Sunday, September 8, 2024


Left Liberal journalists against Arnab Goswami

Republic’s democracy gets vanquished in inequity

Article encapsulates how scrupulous journalists are badgered and hounded if Doxology's are not sung in favour of political hegemony's.

Why they hate Arnab Goswami

First he won over the English speaking city viewers and then the vast populations of Hindi hinterland from the Lutyens that they believed were sole preserve of theirs alone. He has in effect dealt a death knell to the Lutyens monopoly for decades over the consumption of content fed to ordinary citizens.

Is this a high time to make a strict law to stop fake cases emerging with the misuse of power?

Maharashtra government has to made a big policemen and officers' team including encounter specialists to arrest one journalist. This will tell clearly how much fear they have about Arnab Goswami and his supporters of this country.

अब पत्रकारिता के दमन पर, अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी कहा है

4 नवंबर यानी बुधवार की तरोताजा सुबह ने मुंबई में जैसे आपातकाल की याद दिला दी हो यानी अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी जैसे सो कोस दूर हिलोरे मार रही हो ,स्वंत्रता की आजादी जैसे गड्ढे में दम ले लिया हो।

Freedom of media shut by Maharashtra Government – Uncalled emergency

Today its only Republic News but tomorrow everyone come in same scenario if speak against Maharashtra government. It's attack on fourth pillar of Democracy.

State misusing state organs: TRP scam case

Naming a media channel during the press conference by none other but police commissioner of the state without having the name of the media channel in the FIR, shows the malafide intent of the commissioner to falsely engage and publicly defame a news channel.

चीन और पाकिस्तान का भारत पर सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक: एक बार नहीं कई बार

जब चीन के सामानों के बहिष्कार की लहर चल रही थी तो अपने ही देश के कुछ लोग चीन की वफादारी में लगे थें। हाँ ये बात अलग है कि अब वैसे लोग जेल जा रहे है जो अच्छी बात है।

India’s left liberals, the perennial Muslim-appeasers, are once again up in arms against Arnab Goswami

His tough stand regarding the Tablighi Jamaat meet at Nizamuddin Markaz has therefore faced the ire of left-liberals and Islamists masqueraded as journalists alike.

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