Saturday, July 27, 2024


religious fundamentalism

भारत मे समुदायों के बीच क्यों बढ़ रहा है तनाव?

धर्म का अर्थ केवल हिन्दू,मुस्लिम नही है। संस्कृत में कहा गया है "धारयति इति धर्म:" जिसका अर्थ है 'धर्म वह है जिसे धारण किया जा सके'।

Power through religion

The quintessence of most religions is to acquire, retain and perpetuate power. It's done differently in different political systems.

Zomato’s sensationalism and liberal media appreciation

“Food doesn't have a religion. It is a religion.”, says Zomato. Let's analyse.

Shah Banu Case of 1986 – the ugly face and dirty teeth of congress party is out in public, thanks to PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recalled the excerpts of the interview of Arif Mohamad Khan to tell to the world how farcical and deceitful is congress party towards Muslims and other minority communities.

My thoughts on core: An agenda for the man on the street

If we do not reveal the truth of our past, how our glory was ruined by invaders, our generation will not sustain as Hindu.

Why has the Muslim community been politically marginalized in India?

Who is to blame for the current socio-economic condition and apparent political marginalization?

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