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AIADMK without Jayalalitha: Tamil Nadu without governance?


The passing away of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalitha on December 6th has cast a pall of gloom over the state. At 68, she was relatively young and had lot of public service left in her. But fate willed otherwise. The passing away of Ms. Jayalalitha signals a phase of uncertainty and tumultuous changes over the coming days that can recast Tamil Nadu politics forever. It will most certainly reverberate in Delhi too.

Huge mass of mourners and supporters gathered for the funeral to bid farewell, a gathering that was unprecedented in recent times. The credit for the orderly conduct of the funeral goes to the police and civil administration as well as central forces. The invisible hand of the Central government was evident all over – from the meticulous funeral arrangements to strict enforcement of law and order by deploying central forces and thus preventing riots and unrest in the state. The complete absence of riots at the death of an important leader was indeed unprecedented and a pleasant surprise for the people in Tamil Nadu.

The demise of the Chief Minister could not have come at a worse time for the ruling AIADMK. Absent Jayalalitha, the party is nothing. For the huge mass of mourning supporters, the death of the leader was a double whammy– loss of a beloved leader and the threat of disintegration of the party that could throw them out of power in the not very distant future.

The potential for trouble comes from within the party as well as from the overall political dynamics in the state. The AIADMK, as most are aware, is a party where the personal charisma of the founder M.G Ramachandran and his protégé Jayalalitha carried the shots. Nobody else mattered. There were no designated heir(s) or succession plans. This has suddenly left a power vacuum that now threatens to kill the party itself. And the threat is real and could happen sooner than later.

The current crop of leaders like Mr. Panneerselvam, the new Chief Minister or Ms. Sasikala, are neither fiery orators nor do they have sizable committed following and hence can by no means live up to the ‘theatrical expectations’ of the Tamil people. They simply do not fit the bill and are at best stop gap leaders who can temporarily delay the disintegration. The real problem is that this tiny cabal could actually end up as puppets to larger extra-constitutional political configurations. The demise of the leader has undeniably left a power vacuum in Fort George, the administrative headquarters of the state, leaving the arena open exclusively to a charismatic leader with a large following.

The current political scenario obtaining in Tamil Nadu offers succor and fuel for political upheavals. The state is in a deadly calm before new political storms rage across the state, sooner than later. Let us see why.

The main opposition party, the DMK, is a house divided. Its leader – Mr. Karunanidhi – is 92 years old and not in the best of health. He has however, managed to push the infighting away from public eye – at least for the present. If insiders are to be believed, the party faces an uncertain future as it struggles to contain dissent and may see a two way or three-way split.

As regards the rest of the political parties – most are extremist fringe elements that are confined to district level influence. In any case, these parties may not be able to appeal to broader segments of Tamils and thus may not pose a challenge to the major parties. However, they can play a significant role in a hung election that would require a coalition government. But, unfortunately for them, the demonetization of high denomination currency notes has dried up their sources of funds and hence may find themselves too enervated to play any significant role.

The Congress party has no grass roots support or organization and eliminates itself from any significant role in the political dynamics of the state.

The BJP and its sister organizations have been visible and over the years have built significant grass root level assets in Tamil Nadu. However, the BJP has not mustered the political will so far to contest elections all by itself or contest more seats. Will the Tamils countenance a government led by the BJP? That is the million-rupee question that has no easy answers.

Having said that, there is a strong possibility for the BJP allying with the rump of AIADMK and ‘a charismatic leader with a large following’. This ‘charismatic leader’ could be superstar Rajnikanth. The latter has assiduously avoided entering politics, but has all along nurtured big political ambitions. If his recent statements are any indication, it may not be surprise if the superstar steps out and announces his willingness to ‘work for the upliftment of Tamils’.

The demise of Ms. Jayalalitha has irreversibly pushed Tamil Nadu to the edge of a political tipping point. Irrespective of the permutation of political parties and the political formations that they will spawn, some things will change for ever. One is Dravidian politics. The other is the emergence the millennials or the smart-phone generation on the electorate.

The Dravidian brand of politics that Tamil Nadu has witnessed for over six decades, was nothing more than a concoction of pseudo rationalism, fake atheism, selective hate mongering and an unabashed anti-Hindu demagoguery all encapsulated as an ‘undying love for Tamil’. As pointed out by many experts, Dravidian ideology in reality was nothing more than a clever tool to break, rather than unite India. It was a perversion that kept Tamil Nadu economically backward for many decades. But it has long outlived its utility. Truth be told, Ms. Jayalalitha all along abhorred this corrosive and self-destructive ideology and had stopped it in its tracks. In her demise, she has only catalyzed and hastened the full dismantling of this specious ideology.

