Monday, September 9, 2024


left wing extremism

Left is not Liberal

The only reason left is not fully successful is because they haven’t found an Indian version of Stalin or Mao to fight against Narendra Modi.

Stanislaus Lourduswamy: The curiously, lacerated case of citizens, reality and media

Indian media, nicely trying to focus on some aspects of the news and leaving out the rest, in order to imprint only some parts of the news into your brains.

Tales of the Lutyens’ top cops

During the last few months, Lutyen Czars took upon themselves the duty to shower respects on two of so called Top Cops. If they thrust 'Top Cops' on any ex. Police Officer, its not for nothing. One is Ved Marwah, who passed away recently, and the other is Julio Ribero.

Combatting Communism

Since the communists are so alarmingly entrenched with our diverse sociocultural productions, we need to seriously think of clearing this political weed from our social and cultural gardens.

राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक और हम

राष्ट्रीय प्रतीकों को लेकर लोगों में सम्मान का भाव होना चाहिये पर तथाकथित लिबरल और अति-राष्ट्रवादी गुट दोनों ही देश के मानसिक विकास के लिए ख़तरा हैं।

How communists persecute the RSS in Kerala

The institutionalized violence in Kerala has gone unabated for many decades.

Republic: How 29 tweets sent a shiver in Lutyens Delhi

Republic hasn’t aired for even one second yet. The Lutyens media is screaming purely out of panic fear.

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