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Is there a JNU scam? The question nobody asks

They demand Azaadi from the Indian state. For Kashmir, for Bastar, for Nagaland, for Bengal. Azaadi for pretty much any place except JNU itself where they lead cushy lives of “revolution” at the expense of the same Indian state.

Which makes them objects of curiosity for the general population. Why is it that every anti-national duck with a quack finds an echo chamber inside their walls? Why do they fling their waste at us? Is it because they are mad, or just pretending to be mad? Is there a method to their madness? Are they stuck in a time warp or are they forerunners of the times to come?

For the general public, it’s an itch that needs to be scratched. JNU is the longest running and biggest hit reality show of our time. This is why JNU student body maintains permanent missions in every “national” media house on the stretch from Noida to Gurgaon.

But there is a question that no one ever seems to ask : How did the red aliens of JNU get there in the first place?

They didn’t come to JNU riding on a meteorite. They crawled out of our own general population. Somehow. But how?

Let’s see. JNU has been a leftist stronghold since …. well almost since… liberals used to openly say that Communism is a good idea. The student body at JNU is refreshed rapidly every year with students from all over the country. There’s no question of a “vote bank” in a constantly shifting population. It is well known that the support base of Communist parties is an insignificant fraction of the general population. Yet year after year after year, JNU’s entrance procedure miraculously manages to pick out an overwhelming majority of radical leftists.

The odds of this happening by pure chance are so slim that we are better off going with the meteorite based extraterrestrial origin theory.

Somebody has to look at all these kinds of red finches that make the island of JNU their home : CPI, CPI(M), CPI(ML), CPI(ML)L … and tell us how they came to be.

Two clear possibilities emerge.

The first is evolution, i.e. the incoming students had to adapt to become suited to their red environment. Unless they adapt and turn red themselves, they won’t survive. Because of the gaping power differential in a professor – student relationship, this in itself should be sufficient grounds to initiate a detailed probe into the conduct of faculty members at JNU. Are vicious left wing faculty at JNU forcing their students to become Communists or perish?

The second possibility is intelligent design, the more disturbing theory. Is there someone directly tinkering with the admission process to favor cadres of a particular party? If so, this is an outright punishable offense and someone has to go to jail for it.

The reaction to the recent UGC notification is a telling sign.


What happened. Well, the UGC issued a notification limiting the total number of MPhil and PhD advises to around 8 per faculty member. This caused the number of available seats at JNU to drop precipitously from a typical 1000 to just 194!

What! Putting a limit of about 8 students per professor led to an 80% drop in the number of available seats! This can only mean that faculty members at JNU are currently  “advising” far more students than humanly possible for any working scholar. It is conceivable that the experimental sciences need more people to work the labs. But, experimental sciences form a tiny minority at JNU. How come social science faculty have such a staggering number of students?

Is it possible that some folks at JNU were hiring party cadres to pose as “students”? The question needs to be asked.

If JNU was a ministry and JNU was hiring thousands of workers from the party of the minister, the media would have called it the “JNU scam”. And it requires a probe.

The task for the right wing is to impress upon the general public that the need for such a probe goes beyond any political or intellectual vendetta. The case of JNU pulling in an overwhelming majority of its students from a tiny fraction of the population needs to be investigated like a scam. Such as all the luckiest land deals in Haryana accidentally getting snapped up by one particular gentleman over and over again for a decade.

We know that large numbers of faculty members at JNU are Communists. And we see that Communists keep getting lucky at JNU entrance year after year. There’s no real difference between this observation and, say, a politician whose ministry keeps awarding tenders year after year to the firm owned by his family members. In both cases, we should smell a scam and we should have a probe.

And like any neta caught on the wrong foot, JNU faculty subjected to a probe will scream political vendetta to try and save themselves in the court of public opinion. You can’t let that get to you. What India needs is a full investigation into the “JNU scam” to fix guilt and accountability. Someone at JNU needs to go behind bars, but not for celebrity crimes like sedition. Perhaps someone at JNU needs to go behind bars for corruption.

PARAM VEER in the Battlefield OR VILLAIN in the Hospital


Alas, Dr. Rohit Kumar Tated is not in the Military, securing the country from external enemies. Had he been, he would undoubtedly have received Military Honors as a War Hero, given what he did this week at SION Hospital Mumbai!

Polio Affliced Doctor who was assaulted
Dr. Rohit Kumar

The Armed Forces were always my fascination since childhood, but destiny took my brother there, and I stayed to become a humble Doctor in the fight against disease and ill health. I was always disappointed that my profession did not give any similar opportunity for courage and valour.