The other factor contributing to the coming political upheaval is the emergence of the millennials or smart-phone generation. This demographic is growing fast and commanding increasing say in all affairs in India and Tamil Nadu is no exception. Better educated and moneyed, these millennials are cosmopolitan in outlook and live in a selfish zone beyond the pale of the dreary Dravidian demagoguery, by sheer accident, rather than choice. They can think on their own and would be extremely difficult to influence. Yet this younger generation will pass the final verdict on the political future of the state. The political parties in the state are clueless and have not even courted them.

The death of Ms. Jayalalitha may have just triggered a massive political domino effect. The coming political upheavals in Tamil Nadu could be an eye opener for repeat performances across India. History, they say repeats itself.

Is BJP elbowing India into a crony capitalist country projecting economic reforms?


Economic reforms come from effective planning, cash reserve corrections and  streamlining financial transactions by way of strict rules with long-term goals. Citizens of India always supported initiatives commenced to annihilate corruption and black money out of the system. The quintessence was the colossal crowd congregated across India supporting IAC (India against Corruption) in 2011, for a strong Jan lokpal. Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal became house hold names. A new political party decimated all other Party giants and sworn in to power. Indians gave the same buttress to Narendra Modi for  demonetization drive, hoping that  it will bring out black money and help people to prosper. I salute the people who stood in bank queues for hours with patience and said, “We support Modi to elicit black money”. This shows the level of frustration of people thriving for proper economic stability and a day in their life, where a lazy administrator won’t demand favours to execute a work. But all the political parties are pushing Indian economy to a crony capitalism at an alarming rate. BJP went one step further to gain popularity by luring more people towards their ideologies projecting themselves us Crusaders of corruption and Guardians of Hindu religion. Congress was a disaster and BJP a Catastrophe. The audacity of these petty politicians to play with the emotions of people are surprising. None of these political parties can curb corruption because they are the concomitant of the same.

The biggest fallacy committed by the current dominion is dissolving the Planning Commission of India, quoting that it’s a wreck. Its been replaced by NITI Ayog. NITI Ayog has not played any role in economic reformation from the date of starting, instead Government of India created so many initiatives in different names, which has forced the finance ministry to nitpick all these schemes with a nominal man power. There is no point in reinventing the wheel. Finance ministry and the administration are doing only micro management and political stalwarts smothering the affairs of NITI Ayog.

De-monetization has actually helped black money hoarders to absorb their assets in an effective way and bank managers became rich overnight. The move has destabilized the unorganized sector which accounts to 70% of the economy because of the limitations in withdrawal. The most funniest part about Unaccounted money related raids are that, neither these catches are not accounted anywhere nor any punishments to the culprits. The administrators are asking bribe in new currency instead of old one. The move hasn’t evoked any fear in the minds of these corrupt administrators. Government is testing banned medicines and injecting useless religious thoughts on our people like third world countries. My mother has learned to use smart phone after 1 year of my relentless effort and now Government is talking about cashless economy digitally. Traditional ways of implementation is required along with sophistication. Time delay for a transition is  crucial for an economy and doing necessary arrangements before doing the same.

Government has done nothing but lip service only for the choking agricultural segment. There is no creative effort to bolster agricultural R&D towards eliminating pests and related crop yields. This gives an impression that government wants to promote and instill Genetically Modified Food concept with the help of foreign agencies in the name of food crisis in the future. They haven’t even bothered to classify agricultural terrains across the country. But strangely optic fibres are deployed across the length and width of the country with impeccable precision and heavy investment. Congress made the esplanade and BJP is walking on it. Crony capitalism and economical incompetence are directly proportional. An increased favouritism weakens the economy because of weak laws in financial segment.

Congress helped Vodafone to evade tax and now BJP set an example by helping Adani group to duck the fine imposed by National Green Tribunal  for nature destruction in the name of SEZ. Absence of a strong leader along with a bundle of corruption cases in various Indian courts weakened Congress. Small parties jump coalitions on regular intervals for their economic benefits. Communism is long dead and the so-called  ‘high command leaders’ at helm has taken it to the grave. Our parliamentary sessions are truncated to mere comedy reality shows with zero productivity. The bills passed in the parliament are increasing the wealth of political parties. Crony capitalism is outweighing our economy in the absence of strict measures against corruption. These Crusaders of corruption have objected Jan Lokpal and RTI rules to check political party accounts. Selfies and photo ops replaced creative thoughts and healthy debates.

