Saturday, July 27, 2024


Anti Hindu Agenda

Sabarimala and women’s rights

Do we need to change customs and traditions because they discriminate women, if they do not endanger or detrimental to the advancement of women?

Sabarimala issue is not the first of its kind. Palani temple in Tamil Nadu faced a lot more but never gave up

The temple and the devotees withstood the attack for over 45 years and never gave up. More than 3 governments, hundreds of petitions, indirect attacks, and corruption could not shake the determination of the devotees.

Congress’s game of “Gotra”

Somnath, Gotra, Janeudhari: Congress' drama doesn't stop in the wake of elections.

United Hindus: The only way to end minority appeasement politics

Why political parties, try to appease Muslim community and how Hindu's basic rights are being neglected. Hindus, should think and unite.

Leftist agenda on firecrakers: Eco-friendly or anti Hindu?

This entire lobby who is fussing relentlessly seems to be selective on issues they want to raise voice for, in this issue they are not concerned about the environment but about their anti-Hindu agenda.

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