्फ घृणा और शत्रुता ही है। मुसलमानो की वफ़ादारी उस देश के लिए नहीं होती जिसमे वो रहते हैं। बल्कि उनकी वफ़ादारी अपने धर्म के लिए होती है जिसका की वो पालन करते हैं।

२:- भारत के सारे मुसलमानो को पाकिस्तान भेज देना चाहिए :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “जनसंख्या के तबादले का मजाक उड़ाने वालों को इन देशों (टर्की और ग्रीस) की अल्पसंख्यको की समस्या का अध्ययन करना चाहिए ताकि वो जान पाएं कि अल्पसंख्यको से जुडी समस्या का एकमात्र हल जनसंख्या की अदला बदली ही है।साप्रदायिक शांति स्थापित करने का टिकाऊ तरीका अल्पसंख्यको की अदला बदली ही है। ये व्यर्थ होगा कि हिन्दू और मुस्लमान एक दूसरे को सरंक्षण देने के ऐसे उपाय खोजने में लगे रहें जो इतने असुरक्षित पाए गए हैं। यदि ग्रीस, टर्की और बुल्गारिया जैसे सिमित साधनो वाले छोटे छोटे देश भी यह काम पूरा कर चुके हैं तो ये मानने का कोई कारण नहीं है कि हिंदुस्तानी ऐसा नहीं कर सकते।

३ :- मुसलमान भारत में रहेंगे तो कभी शांति नहीं हो सकती :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “ये बात स्वीकार कर लेना चाहिए कि पाकिस्तान बनने के बाद भी हिंदुस्तान साम्प्रदायिक समस्या से मुक्त नहीं हो पायेगा। सीमाओं को बाँट देने से पाकिस्तान तो एक मुस्लिम राष्ट्र बन जायेगा लेकिन हिंदुस्तान एक मिली जुली आबादी का देश ही बना रहेगा। मुसलमान पुरे देश में बिखरे हुए हैं। इसलिए किसी भी तरह की सीमाएं बनाने से हिंदुस्तान एक ही धर्म का देश नहीं बन पायेगा। हिंदुस्तान को एक ही धर्म का देश बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका यही है कि जनसंख्या की अदला बदली की जाये। जब तक ऐसा नहीं किया जायेगा, हिंदुस्तान में बहुसंख्यक यानि हिन्दू और अल्पसंख्यक यानि मुस्लिमो के बीच समस्या बनी रहेगी।

४:- मुसलमान भारत के खिलाफ “जेहाद” छेड़ सकते हैं :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब ” Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “तथ्य यह है कि भारत, चाहे एक मात्र मुस्लिम शासन के अधीन ना हो, दार -उल -हर्ब (यानि जंहा इस्लाम का शासन नहीं है) है। और इस्लामी सिद्धांतो के अनुसार मुसलमानो द्वारा जिहाद की घोषणा करना न्यायसंगत है। वे जिहाद की घोषणा ही नहीं कर सकते, बल्कि उसकी कामयाबी के लिए विदेशी मुस्लिम शक्ति यानि किसी मुस्लिम देश की मदद भी ले सकते हैं, और यदि कोई मुस्लिम देश जेहाद की घोषणा करना चाहता है तो उसकी सफलता के लिए भारत के मुस्लमान  उसे मदद भी दे सकते हैं। 

५ :- मुसलमान कभी भी हिन्दुओं की सरकार को स्वीकार नहीं  करेंगे :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “हिन्दुओ से नियंत्रित और शासित  सरकार की सत्ता मुसलमानो को किस सीमा तक स्वीकार होगी इसके लिए ज्यादा माथापच्ची करने की जरुरत नहीं है। मुसलमानो के लिए हिन्दू काफिर हैं और उनकी कोई सामाजिक स्थिति यानि हैसियत नहीं होती है। इसलिए जिस देश में काफिरों  का शासन हो, वो देश मुसलमानो के लिए दार -उल -हर्ब है। ऐसी स्थिति में ये साबित करने के लिए सबूत के रूप में खलीफत आंदोलन को देख सकते हैं। इस आंदोलन के लिए हिन्दू काफी कुछ कर  रहे थे तब भी मुसलमान ये नहीं भूले की उनकी तुलना में हिन्दू निम्न और घटिया कौम है।

