Gandhi’s non-violence was of extreme (Charam-panthee) type and anything extreme is unsuitable for human society specifically when it was applicable only on Hindus of British India, who were followers of the Indian National Congress.
All those political parties consciously helped Indian Muslims to cultivate their Muslim identity and keep on demanding more and more of Islamic Pound of flesh from India in assertive way.
सन उन्नीसों बीस में गांधी ने केरल का दौरा कर हिंदुओ से खिलाफत आंदोलन के लिए धन इकट्ठा कराया पर उन बेचारे हिंदू को कहाँ पता था ये धन उन्हें खत्म करने में ही इस्तमाल होगा।
There can be no end to Islamic extremism as long we keep mum and remain politically correct. The only way to end the extremism is to fight against it. One has to be really honest and call spade a spade. This not just extremism, it is radical Islamic terrorism.
It was exactly one hundred years back, that the Moplahs launched sustained atrocities on Hindus for multiple reasons. Nehruvian Indian History calls those mass atrocities on Hindus as ‘Moplah Rebellion’.
यह महज एक हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगा नहीं अपितु नियोजित सोद्देश्य हिंसा थी उन लोगो ने देखते ही देखते मोपला के 20 हजार से भी ज्यादा हिन्दूओ को काट दिया। जिसमें अनगिनत हिंदू जख्मी हुए और हजारो का धर्म-परिवर्तन हुआ।