Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Malicious misinformation that the left propagates about Durga Puja


Durga Puja is celebrated with great jest not only among Bengalis but among majority of Hindus ranging across north to south and east to west. These are the nine days of festivities. It is a social event as much as a religious one. The music, dancing, and art displayed and performed during the puja play an integral part in connecting people in Bengal and across India.

Mantras are accompanied by the drumbeats, fragrance of incense sticks and flowers. The ten-armed goddess Durga riding a majestic lion slaying Mahishasur with her trident. It is the festival which marks the victory of good over evil.

But there is a breed of “so-called intellectuals” those who give Durga Puja a twist for their vicious gains. For them, it is a symbol of oppression. The narrative is that Mahishasura was a just and valiant defender of a buffalo rearing tribe, which is equated with the Yadavs of today. The Aryans were unable to defeat him so they hired Durga to seduce and kill Mahishasura through treachery. The Aryans committed a large scale massacre on the tenth day which is known as Vijayadashami. There is ‘Mahishasur martyrdom day’ that is celebrated in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi dedicated to death of Mahishasur. There is not one or two instances where left has displayed Hindu phobia. It’s hatred for Hindus, and their narrative must be challenged.

Aryan Invasion – a myth

Left often uses Aryan invasion to project that the Aryans were foreigners who enslaved the indigenous people. It’s a bullet that these intellectuals fire each time whatever may be the cause. Aryan invasion theory is a sword and shield of the left parties. This is evident in case of Durga Puja also in which Mahishasur is projected as the tribal and goddess Durga who assists the Aryans in defeating the tribals.

The narrative on which these intellectuals build up their case is a lie. The fact of the matter is that Aryan Invasion probably never happened and there are reasons behind this. One main reason is that there is no primary evidence. No monuments to any heroes of such invasions have been excavated, no related cemeteries unearthed, no battle fields identified in relation to the theory. It is important to examine the social political implication of Aryan Invasion theory.

First, it keeps the Hindus divided into Northern Aryan and southern Dravidian. Therefore, preventing them to unite and still acts as a lubricant for social tensions.

Second, it gave the British an excuse in their conquest of India. They could claim to be doing only what the Aryan ancestors of the Hindus had previously done millennia ago.

Third, it served to make Vedic culture later than and possibly derived from Middle Eastern cultures. With the proximity and relationship of the latter with the Bible and Christianity, this kept the Hindu religion as a sidelight to the development of religion and civilization to the West.

Fourth, it allowed the sciences of India to be given a Greek basis, as any Vedic basis was largely disqualified by the primitive nature of the Vedic culture.

This served a social, political and economical purpose of domination, proving the superiority of Western culture and religion. It made the Hindus feel that their culture was not the great thing that their sages and ancestors had said it was. It made Hindus feel ashamed of their culture – that its basis was neither historical nor scientific. It made them feel that the main line of civilization was developed first in the Middle East and then in Europe and that the culture of India was peripheral and secondary to the real development of world culture.

In other words, the reasons of Aryan Invasion theory were neither literary nor archaeological but political to divide and discredit the Hindus. This political tool is now used by the left intellectuals and pseudo-liberals.

Who is Durga?

No other religion has a feminine godhead as Hinduism have. The Goddess is celebrated in every form, aspect and quality, through music, art, ritual, mantra and meditation. She is honoured in women, the Earth, nature and the transcendent beyond all expression. Her worship is full of splendour, delight, mystery and wonder. Durga means she who takes us beyond all difficulties. India as a sublime culture and profound civilization is the gift of Ma Durga.

Durga is the Goddess who personifies India as a whole and its incredible vitality, from her presence in village shrines to her representation of the highest yogic spirituality. Bharat Mata is Durga with her imperious lion. She was the image behind India’s independence movement, which worked through her inspiration, such as Sri Aurobindo so eloquently lauded.

As Mahishasura Mardini, Durga slays Mahishasura, the personification of ignorance, darkness and tamas. Vijayadashami is her glorious tenth day of victory, after displaying her nine magnificent forms, ending with Siddhidatri, her highest blessing aspect who grants all boons and accomplishments. This nine day dynamic display of Shakti takes us to a new vision and unlimited horizon on the culminating tenth day.

Ma Durga as the divine mother can guide humanity into a new era of peace and happiness. But she does so by first eliminating the powers of darkness, not by compromising with them, much less by consoling or appeasing them. Ma Kali arises as her martial aspect, dissolving entrenched old karmas, compulsions and attachments that bind us to adharma, to unfold a new creation.

The left liberals project dalits, tribals, backwards as dark skinned ugly people and Aryans as fair, strong-built majestic who use force to oppress the former. When Durga transforms to Kali she is dark skinned and not fair. So does she convert from Aryan to tribal? Does she becomes a victim of Aryan invasion? Such baseless is the logic of these so called intellectuals.

Karl Marx once said religion is the opium for masses. The hypocrisy is that in the name of communism the left intellectuals use this ‘opium’ with adulteration for their selfish gains. In India they use different narratives to degrade Hinduism and promote Hindu phobia in the name of Brahmanism. Such narratives must not go unchallenged and must be reprimanded with logic and reason which is scarce in the pseudo-liberals/left intellectuals.

Source: The myth of Aryan Invasion by David Frawley

Proof, evidence or details of surgical strikes: what Indian politicians want?


