Saturday, July 27, 2024


lockdown improves family bonding

Mindfulness in the times of COVID 19

While saving ourselves from being infected by COVID-19, by maintaining social distance, it is equally important to preserve the sanity of out mind and body while being in lockdown.

Honk and flash as you hark

Make best out of this time.

Lockeddown: A blessing in disguise

We are in this race where people have become more artificial and machines more intelligent, where everybody wants to win, but the irony is nobody has time to celebrate.

Lets experience nothing

This lockdown has brought something which we all want to do. Relax.

COVID 19: A soft reset for Delhi woes?

his Covid-19 led situation has provided an opportunity in the form of various surprising and illuminating evidence to think about what we are doing and why we are doing.

Being human to humanity

As we are stuck in home, treat this as blessings in disguise to discover ourselves and teach our kids about it so they start practicing at this age to uplift themselves and work on inner potentials.

COVID-19: A way forward

This pandemic is a sure warning to us that how “population explosion” is going to create a large magnitude catastrophe in future if we don’t act on it.

COVID-19- Life on pause

One important fallout of the Lockdown is that, finally, housewives are reconnecting with their family and strengthen the bond which had frayed due to each one's busy schedules.

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