Twitter Liberals
Elon Musk and Adani: A nightmare for the left
Raj Shah -
Twitter takeover by Elon Musk and Adani becoming NDTV’s major stakeholder: 2022 has been a tough time for Liberals
Bhakt vs Pidi : A perfect antithesis
Why get angry when your opponent addresses you with an adjective as pure as a ‘Bhakt’!
GoI versus Twitter: Does Dorsey even take India seriously?
One possible reason for Twitter's such attitude of the site is that it is banking on the infamously slow and sluggish nature of proceedings under the Indian judicial framework.
Curious case of TrueIndology: Twitter doesn’t grant freedom of expression
Aditya -
Twitter suspends TrueIndology who was unmasking fake narrative fed to Indians for years, showing the mirror to so-called Darabari historians with proofs and facts from known sources, this is what the ecosystem is not used to all this time.
Jack Dorsey an ill-informed Gullible about Racism behind ‘Smash Brahminical Patriarchy’ Placard
wetshoes -
He did it, and did it intentionally, a plan that had been formulated well in advance – as it seems; the way this gentleman is unapologetic and has chosen to ignore voice of dissent.