India’s pre-emptive strike across the LoC on several terrorist launch-pads following Uri attack suggests tactical departure from its over-glorified restrained approach. The one-off attack on the terrorist bases can hardly be termed as a strategic change, but the long awaited shift is certainly aimed at getting free from indecision and inaction over Pakistan’s policy to bleed India through thousand cuts. It also created the “halo effect” of quick-strike success.

The question remains whether it is an ad-hoc reaction to Uri attack or part of larger strategy to deter Pakistan so that it can stop backing terrorist group acting against India, both formally and informally.

Therefore, pre-emptive strike has to be part of a prudent strategy, and it appears government is exploring for one. And foremost among it would be to counter the propaganda war of Pakistan army, and of course some of our own politicians, who appears to have more faith in Pakistan army than our own army.

The kind of propaganda unleashed by the Pakistan army after India declared its military operation in Pakistan occupied Kashmir is worthy of praise! Flying pro-Pakistan national and international journalist for landscape/scenic tourism around the border areas to prove that no strategical strike has ever taken place is laudable, even if out rightly paradoxically. The curated tour had its impact, though only at media level and no country has officially challenged or countered India’s narratives.

However, the biggest impact of the news was felt in India. Few politicians, a handful of them, in a circuitous manner echoed Pakistan army’s line- in other words, demanded government to establish the fact that it had carried out the surgical strike-the tailpiece being to counter the Pakistani narrative.

India wasn’t surprise as would have any other democracy in the world; clearly, because these are the same people who have taken similar antagonistic stand on everything current NDA government does. However, this time they have crossed the limits, and have not only challenged the government but have harmed India’s global stand and its reputation.

Political calculations have taken over national interest. Apparently, this whole drama over substantiating the DGMO claims has two major impacts- first; it sent a mixed signal to Indians about army’s capacities and capabilities, it at the same time created fractions within society on the government’s intentions and determination to fight Pakistan’s evil design. Secondly, it has given Pakistan army the desired breathing space it desperately needed in this crucial time, it has directed all its media to focus on the contradiction India’s political class is displaying shamelessly.

India news channel has simply fallen in the trap. It is ceaselessly covering the issues which deserved zero or minimal coverage, without considering the ramification. This is exactly what Pakistan army and the political class in India wanted- an injudicious debate over a meaningless issue.

The matter of the fact is even the political class don’t know what exactly they want. Do they want evidence, which are basically suggestive in nature? That for me or for most of the citizens of India is simply the press conference of the DGMO, Indian Army. The value of the words, that too of Indian army officials, who are normally very meticulous with style and locution, is evidence itself.

Second is proof, a proof is conclusive in nature. Given the political appetite of the politicians, who are demanding the proof, it would be unwise to believe that the proof would satiate their demand. A demand born out of malicious intent can never be fulfilled.

Most importantly, it can compromise Indian methods, equipment of the Special Forces and also the humint across the Line of Control, as suggested by national security analyst Nitin Gokhale and other experts. It will also open the gate of frequent politicization of every military operations India conduct. At security level, public disclosure might push Pakistan to escalate the violence, which I suppose Indian army would be perfectly ready for.

Third is detail. Details are elaborate comprehensive information about an event. A descriptive detail can be as perilous as proof. It would require all the information to clearly and successfully portray the series of events during the military operations.

The only option the government has to substantiate its claims is to bring out a narrative detail with name of the locations, number of targets, and possible fatalities. It must however, does it at a time of its choosing, and not under the political pressure from its opponents. The aim must be to bridge the gap those frivolous demands have created in the minds of people, and not to appease any politicians.

Jai Jawan – my note of thanks to the Indian Army

नेयं स्वर्णपुरी लङ्का रोचते मम लक्ष्मण ।
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ॥

After killing Ravana , Lakshmana asks Lord Rama to stay in Lanka and rule. But Rama replies saying “Lanka is a city of gold but it doesn’t seduce me, when it comes to mother and motherland even heaven is nothing”.

Thousands of years have passed since Rama told this but the meaning of the above statement made by him still echoes in our hearts. To make this motherland more than heaven for us there are “common people” guarding us day and night, through sun and rain, in desert and ice, in forests and barren lands, lying down their lives without second thought for the only reason so that “we the people of the great republic of India” live happily!

These “common people” are the brave men and women in uniform who leave their families behind so that we can have a nice dinner with our families and yet the irony is we remember them only when they die.

For a country which is 7th largest in the world by area and 2nd largest with population added to it a neighbour which is nuclear power and mentally unstable, it’s a very hectic job for our armed forces to safeguard the boundary and be on alert all the time. Around 24 lakh soldiers with active and reserve included, do this job very efficiently. Everyday there will attempts to infiltrate along the border. Every now and then terrorists from the other side are being neutralized by the army and some of the time our brave men get martyred and yet there won’t be anyone apart from the family to cry for them. That is the reason we don’t remember them. It has become routine.

Irony is when tragic strikes us big time, when something like Uri happens, when we need to iterate through all our fingers for the second time to count the dead bodies of our soldiers, the whole country suddenly turns patriotic for few days. To get along with the collective feelings of the nation, the Media will also hunt for TRPs sitting on our soldiers dead bodies! And every single person wants retaliation from the army! Every Tom Dick and Harry sitting on the couch and smoking cigars (including me) wants the revenge!