The biggest challenge for the present regime is the Budget 2017. We had a deficit budget last time, with so many schemes still lying untouched with all our Indian economic dreams floating in mid-air. Manufacturing industry hasn’t picked up the pace and bank transactions became a joke because of De-monetization. The only positive for the Government is the tax collected out of fuel revenue from the people in an unjustifiable way. Congress regime removed the oil price regulatory committee. The current Government just sat on that, instead of overturning the same to pump in money for upcoming budget. Skilled labour encouragement is in papers only with a clueless handicraft ministry. Defaulters and NPA are adding the agony. If Government won’t come with strict laws to curb favouritism, the black money cycle will continue irrespective of demonetization. Banning currencies won’t bring revenue but strict regulations do. Government has to seriously think about reinstating planning commission with eminent economists instead of politicians. All the Government schemes should reach people for an effective implementation. Whether Modi has the courage to walk the talk? He can be like Sachin Tendulkar of 1990 Indian Cricket team, who has won many matches single-handedly against all odds. Common man is hoping for equal treatment after all  hardships in their life ranging from family to professional life. Think about street Vendors standing in the rain to sell their produce for a living. I have seen police officials taking bribe of Rs.10  from a  child selling handkerchiefs in Bangalore. I can’t forget the sadness of that kid’s face losing his hard-earned money with a smile to that goons. Socialism can bring a smile to the face of that kid and Crores of Indians, Crony capitalism can’t.

With Patriotism,

Why I still support demonetisation


Lot has been discussed/debated about the decision taken by Prime Minister on 8th November regarding currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000. People are facing inconvenience because of demonetization, some more than others. Whether the decision is good or bad, will be fruitful or not will be seen in the future. I hope and wish it adversely affects the cycle of Black Money generation in the economy. Majority of people I have spoken with have asked me one common question: Do you support this decision? Especially in recent days where almost everyday there is news of new currency notes amounting to Lakhs/Crores being seized from various parts of the country which indicates that the crooks have found ways to convert from old currency notes to new whereas common people are still standing in lines and there is currency shortage being experienced by majority of us.

To all of them, yes I still support the move. There is no denying that people have found ways to get their huge stash of old notes converted to new notes. It is found that in majority of cases bank officials are involved in this. The government cannot give any excuse for this. However what gives me hope is that they are being caught and hopefully will be punished for their actions.

There are my friends who are in support of the move but are angry due to the way it is implemented. Rules are being changed almost daily. It is indeed very difficult to follow and comply with them due to such frequent changes. Every morning it has become a ritual to check new updates and see if any of your plans are disrupted because of it. I think the Government should have some stability in their rules.

Given a choice that there would be no changes I would not opt for it. Indian mind is very creative. What majority of rule changes tried to achieve was to try and stop people from exploiting the loop-holes found by them. We need to understand that no where in the world has such an exercise been undertaken on this big scale. It could not have been possible to predict every challenge that would come. It is my personal belief that it is worth to bear the problems because of these changes rather than letting the crooked exploit the rules and get away with it.

This is one anecdote that a friend had told me:
A couple of years back there were local body polls held in the area where he was working. The maintenance person (they all called her maushi) had made Rs 22000/- the previous night of voting. Her job was to give people money to vote for a particular political party. She would be given Rs 1000/- and was to give Rs 500/- to each person who was supposed to vote. This is just to give perspective of the amount of Black money in the system where Maushi being the person at almost end of chain makes Rs 22000/- in one day.

This is one more conversation that I would to share between me and my friend:
G: I do not buy the argument that bear the pain now it will be better for your kids. What if I do not wish to have kids? You may get cash from your parents easily but finding a working ATM with cash is becoming a treasure hunt for us.
1) Look I understand that getting cash from ATM is difficult right now but you have a debit card try to use it wherever you can. My cash usage since demonetization has been Rs 340/- and majority of that was for Rickshaw fare and we have kind of same lifestyle, I am telling you on that basis it is possible.
2) Fair enough that you do not wish to have kids. Imagine this, you just received a big promotion at work . You are partying in any one of the cool clubs or cafes at South Bombay and suddenly you are gunned down for just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It could be you or someone close to you. All this was financed using our own fake currency. We would all start complaining that why nothing was done.

This one reason is sufficient for me to support the drive. You cannot do the same things again and again and expect different results. I do not know whether this will yield results but I do know that not doing anything will yield no results. There are very few battles that are fought for something we believe in, majority of them are for monetary gains. By doing this, the prime minister has tried to strike at the heart of terror funding.

I do not wish to tell my kids tomorrow that system is going to be like this only, if you want it to be better immigrate to the West. Yes, it is causing us problems in short-term. All my clients are saying “Madam, Modiji ne dhandha thap kar diya” and these are people who have voted for him in 2014.