६:- मुस्लिम शरिया को देश के कानून से ऊपर मानते हैं :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “इस्लाम ये कहता है कि अगर किसी गैर मुस्लिम देश में मुसलमानों के कानून यानि शरिया और उस देश के कानून के बीच विवाद पैदा हो जाये तो इस्लामिक कानून को ऊपर यानि सही माना जाये। इस तरह मुसलमानो के लिए ये सही माना जाएगा कि वो मुस्लिम कानून का पालन करें और उस देश के कानून को माने।

७ :- जब मुसलमानों ने की डॉ अम्बेडकर से छुआछूत :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब ” Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “वो रमजान का महीना था। हमने दौलताबाद किले के बाहर बने तालाब में हाथ मुंह धोये ही थे कि एक बूढ़ा मुसलमान चिल्लाते हुए बोला “तुम अछूतो ने तालाब का पानी गंदा कर दिया। थोड़ी ही देर में कई मुसलमान जमा हो गए और हमें गलियां देने लगे कि “तुम अछूतो का दिमाग खराब हो गया है, तुम्हारी औकात क्या है ? तुम्हे सबक सिखाने की जरुरत है” हमने समझाने की कोशिश की लेकिन मुसलमान हमारी बात सुंनने को तैयार नहीं थे। वो हमें इतनी गन्दी गन्दी गालियां दे रहे थे कि हम भी बर्दास्त नहीं कर पा रहे थे। वंहा दंगे जैसे हालात बन गए थे और हत्या भी हो सकती थी। तब मेरा धैर्य खत्म हो गया। मैनें थोड़ा गुस्से में पूछा “क्या तुमको तुम्हारा धर्म यही सिखाता है? क्या तुम ऐसे किसी अछूत को पानी लेने से रोकोगे जो मुसलमान बन जाये? ये सुनकर वो चुप हो गए। इस किस्से से साफ होता है कि कैसे एक “अछूत हिन्दू” मुसलमान के लिए भी अछूत होता है।

८ :- मुसलमानों को अपना दोस्त ना माने दलित:- पद्मभूषण धनंजय कौर ने  अपनी इसी किताब “डॉक्टर अम्बेडकर -जीवन चरित्र” में लिखते हैं कि “पाकिस्तान के चक्कर में फंसा दलित समाज हर उपलब्ध मार्ग और साधन से भारत आ जाए। मैं कहना चाहता हूँ कि पाकिस्तान और हैदराबाद रियासत के मुसलमानो पर भरोसा करने से दलित समाज का विनाश होगा। दलित वर्ग हिन्दू समाज से नफ़रत करता है, इसलिए मुसलमान हमारे मित्र हैं ये मानने की बुरी आदत दलितों कोलाज गई है, जो अत्यंत गलत है। मुसलमान तो अपने लिए दलितों का साथ चाहते हैं लेकिन बदले में वो कभी दलितों का साथ नहीं देते हैं (डॉ अम्बेडकर का बयान जो दिनांक २७ नवम्बर १९४७  (फ्री प्रेस जर्नल में प्रकाशित हुआ था)|

९:- बुर्के की वजह से मुस्लिम नौजवान यौन विकृति (सेक्सुअल डिसऑर्डर) के शिकार:- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “पर्दा प्रथा मुस्लिम पुरुषों की नैतिकता पर बुरा प्रभाव डाला है। पर्दा प्रथा के कारण कोई मुसलमान अपने घर परिवार से बाहर की महिलाओ से कोई परिचय नहीं कर पाता है। घर की महिलाओं से उसका सम्पर्क यदा कदा बातचीत तक ही सीमित रहता है। महिलाओं से पुरुषों की ये पृथकता निश्चित रूप से पुरुष के नैतिक बल पर विकृत प्रभाव डालती है। ये कहने के लिए किसी मनोवैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण की आवश्यकता नहीं कि ऐसी सामाजिक प्रणाली से जो पुरुषों और महिलाओं के बीच के संपर्क को काट दें उससे यौनाचार (सेक्सुअल एक्टिविटी) के लिए ऐसी अस्वस्थ प्रवृत्ति पैदा होती है, जो अप्राकृतिक, गन्दी आदतों और अन्य साधनों को अपनाने के लिए प्रेरित करती है। ऐसा नहीं है कि पर्दाप्रथा हिन्दुओं में नहीं है, लेकिन इस्लाम में पर्दाप्रथा को धार्मिक  मान्यता मिली हुई है जबकि हिन्दुओं में ऐसा नहीं है। हिन्दुओं की तुलना में मुसलमानों में पर्दाप्रथा की जड़ें काफी गहरी हैं।