When the Army actually avenges by crossing the LOC, going inside POK which is still technically ours, and destroying terror launch pads, sending around 40 militant terrorists and around 10 Pakistani army terrorists to hell by our brave para commandos and Jawans from Dogra and Bihar regiments. With political will and free power to the Army combined, Uri was avenged and every Indian was happy. Surprisingly every political party were together and hailed the Army, and we all thought at last Indian politics is matured.

Let the few patriotically charged days pass and then comes the voice of intellectual mafia calling for peace talks with our “friendly” neighbor ! The TRP hungry media suddenly start talking about Aman ki Asha! The well cultured ambassadors of “art and literature” who earn hundreds of crores of rupees start defending the actors from our “peaceful” neighbor who can’t condemn terrorism in the country where they earn their bread but speak when an ant is killed by accident in faraway Syria!

The political vultures start worrying whether Narendra Modi and BJP will gain politically and start asking for proofs! Yes we are “proud” of ourselves. Our politicians making headlines in Pakistan for asking proofs from our army which they hailed earlier! And one gentleman from Congress Mr.Sanjay Nirupam even claiming it’s fake until he is provided with the proof by army! Yes it’s true!

When a soldier’s soul watches all these drama from the window of heaven, the soul dies 100 deaths again! But never the great soul regrets the martyrdom because every single second the jawan lives for, he lives for India! Every single second he misses his family he thinks it’s fine because he is missing them for the purpose of safeguarding the country.

Yes, when they are trained, they are taught to defend this country no matter what. And they do precisely the same. Many will debate saying they knew it’s their job and what’s so special about it? There are many who join Army by passion, by choice, but there are also some who join by chance. No matter how and why they join, we should not forget the fact that they had every right to lead a life just like us and to have families just like us, but they chose a path to serve the country leaving everything behind and for that we should be grateful.

The least we can do for them is to thank them every night when we sleep for one more day we spent safely! And one fine morning when every single Indian thinks that motherland is more than heaven just like what Lord Rama said to Lakshmana, that fine morning every single soldier from past, present and future will be happy!

Jai Hind!

Making sense of politics over the surgical strikes by the Indian Army


Indian Army valiantly conducted a surgical strike on terror launch pads in PoK killing many terrorists on the night of 28th September in retaliation to the Uri attack. I was in a Courtroom when I read this on twitter, and it gave me goose bumps. I have never heard of any incident in the past decade or so where the Indian Army crossed the LoC and killed the Pakistani terrorists in PoK before they could commit the dastard act. In past that we know, the terrorists have been killed on our soil and that too after a few of our soldiers have already martyred, where killing them becomes completely necessary.

The Director General of Military Operations called the media and announced the strike the next morning. This was a completely reverse situation and a sense of pride and vindication was obvious in all Indians. The same was visible when crowds gathered in various Indian cities to celebrate the strike.

The Pakistani reaction was epic. It was so badly hit and in a spot where it could not take any sympathy, that it denied the strike. Had one civilian been killed in the strike, Pakistan would have come out weeping and blaming India. Since all the pigs were bloody terrorists, they had no option but to deny the strike. It is also obvious for Pakistan to deny the same as admission of a strike of this magnitude would shake the beliefs of uneducated Pakistani voters, who are fooled by political parties promising taking over of Kashmir from India.

There was no immediate reaction from the opposition parties, albeit official statement being issued by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi congratulating Indian Army. Rahul also joined her in congratulating the Indian Army and going further in saying it was the first time that he was proud of PM Modi’s action. It was acknowledgement of the fact that PM Modi had delivered what was promised. It was also acknowledgement of the unprecedented decisiveness and boldness of Modi Government. And that’s why this statement made by Rahul caused turbulences across the opposition parties including Congress. It must have been a moment of introspection for the UPA Government which did NOTHING even after the 26/11 attack perpetrated in the heart of the nation or after numerous such attacks by coward Pakistani terrorists on our nation.

Someone had to take the lead in taking away the credit from Modi Government for its stern action on terrorists with the backdrop of upcoming Vidhan Sabha elections in UP and Punjab. Who else but the self styled Aam Aadmi, Arvind Kejriwal can perform an uphill task as this one with such precision. He is a man who has never been clear and therefore, after praising PM Modi and the Indian Army for its brave act, he discussed ‘Pakistani false propaganda’ of denying surgical strike and he urged PM Modi in unmasking such propaganda.

For any normal person, there would be no purpose of discussing what an enemy nation is saying, but here we are faced with someone, whose national allegiance can be seriously doubted after hearing him. This was a well written script by AAP and Congress as various Congress leaders immediately started singing the Kejriwal / Pakistani tone and asked PM Modi to release the video recording of surgical strike to prove that it has happened. Sanjay Nirupam, a Congress leader and an anti-nationalist went on to say that there was no surgical strike by Indian Army and that he would believe that the strike happened only if the video is released.

A school going kid would know that a video such as this one cannot be released and therefore we cannot assume that national leaders, who eye PM’s post, would be such morons to ask for it. Therefore, the reason for raising an issue has to be a well thought one. It took 2 days for these creeps to spill out that they didn’t want BJP to take political mileage because of a strike of this kind. So this strike didn’t give these political opponents that moment of joy which pervaded across other Indians. Just like the Bollywood celebrities were only concerned about their next movie releases featuring Pakistani artists, the political opponents were only concerned about the upcoming elections.

