Saturday, July 27, 2024


Donald Trump against China

How important is Donald Trump for India?

India needs Trump support in respect of Trade, Terrorism and Geo-politics. In exchange, the US will get a giant manufacturing market for investment and a strategic pillar for the USA to counter rising China.

The US-China power struggle in the Pacific Ocean region

The Pacific region is becoming a pawn in the game of power politics among traditional and regional powers over recent years. The assertive and...

Erroneous notions of statesmanship shall prove deleterious to Indian foreign policy with regard to China

The India-U.S.-Japan-Australia quad must not remain a quad merely on paper. Further, it would be propitious to include more nations into such an alliance.

China- Dark spot of the globe

To keep the countries away from criticizing them, China has now adopted their old petty practices to poke its neighbours and own countrymen. By doing so the Chinese government is trying to gain sympathy and take revenge for the worldwide criticism at the same time.

US – China cold war – How did it come to this

Inception of 'Chimerica' - An unnatural Communist - Capitalist partnership which lasted for more than 4 decades and why did it break.

Is Trump right to take China on?

Trump has gone ballistic. His bellicose utterances are typically reflective of America First retinue. Would he stay the course? Or he has raised a feverish pitch, so that he can negotiate a sweet trade deal with China, just in time for Nov, 2020 elections.

China, the over smart rouge

The Chinese strategy is so simple and straight forward that it is not easily noticeable. Further the Chinese believe in deploying all means to realize their ambition, after all ‘All is fair in Love and War’.

Donald may well Trump the impeachment motion

Trump’s administration has not settled down even after 3 full years and 2020 beckons with the next election.

What India gained with Modi’s recent visit to the USA

The U.S. visit of Mr Modi was quite a successful one in every aspect, leaving behind one which was the delay in trade deal between USA and India which both the countries promised to deliver soon.

US – China Trade War: What’s in it for India?

Is rupee value going to further degrade? Check out here.

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