Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Ticket to Pakistan


Now Bollywood filmmaker Anurag Kashyap is labelled as anti-national and asked to go and reside in Pakistan. He has committed a serious crime, supported the release of Karan Johar Production “Aai Dil Hai Muskil” which has a Pakistani actor in one of the leading role, bizarre.

India has become a nation which loves to have an opinion on everything, mostly negative. Further there have been groups in social media who believes trolling anyone in the name of nationality is their birth right. Anurag Kashyap faced the heat of troller as he instigated a debate; “it was very much the same time when Indian Prime Minister landed at Lahore for a surprise birthday wishes to his Pakistani counterpart, Karan Johar was busy shooting for his movie in some other part of the World”. It portrays, by the time movie was floored and millions invested, there was tranquillity between both neighbours. Now Pakistan has offenced with another terror attack on Indian soil and patriots want to punish an Indian who has no involvement direct or indirect with the incident.

By the time rift around release of the movie instigated, a news channel went on quoting; “Aai Dil Hai Muskil” should not be allowed to release at all, it doesn’t matter if the producer suffers financial setback of some rupees in million. Needless to mention it is the same news channel which prefers to have three to four Pakistani in his prime time news penal.

Anurag is likely to catch the bus to Pakistan along with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal who was sentenced Pakistani citizenship few weeks earlier. Kejriwal was found guilty of reacting to Pakistani media. After India initiated surgical operation over the terrorists residing at Kashmir under Pakistani occupancy, Pakistan has ensured everything possible to convince international media that no such operation was actuated. Further Pakistan slandered with such conviction that spurious Pakistani propaganda valued above India’s documented evidence. As a responsible Indian, the outcome hurts and Mr. Kejriwal in his capacity of a democratically elected Chief Minister urged his PM to pay back a fitted reply.

Once Kejriwal’s plea got aired, troller or rather self-declared nationalists’ blatanted him for being a Pakistani agent and wanted him to reside in Pakistan. Reason being media of that country has hailed him as a super-hero. Difficult to understand, troller blamed Kejriwal first for following Pak media and later mortified him trusting the very same Pakistani media. Further nights after night debates are orchestrated against the Delhi Chief Minister in a channel that preferred not less than four Pakistani in his intellect panel.

Nationalists must understand that India is a democratic country governed by the democratically elected government. Freedom of expression is our constitutional right and no one can deny us from exercising it. People like Arvind Kejriwal and Anurag Kashyap has had some contribution towards growth and sovereignty of this country. Needless to mention these nationalists had done nothing in their life other than abusing people over social media.

India has entered into its seventieth years of Independence and from Nehru to Modi it has witnessed several leaders throned to power, few for a limited period and others full time. Government has induced numbers of plans and policies in their period, some relished and some didn’t. But questioning the government has never been such a staggering task earlier. Previously when policies are questioned, ministers briefed their concerns over the debate and approved criticism. In last two years or so those questioning government are trolled, abused and insulted with defamatory words, most of the time by trollers and sometimes by ruling party’s spoke persons.

One firm pillar of democracy, media (more specifically electronic media) is eluding itself from responsibility. Most of their debates are centralized over nationalism and condemning opposition. No one talks about inflation. Petrol price is stiffly surging every month and not even a quoted caption mentioning it.

It is important to have patriotism, but it should come by choice, not by force. India has voted BJP to counter core issue like inflation and poverty. This government has failed to counter it and now unbridled so-called fundamentalists to spread patriotism over social media, a fake one.

India is equally owned by each of its citizen, from poorest of poor class to President of India. A bunch of people sitting over social media can’t defame others by advising them to go to Pakistan. They also can’t stop civic society from raising question.

Here Prime Minister has to address the pupils and placate the heavy weather. If one wonder why PM, then let me tell you why;

“Prime Minister is a democratically elected leader and it’s his duty to ensure safety for his countrymen. When designated spoke persons of his party and ministers from his Union cabinet are busy indulging hate politics, he must issue a strong statement against those spreading hate politics and help India regaining faith in him”.

I can say the only thing to fanatics across social media. Stalling a movie premier may earn short-lived publicity bit it is not the solution. If they are truly obsessed with Pakistani presence in India, they must demand the government to strengthen policies for Pakistani working in India. Trust me, there is a lot more to do other than sitting over twitter and burlesque other.

What should Finance Minister do with the additional revenue generated from IDS?


After Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian announcement of presenting economic survey on 31st Jan 2017, it’s almost confirmed that Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will present his budget on 1st Feb – a departure from the earlier tradition. With less than 4 months to go, preparation of budget has already started with finance ministry asking for suggestions from various chambers.

Also with the success of Income Declaration Scheme (IDS) 2016, it is now confirmed that the government will get at least 14,682 cr as additional tax revenue in FY 17-18. As indicated by Arun Jaitley, this year’s tax receipt is going to be used for bridging the fiscal deficit.