I would like to be part of the solution than part of problem. There are people who will try to create panic, a simple example of its consequences was salt being sold at Rs 400/kg some days back. These actions hurt poor the most. This is also where we should be concerned for their welfare along with our concern due to demonetization.

Trust the Prime Minister to take action against those who have misused their position or have tried to convert old notes to new notes unlawfully and let’s be responsible citizens. Try to be calm and educate people rather than saying its all going to go to hell. Create awareness about alternatives to cash. Instead of being cynical person, for a change let’s be a positive Indian.

Demonetization and dignity of the poor


“I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail…The poet’s, the writer’s duty is to write these things. It is his privilege to help men endure by lifting his heart.”- William Faulkner, Nobel acceptance speech, December, 10th, 1950

The moments of crisis brings out the best and worst of human spirits. Then there are moments which rewrite the course of a nation. For India, the wars of 62, 65 and 1971 were such moments, so was the Emergency imposed in the late seventies by the Congress government. When we look at those moments, we wade through the old, black and white pictures of those family photographs and wonder where our parents were when these events were unfolding. I am writing this on #Demonetization, which is one such historic event.

Before you sigh, roll your eyes upwards and throw your arms up in despair, and walk away, let me put forth the disclaimer. I am not an all knowing economist; I am also not an all-feeling journalist. I am the common man, who has stood his turn in the queues to exchange the currency and then to withdraw the money.

I write. I write poetry and fiction, mostly. But then why am I writing and further muddying the waters in which already too many people have stepped in. That is answered by Faulkner in his Noble Prize acceptance speech. I write on behalf of the poor man behind whose name every black money hoarding businessman, every corrupt politician, every tainted bureaucrat hides.

Tragic stories are floating in the market. But then, they are just being visible now. The poor man is confounded as rumors float. Some come and tell him that his zero-balance bank account will be acquired by the government, with all the money into it. But you stand in the queue and the anecdotal poor man is not complaining. He stands in silence, with great grace. He is the man who sends his son to army to stand guard on the Line of Control. He is not a retired income-tax officer, nor will any senior Income Tax officer marry him. He is facing unprecedented hardships. He neither has resources nor inclination to visit exotic foreign location for introspection for months. Unlike a middle-aged man about to touch his fifties and still in search of his widely anticipated political mojo, he makes money each day and feeds his family.

He does not seek greatness. It is just logical. He understands that when things of this magnitude happen in a country of this magnitude, inconveniences will happen. He knows the inconvenience of processes first hand, much better than those who claim to represent him, when he had visited a government officer to get something as basic as a BPL card or a Ration card, and was asked to pay bribe in cash. This demonetization has discomforted that Babu. What is great about this drive is that it even hits those who charged in kind for making of a ration card. He laments that a child died because the parents could not pay in the new currency. But amid all the noise he understands that even without demonetization, that heartless hospital would have been turning away kids who had no currency at all. He understands that with this revolutionary effort, maybe, just maybe, cash will reach some hands, or better still, there will be some hospitals which will not need currency, new or old, to attend to a dying child.

There have been plenty of stories about maids. Once again, please don’t shut your laptop down so hard. The helps I had at home, both of them had the zero-balance account under the PM Jan-Dhan scheme, but had never deposited any money. I asked them why. They had their fears. This is the basic of the worries, whatever might be. For long, we were under slavery. The government did not belong to the people. When the British left, white officers were replaced by brown Babus. Congress was a club of rich people and Jawahar Lal Nehru, foreign educated, son of a rich lawyer of Allahabad became the first Prime minister, even when the appointed committee chose the one who began his political career from peasants’ movement in Bardoli. The voice of the people was vetoed and the man whose dad knew the founder of the new company called India, became the CEO.

The distrust to the government was thus perpetuated and a layered society was created as dynastic rule was legitimized, slowly but surely. It is this distrust which makes it difficult for the poor to bear the trouble of demonetization and its fall-out. It is truly to the credit of the PM that poor have not only been able to overcome this inherent distrust towards the government, the rulers; they have rather risen in his strongest support.

It has placed the opposition in a very difficult situation. They are out on the street protesting. Situation is very funny. The opposition is out protesting, supposedly on behalf of the poor, while those they claim to represent are protesting their protest. Some politicians are so distraught by the loss of their personal, illegal wealth that they are unable to detect the disgust that their desperate dramas are creating in the minds of those they claim to be representing. This is not to say that there is no inconvenience. There is. Not everyone has means to do online commerce. Which is sad after almost seventy years of independence. But things are not as bad as the naysayer claim they are. Truth always lie somewhere in the middle of the extremes. True, fifty regrettable deaths have happened. Some out of those fifty (remember in a nation of 125 Crores), were later found to be unrelated to the government move (sample, someone died counting new currency notes, would she have not died if the notes she was counting were old currency? Or Newspapers reported someone died at the ATM in Mumbai, at a place where there was no ATM). But consider the proportion. Only two months back, around the same number of people died and was in news. Only, the deaths were not spread across 125 Cr people, it was limited to the city of Delhi. And the CEO of Delhi, the Chief Minister, most incensed by this Anti Black money move, submitted the courts that he had managed to spare only five minutes to spend in his office as the city reeled under epidemic. How seriously can one take his concerns?