१०:- मुसलमान समाज सुधार के प्रबल विरोधी हैं :- बाबसाहेब अपनी इसी किताब “Pakistan or Partition of India” में लिखते हैं कि “मुसलामानों ने समाज में मौजूद बुराइयों के खिलाफ कभी कोई आंदोलन नहीं किया, हिन्दुओं में भी सामाजिक बुराईंयां मौजूद हैं, लेकिन अच्छी बात ये है कि वो अपनी इस गलती को मानते हैं और उसके खिलाफ आंदोलन भी चला रहे हैं। लेकिन मुसलमान तो ये मानते थी नहीं है कि उनके समाज में कोई बुराई है। दरअसल मुसलमान समाज सुधार के प्रबल विरोधी हैं। मुसलमानों को ये सिखाया जाता है कि इस्लाम के अलावा कंही सुरक्षा नहीं है और इस्लामी कानून से सच्चा कोई कानून नहीं है। इसी वजह  मुसलमान खुद के अलावा कुछ और सोच पाने के काबिल नहीं बचे हैं। उन्हें इस्लामी विचार के अलावा कोई और विचार पसंद ही नहीं आता है। मुसलमानों के जेहन में ये गहराई से बैठा हुआ है कि सिर्फ वो ही सच्चे हैं और सिर्फ वो ही विद्वान हैं।

हे मित्रों जब तक हम विचारों को बताते रहे, तब तक हमारे वामपंथी मित्र का मुंह खुला का खुला ही रहा, अत: हमने उन्हें होश में लाकर पूछा कि हे सनातन विरोधी वामपंथी ये तो मात्र १० विचार हमने एक ही किताब से निकालकर तुम्हारे सामने प्रस्तुत कर दी, बाबासाहेब ने तो ऐसी कई किताबें लिखी हैं, तनिक सोचो उन किताबों में भी तो भारत रत्न बाबासाहेब के विचार ही होंगे।

मित्रों सच पूछिए तो हमारे वामपंथी मित्र के पास कोई उत्तर नहीं बचा था जिसे देकर वो अपने मिथ्या घमंड को संतुष्ट कर सकें अत: फिर मुरझाये हुए लता की तरह बिना सुर और ताल के लहराते हुए अपने गंतव्य की ओर बढ़ गए। मित्रों हम आपसे अनुरोध करते हैं कि बाबासाहेब की लिखी गयीं पुस्तकों का अध्ययन अवशय करें और इन वामपंथी समुदाय को उचित और समुचित उत्तर दें।

Adani Group’s economic expansion vs. India’s green future: The Hindenburg Report sparks a heated debate

The Indian parliament has recently witnessed a heated debate on the economic growth under the current Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and the previous Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. In support of the BJP government’s motion, several members have spoken in favor of the government’s economic policies, which they claim have resulted in unprecedented growth in the Indian economy. This article will examine these claims and provide a rebuttal to the opposition’s allegations.

One of the key points made in favor of the BJP government is the significant increase in central capital outlay to ₹10 lakh crore in the FY24 budget, which is expected to serve as the key driver of domestic growth amid a slowing global economy. The government’s direct capital investment is complemented by the provision made for the creation of capital assets through grants-in-aid to states, with the effective capital expenditure of the Centre budgeted at ₹13.7 lakh crore, 4.5% of GDP. This, according to supporters of the government, demonstrates the government’s commitment to economic growth.

Another point made in favor of the BJP government is the overall developmental expenditure undertaken by the Centre, which amounted to Rs 91 lakh crore between 2014-15 and 2021-22, almost double the amount spent by the UPA government during its 10 years in power. This, they argue, is a clear demonstration of the government’s dedication to the welfare of the people and the development of the nation.

In contrast to the UPA government, the Modi government has spent Rs 24.85 lakh crore on food, fuel, and fertiliser subsidies and Rs 26.3 lakh crore on capital creation. The UPA spent only Rs 14 lakh crore on subsidies over its 10 years. The increased expenditure on capital creation will undoubtedly drive economic growth and create job opportunities for the people, according to supporters of the government.