But if I were in finance minister’s shoes, I would have used this amount in more unorthodox way like:

1. Promotion of cashless economy: Government should promote cashless economy in much bigger way. We have almost 64 cr (debit and credit) cards in India while number of Point of sale (PoS) machines is only 12.6 lakh. Till the time people are convinced to use UPI to pay, government should help in installing more PoS machines across India. Ministry of Finance (like EESL of power ministry) should ask for a bulk tender of installing 10 lakh PoS across India (start from Major business districts like BKC in Mumbai, Karol Bagh in Delhi, T Nagar in Chennai etc ).

Government should target every shop (even pan shops) to have facility to pay through cards in each and every business district. With the economics of scale, cost would not exceed 5,000 for one machine. Already companies are offering at 7000 flat with no monthly charges. Overall cost would be 500 cr (5000*0.1 cr) for these 10 lakh machines. Rest of the amount can be further used for giving appropriate tax rebate to merchants if at least 75% value of merchants transactions are through cards or they can use this amount to limit MDR for cards (i.e Rs 5 for transaction amount 10,000)

2. On the other hand FM can use this 14,682 cr to win back middle class salaried people’s trust by partially fulfilling one of the election promises. From data released by Income tax department for 2012-13, we can see that 2.47 cr (out of total 2.89 cr) people filed tax with average of less than 5 lakh rupees as returned amount. My further calculations show that increasing IT slabs by every 50,000 effects IT collection by at least 6000 Cr. This is based on 2012-13 data. We can conservatively assume that these additional 14,000 cr would nullify the loss of IT revenue by raising IT slabs to 3.5 lakh from present 2.5 lakh. This would help Mr Modi to fulfill his promise (although partially) of rewarding honest tax payers and would consolidate image of BJP as pro middle class people. If we assume 3 dependent on each tax paying person, then effectively Modi can make 10 cr people happy at one step.

I can suggest more ideas and I am sure that readers would have some brilliant ideas as well but real question is whether Mr. Jaitley is ready to listen??

Open letter to Anurag Kashyap over attacking Modi on Twitter


Dear Anurag Kashyap,

You are very right to attack and blame Narendra Modi because some cinema screen owners have decided not to screen movies that have Pakistani actors in it.

Narendra Modi must have asked them to do it, because you know, sab mile huye hain. Anyone who holds a contrary view to us must be a Modi man. This should be our line of reasoning, because this line of reasoning shows that we liberals don’t reduce things to “us vs them” or put labels on others for disagreement. So I totally support you blaming Modi.

And Modi must apologize for trying to mend relationships with Pakistan. Going to Pakistan to attend a wedding is so much like track-2 type diplomacy that should be reserved only for creative people like us. We should attack this fascist Prime Minister of Sanghis for trying to do what is our birthright. So I totally support you attacking Modi. Modi can’t be allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of Bollywood.

Anurag, you should also attack these cinema screen owners. Most of these guys are single screen owners. And you know the kind of people who still go to single screens? Most of them are gutkha eating bhakts. We educated people like Karan Johar are making meaningful movies to tell these gutkha eating bhakts to become champagne sipping liberals, but these cinema owners are blocking our attempts. Disgusting.

But who cares? We get all our money from multiplexes, and these gutkha eating bhakts can’t come there. These bhakts! Anurag, I tell you, they are worse than collections of Bombay Velvet.

I’ve seen these bhakts attack Modi too because Modi is not cancelling Indus Water Treaty or removing Most Favoured Nation status of Pakistan. I mean, this is so funny, bhakts are supposed to be bhakts of Modi, but they attack even Modi. These people can’t even be proper bhakts. While look at us, we never question or attack each other. But they are questioning and attacking Modi that why is he not hurting Pakistan financially.

And since Modi is not doing anything to hurt Pakistan on financial front, these bhakts are trying to boycott Chinese goods and boycott movies starring Pakistan actors, so that China or Bollywood (which thankfully is a sovereign nation like China, as we liberals don’t consider Modi as our Prime Minister) can be forced not to give Pakistan any business. Look at their audacity!

To oppose these bhakts, we must give more business to Pakistan, and to China too. Anurag, your next movie should be shot in China that stars a Pakistani stars and showcases a story about a peaceful Mujahideen who spends seven years in Tibet and converts entire Tibet into a peaceful Islamic country.

Anurag, let’s remember one thing. The power to boycott people or entities is the exclusive right of us liberals. Every time these bhakts try to boycott something, we must protest. But we should continue to boycott filmmakers who don’t agree with us by threatening not to attend film festivals or literature festivals that dare to invite those who disagree with us.

Please do more Anurag and expose Modi and these bhakts. Because anything you do will be turned into a news article and prime time debate, and people still believe the media Anurag.

We can win this war.

We can defeat Modi.

Bharat Mata Ki Aisi Taisi (Democracy).

Open Letter to Indian Communists


To all those who consider themselves as communists,

I’ve always been fascinated by the revolutionary ideas of the Karl Marx. His ideas uplifted labors and peasants in Russia. The way his thoughts eradicated the oppressive rule of ‘Tsar’ is really commendable. The society free from any religion, caste, sect is preferred by most of the atheists and humanitarians. I was enchanted to be communist and bring the revolution in my beloved country. But instead of following blindly to these Indian Marx, I decided to study the Communist movement started long back. As I studied about Indian Communists I got upset. Indian communists movement was taking the thought of Marx  to dilapidation.