The poor have been most decent and graceful under such testing times. The rich and affluent have been crying foul. The poor understand that the history is being made. And he wonders that some years down the line, the same question will be asked. Where were you when this historic fight against corruption and black money was initiated? Did you handle it with the quiet dignity and poise of the poor, or with the noisy, complaining arrogance of the affluent when the nation sought your support to create a better nation for future generations? Future will pose that existential question to all of us when the time comes, “What did you do when your nation called you for your services? What did you do when for the first time the gulf of distrust between the government and its people, perforce was being filled, as an unnoticed fallout of an anti-corruption move? How did you respond when the economy was shaken and cashless and accountable business became the order of the day for the first time in the life of our nation?” Did you welcome it as a mature citizen or you went down as a cribbing, complaining kid? I write not with data. I write as an ode to the poor man in the queue, I write to help him endure this moment by lifting his heart. Let us all do that.

Dalit BJP worker brutally attacked by Muslim goons after he objected to eve-teasing


Rajkot. A local Dalit BJP worker, Babu bhai Gokul bhai Paresha, from Rajkot was beaten mercilessly by local Muslim goons. The incident took place on 13 October, Tuesday, behind the old collector office in Santoshinagar locality of the city. Babu bhai Paresha (60), was attacked by Kasam Manek and his sons Irfan and Mangali along with two other goons.

BJP worker Babu bhai severely injured, admitted to hospital

Babu bhai when returning home on his bike in the evening, was first hit by goons’ car followed by his kidnapping.  After kidnapping, attackers brought Babu bhai to a deserted riverbed where they hit him with a pipe and stabbed him cruelly. The goons then threw Babu bhai near his house. Babu bhai’s son Shailesh Paresha took him to a nearby hospital where the doctors said that the attack had left multiple fractures and severe injuries, leading to serious medical conditions.

Brutally attacked by goons (image courtesy)

This triggered anger in the entire Dalit community, who had been at the receiving end of terror by these gangsters for long. Following the incident, Rajkot BJP chief Kamlesh Mirani and the entire Dalit community had rushed to the hospital and lodged a complaint to a local police station. Sensing the sensitivity of the incident, within no time, DCP and Crime Branch officers rushed to the hospital.

As per a local news agency, police found after the interrogation that the gangsters were cautioned by Babu bhai a few days back when they were eve-teasing a local girl. To take revenge, the gangsters assaulted Babu bhai on Tuesday.

It was also found that nuisance by these gangsters had become too tough for the locals to tolerate. Time and again these goons engaged into some or the other kind of crimes and pervert actions like eve-teasing and stalking girls, and harassing Dalits.

As per latest report, within a few hours of the incident, four out of the five culprits – Irfan, Mustaq Malani, Zahid and Moin Satar – have been caught by the police.

Demonetization: What does the world’s most unbiased reporter say?


This might come as a shock to The Hindu, The Troll, The Wire and The Huffington Post. Not to mention a shock to Newslaundry. The best journalists in the world don’t come out of Doon school and St. Stephens College and JNU and Jamia Millia Islamia. To say nothing of Columbia University school of Journalism.

Here is the world’s best journalist:

It’s called money.

Suppose that you want to know how India’s rice farmers are doing right now. Suppose you want to know how the laborers who sowed the rice, the laborers who harvested the crop, the farmers who sold the crop, the traders who bought the crop and the truckers who transported the crop and finally the grocers who put the rice on market shelves are doing.

You have two choices. You could go to a “journalist” who will pick one person from each category and ask the question that is the hallmark of airhead reporting today: “Aapko kaisa lag raha hai?”. But keep in mind that this journalist could have an agenda. He or she could have been an Agustapatrakar. Even a Radia stenographer perhaps. Or maybe a Bhakt?

But there is a second, much better choice. You could simply go check the price.

The price is one single magical number that captures the situation of every single person in the supply chain. The best thing about prices is that they don’t have an agenda. The price does not have a political affiliation. The price doesn’t care if you are a Modi supporter or a Rahul Gandhi supporter. The price doesn’t care if you are an illiterate person or you have an arts degree  from JNU.