They object to BJP making this an issue in upcoming elections although they made an issue out of killing of Akhlaq in Dadri, UP as the biggest national issue just before Bihar elections. Why shouldn’t the BJP be proud of this action? Undoubtedly, it was the Army’s bravery and valor that made the strike successful, but ultimately the decision was by the Modi Government, which fact also can not be countered. The Modi Government certainly deserves total credit for taking this decision and giving the Army free hands to undertake this brave task. Is the objection being raised because the party which has ruled the nation for about 5 decades has never given the Army free hands to conduct such strikes?

The Indian Army was capable of conducting a strike of this enormity after the numerous attacks during Congress rule but that didn’t happen because the Central Government just lacked the political will. In fact, the BJP should raise this issue during the coming elections to show the difference between the incumbent government and the previous ones. The voters should know that voting for Congress and AAP would mean electing people like Sanjay Nirupam to power. The voters would then decide if they would like to see Sanjay Nirupam who called the strike, fake, to be a Cabinet Minister. In the past as well, the BJP has been setting up the right agendas for elections. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections also, it was the BJP that set the development agenda. Even with a view to compete, the opponents would have to rise to the level of BJP in having a spine to take such bold decisions.

I take immense pride in the fact that I voted for this Government. Such unprecedented approach of PM Modi in handling diplomacy and military at the same time would certainly find a permanent solution to export of terrorism by Pakistan.

Please stop playing politics over the Army, India may not survive this!


I will start with this very beautiful and old quote

“I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleep under the blanket of very freedom that i provided and then question the manner in which i provide it”

It suits so perfectly for our armed forces. I totally believe in this quote. But recently, our invincible Indian army is facing a new kind of problem. Neither it’s terrorism issue nor Pakistan’s issue because army is used to, of these problems. This problem I am talking about lies with in our borders. Problem is “Our politicians raised finger over army.” And it’s very dangerous for any country.

Because our army as we all know is deprived of my important gadgets if we compare it to Israel’s or USA’s forces. But they hardly complain about these things. What they just ask for is trust and respect from its countrymen’s and policymakers. They certainly deserve more respect. After all, it is our army that has defeated Pakistan four times over the last several decades. For a few votes more, India’s politicians are destroying their army’s reputation.

The Indian Army launched a surgical strike in POk on the late night of 28 Sep, going 3-6 km deep inside the area, destroying seven-eight terror camps and killing around 50 jihadis, including several Pakistani Army persons. This number may even be hundred. As a result more than 300 jihadis including L-e-T head Hafiz Saeed have run away from POK to the main land of Pakistan.

Everybody were so thrilled and happy in India since after the press conference by DGMO Army, regarding the surgical strike. It was like this for 2 days and then Kejriwal, CM of Delhi opened his dirty mouth, again as usual and filth was all over the media. Immediate, after him Sanjay Nirupam from Congress came out from his hideout , then his boss Rahul Gandhi, Sitaram Yechuri, educated illiterate Kapil Sibal and so on. All these politicians have questioned this strike and calling it fake. Needless to say Pakistani media has picked it up and out of these netas Kejriwal, is the real hero of Pakistani media who is demanding that Modi Government must provide proof of this strike. Seriously ? I thought, I have seen the lowest point of Indian politics and I was damm sure they cant go more low but they proved me wrong again. This whole mess is the lowest of our political establishment and they really don’t care about its impact on our armed forces.

Kejriwal asked for a proof of surgical strike. I don’t think he is wrong because since the video of his minister Sandeep’s sex scandal came out , Kejriwal’s expectations of getting videos has increased drastically. Can someone please tell him that surgical strikes aren’t a reality show which are carried out under CCTVs. Why should we disclose video clips and other proof? How can we make Army secrets public? It is a question of national security and it will be against national interest.

In the past India had submitted evidence for the Mumbai terror attack and Pathankot attack and many more. Has anything happened? What action Pakistan has taken against the culprits? How long will we keep giving in to their demands? Now, we will respond only through action, not through words or evidence. The US had not released video clips or any other documents on the killing of Osama bin Laden. Usually, such things do not go public, and US never gave any proof of its Abetabaad Operation, only because of tactical reasons. And still whole world believed it.

The Army would have some evidences and they must have handed it over to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister can use his discretion on whether it should be made public or not. It’s his choice whether he will make the evidences public or not. But I would say no and why should he ? We don’t have to answer anybody for this. Our 19 soldiers were martyred in Uri attack and we were forced to strike back. We did strike back and now they are asking for evidences? Is this a joke or what ? However, Pakistan denied any such operation and said that only two of its soldiers were killed in the cross-border firing that took place during the night.

But recent development in Pakistan proved that surgical strike did take place and they are scared of happening it again. Let me explain – the entire Pakistan, its Army, its Government and its media is in denial mode as is their habit. More than 9 days have passed and Pakistani Army has not retaliated so it is clear that they are afraid of further escalating the conflict. Because if they retaliate then our army also will go in and this conflict may lead to war. By denying that India launched any such strike they get a way out of not to react militarily and save face.

The recent Baramulla jihadi attack of theirs which was a hurriedly launched botched up operation proves the point that this surgical strike did take place and their reply will be not through military but in the form of terror attacks.

