Saturday, July 27, 2024



Is Hindutva the same as Hinduism?

The word Hindutva therefore, applies to any Hindu who thinks of and stands for being Hindu, whether or not one uses that word for oneself. In fact it is not applied to individuals in any case.

The incurable secular mSana

Why Indian Intellectual Liberals choose to define Dharma as Hinduism- a word coined by the west as all their theories are defined by one or the other isms, thus irrelevant to our understanding of our ethos.

Sabarimala issue is not the first of its kind. Palani temple in Tamil Nadu faced a lot more but never gave up

The temple and the devotees withstood the attack for over 45 years and never gave up. More than 3 governments, hundreds of petitions, indirect attacks, and corruption could not shake the determination of the devotees.

Communism is against Indian Ethos

The communists have been trying to peel away the Indian way of life, looking for similarities between the class struggles in Europe and conditions in India to fit their narrative and somehow gain legitimacy to survive.

God and Tamil culture are inseparable, let us save the state from Draidian, Aryan myth

To divert people’s attention from Hindu cultural linkage of Tamil language and Sanskrit, the myth or illusion called Dravidian origin and Aryan invasion was coined, promoted and milked politically.

Cutting through Jawahar Sircar’s recent bullshit about Gurupurnima

A befitting reply to the wire's 'Guru Purnima Has Its Roots in Buddhism and Jainism, Not Hinduism'

Do you think the West is secular?

Major western countries have Christian influenced laws and constitution

Hindu scriptures have been a scapegoat for the socially constructed caste

Have a fact check before joining liberals for their favourite topic: Condemning Vedas and Manusmriti.

Left is not about inclusive politics, here is one such example

Liberalism is not equivalent to the Left.

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