The web series claims to be feminist but instead of showing women empowerment and a idea about having an ideal future that may motivate young girls to work hard to make their future bright it propagates the idea of having multiple affairs as a form of freedom and Feminism which doesn't qualify as a ideal future for many girls.
वामपंथी कभी लेनिन की, कभी मार्क्स की, कभी माओ की और कभी स्टालिन तथा फिदेल कास्त्रो की पूजा करते मिल जाएंगे पर क्या कभी किसी वामपंथी ने किसी महिला कामरेड का बुत्त लगाकर माला पहनाई है?
समाज की सबसे छोटी परन्तु संगठित इकाई परिवार ख़त्म हो चुकी है। इस ओर ध्यान नहीं दिया गया तो हम जिस विश्वगुरु राष्ट्र की कल्पना करते है वह ख़त्म हो जाएगी।
Women who just want to enter the temple for the sake of women empowerment should focus their struggle on other fundamental issues. There are issues of women's security, education, health, political participation, etc.
Feminism was and is a good and powerful tool but the Left-Liberals have made it a weird thing. Radical feminists literally hate men and blame everything on patriarchy when things don’t go their way.
It is very sad to see that when there are many real and hurtful incidents happening against women in various parts of India, the Sabarimala women petitioners have managed to find time, money and other resources to indulge in a court case where not a single woman is getting hurt.
This article focuses on understanding the question of agency in commercial sexual exploitation, while outlining its broader understanding to include forced labour.