Through the obituaries and condolences written by MSM journalists, one can easily see as to why these power brokers who used to enjoy the access to power corridors are so unnerved as they miss the absence of jugglers and conjurers in current regime.
Tejaswi Yadav was the deputy Chief minister of Bihar for 18 months and yet he doesn't have even a single accomplishment as the youngest Deputy CM of a state except the allegations of corruption against him.
"It is not Joe Biden or Donald Trump, but it is the Hunter Biden who has won the 2020 US elections.": Mainstream media and tech giants have entirely blacked out Hunter Biden's financial shenanigans with a design to protect Democrats and Biden.
An artful way of promoting oneself at the cost of truth by drawing attention to what he has written even if it is wrong: Their way of Great Journalism!
For the journalists and Bollywood, Indian men and Indian society are irredeemably sexist. Any women who has succeeded in her life could have no support from her family.
गर्व करने योग्य देश की उपलब्धियां हैं बल्कि जनमानस में सकारात्मकता फैलाने वाली खबरें हैं- आपदा को अवसर में बदलने की बहुत से कदम भी उठाए गए जैसे आत्मनिर्भर भारत की नींव और वोकल फ़ॉर लोकल का संकल्प। लेकिन शायद ही खुद को चौथा स्तंभ मानने वाली देश की मीडिया ने इन खबरों का प्रसारण किया हो अथवा किसी भी प्रकार से देश की इन उपलब्धियों से देश की जनता को रूबरू कराने का प्रयत्न किया हो।