As I went further on studying I was getting bigger blows. Just to repeal my scruple I approached few people working with the communist organisations but instead of answering my queries they called me Sanghi and escaped. As I have no any way to approach any communist who can give scholastic answers to my mediocre queries, I’m putting this for all the communists out there.

As the Marx had proposed communism to eradicate the established political, social, and economic structures like majestic rules, capitalism, democracy, hereditary politics, fascism. The Indian communists pretends as if they care much about the the democracy. My question is “If you are communist then why do you talk for democracy? should you not stay loyal to your own philosophy of commune?  We Indians have thousands of democratic parties and we don’t need a pseudo communist party.

CPI’s poster of Bike Rally for Democracy

Communists standpoint on Naxalism always seems to be dubious. As Communists did never condemn the Naxalite attacks. Some sources even say that some communist organizations have celebrated the killings of police officials by naxalites. There are many proofs out there which bespeaks liaison of communists and naxals. Yet no any communist leader condemn naxalite activities in India. You keep commenting about every small issue but you keep quite on such gruesome threat to the national integration. Is your silence  a sufferance to brutality and genocides. Reference [1]

The most fascinating thing in the communism is that there is no place for religion cast or sect. Marx said “Religion is the opium of masses” and commune system has got nothing to do with the idea of religion. But as I’m watching, the whole politics of the Indo-Communists is reviving around the religions. Communists are doing the same appeasement politics which is the tradition of Indian politics. Communists seems to be more attached to India  Muslims and Dalits. And the unavoidable embitterment for Hindus especially for Brahmins is part of indo-communist DNA. Communists have mastered the idealism of caste politics.

Poster of CPI(Maoist) provoking against the Brahmins  and Hindus.

Another good thing about the communist doctrine is there is no place for the nepotism or the hereditary politics. But as I went to the practical ground of the communism, I saw fascism, hereditary politics, chaos. Everywhere communism was introduced it led to the chaos, anarchy and finally ended on the fascist rule. I checked communist ruled Cuba,after Fidel Castro the crown went to Raul Castro. In North Korea after Kim Jong-iL, Kim Jong-un wore the diadem. I skipped to comment on his heavy handed rule here.  You will always defend his barbarous and savage acts to your death.

We all Indians have immense respect for our national idols. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar is one of the leading names of our heroes. Now you pretend that you are an Ambedkarite but as I dug into the past, shocked by the statements of  your leader, “Burn your ballets but don’t vote for Ambedkar.”Now just to misguide the genuine Ambedkarites for your destitute politics you are using his name it is really exasperating. Babasahab always stood against you and now on which moral grounds are you branding him as a comrade. Is it not a disgrace to the efforts he took to keep you away from my beloved country. Here is what Dr Ambedkar said about you  Reference[2]

You came out in the opposition of the capital punishment. Its great to stop the capital punishment but your condemnation for the capital punishment seemed a lot selective to me. If I’am not wrong you condemned the hanging of Afzal Guru and Yakub Menon. Is it a coincident that both are terrorists? and both were punished for carrying out mass killings in India. You never came out when non terrorists were being hanged. Why this love for terrorists? You condemn the lawful hanging of Yakub but dare not to talk about Tianmen square massacre. Never condemned the millions of killings by naxalites instead of that you celebrated the killings of the CRPF jawans. We people of India believe in the integral humanism so we don’t need any quackery humanitarian rights to hide our sins. Every time the court prosecutes under 124(a) you rush for them as if someone innocent is being prosecuted. But you always fail to show your aptness for the real threats to this land.

I always have had thought that communism was primarily to eradicate the crony capitalism. But when I looked back in the history of communists in West Bengal and caught up with the incident in Singur and Nandigram, where communist government was totally in aligned with the capitalists and that too against public will. You besmeared the your own constitution. Either you are not loyal to your own constitution or you have not read it yet. You fooled the people of WB for 34 years. WB is still fighting for its rights. Where is the revolution you promised? What is difference between you and other political parties?

I’ve listed very few and mediocre questions which popup in my mind whenever I hear think about Indian communism. Is there is anyone out there who can help me out with finding the answers to my questions? Now I’ve strong feeling that Indian communists are not real communists they are just fooling people on the name of Marx and revolution.

“Indian communists are Pseudo Communists.” 

Akshay Bikkad
Fergusson College,Pun

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Employees Demands Grant Pension Under CCS Pension Rules 1972


Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modiji,

In June 2016, my article “Union Government Should Provide Pension Scheme For Navodaya Vidyalaya Employees To Make Their Future Fearless”, got published in

I forwarded the publication to Hon’ble Prime Minister in July 2016, details as follows;

PMOPG/E/2016/0259010, dt: July, 24, 2016, related to pension scheme for the employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya. The above representation was forwarded from your office, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samithi headquarters, in its reply dt: Aug. 5, 2016, states that, ‘In this regard, it is to inform you that the matter of Pension under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 to employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti who joined before 1st January, 2004 was taken up with the Ministry of Finance but was not found feasible. However, approval has been accorded to extend the New Pension Scheme to all regular employees of NVS joining on or after 1st April, 2009. An option was also given to the regular employees of NVS who joined before 1st April, 2009 to continue with the existing CPF Scheme or to join the New Pension Scheme.’

