Thursday, December 12, 2024



Appropriating Ambedkar: Challenges for Indian Right and Hinduism

Effort by RSS to appropriate Ambedkar has multiple challenges associated with it.

Cult worship and politics, not new to the world

In any time and in any part of the world, personalities and heroes are worshiped. But now, we've to be cautious that heroes should be admired on their performance and not on their fake promises.

Guha, the RSS and Ambedkar

Guha quotes Golvalkar without understading what Golvalkar intended to convey

जय भीम

हमें पूरी ज़िंदगी स्कूल में नेहरू का समाजवाद, गाँधी का समाजवाद, लोहिया का समाजवाद और साम्यवाद ही पढ़ाया जाता रहा कभी किसी ने अंबेडकर का पूँजीवाद नहीं पढ़ाया।

कन्हैय्या बन है रहा काला पहाड़

जिहादी आंदोलन के प्रवक्ता तथा मुख्य मॉडल कन्हैय्या दलितों को भारत तथा नागरिकों से लड़ाने पर तुले हैं।

Kanhaiya, the posterboy of left, does not want you to know this about Left and Dr. Ambedkar

An analysis of the main themes and points of the JNU speech by Kanhaiya Kumar.

On his death anniversary, Rahul Gandhi killed Mahatma Gandhi’s Congress

The love for Mahatma Gandhi shown by Adarsh Liberals is fake. Baput doesn't fit into their "dea of India"

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