Since Nov 8, we have all read fantastic stories of how all the agricultural Mandis are empty, of how trucks have gone off the road. We have heard about how farmers cannot harvest their crop nor sell their crop nor plant a new crop. Amazingly however, there is one stubborn fact. Prices aren’t rising!

Apparently, no trader, no hoarder has noticed yet the opportunity of a lifetime. Hardly any crop got harvested, hardly any crop got sowed and hardly any crop got transported. The farms are empty, the trucks are empty, the Mandis are empty, but the markets are full. Amazing!

In fact, is there one item that people can name that has disappeared from the shelves since Nov 8? From tomatoes to journalists to intellectuals, the markets seem well stocked with stuff for sale as usual.

Those claiming “poor implementation” of demonetization should answer the question about why there are no price shocks happening anywhere? Do they understand what it takes to keep 1200 million people supplied with milk, grain and vegetables after sucking 86% of all currency out of the system? And yet, not a single price shock.

In fact, in the initial weeks, the “poor implementation” brigade was greedily looking forward to a collapse of the supply chain. Here is the Wall Street Journal on Nov 16.


Choked since Nov 8 but still prices not rising. Will good Dr. Manmohan Singh kindly explain this? Look at this:


It’s on Nov 20 that The Indian Express confirmed the collapse of the sugar supply chain. It’s Dec 14 and still no coup in the prices of sugar. Clearly an RSS conspiracy.


Again on Nov 24, a confirmation from India Today that 70% of trucks are off the roads. As if further evidence was needed, they even have a photograph of 7 trucks parked side by side. The other 3 trucks must still be on the road. But still no price rise? Why? What is the deal, Modi ji?


Food markets frozen since Nov 18 as reported by, complete with a picture of a gloomy trader sitting with the last vestiges of India’s food stocks.

The prices still aren’t rising. Only intolerance is.

The closest we came to a price shock was a rumor about a shortage of salt. In a matter of a few hours, salt prices across the country went through the roof, with gullible people buying one kg of salt for as much as Rs 200 and journalists buying it for as much as Rs. 400.


That is what can happen simply from the perception of a shortage. And here we have confirmed reports from Wall Street Journal, India Today, The Indian Express and about a freeze in the supply chain. But the price system still shows no sign of cooperating with the intellectuals. Has the credibility of journalists become so low that people would go in a mad rush to buy salt based on Whatsapp rumors but ignore the hard hitting reporting of qualified journalists? I guess this must be the “post truth society” the liberals keep complaining about.

A thug in mask of an honest man


‘Thug’ is not a film to be released nor a book I am referring to. What does come in your mind when you hear the word ‘Thug’? Think again, be honest, you will see an idiot who fooled people from Ghaziabad to Delhi and so on, Yes you are right, I am talking about the Delhi Thug who fooled crores of Delhi people simultaneously and developed his own den of corruption, crime, Media, NGOs.

India has never seen such a con artist before. The way this Thug is doing politics clearly shows this thief is not made for politics, he is only doing it for power, money, and fulfilling the ‘kill India’ agenda of Pakistan and other enemies. Can you imagine what made this Thug to oppose Indian Army and Demonetization? The way he questioned Indian Army and speaks in the voice of terrorist Hafiz Saeed, clearly shows the anti India agenda of this con. Thug didn’t stop here, he came in politics with the idea and solution to end black money, and when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Demonetization, a step to put an end to black money, this Thug went speechless for 2days, why? What happened? Was he recovering from the sudden trauma, sudden pain of losing black money acquired in cash from contractors and ticket distribution in Punjab? When he finally speaks on Demonetization, he did the same he is famous for, ‘SH*T’. Even this is also a record in itself. No country in past would have seen such a politician with filthy and sh**ty mouth.

Opposing Prime Minister Narendra Modi has  become opposing India for this Thug. Delhi people who voted him are jittery, feeling  kicking their own ass, waiting for an opportunity to kick him and the next election will prove that. People in India are not living in fools’ paradise and understand the anti Modi and anti India agenda of this thug elections in Punjab and Goa will give a clear message to this thief, and my gut feeling says that there will be an end to Kejriwal style of politics of sh*t by 2018.

The above words are a frustration of a common guy, If you are a supporter of this thug and are offended, then be it.

डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन के चलते बॅंक वाले बन गये डीमन (राक्षस)?