As I was not satisfied with the clarification or replies given the officials, for my grievance nos. PMOPG/E/2016/0313104 & earlier one PMOPG/E/2016/0282206 & PMOPG/E/2016/0259010 sent to your Hon’ble Office via “Write to the Prime Minister”, again I sent emails to your Hon’ble Office on the matter on Sept. 19, 2016 and Oct. 2, 2016, for which communication is awaited.
Respected Sir, I am placing before you the facts related the Pension Demands of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Employees for your kind consideration and perusal.

Firstly, The Government of India in reply to Unstarred Question No. 2752, then Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development answered in the Lok Sabha on 13.03.2013 “The employees of JNVs appointed before 01.01.2009 has not been found eligible for the grant of pension under CCS (Pension) Rules. 1972 as the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous organisation, was registered after 01.01.1986 the cut-off date for determining the eligibility of employees of autonomous bodies, for this pension under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. These employees have been representing for this pension and some sections of them had proceeded on strike with effect from 06.02.2013 for fulfillment of their demands, of which the major demand related to grant of pension. The strike has been withdrawn with effect from 15.02.2013 after assurance from the government that all their legitimate demands would be sympathetically considered in a time bound manner.”

“The government has approved the introduction of the New Pension Scheme (NPS) for all regular employees of NVS, joining on or after 01.04.2009. Those employees who had joined the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti on regular basis before 01.04.2009, including those appointed prior to the year 2004, shall have the option either to continue with the existing Contributory Provident Fund Scheme or to join New Pension Scheme.”


(a) to (c) : A statement is laid on the Table of the Sabha.

(a)&(b) The teaching and non-teaching staff of some of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) had proceeded on strike with effect from 6.02.2013 for fulfillment of various demands relating to their service conditions. The studies of the students were seriously disrupted due to this strike close to the annual examinations and it was of serious concern to the Government as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas have been setup to enable talented students from rural areas to progress at faster pace to compete with their urban counterpart on an equal footing. After detailed discussions with the representatives of various Staff Association of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, the strike was called off with effect from 15.2.2013 with an assurance to the employees for a sympathetic consideration of all the genuine demands. A list of 23 demands put forward by teaching and non-teaching staff of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is annexed.

  1. The major demand of the employees was for introduction of Pension-cum-GPF Scheme under Pension Rule 1972 for the employees recruited before 1.1.2004. For this inter-ministerial consultations have already been started and are presently at an advanced stage. Some demands related to service conditions like up-gradation of pay scales, sanction of additional posts, some allowances and other miscellaneous demands relating to day to day working conditions of the JNVs.
  2. Detailed discussions have already been held by the Ministry and the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti with the representatives of the employees. Several demands require consideration by different Ministries/Department of Government of India and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS). 15 of the 23 demands have already been settled.

(c) Does not arise.

Thirdly, In reply to the D.O letter no. 7CPC/48 (A&F)2014, dated: Aug. 8, 2014 (contents of it not known), the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Headquarters did gave it’s version to the 7th Pay Commission members vide F. No. 20-2/2014-NVS(Estt), dated: Aug. 19, 2014, on the matter of Grant of Pension said “Since the Samiti has been provided 100% funds by the Ministry of HRD, the employees are eligible for pensionary benefits which is normally applicable to similar categories in autonomous organisations of Government of India vis, KVS, NIOS, CTSO etc,b besides proposing to consider grant of medical benefit to all NVS Employees after retirement.”

As I have been informed by certain section in the Government Circles that, a citizen’s petition will not be taken into account by your office. I hope that, turns out to be a false one in my case and get a resolution.

I am not a politician or a rich person, but if I get your support I may be able to do something for the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Employees so that they may not have fearless future after retirement.

I and on behalf of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Employees do hope that, my representation and the All India Navodaya Vidyalaya Association’s representation F. No. AINVSACEC/PRC/Feb-09, dt: Feb. 2, 2016, the Union Cabinet will sympathetically consider and grant Regular Pension to all the employees with NVS since it’s inception instead the options New Pension Scheme or Contributory Provident Fund Scheme.

A favourable and early resolution in this regard highly appreciable.


Yours Sincerely,
TR. Madhavan.

Dissecting the Dassault – Rafale Jet Fighter Deal


The past few days has seen a flurry of news items on the India-France, Government-to-Government Defense Deal for the purchase of 36 Dassault Rafale Fighter Jets at an estimated cost of Euro 7.87 Billion which is equivalent to approximately $9.00 Billion.