The Modi government has also been much more aggressive and successful in collecting taxes compared to the UPA government, which has allowed it to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5% of GDP in 2013-14 to 3.5% in 2017-18. This, they claim, demonstrates the government’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and financial stability.

Furthermore, the government has significantly increased its capital spending, which is expected to clock 12.3% of total expenditure in both 2017-18 and 2018-19, an increase of 37.4% to 10 lakh crore in BE 2023-24, which is a clear indicator of the government’s commitment to investment in infrastructure. Investments in infrastructure and productive capacity have a large multiplier impact on growth and employment, and the current government has taken the lead in ramping up the virtuous cycle of investment and job creation.

However, the opposition has raised concerns about the government’s budgetary strategy, alleging that public investment crowds out private investment. The opposition claims that this myth has been proven time and time again by experts in the field of economics, and that even the International Monetary Fund recognizes the benefits of public investment. The opposition further claims that the government’s recent increase in budgetary outlay for capital expenditure is not only baseless but also harmful to the progress of the nation.

The BJP government, however, counters this by stating that the idea that public investment crowds out private investment is a myth. They argue that their budgetary strategy, which is based on the premise that public investment will crowd-in private investment, is not only sound but essential for the growth of the economy. They assert that their recent increase in budgetary outlay for capital expenditure is a cornerstone of their growth strategy for the upcoming year.

Lately, the Adani Group has been confronting examination from different quarters, including a searing report by Hindenburg Research. The report claimed stock control, inappropriate utilization of tax havens, and hailed “significant” obligation levels. Notwithstanding, there are some who accept that Hindenburg might have missed putting up their own home together, given the new breakdown of two US banks because of fumble by the Central bank.

These people contend that the Adani Group has been licensed by worldwide monetary rating offices as steady, and that Hindenburg’s report is a determined, planned character–assassination. As to late report by Hindenburg Research on the Adani Group, there have been questions raised about the believability of the report and the aims behind it. Some have conjectured that the report was a determined hit–job on Adani Group’s investments, coordinated by those with a plan against the organization.

One contention against the Hindenburg report is that the group neglected to put their own home together. Two banks in the US, Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank, as of late, have fallen because of botch by the Central bank. This brings up issues about the validity of Hindenburg’s report and the authenticity of their claims against Adani Group.

Moreover, Adani has been licensed by worldwide monetary rating organizations as steady, which conveys a ton of weight on the lookout. The new prepayment of all borrowings supported by the combination’s portions, and the reimbursement of a $500 million scaffold credit, shows the group’s obligation to modifying financial backer certainty and easing worries about its obligation.

The Hindenburg report claims stock control and ill-advised utilization of expense sanctuaries, as well as “significant” obligation levels, yet these charges have been denied by the Adani Group. It is not yet clear whether there is any reality to these cases, however the validity of the actual report has been raised doubt about.

One of the two banks that imploded inside a range of under seven–days was New York-based Signature Bank, which was closed somewhere near controllers in the US. The other bank was Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), quite possibly of the most conspicuous loan specialist in the realm of innovating new companies, which was battling and fell on Friday, driving the US central government to step in. The emergency hit bank’s portions tumbled north of 60%, information showed.

The breakdown of these banks has raised worries about the security of the financial framework and the job of the Central bank in overseeing it. Some accept that the quick expansion of interest rates in 2022 and 2023 prompted the worth of super safe US Depository–protections to plunge, bringing about huge speculation misfortunes for banks like SVB. Also, the withdrawals of contributors and the powerlessness of SVB to raise funding to counterbalance the misfortunes brought about the breakdown of the bank.

These people contend that Hindenburg might have missed putting up their own home together by not analyzing the job of the Central bank and its effect on the strength of banks in the US. They accept that the breakdown of these banks brings up issues about the validity of Hindenburg’s report on the Adani Group and its cases of monetary flimsiness.

Then again, it is critical to take note of the breakdown of these banks isn’t really demonstrative of the strength or flimsiness of the Adani Group’s operations. The Adani Group has been certified by worldwide monetary rating organizations as steady and has done whatever it may take to modify financial backer certainty by pre-paying advances and consoling financial backers that its funds are taken care of.

