The collective nature of the struggle against Covid and in this deepest ailment of the world, the citizenry, civil society and the private sector and all must wholeheartedly put up their best in discharging their responsibilities.
The low threshold limit in the old definition of MSMEs averts companies from expanding further, which also stops them from enjoying the benefits that are accorded to them by the law. With the emended definitions of MSMEs, they will not have to worry about growing their size and can still avail benefits.
हमारे राहुल गांधी अगर प्रधान मंत्री होते तो बिना लॉकडाउन किए अर्थव्यवस्था पूरी द्रुत गति से दौड़ती और उसके साथ कोरोना से भी हम सब को बचा लेते और तो और कोरोना के भारत मे आने से पहले वैक्सीन बन जाता नेहरू जी के AIIMS में।
PM Narendra Modi who has shown us the ways to be a better leader, you like or hate him, however at the core of your heart, you will agree that he is demonstrating how a leader has to be and manage situations when they are totally out of control.
Aside from good advice to avoid spreading disease, it’s just being respectful, aware of your surroundings, and confident in the space you physically occupy in this world.
In this hour hardship the Indian states have showed the path for a balanced administration and the rich competition among the states in their fight against COVID 19 pandemic has shown the true spirit of Indian Federalism.
कोविड-19 महामारी से निपटने में देशों के बीच सहयोग स्थापित करने के लिए इस वर्चुअल सम्मलेन में प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा की “मानव आज कई दशको में सबसे भयानक त्रासदी का सामना कर रहा है.
It is time to revisit and revise all strategies that have been implemented to flatten the curve. Else, in one fell swoop, everything would turn topsy-turvy.