For starters:
– What is a Government to Government Defense Deal?
– What are the capabilities of a Dassault Rafale Fighter Jet?
– Why does India need to procure the same?
– Finally, is the deal viable and transparent which was not the case for any such single deal in the past 60 years since Independence?

A. Government-to-Government Deal:

Indian still being a Third World Country is still dependent on the West for its critical Defense needs. India has about 52 State owned Ordinance Factories which cater to almost all the needs of the Indian Army. But Critical needs of the Air Force (Fighter Jets) & Navy (Warships & Submarines) still need to be addressed with overseas procurement specifically from the West & Russia. All the companies in the West which are involved in the manufacture of these critical Defense Equipment are 100% Private. This means a country like India has to deal with these Companies directly. The governments of these countries which house these companies are never involved in these deals. These Companies in turn involve Middle men to convince the Buyer of a better proposition as compared to a competitor.

The Buyer in a case like India’s will involve 3 levels. A Technical Level, A Military Level and finally a Political Level. Usually a requirement will always be 1st tendered by the Indian Government, Department of Defense, inviting bids from various competitors conveying an initial feeling of transparency. Slowly, the various Manufacturers involved nudge their respective Middle Men into the scene. Finally, the Middle Man with the best Political connections with the Government in Power helps in swinging the deal his way, by way of a better deal sweetener. Almost every Defense Deal since Independence has been finalized this way, and every such deal has ended in a Scandal with little or no follow-up later. Except for 5 years it was the Congress which was in Power at the Centre since Independence being the main reason.

To avoid all this, the present BJP Government has come out with an idea of a direct deal with the Government of France which houses the Manufacturer of the Rafale Fighter Jet Dassault Aviation. Now, why would the French Government get involved in a Defense Deal which has never happened before?? The answer lies in Dassault Aviation having a poor order booking, which effects French jobs and is a big blow to French Defense Industry. Does that mean, the Rafale is being out priced or outsmarted technically by its competitors?? Well out priced or out maneuvered could be the reason, but definitely not outsmarted technically, since the Rafale is perhaps the best product of its kind.

B. What are the capabilities of the Dassault Rafale Jet?

For this we have to know which are the main preferred Fighter Jets in the World for purchase. The link below will convey complete list of Top 10 Fighter Jets in the world which includes 3 from Lockheed Martin itself, 2 from Sukhoi & 2 from Boeing. This list also features Dassault Rafale along with SAAB Grippen, and BAE Euro Fighter Typhoon. One look tells that, the Fighter Jet Business is heavily dominated by the Americans, with 5 of the 10 best manufactured by American Companies Lockheed Martin & Boeing. Then comes the Russians with 2 of the best being manufactured by Sukhoi. Then, one each by the French, Swedish & the British.

There is another interesting link about which 3 countries in the world can manufacture Fighter Jets without relying on foreign companies & imports. This link also has a specific mention on the Chinese Jet, SAAB Grippen & Indian-Tejas. Those 3 countries are the USA, Russia & France (Dassault).

The link below will perhaps seal the comparisons among the leading Western Jet fighters in the world, which concludes that the Dassault Rafale is the best among all Western Jet Fighters. This link conveys in detail each and every Technical aspect of the leading Western Jet Fighters the world.

This additional link would convey the price comparisons among the top Fighter Jets in the World, namely being Euro Fighter Typhoon at $129.00 Million, F22 at $277.00 Million, F35 at $174.00 Million and the Rafale at a steal of $93.00 Million. And the technical comparisons among these same 4 Fighters sealing the fact that the Dassault Rafale being the best. Best technically and the best worth for its price. It is a matter of pride that this same link conveys the HAL Tejas among the leading Jet Fighters in the world with it best suited in a ‘Dog Fight’.

The Rafale Deal itself-What it means for India.

The Basic price of the fighter approved in this deal is $91 Million which is around 680 crore per fighter which is less than the 710 crore per fighter approved by UPA then. It should be a point worth to be noted that the tender price of $10.5 Billion for 126 fighters by the UPA was never approved by the MOD. It was just a Budget figure conveyed by the UPA. It was a price just on paper and never proposed or accepted by Rafale. Meaning it was a non-negotiated price. It was a price mentioned on paper by the UPA to get the necessary MOD clearance to go ahead with the deal and then as the deal progresses convey cost escalations as was the case for any Defense Deal during the UPA. The $10.5 Billion Budget would have then escalated to beyond $20 Billion and to even perhaps $30 Billion as usual which was happening for any deal conveying reasons of Cost escalations. 2ndly, this budget of $10.50 Billion was just for the Basic Fighter itself. But, the deal now signed consists of the following:

– 1. The Basic Fighter.
– 2. India specific variations (which is a huge plus)
– 3. Each Fighter is equipped with 150km ‘Beyond Visual Range’ Meteor Missiles & 300Km Air to Land Precision Missiles. This weapons package has never been procured for any Fighter before. All Fighters r procured Basic and are then retrofitted with our Missiles, which leads to many operational failures. The Meteor Missile is 5 Times more lethal than even the American AMRAMM Missile of its same genre. The average cost of a missile of such range and capabilities is in excess of a $1.00 Million each. And there are hundreds which have come along with this deal.
– 4. And many other such negotiated additional terms.
– 5. Finally, no country has procured more than 100 Fighters in a Single Deal. Not even the filthy rich Saudis. Fighter deals have always been in their 30s or 40s. This was the 1st time anyone was trying to procure 126 Fighters in one go which in itself was fishy right from the word go.