आज कल डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन की हवा मार्केट में बहोत जबरदस्त तरीके से फैली हुई है, आँधी तूफान की तरह सिर्फ़ एक ही बात हो रही है- डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन|

जब ये डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन शुरू हुआ था तो हर कोई बॅंक वालों की बहुत तारीफ किया लेकिन एक हफ्ते बाद ही हर कोई बॅंक वालों को गरियाना शुरू कर किया की बॅंक वाले बकैति कर रहे हैं, पैसे नहीं दे रहे हैं, छुपा के रख दे रहे हैं, बॅंक वाले चोर हैं, ऐसा वैसा अलमा फाचर शुरू हो गया|

इसी बीच इनकम टॅक्स वालों ने कुछ लोगों को नये वाले नोटों के साथ पकड़ लिया तो फिर बस पहाड़ टूट गया, तुरंत सारे बॅंक वाले चोर साबित हो गये, सारे दोस्तों, रिश्तेदारों, कस्टमर्स, “आम जनता”, मीडीया वालों के लिए हम और हमारे सारे कलीग्स चोर हो गये|

इस बारे में मैं कुछ आँकड़े देना चाहूँगा फिर आप सोच सकते हैं और समझ सकते हैं| उसके बाद आप हमें चोर फोर बेईमान धोखेबाज कुछ भी बना सकते हैं, हमे कोई कष्ट नहीं है|

कुल मिला कर नोट्स जो अमान्य घोषित किए गये हैं, वो हैं 15 लाख करोड़. ज़रा पहले पेपर पर सही सही ज़ीरो लिख लो फिर सोचना कितना पैसा है|

कुल नोट जो आर.बी.आइ ने अभी तक प्रिंट किए हैं 5 लाख करोड़. कुल नोट जो पहले से बॅंक के पास थे 2 लाख करोड़. कुल लीगल पैसा 7 लाख करोड़|

कुल जो पैसा इनकम टॅक्स वालों ने पकड़ा है, 120 करोड़. प्लस इसमे पुराना 500 और 1000 का नोट भी हैं कुछ| अब हिसाब लगा लेते हैं, देश की जनता हैं कुल सवा सौ करोड़| देश मे कुल 35 करोड़ लोगों के पास बैंक खाते हैं| डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन शुरू हुए दिन हुए हैं 50|

जोड़िए अगर आधी जनता भी अपना पैसा निकाल रही है तो 17 करोड़ लोग अपना पैसा निकाल रहे हैं और कुल पैसा जो RBI ने छापा है, 5 लाख करोड़, पहले से बैंको के पास था 2 लाख करोड़, नये छपे नोटों में से बैंक के पास पहुँचा है 4 लाख करोड़, तो बैंकों के पास हैं 6 लाख करोड़|

इस सात लाख करोड़ में से करीब 24 हज़ार करोड़ (4%, CRR) बैंकों को आर बी आइ के पास रखना होता है नीयम के हिसाब से| कुछ पैसा ब्रांच मे भी रखना होगा, क्योकि लॉकर खाली तो बंद होगा नहीं| मान के चलिए हर ब्रांच मे 50000 रुपया भी रखा जाएगा तो भी कुल 1000 करोड़ रुपया बैंकों की ब्रांच मे होगा|

मतलब सात लाख में से करीबन 25 हज़ार करोड़ रुपया पब्लिक को दिया नही जा सकता| बचा करीब 5.75 लाख करोड़| करीबन 25000 करोड़ ट्रॅन्सिट में रहेगा|

अब 17 करोड़ जनता अगर पैसा निकालने आ रही है तो हर व्यक्ति के लिए पैसा अवेलबल है 30000 रुपया, 50 दिन पर| कुल हफ्ते डेमॉनेटिज़ेशन के 7. तो हर हफ्ते एक आदमी के लिए उपलब्ध पैसा है, 4000 से सवा चार हज़ार रुपया हर हफ्ते का| अब जब अवेलबल पैसा ही 4000 है तो 24000 कहाँ से दे देंगे भाई| बैंक मे तो छाप नही लेंगे|

और कुल पैसा जो इनकम टॅक्स वालों को मिला है वो है 100 करोड़, जो की कुल पैसा जो बैंक वालों ने बाँटा है (5 लाख करोड़) का 0.0002%|

अब लगा लो हिसाब और कोस लो बैंक वालों को|

A 10 point guide to being called an ‘Eminent Intellectual’ in India


This article Bhakts of demonetization are proof we have lost our capacity to think by ‘his eminence’ Sri Sri Valsad Thampu is, perhaps, the perfect example of how to write absolute crap and still be called an ‘Eminent Intellectual’ in India.

By reading this and other articles by such eminences, I have evolved a 10 point guide to being called an ‘Eminent Intellectual’ in India of today. Please see how religiously Sri Sri Valsad Thampu follows this guide. And if you want to be called an ‘Eminent Intellectual’ yourself, please do follow the guide– its easy!

