Sunday, September 8, 2024


Persecuted minorities in India's neighbouring countries

Citizenship Amendment Act and the NRC: An exception and a long standing policy

The CAA is not the first time India's citizenship act has been amended. Under the original act of 1950 anyone born in India from the date of enactment of the constitution was a citizen by virtue of their birth in India.

Utopian Islamic world created by liberals

Muslims always have to hate fellow citizens irrespective of caste, creed and color. If it is in West they have to hate White people. If it is in African nation they have to hate fellow African American Christians. If it is in India they have to hate Hindus. In Bangladesh they have to hate fellow Dalits.

Obtaining balanced assessment of the Bill rather than relying on public rhetoric and fear mongering

Citizenship act must be looked at in the context of a continuum of the existence of a two nation theory which continues to be alive and kicking in other parts of the world.

CAB is for India; not for Indians

This act doesn't affect any Indian Muslim or Indian Hindu. Why are you breaking your own house for this?

The big betrayal of refugees by the Left, Congress and Trinamul MPs from Bengal

Ironically, the Left parties rode to power in West Bengal on the back of the support of the Hindu refugees from East Pakistan.

Historical blunder

While we are fighting for Muslims not being included in the ambit, not once did we talk about the state sponsored  genocide on the Hindus in Pakistan.

CAB simplified

There is a fundamental difference between persecuted religious minorities and ethnic violence.

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