But my Junior colleague Dr. Rohit from Chattisgarh, a Resident Doctor in Medicine from Sion Hospital, (LTMCH) has made me proud this week, with his courage and valour in the line of duty! Despite being a victim of Hospital Violence- one among the spate of Violence against Doctors this month; he is still ready to continue his chosen duty.

That the healthcare services have been orphaned by the Governments since Independence, more so in the last 4-5 decades, is known to everyone. Following any lapse in Healthcare delivery, as the face of the Medical Profession, Doctors bear the brunt of any patient hostility. An Orthopaedic Resident Doctor in Dhule, whose vision has been damaged following hospital violence is a typical example.

On the night of the Holi festival, March 13th, a young man- an alleged victim of head injury after a two wheeler accident- was brought to the casualty of the Govt Medical College Hospital in Dhule, Maharashtra. Even though he was examined, and stabilized, when the relatives insisted on calling a Neurosurgeon, they were politely told that the patient would need to be shifted elsewhere, as the Government Hospital did not have one. This was sufficient for the 30-40 of the attenders to assault and rain blows and kicks on the hapless Doctor’s head and face, with damage to the Doctor’s vision.

Dr. Rohan has loss of vision
  • What about the patient himself who perhaps was not alert due to the festive celebrations?
  • What about the parents who allowed their child to ride a 2 wheeler, perhaps under-aged, that too without a helmet?
  • What about the authorities who were responsible for poor road conditions that led to an accident?
  • What about the pathetic emergency services that can never rescue a victim within the Golden Hour?
  • What about the administrators, who could not have a full time Neurosurgeon in a Teaching Hospital, even three decades after it was opened?

None of these will be will ever be questioned, except the Doctor who was assaulted!

  • Did he communicate effectively with the patient and his attenders?
  • Did he understand and sympathise adequately with their frame of mind?

Dr. Rohit had to fight all odds to joining his training in Medicine at Sion Hospital, Mumbai, being afflicted with leg deformity following polio! He even did a four month job in his native Chhattisgarh, to convince his father that his physical condition was not a hindrance to withstand the rigors of Medical Training. “Even after he joined Sion Hospital, he worked relentlessly- taking care of upto 45 indoor patients at a time, to the extent that his leg calipers broke”. ​”He never declined any work because of being differently-abled”, said his roommate.

And after all this he was assaulted and pushed to the ground, all because an elderly lady of renal failure, who missed dialysis for a few months, was brought in a serious condition, and died despite all efforts.” In fact, in the last 24 hours, we took care of her, more than her family, who recently had discharged and taken her home against medical advise.” However, Rohit Kumar still wishes to continue his profession with the same passion.

To me Dr. Rohit, you are no less than a war Hero, a war in the fight against the Country’s internal enemy- Human Disease! You are a “PARAM VIR” to me, with OR without a CHAKRA. And this is what the entire medical fraternity in Mumbai realized and led to the mass protests by trainee Doctors, the backbone of public Healthcare. To rub salt to their wounds, this was the response by Chief Justice Chellar and Justice Kulkarni in Bombay High Court regarding this protest: ​

‘If you are scared to work, leave your job and go home”. What the Judiciary did, when they saw a threat to their own physical safety- in the line of Duty, is an all together different story! “Not just the CRPF, we will order the BSF and even the Army to secure the Courts, if needed”, thundered the incoming Chief Justice of India, on Nov 4th 2015, in response to a petition by the Govt of TN, opposing an order of Madras High Court to order CRPF to take over Court security, following violence in High Court.

Resident Doctors are the backbone of the Public Health system
Resident Doctors protesting against physical assault to Doctors

Is it any surprise that the entire Medical Fraternity ha​s​ thrown it’s weight to support the Resident Doctors in Mumbai? Do the authorities feel, it was necessary for Dr. Rohit to sacrifice his life, to be worthy of being considered for any honour, similar to the Military? After all these years of being proud of my Medical ​Profession, I have the same thought once again “Did i miss out on joining the Armed Forces?” If I had to give up my life, in the line of duty- would I not prefer die as a Hero on the Battlefield, rather than a villain in a Hospital? I hope the authorities, society and most of all the Medical Fraternity itself wakes up to fight this horror of HOSPITAL VIOLENCE, before it is too late!

If anyone, it is the Medical Fraternity itself- that has to highlight this to all!​ Hope we don’t need more acts worthy of “PARAM VEERs” to convey this point!

PS: The Author salutes those Doctors in the Military, who have put their life in the line of Duty. He is proud of each of them, and his Brother ​among them! He is a practicing Surgeon, an former member of MARD – the organisation that protested the attack on Dr. Rohit.

Structuring family as the fundamental unit of good governance


While the over performing government under the leadership of a workaholic Premier is setting out newer milestones on the pedestal of operational efficacy fulfilling one obligation after the other, it would be imperative on the part of the thinking tribe defending and defining the characteristic Indian view and approach which is assumed to be the ideological fountainhead of the ruling disposition.

