Thursday, February 13, 2025


Smriti Irani

Modi’s cabinet overhaul: Maximum elections- maximum government!

To win maximum lections, Modi has deployed maximum government! The fairy tale, run of Minimum Government Maximum Governance – has ended!

What to Expect from Smriti Irani as BJP’s Bengal in charge

BJP’s decision to send Smriti Irani to Bengal as Central In Charge has so many calculations involved, especially her challenging work, dedication, and her instincts to connect with people, especially women are her positive factors

तीन ऐसे लोग जिन्होंने बताया कि पराजय अंत नहीं अपितु आरम्भ है: पढ़िए इन तीन राजनैतिक योद्धाओं की कहानी

ये तीन लोग हैं केंद्रीय मंत्री श्रीमती स्मृति ईरानी, दिल्ली भाजपा के युवा एवं ऊर्जावान नेता एवं समाजसेवी कपिल मिश्रा एवं तजिंदर पाल सिंह बग्गा। इन तीनों की कहानी बड़ी ही रोचक एवं प्रेरणादायी है।

When the selfish royals throw their people to the wolves

The story which is emerging even before election results, is that the good-for-nothing royals have abandoned their troops in the middle of the battlefield to save themselves.

Why might of BJP can defeat Rahul Gandhi at Amethi in 2019?

literally, not a single safe seat is left for the dynasty in Hindustan

Dear Mumbai Mirror, Smriti Irani is a tale that needs to be told, and probably retold

The ones who think Smriti Irani's career is over, are mistaken

Smriti Irani and misogyny in our society

The problem doesn’t lie with Smriti Irani’s growing stature, it lies with the deep rooted mentality of certain sections of our society.

My concerns and suggestions to Smriti Irani regarding ‘fake news’ circular

Why the circular was not well thought of and what needs to be done.

Clampdown on fake news has begun on the right note

Rules about punishment for fake news is very much required.

HT blanks Sibal story; Express gives its own slant

How media is hiding facts about a possible scam by Kapil Sibal

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