Saturday, July 27, 2024


Election Manifesto

CPI(M)’s Manifesto takes a step back; literally

Right off the bat, the CPI(M)'s manifesto opens up with an array of unproven allegations and continues as a minority rights commission report.

What it actually feels like to flay politicians

Sad to say that Gandhian dream of making the villages completely self-reliant remained incomplete while Nehruvian dream of scientific and industrial development instilled an artificial attitude among us.

BJP manifesto –evidence of achievements and bona-fide for NEW INDIA

Unlike the manifesto of congress party which is nothing but a stained kettle full of lies, promises and falsehood without any micro-details or details about how the promises would be implemented if the party is elected to power.

BJP’s manifesto echoes credibility and reliability

BJP manifesto for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections much more realistic and credible than the manifesto released by the opposition party few days back.

The politics of the absurd!

Dewey would be shocked beyond his grave looking at our democracy - that it is still beholden to the mid-wifery of inherited incumbency of a frater and a suror!

How to vote

Lets celebrate this festival that comes only once in five years with all the enthusiasm.

If implemented as promised, BJP’s “Sankalp Patra” has potential to transform India into a developed nation

The present NDA Government has successfully implemented majority of promises made in their 2014 manifesto.

Where the INC Manifesto went wrong

For starters, Congress had some specific plans for the Judiciary. Little did they think outside some fake poll promises. Their manifesto is full of contradictions.

Congress manifesto and tax terrorism – Middle class and youths have lots to worry about

Congress party over 70 years of its rule has made India poor, strategically remained the poor as poor and now the same congress wants to uplift the poor people. The manifesto of congress party is nothing but crocodile tear.

लोकसभा चुनाव: भाजपा की अगली सबसे बड़ी चुनौती होगी ‘कांग्रेस पार्टी का घोषणा पत्र’

इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि राहुल गाँधी के घोषणा-पत्र में भारी आर्थिक रियायतों का ऐलान होगा, कर्जमाफी जैसे वादे होंगे, कई ऐसे वादे होंगे जो आँखें चौंधिया देंगी क्योंकि कांग्रेस के पास इसके अलावा कोई विकल्प नहीं है।

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