Further proof of this strike having taken place is the way Pakistan rushed the international media to the place of occurrence. Where was the need to do it? Hafiz Saeed, the L-e-T head, even demanded their Army to be given a free hand by their government against India. Why? Our case is that, we acted not against Pakistan, but POK which is illegally occupied by Pakistan and against the jihadis, who were using Pakistani land to carry out terror attacks on us because Pakistani Army was not doing it

Meanwhile, a report in the Indian Express published on October 5, claimed to have eyewitness accounts admitting that the strike took place and the fact that the bodies of those killed were loaded onto trucks for secret burials. Later the same evening, CNN-News 18 carried a report which claimed that disclosures by Ghulam Akbar, SP of Mirpur range in PoK, admitting that surgical strikes took place in the early hours of September 29. Thinking that he was speaking to his Superior IG Mushtaq, Ghulam Akbar, SP (Special Branch) of the Mirpur Range in PoK, revealed details about the strike. The report further claimed that bodies of terrorists were also removed by the Pakistan military. The SP also said the Pakistan Army had taken away the dead bodies in ambulances, adding that they may have been buried in villages. Akbar also claimed that five Pakistan Army men had died, which contradicts Pakistan’s claim that two soldiers had died in the cross-firing. The report also had Akbar admitting, among other things, that the Pakistan army ‘facilitated’ jihadi movement in advanced positions.

Large number of countries including America and Russia who have the satellite facilities to counter check Indian claim of surgical strikes, have not only believed Indian claim but have supported Indian effort. Russian president Vladimir Putin has gone to the extent of saying that India did the right thing and has its right to self defense. Surely, Putin will not be saying this until his satellite imagery has confirmed about this strike.

It is true that with the modern technology available, this entire episode of the strike by Indian Army has been recorded. All the proofs are available. They however cannot be put under public domain because there will be more such strikes in future and we do not want Pakistani Army to know our modus operandi.

I ask all the politicians to “keep politics aside,” and to refrain from doing anything that might cause India’s armed forces to feel shame.

First thing they should remember is that Indian army is apolitical. It does not endorse any political party. India has fought wars of 1947, 1962, 1965, 1971 and 1999. Most of these wars were fought under congress and one was under BJP rule. No one till date asked any proof of these military actions. Even in 2015 surgical strike against terror camps in Myanmar by Indian army, no proof was asked. But by asking proof this time, these politicians have doubted their own army and the country. If we love our country we cant allow such things.

We trust our army, we trust our soldiers and we stand by them. Of course, they crossed the LoC routinely to neutralise terrorists; several former generals of the army vouch for this. We don’t need any evidences. It was a military operation against terrorist not a Hindi movie that they want to see a trailer,which needs to be released. Security matters cannot be shown publicly, no nation gives the proof of such strikes. The reason this time Govt has given the information to media is because India wanted to send a strong message to Pakistan and to the world that India is capable of retaliating. It should be kept a secret as it may reveal our modus operandi.

People of India must identify all those political parties and their leaders who have questioned the Army on an issue which is so sensitive for India. India can survive with dishonest, discredited political leaders, a media without principles, but it cannot have its military, one of the most revered institutions, shrinking in public esteem.

The Prime Minister must intervene quickly and put a stop to the politicisation of the action of the forces. Everyone loses something in this circus. The BJP risks losing credibility, the Congress whatever little political capital it was left with, and the AAP the one chance at proving its maturity. Most dangerously, the Indian Army may lose a little more of its apolitical aura. Please stop this nonsense at once.

Surgical Strikes – When things go wrong its PM’s fault, but no credit when things are good?


To Begin with let’s not kid ourselves and accept the fact that we as human beings love to take credit for some work done. Be it a common sales executive for his incentives or a minister to get some votes. Taking credit is not new nothing to be ashamed of. I will be surprised if someone who does not want to take credit for the work done.

So, Rahul Gandhi & the Congress have problems with the Narendra Modi Led NDA government taking credit for the surgical strike. To be honest I haven’t seen any BJP minister taking credit for the Surgical Strikes let alone PM Narendra Modi. Yeah there have been BJP leaders including DM Manohar Parrikar who have gloated about the surgical strike, but never took credit.

So, what’s so wrong in taking credit? If a Vemula in Hyderabad commits suicide due to yet to established reason, Mr. PM should responsible and credit, but not for the Surgical Strike which was executed under his direct leadership. If a Akhlaq is killed in UP, Mr. PM should be responsible and credit, but not for giving the political backing to the armed forces to reply to Pakistan in the language they understand. For every terrorist attack, be it Pathankot, Udhampur, Uri, etc. Mr.PM should be held responsible (rightly so) and be taunted for the 56” chest claims. But when Mr. PM decides to take action and retaliate against enemy, the same Mr. PM is not allowed to take responsibility and boast of his 56” Chest.

I mean what the hell?? Since Independence in 1947, apart from the 1st generation of independent India, every Indian has been brain washed into believing that it was Mahatma Gandhi & Jawaharlal Nehru & Congress which fought for India’s Independence. What sort of farce is this? Congress and its leaders can take all the credit they want for independence but a Prime Minister cannot even say that we have finally grown a spine to reply to the enemy in the language it understands? What kind of hypocrisy is this?

