Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Unexpected nightmare for opposition parties- A windfall advantage for BJP

Unexpected nightmare for opposition parties- A windfall advantage for BJP- The “Sengol” and The “Chola Dynasty” Conversations

Confounded social constructs- a major societal obliteration

Initially, the caste system was based on a person's aptitude and profession rather than their birth. The system was intended to ensure cooperation and harmony among different groups.

Shri Shri Hayagriv Madhav temple: An ancient temple located in India

Being a very ancient temple, there are many things which this temple must get from the Government. Unfortunately, this temple is only working on a very little donation given by the devotees.

We ‘the secular’ people of HINDUSTAN

A free India must be a place where brotherhood is maintained between all the citizens and where one religion does not try to put down another religion in the name of religion.

Religion missing from public welfare?

By ignoring religion and the outcome it intends to provide, public welfare remains incomplete in the hands of the government leading to more chaos in the particular subject.

बागेश्वर धाम: चर्चा में क्यों?

अबतक लोगों ने सनातन में ज्यादातर पूजा,ध्यान और योग को ही देखा है, सद्गुरु और प्रेमानंद जैसे संतों को ही देखा है पर इससे इतर सनातन की एक और खूबसूरती है कि यह संकट में परेशानियों से लड़ना सिखाता है,मजबूत होना सिखाता है,एक उम्मीद जगाता है कि हमारा इष्ट हमें संभालेगा।

संविधान निर्माता ने बौद्ध धर्म अपनाया, इस्लाम क्यों नहीं? एक वामपंथी से एक सनातनी का शाश्त्रार्थ: भाग-२

आइये देखते हैं कि "बाबासाहेब भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर का इस्लाम के बारे में विचार क्या था?

संविधान निर्माता ने बौद्ध धर्म अपनाया, इस्लाम क्यों नहीं? एक वामपंथी से एक सनातनी का शाश्त्रार्थ: भाग-१

कम्युनिस्ट भारत रत्न बाबासाहेब को आधार बनाकर हमारे सनातन धर्म को निचा दिखाने का प्रयास करते हुए हमसे शाश्त्रार्थ करने आ धमके। 

Are we ready to know our roots?

A powerful country is truly powerful only if it's citizens are aware of their roots and are driven by motivation to make the world a safer place.

Bring out Kshatra Dharma in politics

What should be the take away from caste system in our current political discourse

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