Saturday, July 27, 2024


India Under Narendra Modi's rule

Modi’s India: An India that prospers amidst chaos

Remember this. In 2013 and prior, you asked the world who India's leader was, they wouldn't know. You asked them how India was, they'd picture a slum and a boy wearing a torn baniyan, depicting poverty and underdevelopment at its peak.

An awakening call for Hindus

Nehru dynasty has created institutions to destroy all facets to Hinduism

“Should we relocate? There is too much intolerance here”- This is not paranoia; this is not jingoism: But patriotism is

Not only have Aamir Khan and his wife very well lived in 'Modi's India', this gentleman went to the Hindu terror organization, RSS. This terror organization created Modi.

“Modiji ko jitana hai”, said an elderly lady who could barely walk, while going to register her vote

“We cannot solve the poverty problem but we can definitely make the middle-class poorer,” seems to be the Congress motto this time. Enough to scare the middle-class.

BJP making a difference where Congress couldn’t

The much needed economic and social reforms that will go a long way in improving the life of every Indian.

‘Who am I?’: Writes a common man about India in Modi era

A complicated Indian who is a bundle of contradictions, faces serious identity crisis.

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