Sunday, September 8, 2024


West Bengal violence

The unchecked decline of West Bengal

The forthcoming state election in 2021 will test if the democratic system in West Bengal is robust enough to come out of the morass of degradation or the system is twisted deeply with the abuse of more than fifty years to never ever recover.

Prime Minister must listen that the Bengal bleeds

It is high time to bring the attention of all Indians towards West Bengal because the Bengali Hindu community in West Bengal are fighting the battle for their existential crisis and afraid to face the same treatment that has been done with Kashmiri Pandits.

जांबाज पुलिस

"बीजेपी और आरएसएस के एजेंट पाए जाने पर सख्त कार्यवाही होगी। बुकिंग था कि नहीं यह जांच का विषय नहीं है! धार्मिक आधार पर भेदभाव बर्दास्त नही होगी। "नो बॉडी विल ट्राय टू डिस्टर्ब कम्युनल हार्मोनी इन बंगाल! मा माटीर मानुस! जय बंगला! अमार बंगला! सोनार बंगला! विश्व बंगला! जय कोलकाता पुलिस।"

Obsessions of Hindu Bengalis in West Bengal

True secularism is justice for all and appeasement for none. But, for the left liberal politicians, it actually means appeasement of minorities because it is necessary for vote bank politics.

[West Bengal] Muslim mob pelt stone and vandalize roadside shops after residents protested against alcohol consumption outside their house

A part of the Muslim mob entered the house of one Hindu resident and assaulted the owner and his grandson.

Killings in Kashmir, Kolkata and Kerala

India awaits Kashmir to be the heaven again, Kerala to become a true Gods own country again and Kolkata to restore the status of, "What Bengal thinks today will be thinking of India tomorrow".

2019 Elections will mark the Death of the Left and the rise of the BJP in Bengal

Mamata Banerjee claiming to be more Hindu than Modi is in itself a huge win for Modi & Shah as they have forced her to fight them on the terms that they wanted and she clearly feels that her minority appeasement in the last 8 years is now coming back to haunt her.

A teenager’s view on the ongoing general elections

As a teenager, looking onto how politicians have stooped to a new level of low, especially recent incidence of violence in West Bengal, to find their own way and gain votes is plainly horrifying.

West Bengal: Way forward for Election Commission

Any discerning observer of Bengal knows that the state is marked by a political culture of extreme intolerance against opposition political parties and a generally poor law and order situation. Hence, EC's approach to tackle the situation seems too casual.

Modi is right to tell inside story of TMC to people of West Bengal

If the state is not saved from TMC, the entire culture, heritage, spirituality and hardships of all those freedom fighters of WB may disappear from this planet.

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