Saturday, July 27, 2024


Chidambaram arrested

चिदंबरम और रघुराम राजन के काले कारनामे

राजन अपने काले कारनामों से अनजान नहीं थे इसलिए जैसे ही मोदी सरकार ने उन्हें आर बी आई से बाहर का रास्ता दिखाया, वह तुरंत देश छोड़कर भाग खड़े हुए.

Development & decline, corruption & exaggerated money flow in market are quite common – India under Modi govt. is stable, strong and fast growing

The large NPA that we suffer are largely the PONGAL gift of UPA1 and 2 as the ministry of finance in UPA 1 and 2 was handled by who is well known to the world.

Never wants to be ‘Et tu, Brute’ show of P Chidambaram, an anticipatory olive branch

In a recent statement, P Chidambaram who is serving prison term in Tihar jailinnocently claims that he doesn’t even know why he has been arrested, mocks the entire establishment, possibly including the judiciary for arresting him.

SC elated the confidence of common man with its superb verdict on P Chidambaram

The verdict of Honorable Supreme Court of India rejecting the bail plea of P Chidambaram which was summarily rejected by the lower court earlier with very caustic remarks like ‘Kingpin’ is seen by common man as justice has been done by the court.

Investigation of PC, vendetta politics or part of Ram Dharma

here is the scope for P Chidambaram to run after anticipatory bail and make war cry that the initiatives against him as part of political vendetta/conspiracy?

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