There have been screenshots of various claims made RaGa & Congress taking credit for Indian independence to bringing computers to India to bringing mobile revolution of India. To them I want to ask, if you want credit for all the above why not take credit to IPKF blunder of then PM Rajiv Gandhi which resulted in death of 1200 Indian Soldiers? Why not take credit for 1984 riots where close to 8000 Sikhs were massacred all over the country?

I am willing to even forget the above, but what allows the Indian National Congress party (by the way this isn’t even the original Congress Party of Gandhi & Nehru) to appropriate the sacrifices of thousands of Freedom Fighters for Indian independence. Surprisingly, British Officially ruled India from 1858 to 1947, though they started enslaving Indian’s from early 1600’s, Gandhi arrived in India in July 1914 almost 75 years after British Officially started ruling India, but  is credited with Indian Independence ahead of various Freedom Fighters like, Rani Velu Nachiyar (1730 – 1796), Puli Thevar (1715 – 1767), Maruthu Pandiyar (1748 – 1801), Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856 – 1920), VO Chidmabaram Pillai (1872 – 1936, and on and on it goes. The list can be seen here. Point is why are the above listed freedom fighters and activists never remembered? Why is it that only a Gandhi & a Nehru is credited with Indian Independence??

Congress suddenly is feeling the pressure that it’s almost 2.5 years in govt. and there is not a single case of graft against the NDA government. The Cowardly act of terrorism was the only saving grace for CONgress to attack the government. And attack they did, what with all sundry of Congress measuring PM’s chest size. But with this Surgical Strike, Mr. PM has fulfilled his commitment of giving “Desh Nahi Jhukne Dunga”. So Mr. Rahul Gandhi, if you can appropriate the sacrifice of thousands of freedom fighters and credit your so called “Lineage”, the PM and by extension the government has all the right to claim credit to the Political Backing long missing to the Armed Forces.

Remember there was never an iota of doubt on the capabilities and willingness of the Armed Forces, what was missing was the Leadership to deal with the consequences if any.



Kejriwal – India’s latest Jaichand


For long I have avoided social media commentary on current political scene. I just wanted to avoid slugfest with friends & acquaintances. But as Dante said “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”

Indian populace never ceases to amaze me. We still have a large fan following for a charlatan called Arvind Kejriwal who at the moment is holding a constitutional post and in some way representing Republic of India. He once claimed do different kind of politics & he is proving his claim every bit. This man has taken Indian politics to the subterranean realms of the universe which even likes of Lalu, Karuna, Diggy, etc. failed to do.

In a recent video release this charlatan asked Govt to release proof of India’s action across LOC. It was just a ploy to bait Indian government as his long-time associate Mayank Gandhi describes in this article. Let me remind Mr Kejriwal that, biggest weapon of any armies are morale & motivation, not the guns they are holding. High morale makes them charge on enemy without fear for their life.

There is no way any one can prove or disprove that “surgical strike” happened whether army release photos or videos. Just like when Osama Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, people across the spectrum in US trusted the leadership and accepted in unison.

After DGMO broke the news about strikes it was our job to trust & support them fully as the act of faith to the Institution fighting day and night for us. I would like to remind this charlatan that one of our Fundamental duties include “To defend the Country”. Modern warfare has not always been fought on battlefield but also across the table on negotiation table as well as in media. But this charlatan chose to play right into the hands of our enemy just to gain some political mileage. Quisling & Jaichand will always be among the masses but now choice is ours to whether make them our ruler or send them back to the hell-hole they belong to.

For God’s sake, hold your tongue on Surgical Strikes


The uproar that emerged followed by the Uri attack on 18th Aug, reminds me of the restlessness of the nation during the Kandahar hijack episode of 1999. The pressure was so much that it was almost impossible for the government to think with a cool head. Ultimately the government came out with a plan which resulted in a huge diplomatic and strategic setback. I, at that time, was just 12 years old kid but very much well aware of the fact how the political parties tried to take every inch out of that for their political gains. Till date, the episode is used by political parties to score petty political points. I have mentioned this episode just to highlight the fact that there is no sincerity and morality left in our Netas. They, always, put their political interest above the national interest. The events followed by the surgical strikes carried out across the LOC are the latest proof of my claim.

First of all opposition and some intellectuals (so-called) are accusing the government of chest thumping over the military operations. They also maintain that the government shouldn’t own the breaching of the sanctity of the LOC. Let’s not go into the history of chest thumping on the previous occasions. I am also not in favour of unnecessary chest thumping. But at the same time, I want to highlight some points on why this public announcement of the surgical strikes are important according to my understanding. As we all know, Pakistan has a dual power structures ( to be shown to the world at least). One is their military and the other is their elected government which in real sense is nothing but a platoon of the military. The problem India faces that it needs to deal with the military but has no alternative other than dealing with the government. That’s why literally every decision reached out between India and Pak is superseded by the Pak military. So what is the option before us? Not that much simple but India need to take the Pak establishment out of the military captivity.

For that, We must strengthen the democratic government of Pak but at the same time we also need to weaken the Pak military hold over the establishment. The most effective way to weaken the Pak military is the military response for their aggression which is done through their so-called non state actors. Let’s be clear, a full-scale war must be the last option to be exercised but the surgical strikes and covert or overt operations are good options if combined with shrewd diplomacy.