This link below will convey the approximate budget for a similar such deal being proposed by Japan. As per this proposal, Japan proposes to procure 100 Fighter Jets at an approximate budget of $40.00 Billion. Which if compared with the Indian-Rafale deal makes the Japanese proposal $10-15 Billion more costly. This very article also mentions India’s Tender proposal to procure 126 Fighters at a Budget of $8-12 Billion, but Dassault had rejected the same and proposed the Budget as $20-25 Billion.

There is another link below about the Saudi-BAE Euro Fighter Typhoon deal being priced at GBP 43 Billion for 72 Euro Fighters way back in 2005. The Euro Fighter Typhoon being among the top Western Jet Fighters still compares less than a Dassualt Rafale.

Grand Salaam! Eurofighter Flies Off With Saudi Contract

With the above facts and background it can be safely concluded that the government has indeed observed more than the necessary due diligence in finalizing this government-government deal. By doing so it has ensured that:

– It has got the best price keeping in mind Dassault low order booking.
– It has got the best service deal.
– It has ensured India specific variants, which has made the Chinese extremely jittery.
– It has also ensured that we gain enough time to induct the HAL Tejas which is already popping up in every single defense journal dedicated to Jet Fighters in the World. This is already being touted as the best Fighter in the world to be engaged in a ‘Dog Fight’. And, is also being technically compared with the Western Jet Fighters positively.


Getting the best Western Jet Fighter in the world at less than half the price of a F22 or F35 is a deal which will go down in history as perhaps the best ever. This can be achieved only by a hardnosed Gujarati. The Rafale maybe double the cost of the SAAB Grippen. But, the SAAB Grippen does not compare technically at all with the Dassault Rafale. In fact, while being compared to a HAL-Tejas in a couple of Defense Journals, the HAL-Tejas scored better than the SAAB Gripen which incidentally features in the last of the Top 10 Western Jet Fighters in the world. HAL-Tejas being now considered as one of the best 4th Generation Jet Fighters in the world. Going further as per reliable sources the HAL-AMCA which is an Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) as compared to the HAL-Tejas which is a LCA (Light Combat Aircraft) has already featured as No.1 in the upcoming 5th Generation Fighter Jets to be rolled out soon. The HAL-AMCA being up for release sometime in 2018.

What’s killing Twitter – feeding the wrong dog


In an insightful piece in the Mumbai Mirror, media personality Pritish Nandy has highlighted the reasons why he feels Twitter is dying. Commercialisation, politicisation, and the emergence of the much maligned supra nationalist troll – all these have led to a sharp decline in the quality of discourse. This, he feels, is directly reflected in the fall in the evaluation of Twitter’s price in the eyes of prospective buyers. He laments the end of open, intelligent debate and discussion, the banter and two-way conversation that attracted many like him to Twitter in the first place.

There is undoubtedly a lot of truth in what he says. The ‘democratisation’ of Twitter, or it’s de-elitisation, driven by falling prices of devices and data, seems to have lowered any debate to the lowest common denominator. Proliferation of ‘egg face’ twitterati with double digit followers and a gutter tongue has left everyone, from the Prime Minister to media moguls, open to question, derision and abuse.

But to my mind, these are not really the primary reasons that would cause the end of healthy debate on Twitter. Twitter provides an effective mechanism for dealing with abusive trolls – they can be blocked i.e. they would not be able to see your tweets and you would not receive any notifications from them. You can even go a step further and report them to Twitter for specified transgressions, which could lead to their account being suspended.

What could actually kill the essence of Twitter is the reluctance of a large section of the ‘intelligentsia’ to be questioned on their views. Possibly due to their inability to defend their point of view when questioned logically, or maybe out of sheer arrogance. Whatever the reason, this is a noticeable trend, example of which can be seen below.






My takeaway from these multiple exchanges was that when these supposed crusaders for free speech and liberalism – be they journalists, activists or jurists – are faced with uncomfortable questions themselves, they press the block button. What is even more surprising is that I have seen the very same people (before being blocked of course) gleefully engaging in slanging matches with outright offensive trolls.

Possibly those exchanges help them project themselves as intellectual victims of abuse, whereas the inability to answer straightforward questions shows them up in pretty bad light. Hence they respond by blocking those asking inconvenient though polite questions instead of those abusing.

So the future of healthy debate on Twitter depends on “which dog you feed” as per this old parable –


Since it suits most people to encourage the abusive trolls, they are the ones that will ultimately grow and kill Twitter.

(this was first posted on my blog)

Kejriwal’s Swaraj – A Stolen Book?


