Sunday, September 8, 2024


Narendra Modi govt abrogated article 370

The battlefield of rumours and hopes: Separation of Jammu and Kashmir?

Political rumours in J&K have developed a pattern now – they are preceded by feelers out of New Delhi and succeeded by meetings at the Gupkar Road.

The MODI-fied year will be remembered for ever

The first year of second term of Narendra Modi led BJP government will probably have the same significance as the year 1947 in history of India. The unexpected have become true.

Liberal blindspot: The Log Kya Kahenge syndrome of international media on Kashmir issue

International media’s interest and influence on Kashmir issue is overstated and is equivalent to “Log Kya Khaenge”.

यौम-ए-आज़ादी पर इमरान ख़ाँँ

एक बार नरेन्द्रा मोदी और इमरान ख़ान के स्वतंत्रता दिवस के भाषण को सुने, और अपने भाग्य पर इतराएं कि आपके प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी हैं, इमरान खान नहीं, और राहुल गाँधी या ममता बनर्जी या अरविन्द केजरीवाल भी नहीं!

5 Things we need to know about Kashmir

It is a historic move that relegates the past 70 years of atrocious leadership to the dustbins of history where it belongs.

Indians ready to flood Kashmir with love

Modi 2.0 can rest assured that India is with it. India is ready to move. We are ready to flood Kashmir with our love.

The real Kashmiri identity: What they want to protect is Islamiyat masquerading Kashmiriyat

Kashmiris are so desperate to protect their Islamic identity, whose true home is in distant lands of middle-east, that they are willing to sever bonds with their brethren who are made from the same soil, water and air as they are.

Why was 370 revoked by Modi government, at this point of time?

How game-changer is the abrogation of Article 370 going to be?

Nehru’s blunder and the dawn of a 21st century new India

Article 370 basically served only one purpose, and that is to create a wedge between Kashmir and the rest of India. But, that’s all in the past now.

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