The public announcement of the limited surgical strikes serves various purposes. It surely has a longer rope on the escalation ladder and at the same time serves as huge blow on the moral and a sense of impunity of the Pak army. It also give a clear indication to both Pakistan and the international community that India isn’t ready anymore to tolerate the targeted violence which has its root across the border, on her people. Further, It conveys a direct message to the so-called non state actors that their state will not always be able to protect them. Subsequently, it is also a limited but fitting and effective reply to Pak’s nuke bluff. Most importantly, it warns the people and the civil society of Pakistan that their over-dependence on military which has adopted terrorism as a state policy might lead them to a catastrophe. They must be made to realize that their future lies in inclusive democracy not in military democracy. Last but not the least, it also strengthens the faith the people have in our democratic system that India is capable to face head on the dangers of terrorism.

So let us see what we are doing right now. The latest proof-mongering ( if I may use the term) highlights the basic threat to the democracy that is the lack of self-restrain. A democratic government can’t dictate terms but it is up to individuals to carry the burden of responsibility and to act accordingly. We can’t do just anything we want to. The proof mongers have given a laughable excuse for their indefensible act and that is Pak’s false propaganda. But by doing so they are not only doubting the political will of the government and the capability of our forces but also acting, wittingly or unwittingly, as a catalyst for Pak’s propaganda.

They just don’t know (or pretend to) that falsehood is in the DNA of Pak. Pakistan even accused RAW for the hijack of IC 814 which, according to her version, was carried out to demonize her ahead of the US President Clinton’s’ visit. So what kind of proof we should present to counter that kind of gutter level propaganda. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything to counter Pak’s bluff. Yes we must counter it but let’s have some patience. The government will act accordingly but we just can’t scream in public to counter the propaganda especially at a time when the need of the hour is the consensus among the political classes. If the need arises the government will surly come out with some kind of proof. We can’t raise doubt over our stated facts just because Pakistan has said something or some of the international media have said other. This is not how we are supposed to function.

So why this kind of jingoism in our political class? Pakistan has several reasons to deny the authenticity of strikes but what purpose does it serve to our Netas who raise doubts over the strikes? Why is this desperation among our political class that their much acclaimed unity has lasted only few days? Why are they even ready to be treated as a hero in Pakistan? According to me, the biggest setback ,after the strikes carried out, they are facing right now is the loss of huge perception battle, which was built against the government post Uri attack scenario. Is this the reason? Also, BJP is trying hard to continue the narrative which is going on. Just look at the difference between pre surgical strikes and post surgical strikes scenario. However, we must understand that the government also wants to de-escalate some tensions, it will gives an easy breathing space for everyone. So it is not too eager to prove anything. It will also give time to evaluate the strategies. At least, We must not politicize the strategic affairs of the military.

For those who are still not ready to put their arms down (Interestingly, they also don’t seem to understand the Indian perspective ), I bring out a famous line of John Donne’s poem –

“ For God sake, hold your tongue and let me love”

( The Canonization)

Dear AAPtards, please understand that Kejriwal’s antics over surgical strikes are stupid


Problem with AAPTards is that they think everyone shares their extreme repulsion to sense, coherence and logic.

They say that Kejriwal’s words are being twisted, if the AAPTards cannot comprehend the implication of the words however sugar coated they maybe, then that does not mean others can’t.

Yes Kejriwal said he is proud of Army and also Modi for showing the will. He also said that he is 100% sure that surgical strikes did happen. Yet Army officers, defence analysts, Admirals, Air Marshals have all vehemently criticized Kejriwal’s demand for proof – WHY? Are those people dumb to not understand what Kejriwal was saying in that 3 mins video? Why are they still angry?

Here is where I want to make a hopeless attempt to pique the degenerate minds of the doubting Thomas’s.

1. Pakistan is a country that says 1965, 1971 and Kargil were wars that they won. They deny involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attacks, they even denied Kasab was a Pakistani initially, till today some idiots in Pakistan claim RSS engineered 26/11. And Kejriwal says we should fight Pakistan propaganda? What for? Who is believing them anyways?

2. He then goes on to list all the various news reports that are questioning the surgical strikes. He says he is greatly pained at it, and also pompously cautions the people of India to not fall for their propaganda. Are the people of India questioning the surgical strikes? ANYONE?

3. And here is the crucial point – if Kejriwal was so concerned about our citizens not falling for Pak propaganda, he should have listed out proofs/reports that support the surgical strikes – for eg: the flip flop in Pak establishment immediately after the strike, about endorsement from various countries (Russia, USA, Bangladesh, European Parliament) supporting the strikes? Instead he rattled out CNN, BBC, Washington posts, UN that doubted the surgical strikes. WHY?

4. Kejriwal however filthy, sick and useless man he may be, unfortunately, he is still an elected CHIEF MINISTER of India, effectively a key representative of Indian State for the world, is he so naive or stupid (or deliberately treacherous?) to not understand how his words would be used in international circles?

5. Lastly, assuming Indian Govt releases video evidence, co-ordinates, photographs, operational details, and then Pakistan and their proxies again launch a propaganda of how the evidence is fake, and doctored etc (just like they did for 26/11), will Kejriwal yet again release a 3 min video saying I believe the Army but Modi should counter the fresh Pakistan propaganda?

Finally, dear AAPtards, is there anytime of the year when you think for yourselves, independently? EVER?