It is likewise essential to take note of the breakdown of the banks might have been made by factors that are novel to the US banking framework and may not be guaranteed to apply to the Adani Group.

So far, we have visited how Adani Group, one of India’s largest conglomerates, is under scrutiny after allegations of financial impropriety were leveled against the company by Hindenburg Research, a US-based investment research firm. The allegations have led to a sharp drop in Adani Group’s stock prices and raised concerns about the company’s business practices.

However, upon examination, these accusations appear to be baseless and a calculated attack on India’s independence, integrity, and growth story. The Adani Group has mobilized to defend itself, and reputable credit rating agencies have reaffirmed their stable outlooks on Adani Green Energy Ltd, Adani Transmission, and other Adani Group entities. The Adani Group’s investments in infrastructure, such as ports, roads, rail, airports, and power, make it a crucial vehicle for India’s economic ambitions under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Hindenburg Group’s report is riddled with inaccuracies and misleading statements, and it is clear that the authors have little understanding of the Adani Group’s operations. The Adani Group is a long-standing and respected institution in India, with a proven track record of success and investments in critical infrastructure that has played an instrumental role in India’s economic growth and job creation.

The Hindenburg Group has accused Vinod Adani, the brother of Gautam Adani, of directing a vast “labyrinth of offshore shell entities” used for stock manipulation and accounting engineering. However, it is important to note that these entities come under the regulation of domestic financial laws, and the Adani Group is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, the Adani Group has not been charged with any wrongdoing regarding these offshore entities.

The Hindenburg Group’s allegations of inflated share prices due to high debts and high growth are unfounded and misleading. The Adani Group regularly pays its debts, and international and domestic rating agencies have affirmed its companies, including Fitch, Moody’s, CRISIL, India Ratings & Research (Ind-Ra), CareEdge, and ICRA. These affirmations are due to the stable cash flows generated by the Adani Group’s long-term annuity contracts that produce assured and consistent cash flows with no market risk.

Additionally, the Adani Group has disclosed 65 of the 88 questions raised by the Hindenburg Group, and the balance 23 questions relate to public shareholders and third parties, not the Adani portfolio companies. Therefore, it is unreasonable to claim that the Adani Group is engaged in fraudulent activities, and the allegations made by the Hindenburg Group are unfounded.

According to Hindenburg Research, Adani Group inflated its capital expenditures by over $1 billion to hide losses in its flagship power business. The research firm also accused the group of overvaluing its assets and having opaque accounting practices. Hindenburg Research further claimed that Adani Group’s rapid expansion has been fueled by debt, which the company has been unable to service.

Adani Group has denied the allegations, calling them “blatantly erroneous.” The company has accused Hindenburg Research of attempting to manipulate the stock price and has threatened legal action against the research firm. The group’s founder and chairman, Gautam Adani, has also defended the company’s accounting practices, stating that they are in line with Indian accounting standards.

The controversy surrounding Adani Group has raised questions about corporate governance in India, where there have been several high-profile cases of financial fraud and corporate scandals in recent years. Critics say that weak regulatory oversight and a lack of transparency have allowed companies to engage in unethical business practices with impunity.

The Indian government has been a key supporter of Adani Group, providing it with land, subsidies, and other forms of support for its various projects. The company has been involved in a wide range of businesses, including energy, ports, airports, and real estate. Adani Group has also been a major player in India’s push for renewable energy, with plans to build one of the world’s largest solar power projects. The controversy has also led to questions about the role of short-sellers in the market.

Hindenburg Research is known for its short-selling strategy, where it bets against companies and profits from their decline in value. Some analysts have accused the research firm of having a conflict of interest and of spreading false information to benefit its own position. The Adani Group controversy has highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in India’s corporate sector.

The government has vowed to crack down on fraudulent practices and strengthen the regulatory framework to prevent similar cases from occurring in the future. Investors, meanwhile, will be closely watching the developments and the company’s response to the allegations as they weigh their investment decisions.

In response to the allegations made by Hindenburg Research, Adani Group issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and calling the report “blatantly erroneous.” The company also accused Hindenburg Research of attempting to manipulate the stock price of Adani Group’s subsidiaries by publishing false information. Since the release of the report, Adani Group’s stocks have experienced significant volatility.