Kejriwal's Swaraj

Though a lot of unbelievable Kejriwal stories have broken over the last four years, whether they’ve really served to humble Delhi and the rest of the country about who he has turned into, is buried uncomfortably in the future.

One of the stories that also indicates Kejriwal’s questionable ethics, like the many others, seem to have died an untimely death.

The story is small, but the act, hugely unbecoming of any public personality, more so, for somebody like Kejriwal, who established a new regime of hope for the country by his hosannas on cleansing India of corruption.

The story is about a book Kejriwal published in July 2012. “Swaraj” is listed on Amazon as well as Kejriwal’s book.

Earlier, in February 2012, a lowly school master had shared a copy with Kejriwal of his own book on the Indian system as it works (or fails!) in villages. The book was called “Bhartiya Rajya Vyavastha”.

Like everybody in the country then, the school master Ajay Pal Nagar too thought Anna and Kejri were harbingers of change, and sharing a book on corruption with Kejriwal seemed the best idea.

In November 2012, a Delhi-based friend of Ajay, who also had read Ajay’s book, told him how the content of Kejriwal’s book matched so exactly with his own.

Stunned, Ajay read Swaraj hoping to at least see his name mentioned in credits or somewhere by Kejriwal. Alas, Swaraj carried no acknowledgements for Ajay Pal. He has started his fight.

Does Kejriwal’s 150 page book Swaraj qualify as an act of plagiarism – copied from Ajay Pal’s 300-page work? Or there’s some link missing in this story? What is the truth behind this?

Rebuttal to column ‘Beyond the War Cry’ posted in Indian Express


Dear Mr.Sushant (Columnist) ,

I am writing this to do quick rebuttals to points in your column on above subject.

Gist of your column – ‘Breakdown of LoC ceasefire (‘due to Surgical strikes by Indian Army’) will make it difficult for the army to control infiltration (as now Pakistani Army can violate ceasefire to give cover to infiltrating terrorists)-

Your column appears to be based on on your assumption that there were no cases of ceasefire violations from Pakistani side from year 2003 , when it had declared ‘unilateral ceasefire’.

In this case I request you to look back to your own news paper’s past headlines of Pakistan’s repeated ceasefire violation since 2003.

This bursts bubble you created in your article where you tried to show as if since 2003 Pakistan was following ceasefire across LoC sacrosanctness. If some neutral foreign observer reading this article , he will get the impression that since 2003 this is first ceasefire violation , and India is culprit for it. I hope this mistake (of presenting distorted facts & false narrative ) is due to your plain ignorance of the subject & not ‘intentional’.

Also, India had retaliated in past to unprovoked ceasefire violations from Pakistan Army and Surgical strike on September 29 is not first instance.

Now this line in your article- ‘While 4,507 people were killed in terrorist violence in 2001, this number came down to 117 in 2012.’

Thanks for your admission that terror activities have happened since 2003 and they are not ‘nil.’ Now do you want to say that giving cover to terrorists is only way Pakistan helping the terrorists and since ‘Pakistan has observed complete ceasefire since 2003’ , in past 12-13 years terrorists have crossed LoC on their own without Pakistan Army’s/Government’s help? Or are you subscribing to Pakistani theory that terrorists are ‘non-state actors’?

In this case I want you to read this article where Pakistan government itself admitting active support to terror groups-

Line in your article – ‘as opposed to across the LoC, the surgical strike on September 29 by the army which destroyed seven terrorist launch pads has disrupted the usual pattern of interaction between the two sides..’

When you are admitting that there were seven terrorists launch pad existed across the border , what had stopped (very responsible) Pakistan government/army (which had ‘obeyed’ ceasefire across LoC since 2003) to destroy those terror camps running in ‘their’ own territory. And If Pakistani government/ Army was unable to do it due to ‘pressure’ from domestic Jehadi /Radicalised Islamist groups , don’t you want to give credit to Indian armed forces to complete the task on their behalf. ( When Indian forces had attacked seven terror launch pads ,a question arises what Pakistani soldiers where doing there , as 2 casualties of Pakistani Soldiers also reported while giving shelter to terror camps. Again you did not bother to present this fact in your article).

That’s why Indian Army DGMO had shown courtesy to inform Pakistani counterpart regarding surgical strikes as Indian army was clear in intentions to destroy terror camps and it wasn’t to do win any ‘perception battle.’ So your claim of -‘By publicly declaring a termination of operation after the surgical strike, India has indicated its preference for restoring the status quo on the LoC which suggests an understanding of the consequences of the lifting of ceasefire’ is hilarious. Also I feel that Army has plans to bring casualties due to terror violence from 117 in 2012 to 0 in coming 2-3 years by targeting root of the terror.

Better closing line for your article would had been – ‘While the ceasefire on the LoC may have been unilaterally offered by Pakistan 13 years ago, it is in Pakistan’s interest to maintain it now ‘on ground’ also .’

I am also surprised that in article you conveniently forgot to do any mention of 19 Indian soldiers martyred in Pakistan sponsored terror attack. Again some 1st time reader who have no idea about current events in India -Pakistan relations will be in impression that surgical strikes were -unprovoked.’