Would end with an important point Arnab made in his debate yesterday – (paraphrasing) it’s a shame that former Army/Navy/Airforce officers and defense specialists are being forced to go to lengths to argue and defend the surgical strikes, and caution against releasing any evidence that compromises the national security and Army intelligence assets.

India’s Surgical Strike – calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff

A lot has been written about the surgical strike carried out by the Indian army deep inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) on September 29th. Media reports have indicated that India is likely to share more details of this daring operation.

But first things first. India needs to be congratulated on the planning, flawless execution, post-strike information and media management of a surgical strike that changed everything about India forever. It was a retribution for the attack on the Indian Army Brigade Headquarters at Uri in which 19 soldiers were killed. It was a punishment that a resurgent India handed out that Pakistan will not forget for a long time to come. Experts believe the strikes are only a preface to more such operations that India will impose on Pakistan.

Concern has been raised in the media about Pakistani response. There are justified apprehensions about possible tactical nuclear strikes. While nothing can be taken for granted, there are reasonable grounds to believe that a possible retaliatory nuclear strike would have been factored into India’s strategic calculations. India’s readiness to respond would be a given.

How Pakistan reacts, and suffers the consequences of its response will be seen in the coming days. For now, they clearly seem to have been severely whipped. It has also left the door wide open for future cross border strikes by India.

A central piece to this episode is the message it has delivered. The optics of the strike itself have unambiguously broadcast India’s larger strategic intent to the world – Pakistan in particular and through it, China.

Some analysts have expressed the view that India has turned a new leaf only after the dastardly attack in Uri. A closer observation of available pointers paints a different picture. In fact, the writings were on the wall soon after Prime Minister Modi took office. Many may not even recall that Modi’s first visit outside Delhi in June 2014 was to the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya. He also spent Diwali with the Indian troops in the rarefied heights of Siachen Glacier.

Modi’s top priority was to focus on India’s military strengths and vulnerabilities that play a pivotal role in his grand vision to transform India, particularly the economic transformation. As the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he became painfully aware that any such vision would be susceptible to terror campaigns from across the border.

It was no surprise then that Modi upped defense spending making India the world’s largest defense buyer. The massive arms purchases have yielded important diplomatic dividends – a huge leverage with major powers that came in handy in pursuing India’s regional and global strategic agenda. The recent US smack down of Pakistan, for voicing a nuclear threat against India was no accident. It was a well-deserved end result of two and a half years of dogged diplomacy.

In retrospect, the twin focus – building military competence and refurbishing diplomatic ties with key nations and international institutions – was a deeply thought out strategy that became a keystone to Modi’s pet initiatives.

Many only see Modi’s focus on rapid economic growth and miss the underlying twin focus. But a sufficient and necessary condition for India’s economic transformation is military might and relief from cross border terror.

While the painstaking preparations were afoot over two and a half years, the killing of Indian soldiers on Myanmar border in the east created an opportunity for India to test its new doctrine. The much acclaimed ‘defensive offense’ mandated a new normal involving hot pursuits and strikes on foreign soil. But Pakistan failed to see the writing on the wall and continued to live in a la-la land of bogus nuclear deterrence. They even mocked India retorting that “Pakistan was no Myanmar”.

The Uri attack provided a perfect opportunity for India to execute an already fine-tuned and tested doctrine on its western front. It was ripe and ready for whipping Pakistan and calling its nuclear bluff. However, it has to be mentioned that the Uri brigade camp had shown surprising incompetence in allowing the attack – given that post-Pathankot, there was sufficient intelligence to up the vigil.

On another front, India’s self-imposed taboo on mentioning Balochistan, POK, Gilgit, Pashtun etc. together with the lobby of peaceniks, Aman ki Asha types, et al had succeeded in holding back the country. But Modi’s Independence Day speech on August 15th this year actually broke this shackle. It succeeded in opening the flood gates of discontent in the local population in those areas, encouraging them to rise against an oppressive state. It has provided India a new set of levers against Pakistan.

The optics of the surgical strike referred to earlier, as well as the Independence Day speech, have helped launch the country into a new international orbit. This molting of India has provided three key visuals for Pakistan, China and the West, in that order.

First, India has called Pakistan’s nuclear bluff. Any future terror attacks on the country will invite retribution that will impose high costs on Pakistan. However, there is no guarantee that Pakistan will cease and desist its cross border terror. But there is no doubt that there will be a befitting retaliatory strike deep inside its territory.

Secondly, it had a powerful message for China. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) runs through territory over which India has legitimate claim. China is investing over US $46 billion in the project and has been concerned about the constant security threats from unrest in Balochistan and POK. By raising the Balochistan issue, India has successfully put a spoke in China’s wheel. It has raised serious doubts about the security and hence the very viability of the project. It is a warning for China not to fish in troubled waters. Again, it has opened new bargaining positions for India against China.

Striking deep into enemy or foreign territory is a capability that currently only the US and Israel are known to possess. The surgical strike into POK announced India’s entry into this elite club. India can execute hot pursuits or deep strikes in enemy territory to enforce its regional agenda and achieve strategic objectives.

India’s surgical strike shows a new and assertive paradigm where terror attacks will no longer be business as usual, notwithstanding Pakistan’s nuclear fig leaf. Burying the now dead self-imposed ‘strategic restraint’, India seems determined to act upon safeguard its strategic interests.