A 10 point guide to being called an ‘Eminent Intellectual’ in India

  1. Oppose everything that Modi does (even if he asks you to breath to live) and  address all Modi supporters as BHAKTS! (This automatically gives you the ‘escape Velocity’ to be termed as a ‘free-thinking,’ unbiased, intellectual, liberal in India).
    Once you follow this one rule, half the battle is already won rest of them really don’t matter much. But still do read further and follow to be absolutely sure.
  2. Doesn’t matter if you have only crap to write, you write the crap in flowery language. Mind you, lowly Indian languages will not do. You have to use the Queen’s language – English to have any chance.
  3. Doesn’t matter if its relevant or not, you also have to use quotations and names of Western Philosophers, Authors etc. (Hannah Arendt, Nietzsche, Descartes)– What else would you do, when your original writing has no Dum (strength)? Haven’t you seen the sellers of fake brands use original labels D & G, LV etc.
  4. Doesn’t matter what the topic is that you write on- Fascism, Hitler all have to come in and you have to draw great parallels between the rise of Modi and rise of Hitler and Fascism.
  5. Doesn’t matter if you don’t give any data yourself in your article, you have to castigate the ‘Bhakts’ for believing all that is told to them without asking for relevant data.
  6. Doesn’t matter if you have no reasoning/ logic to give in your article, you should have examples to show how much you care for the poor of this country and how your true intent is to ultimately ‘uplift the poor!’
  7. Doesn’t matter if your love & loyalties lie with Jesus, Allah or a certain Queen Bee beyond any other group, community or nation, you have to castigate people who have loyalty and love for their nation..err..not all nations, only those who have love for India.
  8. Doesn’t matter if you have no frigging idea of what the true India is, you have talk about the ‘Idea of India’ and how it’s under threat today.
  9. Doesn’t matter if anyone calls you an anti-national or not, you have to call yourself an anti-national!
  10. And lastly, doesn’t really matter if you know nothing about the topic you are writing on, you just have to give a good, condescending headline and then follow rules 1 to 9 given above.

Do like and share this helpful guide if you agree.

5 hilarious ways in which our journalists made a fool out of themselves


Demonetization has given us a lot of action, starting from crazy political reactions, to numerous rumors, from Kejriwal and AAP’s absurd behavior to, well, Kejriwal and AAP’s absurd behavior. It also ensured that the whole country started talking digital like it had never before, starting from NEFT, credit and debit cards to new in market- M-Wallet, IMPS and UPI. Thanks to such a discourse, we managed to witness cases of technological intellectualism emanating from the eminent citizens who always have an opinion on everything under the sun. These reactions have also been very well documented by Dhaval Patel in a thread.

First this:

I am stunned !!!!!

Apparently she even wrote a book called Breaking News and in there describes her travels through Bharat in search of the elusive Indian voter. Lurching into villages without electricity in UP, to tribal settlements in Jharkand to Baripada in Orissa and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu.

The only question it raises is as to why someone who is used to such extensive travelling didn’t take a short trip to Google and try to find the answer for herself.

The next one to ask an enlightening question:

One does figure that being employed in the organised sector, she must have an account in the bank and should have received calls asking for documents to fulfill the KYC norms. Now the only way she is probably saving her face is by asking questions like ‘Who is John Galt’.

Next the senior assistant editor The Hindu, the newspaper which has made it a habit to twist facts:

First, the journalist willingly gave her fingerprint and Aadhar card number to Reliance Jio to get free internet and calls and when the salesman got the replica of the Aadhar card on his device, just like one would give a xerox to a local vendor for mobile sim, she decided to blame the government for it.

This wasn’t the end of her queries, when a good Samaritan decided to address her queries, she heaped newer ones instead.

pp1 pp2

To the last query, yes initially sims were available via the exact same KYC method but it involved filling out a long form, standing in an ATM sized queue and after all that the sim got activated only after 2-3 days. To avoid all that the e-KYC system was brought in.

Next coming to a guy who used to work for India today, also all his tweets are protected which is not a very encouraging sign for transparency and freedom of expression.


Clearly it looks as if he isn’t aware about the Cash Reserve Ratio or the fact that there have always been limits on the number of withdrawals and the amount of withdrawals one can do for a savings account, that is the account normally used by common households.

And finally the tweet of Salil Tripathi. Now he has put Livemint a mainly business news publication in his bio so it might be insinuated that he should know the basics of finance and economics.

Well even though it probably doesn’t warrant any commentary, the only way the Banks earn their Daal Roti is via giving out loans at a rate higher than the deposit rate so if banks have a larger amount of cash at their disposal they can cut down on their interest rates thereby compensating the reduction in rates by the increase in volume. Plus there’s nothing charitable in depositing money as one gets interest over it which is a bit better than it lying around at home becoming moth food.