Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Dravid Nadu

Martyr Sankaralinga Nadar fought for naming Tamil Nadu not DMK, Amma reinvented his glory

Sivagnanams’s Tamilarasu Kalagam demanded the name change and invoked the contributions of Sankaralinga Nadar when CN Annadurai came to power in 1967 and that is how the name change happened.

From Periyar Dravidian-ism to Flummoxed Dravidian-ism

Re-invent and preserve Tamil culture and progress should be the political philosophy of Tamil Desiya Iyakkam and not politics of hatred, negativism and anti-Brahmin venom.

Similarity between Shakuni and Periyar

Shakuni caused destruction of the Kaurava clan but on the contrary Periyar helped his followers to capture power but did nothing to eliminate caste system within his manufactured race called Dravidian.

Truth behind the Dravidian mask – Nemesis is hunting DMK

Today DMK is hunted by its own shadow, past deeds and the nemesis like the proverbial saying "evil be to him who evil thinks".

Anti-Brahmin upper caste politics of DMK and neglect of Dalit

If the untouchable Brahmins and Dalit join together with Narendra Modi led BJP, a New Tamil Nadu is possible and the present Dravidian politics can be banished.

God, missionaries of anti-God and dynasty politics in Tamil Nadu

All the recent genetic and anthropological studies have shown that no two separate race of population exist in India and the theory of Aryan versus Dravidian is nothing but a myth.

God and Tamil culture are inseparable, let us save the state from Draidian, Aryan myth

To divert people’s attention from Hindu cultural linkage of Tamil language and Sanskrit, the myth or illusion called Dravidian origin and Aryan invasion was coined, promoted and milked politically.

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