No Sherlock Holmes needed to decipher which jingoistic news channels you were referring to in your article. Apart from jingoistic I would go ahead and use word TRP mongrels for such channels . Here I would be obliged if I get to know what word you are using to Indian Express for putting headline – ‘ And they hanged Yakub…’

I hope you have rebuttals to my points.

Why we should review the Indus Water Treaty


A lot has happened since the terror attacks on 17th September 2016 at Army base in Uri, Jammu and Kashmir. We lost 19 brave soldiers in this attack by terrorists who had slipped in the base with the help of local sleeper cell. This made every Indian feel a sense of rage towards these cowards who attacked sleeping army men of Indian Army. Indians expected a response from GOI and Army after these attacks which was not just “Kadi Ninda”.. but a concrete action against Terrorists based in Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Many suggest diplomatic isolation, some suggested armed intervention and few wanted India to have a rethink on Indus Water Treaty.

In the end, India responded with multilayer attack by first gaining International support in condemning terrorist attack and asking Pakistan government to stop terrorists from using Pakistan as a base, second and more important action by GOI was to order Surgical Strikes. These strikes took place on the night of 28th September, 10 days after the Uri attack. But here I want to touch upon the Indus water treaty which can still be reviewed by the GOI as a means to further teach Pakistan a lesson for allowing terror camps.

Indus Water Treaty of IWT was signed on 19th September 1960, it was one of the first of its kind treaty where there were 3 signatory parties involved i.e. The Indian Prime minister , The Pakistani Prime Minister and the Chief of World Bank. The treaty since then has stayed the same with WB maintaining a record of all the objections and being the intermediary body on this issue. To understand various points on this issue do read this excellent FAQ article written by Sanjay Dixit.

From what one can learn and understand is that many of those who said that India can’t go back to change the IWT terms are wrong. As per Article 253 of Indian constitution states that Parliament has the power to amend any international treaty signed if need be. More importantly IWT can be seen as the first and the original Himalayan blunder done by Nehru before the war of 1962 with China . Nehru not only allowed Pakistan to have 80% control of the water but also made sure this whole treaty was never debated properly in the Parliament. Here is a transcript of the said discussion where India under IWT had to pay amount of pound 62,060,000 in 10 installments to build canals and other water works on both side of the border.

As the image below shows, India as per the treaty controls Beas and Satlej and Pakistan controls Jhelum, Chenab and Ravi. But due to political indecision from various governments in India, we neither tapped the full potential of IWT or planned for contingency. Even now there are news of China stopping water of a tributary of Brahmaputra as a way to make India back out. This dam wasn’t build by China in a month, in same way India government needs to plan for the future for safety of Indian citizens.

Apart from Indus Water Treaty, three other agreements were signed in 1960. The first agreement was related to the establishment of an Indus Basin Development Fund (IBDF) of $ 894 million. Out of the total, $ 640 was contributed by friendly countries, such as Australia, Canada, West Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The IBDF agreement was signed between Pakistan and aforementioned friendly countries. To facilitate the agreement, India also contributed $ 174 million, and $ 80 million was given from the proceeds of the World Bank loan to Pakistan. The fund was mainly collected for the transfer of infrastructure and construction of replacement works on western rivers.  The second agreement was signed between Pakistan and the World Bank for a loan of $ 90 million. The last agreement covered a loan of $ 70 million from the US Development Loan Fund.

The above excerpt is from an academic journal published in 2015 which clearly states that India along with friendly countries were paying to build water works on the western side( Pakistani Side of the border). Again if Nehru had thought about Indian interest first he would have asked for more autonomous power on IWT. But due to his love for Pakistan he made sure that India suffers for the time to come. Jammu & Kashmir which rightfully needs more water for irrigation purposes loses due to this treaty. Right now IWT dispute between India-Pakistan is about 80% water control and 20% water allocation. In its original form the treaty was suppose to divide the 5 rivers of Indus basin, 3 were given to Pakistan which were flowing to western Punjab and 2 were allocated to India.

But now after bleeding time and again due to Pakistan’s 1000 cuts policy, GOI should have a rethink on IWT which it can under the current circumstances. People of India and especially the people of Jammu and Kashmir need to unite in asking GOI to act in the interest of India. Even if GOI reviews IWT now it will not be able to stop any water flowing to Pakistan permanently as we didn’t build any dams which we could have under the existing treaty. But even if we embark on this path, future governments down the line will have this option in place to be used as a deterrent against Pakistan’s terror proxy war.

I hope that this government doesn’t back down in doing the needful so that Pakistan bears the cost of its terror policy as well as Indian people gaining what was always rightfully theirs. In the end we have so far cornered Pakistan and to complete the isolation globally India needs to act and take every measure available in the National Interest. Reviewing Indus Water treaty is one such step which needs to be taken & with majority in Parliament the current GOI under PM Modi should do what’s required. Our soldiers are fighting a tough battle on LOC & IB, it’s important that political parties also come together to give full support to our armed forces.