Saturday, July 27, 2024



Uniform Civil Code: The right time is now

This is the ripe moment to unveil Islamists and show their true colour, to the brain washed Hindu liberals and divisive left(no hope).

एमसीयू वालो कुछ सीखो

यह कौनसा तरीका हैं चुप चाप बैठ के रघुपति राघव गा रहे हो विरोध प्रदर्शन के लिए इतना भी नहीं पता प्रदर्शन कैसे किया जाता हैं अरे सीखो कुछ जामिया वालो से।

क्या राजस्थान उन्मादी सांप्रदायिक राज्य में तब्दील हो रहा है?

गहलोत-पायलट युग्म सरकार को राजस्थान में महज अभी आठ-नौ महीने ही हुआ है, लेकिन जिस तरह इस युग्म सरकार का एक खास समुदाय के प्रति तुष्टिकरण हो रहा है, उससे लगता है आने वाले दिनों में प्रदेश में कानून और व्यवस्था के हालात बेकाबू होने वाले हैं।

वाकई सैक्यूलरिज्म या “स्टाकहोम सिंड्रोम”?

भारतीय दर्शन को देखने के पश्चात यह सुनिश्चित हो जाता है कि सैक्यूलरिज्म कुछ नहीं अपितु भय का विशिष्ट उत्पाद यानि स्टाकहोम सिंड्रोम ही है।

Why there is such a meltdown among self-appointed liberals for Atishi Marlena’s defeat and Sadhvi Pragya’s win?

Indian voters are mocked by the liberal lobby for choosing a saffron worn candidate over one with a fancy name and surname.

The cost of moving from an Indian concept of Dharma to a foreign concept of Secularism

Dharma is not religion specific. Its about social justice. About deciding what is right and wrong irrespective of one's religion, caste, gender, or any other identities.

Theatrics of the theatre artists: Naseeruddin Shah leads a befitting sequel to the #awardwapsi drama of the last time

Mr, Naseeruddin Shah, you boycott democratically elected govt., we'll boycott you and your movies!

Musings from a republic day morning: A post-Pulwama retrospection

What use is such secularism that teaches us to be blind to the genocidal activities of certain groups, and demands that we condone the same?

Secularism is new communalism of Indian main stream media

Indian media should understand that people are now smart enough to fall into their prey.

The problem with the secular state

In a complete and utter perversion of the idea of secularism borrowed from the West, the Congress Party has redefined it as blind appeasement of a specific minority community which incidentally forms the staggering majority of the populaces of several neighbouring countries of India, including Pakistan.

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