Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nation with Indian Army

Why do we not respect/regard Men In Uniform all the time

Only during war time or war like situation, we seem to remember our Armed Forces and feel proud of them. At normal times, we don’t seem to care. Do we?

The anatomy of distraction in India

In the name of transparency, proof, we cross the lines, making shameful remarks.

The Pulwama aftermath: Whither to from here?

For every terrorist killed, a hundred rioters could easily be recruited. The experience of Israel is very much before us.

Here is why India’s answer to Pakistan is perfectly a befitting one

If Pakistan chooses to retaliate, their attack options would either be civilian or armed forces, both in gross violation of international law, leaving Pakistan in a catch-22 situation.

Don’t cry for Wing Commander Abhi, but be proud

If Pakistan really wanted peace, it would had demolished the terror camps long back. It would had handed over Masood Azhar, Hafeez Saeed long back or could have suppressed them.

Modi breaks the backbone of terror deep inside Pakistan

For Pakistan, the writing on the wall is clear. It will face more audacious strikes from India in the coming days.

I said a prayer for the Armed Forces for the first time

There is a person at the border risking his life for mine. I don’t know why he does that though. My life is no more valuable than his. And, if he can be that magnanimous, I can be unselfish as well.

A reply to the AMAN KI AASHA flagbearers

Remember, the next time you say to personnel that war is futile and useless, you may be right, but you have let down a hero.

Damned if he does: Damned if he does not

This is not time for jingoistic calls. Agreed. Equally not time to be calm and resilient to indulge in Aman ki Ashas. It is time for ‘action’. Let us leave it to the armed forces to decide.

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