Left Liberal eco system
The problem with some of the universities in India.
raj23 -
These liberal scholars, sitting in universities, play a game of psychology in which they repeat same things to the students everyday about a person or ideology and instil in them the same thought process as theirs.
A conversation between me and an ecosystem activist
Civilizational battle is a battle of ideologies and employing paramilitary force can merely reduce their manpower but not weed out their ideology.
The left eco system across the world becoming more powerful, and that is what every country should be worried about
Ut -
There is a nexus between corrupt in both private and public sector across the globe in almost all line of businesses operating in finance, land and media.
Congress goons who attacked Arnab Goswami and Samyabrata Ray revealed their association with Congress party: Hypocrisy of left liberal ecosystem on freedom of press...
jatayu -
If a women is wife of Arnab Goswami or is a acid attack victim who supports right wing of India; their life doesn't matter to them.
Textbooks or left propaganda material?
It seems like communist and left wing academicians have pledged to create an army of comrades.
How leftist media exploits “human vulnerability”
The leftist media scavenges of vulnerabilities just like Facebook does in the words of Sean Parker. But there are multiple stakeholders who give the ancillary support to these media houses.
What the Right needs to learn from the Left!
From Bernie Sanders calling it an attack against the Muslim community in the country to India's very own media houses calling it a state-sponsored 'Pogrom', the left has been able to put forward their narrative and most importantly, promote it.
राष्ट्रवाद: राममंदिर: शाहीनबाग
जिस देश को अपने इतिहास से, अपनी संस्कृति से जुड़ाव नही होता, उनकी उड़ान बुलबुले सी होती हैं। ऐसी मानसिकता वैसे ही लोगों में होती हैं, जिनकी जड़ें खोखली होती हैं।
Liberals’ hypocrisy stands exposed by Donald J Trump
Time for liberals to become practical, pragmatic and realistic in not claiming themselves to be who they are not.
Kunal Kamra’s karma has driven him to this air-ban
G Indira -
In the whole process, Kunal Kamra tried to pose a moral grandstanding to promote himself, as if what he was asking were true questions that many would want to seek answers.