Saturday, May 4, 2024


चाइना का कैसे बना विनिर्माण का केंद्र भाग 1

1950 में भारत और चीन की समान जीडीपी थी; आज चीन की जीडीपी भारत के तीन गुना से भी अधिक है ऐसा क्या हुआ की चाइना इतना तेजी दे ऊपर आया, सारी विश्व का विनिर्माण केंद्र बना गया जबकि भारत में मजदूरी उस वक़्त चाइना से सस्ता था।

Why attacks on Hindus, Hinduism & Hindustan increased recently

Lopsided secularism is NOT working for Hindus anymore when Hindus are constantly getting the short end of the stick. Why should Hindus tolerate these blatant lies, deception, constant criticism and one-sided biased narratives?

Trump vs US Congress vs Judiciary in USA, a fascinating duel

Donald Trump’s ‘base’ has steadfast stood by him. The polarisation may help his re election bid too, though the poll numbers, on date, favour the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, Vice President to President Barack Obama, for two terms.

Migrants crisis and need for data revolution in India

real time data base can be extremely useful at the time of war. If we know the exact number of workers we have in our country, It can give us some extra advantage over countries like Pakistan where data is highly unorganised.

A simple outline of the priorities of a Hindu state

A brief outline of what a state should prioritize and protect if it wishes to be called a Hindu state

Why it is important to be Nupur and Ajeet at this time

hey have stuck their neck and are fighting a direct battle. A battle which is against established thuggery in history, economics, politics and all realms of life.

Africa and the Chinese Debt Trap

The Chinese government certainly has provided a considerable push to the industrialization of Africa but now that that’s done, economic forces are moving the initiative further forward. Chinese small business is gripping the continent. Much of the western world is ignoring the prospects of the continent—ignoring that business in Africa can now be as profitable as a business in China was when its period of tremendous growth began. Right now, Africa is establishing itself as the source of labour and resources for China and so, until the west pays attention, Africa will continue to fall in the debt trap of China.

The life and journey of Yogi Adityanath

As Yogi continues to redefine development politics in this country, his opposition will rise but if he continues to be in the path he is, the opposition will fail tremendously. At the end of his career, when he will look back, he will find a chapter on himself in the book of Indian Politics.

Can we boycott Chinese in India?

A practical opinion on the recent demand for boycotting Chinese products, its reception on social media, and a possible way forward amidst ceaseless attacks from opposition

Covid-19 and racism: How did the Indians react?

The victims of ‘ethnicity-based racism’ are people from the North-East states of India. The main reason behind such racism is that they do not look like ‘Indians’! Even after 73 years of independence, India does not know the history of its North-East.

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