However, the company has maintained that its fundamentals remain strong and that it will continue to focus on its growth trajectory. The situation highlights the importance of due diligence and transparency in corporate practices, particularly for companies operating in emerging markets. It also underscores the growing influence of activist investors and research firms in holding companies accountable for their actions.

It remains to be seen how this situation will ultimately play out for Adani Group and its subsidiaries, but it serves as a reminder that investors and stakeholders must remain vigilant and informed in their decision-making.

In addition to the controversy surrounding the Adani Group’s dealings, there are also concerns about the company’s impact on the environment. Adani Group has faced criticism for its involvement in coal mining, which is a major contributor to climate change. The company has been accused of violating environmental regulations and causing damage to local ecosystems.

One notable example is the Carmichael coal mine in Queensland, Australia, which is owned by the Adani Group. The mine has been the subject of protests and legal challenges due to concerns about its impact on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as its contribution to climate change. The Australian government approved the mine in 2019, but environmental groups continue to call for its closure.

In response to these criticisms, the Adani Group has argued that its coal projects are necessary for economic development and job creation. The company has also pledged to invest in renewable energy and reduce its carbon footprint, but critics remain skeptical of its commitment to sustainability. Overall, the controversy surrounding the Adani Group highlights the complex challenges of balancing economic development with environmental sustainability.

As concerns about climate change continue to mount, there is increasing pressure on companies like Adani to take responsibility for their impact on the environment and prioritize sustainability in their operations.

The controversy surrounding Adani Group has also raised concerns about the environmental impact of its projects. Environmental groups have criticized the company for its handling of the Carmichael coal mine project in Australia, which has been the subject of numerous protests and legal challenges. The project has been criticized for its potential impact on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as its contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions.

In response to these concerns, Adani Group has emphasized its commitment to environmental sustainability and has pledged to minimize the environmental impact of its projects. The company has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power, and has set a goal of becoming a net-zero carbon emitter by 2050.

However, some environmentalists remain skeptical of the company’s commitments and argue that the company’s past actions do not align with its stated goals. The controversy surrounding Adani Group highlights the complex relationship between economic development and environmental sustainability, and the need for businesses to balance these competing priorities.

The Hindenburg Research report has also brought attention to the issue of short-selling in financial markets. Short-selling, which involves betting against the success of a company by borrowing shares and selling them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price, has become increasingly controversial in recent years.

While short-selling can provide valuable information to investors and can help to expose fraudulent or overvalued companies, it can also be used to manipulate stock prices and spread false information. In the case of Adani Group, Hindenburg Research has been accused of using selective information and misleading statements to drive down the company’s stock price and profit from the decline.

The controversy surrounding Adani Group and Hindenburg Research underscores the need for transparency and accountability in financial markets, as well as the importance of ethical practices and responsible corporate behavior. As businesses and investors navigate the complex landscape of modern finance, they must be mindful of the potential risks and challenges posed by short-selling, environmental sustainability, and other key issues.

The use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power has become increasingly popular in recent years due to their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. According to the International Energy Agency, renewable energy sources accounted for almost 72% of all new power capacity installed globally in 2020.

Many countries and businesses are setting ambitious targets for transitioning to renewable energy. For example, the European Union aims to have at least 55% of its electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030, while China has set a goal of reaching peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.

However, the transition to renewable energy is not without challenges. One major obstacle is the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar. This means that power generation can be inconsistent, depending on weather patterns and other factors. To address this challenge, many renewable energy projects are exploring energy storage solutions, such as batteries and pumped hydro storage.

Another challenge is the cost of renewable energy. While the cost of solar and wind power has been declining steadily in recent years, it is still often more expensive than traditional fossil fuel-based sources of energy. However, the long-term benefits of renewable energy, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, can outweigh the short-term costs.

Finally, the renewable energy industry has faced its share of controversies and challenges. For example, as mentioned earlier, the Adani Group has been accused of engaging in fraudulent activities related to its renewable energy projects by the investment research firm Hindenburg Research.

Additionally, renewable energy projects can sometimes face opposition from local communities due to concerns about land use, noise pollution, and other environmental impacts. Overall, while the transition to renewable energy is not without its challenges, many countries and businesses recognize the urgent need to address climate change and are taking significant steps towards a more sustainable energy future.