Afghanistan Taliban
America’s Afghanistan experience: Hubris and patience at its ends
The only lesson that the US may have taken from its Afghanistan campaign is perhaps that it should avoid directly fighting a war. And that is what it is doing in Ukraine.
Pakistan: A state gone rogue
Pakistan is acting as an unofficial mediator of Afghanistan with other countries, brokering backchannel legitimacy deals in the purview of possible threat emanating from a wrecked country that may become terror lobby, if not given what it asks for.
Journalism under risk in Taliban’s ”Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan”
After the promoters of "Sharia" law came to power Freedom of Press seems to be a matter of subject to market risk in Afghanistan.
Indo-Pacific conundrum, what Joe Biden is up to?
The US’s recent past’s most politically experienced President Joe Biden may be following the diplomacy of ‘nothing else but nation’s interest matter’, but while dealing with Indo-Pacific region he should know that this policy is more dangerous to adhere to for his nation which wants to retain the Super Power status with “America Is Back” pronouncement.
Reflections on 20 years since 9/11 and the “Taliban to Afghanistan to Taliban (TAT)” outcome
This article is to reflect on 9/11 and how America’s total lack of exit policy meant handing back Afghanistan to the Taliban on a gold platter.
India’s wait & watch policy- But till when?
With the Taliban gaining totalitarianism in Afghanistan by force, the question contemplating in every Indian mind is whether India engages with the Taliban or not.
What is next for India and the United States under the Taliban’s Afghanistan
What India has to lose in Taliban’s Afghanistan- a friendly neighbor with a good political equation between India’s Modi and Afghan Presidents until a couple of weeks ago?
FAA का कहना है कि काबुल हवाईअड्डा अब अमेरिकी सेना के बाहर निकलने के बाद अनियंत्रित हो गया है
Prabhat -
यूएस फेडरल एविएशन एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (FAA) ने सोमवार को कहा कि काबुल हवाईअड्डा अब हवाई यातायात नियंत्रण सेवाओं के बिना है, जब अमेरिकी सेना अफगानिस्तान से वापस ले ली गई है, और अमेरिकी नागरिक विमानों को देश में संचालन से रोक दिया गया है, जब तक कि पूर्व प्राधिकरण नहीं दिया गया।
International media lauds Arnab Goswami for his stand on Joe Biden
The International audience is all talking about Arnab Goswami while the Lutyens lobby in our country doesn't show even half the truth that Arnab shows.
Hindus and Sikhs are being brought to India is not secular: When was any Muslim denied to come back to India?
The lobby says that India is not secular under the BJP. If it is so, then like other Islamic nations in our country's preamble, we can also state that we are a 'Hindu Nation'.