Thursday, October 24, 2024



Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) role played during the pandemic: SKY is the limit

In this war against the virus, few partners stood the way with the government in combating this virusà of which one should remind is DRDO which paved the way to the government in every step and helped to win over the pandemic.

“Technocrats are the key to take India forward”, opines none less than Major Gaurav Arya

Major Arya opines that bureaucratic institutions are structured precisely in the manner wherein they become impediments, and not assets, at least in the field of defence.

Why Rafale Jets deal is a Fair-Deal- explains Vishnu Som of NDTV

Vishnu Som is not a right-winger, NDTV is not pro-BJP. Vishnu Som, being a Defence editor of the NDTV, his words carry weight.

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