Sunday, September 8, 2024


CBI Fight

आलोक वर्मा: सीबीआई निदेशक

दो साल पहले तक आलोक वर्मा और राकेश अस्थाना दोनों ही कर्तव्यनिष्ठ और असंग्दिध सत्यनिष्ठा वाले अधिकारी थे, फिर अचानक क्या हुआ कि दोनों की सत्यनिष्ठा संदिग्ध हो गयी और आलोक वर्मा को तो अपमानित होकर सीबीआई से हटना पड़ा?

CBI Chief deserves not just the exit door…..

To remove CBI chief in a 2:1 vote is the much needed step to regain the respect and reputation of the top most investigating agency in India - CBI.

Does Govt. have the power to transfer the Director, CBI?

Since autonomous institution like CBI consists of technocrats and bureaucrats who are not elected and nor directly accountable to the people, govt's watch is compulsory.

CBI vs. CBI: Apex court reserves its verdict

Alok Verma and his deputy Rakesh Asthana were send on leave in Oct. CBI No1 and CBI No2 leveled the corruption charges against each other.

Much needed 5S in CBI- PM Modi has shown the will and way

It looks like CBI is a divided house with clear agenda and affiliation aimed to weaken, nullify and defeat the fight of India against corruption

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