Saturday, July 27, 2024


Modi Govt brings in new and better National Education Policy

NEP 2020: Revamping higher education and challenges ahead

Hope the government will implement NEP successfully in the higher education system and achieve all its goals in the predicted time. Thus, India will restore its role as a Vishwaguru.

Macaulay education system should end

There should be an education system that does not suppress the merits of human beings. Today's India needs its ancient culture. The new education system will have to revive Indian values and build a new India.

शिक्षा नीति के सारगर्भित पहलू

स्पष्ट है कि नवीन राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 का दायरा काफी विस्तृत है और इसमें निहित शैक्षणिक आयामों और उपागमों में ज्ञान के प्रति समग्र दृष्टिकोण अपनाया गया है. साथ ही हमें उम्मीद है कि राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 हमारे देश के शैक्षणिक सुधारों और बौद्धिक विकास की दिशा में मील का पत्थर साबित होगी.

NEP 2020 is the policy, that’s highly lauded

This enlightened policy was achievable because the government crowd-sourced opinions related to, from a wide Diaspora of public, who evince interest in academics

विद्याभारती और राष्ट्रीयता

विद्या भारती ने आदर्श बालक की कल्पना की है जो सबल, संतुलित, सद विचारी, सत्यान्वेषि तथा सेवा भावी हो।इस हेतु विद्या मंदिर में संस्कारमय वातावरण के निर्माण पर बल दिया जाता है।

New Education Policy 2020- The key to reform

The focus has been shifted from memory based learning to vocational training and practical skills, bag-less weeks introduced and importance of board examinations as the one deciding factor eliminated.

NEP 2020: Bridging the gaps in the higher education system in India

While the higher education sector across the world is working together to reopen university campuses, the Indian government took a step back to reflect on the challenges that the education system faced.

New Education Policy- Modi has done the right thing to lead India to organic success

Teaching the basic essence of Sanskrit, YOGA and other ancient scriptures of India Government must include in the curriculum as part of moral or casual passive learning to make the students ‘complete Indian’.

शिक्षा नीति या आत्मनिर्भर भारत

अब पांचवी कक्षा तक की शिक्षा मातृ भाषा में होगी अब ये सबसे प्रमुख बदलाव हैं क्योंकि हम या आने वाली पीढ़ी कहीं ना कहीं अपनी मातृभाषा से दूर होते जा रहें हैं, और अगर ऐसा चलता रहता तो हम अपने जड़ों को भूल जाते।

National Education Policy 2020 envisions to revive the ancient Indian wisdom, philosophy, human ethics and value system

The NEP 2020 is indeed has the potential to make India – Atmanirbhar if implemented properly. It envisions to make India a knowledge driven society and become Vishwa Guru in the field of education.

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