Saturday, September 7, 2024


Climate Change

The great game of survival

With the ever-increasing population and of course the awesome material advancements, we have progressed a lot in the last few decades. The situation is however literally rosy. Which means that there are quite a few prickly thorns.

Revisiting Indian cultural ethos to save the environment

In this time of crisis, the world can look up to Indian cultural practices. The traditional knowledge of this land is exemplary and has always guided the human race to take from nature only for their need and not for their greed.

[World Environment Day] Agroforestry for better economy, ecology & biodiversity #ForNature

ow does one prioritize between the economic and ecological concerns? Isn't a slew of human population in objectional states of poverty an environmental matter too?

Only we can save us

What COVID-19 outbreak taught us is, nature has not made everything for human consumption only!

सरकारों का ध्यान अब जलवायु परिवर्तन पर

नेचर कम्युनिकेशंस द्वारा किए गए एक हालिया अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि जैविक कृषि, जिसे समकालीन कृषि प्रथाओं का एक बेहतर विकल्प माना जाता है, वास्तव में अन्य उपलब्ध माध्यमों की तुलना में जलवायु प्रदूषण में अधिक योगदान देगा।

Basic yet effective solutions for pollution

Some basic and essential solutions to deal with Pollution is to make CNG vehicles compulsory in NCR and also to implement a dry car wash. other methods include waste management, compost and changing the lifestyle for a larger good.

Greta Thunberg: Climate warrior or the Left’s tool

Her suggestions hint as if she has caught the leftist syndrome of listing complaints and expecting unreasonable solutions.

How dare I?

Greta chose to deliver the speech that would eventually be hailed by "Mercedes Marxists" as revolutionary.

Deforestation of Chikmagalur: Ugly truth behind huge landslides & floods

We are just "Satisfied" if Government (State/Central) gives compensation to affected people, but we need to have concern beyond this and see what is the reason behind it and what is the permanent solution.

Room in our hearts, for the river in our city

A thoughtful reworking of the river will mean letting the river be

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