Saturday, July 27, 2024


Articles 370 & 35A

Abrogation of article 370

Abrogation of article 370 has generated many emotions, from celebration to anger, from euphoria to despondency, from pride to humiliation, it has seen a wide spectrum of emotions reflected through millions of conversations through social media.

Trifurcating Jammu & Kashmir: The road ahead

The reason for making J&K a UT is, without the police or the IAS directly under the boots of the Abdullahs or the Muftis, their capacity to make money or create mischief will be severely limited.

Abrogation of 35A on the horizon?

The winds of change have been strong in Kashmir ever since Amit Shah took over as the Home Minister, considered tougher and more aggressive than his predecessor, he was expected to make key changes to BJP’s Kashmir policy.

नरेंद्र दामोदर दास मोदी व बहुसंख्यक

नागरिकों का मोदी जी में दृढ़ विश्वास 2019 में प्रचण्ड बहुमत के रूप में मिला। पर क्या ये प्रचण्ड बहुमत केवल विकास कार्यों, सुख सुविधाओं वाले उज्ज्वल भविष्य तक ही सीमित है या इसके और भी मायने हैं?

2019 General Elections & possible narratives that could hurt BJP

Voters must know pressing NOTA is equivalent to vote for Congress.

What should be India’s next steps? #PulwamaAttack #IndiaStrikesback #WelcomeBackAbhinandan

The question on everyone’s mind (In India) should be “Is the job done? Have we achieved what we wanted as a nation in Kashmir after the Pulwama?”. The answer is a blatant NO.

Take courage in both hands and abolish Article 370

A billion plus people have become impatient with the Kashmir policy that has been bleeding India by inflicting a thousand cut on her body. Its time to react!

Here is how BJP has scored five goals in handling the Kashmir affairs

Read how the right wing of India has succeeded in presenting the ‘right’ view to the people of India, as far as the Kashmir affairs are concerned.

Myths & Facts about Articles 370 & 35A of the Indian Constitution

Checking out what best can be done to Article 370 & 35A, keeping its history in mind.

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