In the wonderlands of ‘pseudos’, When ‘Rizvi’ goes for the toss! Part-4
8 Articles series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 (Neither the 1’st nor the last, Includes table of content)
We exposed...
In the wonderlands of ‘pseudos’, When ‘Rizvi’ goes for the toss: Part-3
Certain interpretations of word ‘Jihad’ can have violent repercussions not only for war and terrorism reasons but also other extreme behaviors like participating in riots to intolerance to any sort of criticism.
प्राण व दैहिक स्वतंत्रता अनुच्छेद 21
हमारे सनातन धर्म की मूल भावना "जीयो और जीने दो" तथा "सभी जीवो को अपना जीवन अपनी ईच्छा से जीने का अधिकार है" में निहित है मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान श्री राम ने भी अपने संपूर्ण जीवन काल मे प्रत्येक जीव के प्राण व दैहिक स्वतंत्रता को अमुल्य व सर्वोपरि मानकर प्रतिष्ठित किया
The story of Indian ‘liberals’ has mostly been one of loud words and selective actions to suit their own narrative. They act as self-appointed messiahs but have themselves become the type of dogmatic cult that they professed they wanted to fight against. It’s apt that we titled this article “ill liberals” because they have clearly been ill for a long time, suffering from the megalomaniacal belief that they are the sole custodian of truth and the gatekeepers of morality and justice stifling every opposing view.
Education and liberalism
Is it actually education that “makes” man liberal? Or is it the society and religion that “makes” him conservative?
Globalization and its impact on India
in the face of globalisation, the need of the hour is to have less centralised, more competent and independent regulators and swifter resolution of disputes by the judiciary.
Feminism in India is nothing but social libertarianism in disguise
Indian feminists claim to be fighting for women's rights. But in reality, their aim is to debase Indian society morally and spiritually. (by @AkshaySaraswa16)
” स्नेकोफ़ोबिया”
hrishi -
भारतीयों को अहिंसा के नाम पर कायरता सिखाई गई। धर्मनिरपेक्षता के नाम पर अधर्मी बनाया गया। सहनशीलता के नाम पर गुलामी शिक्षित हुई।
Duties, rights and woke libbies
While in India we have got a hell lot of rights to enjoy, but the duties we perform is meager and negligible.
Leftists’ feminism is an insult to womanhood: An open letter to women on women’s day
Feminism was and is a good and powerful tool but the Left-Liberals have made it a weird thing. Radical feminists literally hate men and blame everything on patriarchy when things don’t go their way.