Saturday, July 27, 2024


reservation agitation

The bloody war of “caste based reservation”

Demand for caste reservation is increasing in almost all regions of the country, leading to devastating damage to the public properties and life!

Fascinating debate on reservations in 15% states’ quota to pan India pool

Reservation in India is a touchy and dicey subject. And in Tamil Nadu, it is a hot potato. It is minefield, so to say.

A new deal for SC/ST community

Mere criticism of reservation without providing for an alternative scheme for the uplifment of reserved communities owing to historically disadvantaged position of those is unproductive.

Gujarat election: Caste engineering or national destruction?

Does rising of Casteist leaders ensure political empowerment to backward castes or National Destruction?

Reservations are needed, but the policy needs to be re-assessed by the society

Reservations are not helping with the cause it was originally introduced for.

Why are Indian protests so violent? We all must act to stop this

The government has to strictly implement the rule of the law, while rest of us too have a duty.

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