Sunday, September 8, 2024



राहुल गांधी जी, बधाई हो, ‘पप्पू’ अब एक धूर्त राजनेता बन गया है!

एक आम नागरिक का राहुल गांधी के नाम खुला पत्र

Nazis and Communists, brothers from different mothers and same father

The next time someone calls you a Nazi, remind them who is a real Nazi

मैं हिंदू हूँ, मैं थक गई हूँ, और मैं क्रोधित हूँ

धर्म उन लोगों की रक्षा करता है जो इसे सुरक्षित करते हैं!

JNU like protests at TISS in Mumbai – how political propaganda works on campuses

A student from TISS writes about the experiences faced on campus.

Moral Code of Conduct of Liberals- Standard Operating Procedure

Liberals do not have any morals or code of conduct. Deep down they are nasty ,ugly & spiteful. They are full of malevolence &...

Ridiculous report linking demonetisation to ‘mental illness’ in The New Indian Express

The article was full of conjectures and unverifiable claims, yet it was reported as facts.

‘द वायर’ के निशाने पे शौर्य दोवाल भले दिखें, पर असली निशाना कहीं और है

शौर्य दोवाल तो बस बहाना है, 'द वायर' जैसे मीडिया की छटपटाहट की वजह कुछ और ही है, और वो बहुत गंभीर है।

Ways of countering the left liberal propaganda

Their propaganda needs to be countered

Pakistan, China, and Modi-haters — The unholy trinity against India

India has been attacked with a narrative war, and the nationalists have to fight this war.

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