सुविधाओं में पलकर कोई भी सफलता पा सकता है, किन्तु अभावों के बीच रहकर शिखरों को छूना बहुत कठिन है। 25 सितम्बर, 1916 को जयपुर से अजमेर मार्ग पर स्थित ग्राम धनकिया में अपने नाना पण्डित चुन्नीलाल शुक्ल के घर जन्मे दीनदयाल उपाध्याय ऐसी ही विभूति थे।
Observing ancient Hindu architecture with an open mind shows the presence of sundials, calendars, lathe-like technology, ancient drilling technology, and so on. So today it can be safely claimed that technology was an integral part of ancient Hindu culture and temples were not just prayer houses but also centers for spreading education.
If we continue in the same way we are going after five hundred years, some people will talk about the extinct, great Indian civilization just like we talk about the lost Egyptian civilization.
The Citizenship Amendment Bill addresses and acknowledges the historical wrongs committed against the Hindus. Finally, it appears that we are on the right side of history. However, as history has no end, we would need to keep learning lessons that can judiciously deal with the present and future.
सत्तर के दशक में नेहरूवियन सोशलिज्म की नाकामियों को छुपाने और देश की आर्थिक बदहाली का ठीकरा फोड़ने के लिये एक नया जुमला गढ़ा गया था।"हिन्दू रेट ऑफ ग्रोथ"