The journey of the 1000 days gone by is indicative of the fact as to what all can be accomplished in the wake of sheer commitment to the cause of public service at large and exercising the same with unprecedented industriousness. Taking the national ship onward and forward pursuing the existing deck of policies, practices and philosophical foundations was an obligation which the incumbent Prime Minister chose to pursue for want of taking hold of the establishment before accentuating structural transformations beyond the ones limited to the confines of operational excellence alone.

Traces of the same have however got visible here and there across the board but for chalking out a path of building an insurmountable India all over again, disruptive transformations emanating out of the intrinsic soul of India would have to be invoked load, stock and barrel.

An attempt is thereby being made in this monograph to suggest some of these foundational precepts which have been central to the Indian worldview for ages.

Nowhere in the world is the institution of family so profound and penetrative as it is on the Indian Sub-Continent. It somehow accrues from the Indian philosophical vision of segmenting a human life into four stages of Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vaanprastha and Sanyas whereby the stage of Grihasta has been endowed with a spree of self-ordained and socially venerated spectrum of regulations. The coming together of a man and woman for seeking carnal pleasure has also been ascended to the pedigree of an institutionalized ceremony in the form of “garbhadhaan sanskar” checking the complications of non-solemnized escapades. Leaving aside the post-modern libertarian notion of induced and imposed morality this serves as a key binding factor. Indian families have a much higher index of stability and longevity thereby easing up the role of Government to a great extent.

Recognizing a family as the key unit of governance can have a spectacular transformation in the domain of governance as this reduces the span of complexity by at least a factor of 4 (assuming 4 members of a family). Bankers on record have put their great appreciation to the strategy to treat family as the unit of focus leading to the spectacle of Jandhan overdrive. Rail Minister’s easing of the rules to allow the connected members of a family to travel on a ticket issued in the name of a relative is again an acknowledgement of this very constituent of governance. Several other social welfare schemes are reaping their operational expediency owing to this segmentation.

This informal recognition somehow needs a firm legal framework to induce and reap a spree of cascading benefits. While the modern declarations promising universal human rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness emanated from the individuality of human existence, the due recognition of a family as a natural social order in the eyes of the law shall embark a newer era of welfare and prosperity as the members of a family have a symbiotic relationship in place whereby the intangible facets of love, care and emotional support create an ecosystem of human development beyond the linear metric of economics alone.

The emotional interdependence of the constituents of a family emanating out of sheer biological process makes it an apt unit for governance ranging from the function of law & order to ensuring justice and fair play in providing opportunities for pursuing the due fulfillment of life alongside the increasing clamor of state sponsored social security.

This shall thereby need the creation of a ready-to-use and all pervasive identification of a family alongwith the treatment of family as the single unit of taxation factoring into the entire set of obligations not just towards the progeny but also towards the parents of both the spouses.

The reporting of the various human development indices can be well measured within the ambit of a family as it constitutes a set of closely related individuals which do share the similar socio-economic-educational profiling. The design of the various programs shall find an operational expediency.

The sustainable lattice of a family structure has been the latent social capital of Indian Civilization which needs expression in the post-modern motif and methods for its wide spread resuscitation and enrichment thereby reducing the undue burden on the state. The due legal acknowledgement of this intertwined social graph of a family superstructure is one such paradigm shift which would go down in the annals of Human History as one of the most transformational steps of sustainable Human Welfare.

At a time when Indians have started accepting a vast milieu of disruptive transformations, though inspired from the models of the west, they would be more than eager and willing to resurrect the essential spirit of their social spaces deeply anchored with their civilizational self.

A consultative committee to this effect can be constituted under the aegis of the NITI Aayog with inputs from the innumerable think tanks of the country enriching this discourse and delineating the operational details of the same.

Left wing’s failure and why right-wing appeals to Hindus


The success of Indian right-wing can purely be blamed upon the utter hypocritical character of the leftists of India as well as the centre to the leftists. They often make the mountain of a mole against Hindu fundamentalism but shockingly remain silent against the other one. How they subtly defend Islāmic fundamentalists is no longer a secret.

Their subtle ways are very much evident in Bhism Sahni’s “Tamas”. Tamas has both the Hindu fundamentalists and the Islāmic fundamentalists, but the latter always have some causes or excuses for their violence acts (except one) and the former are plain lustful killers.

The root-cause of this type of hypocrisy lies the in the Gangadhar Adhikari ‘s (a senior leader of CPI before independence) balkanized thesis which doesn’t recognize India as nation but many nations within the nation. It led the CPI to pass a resolution in favour of the creation of Pakistan. Communists don’t recognize the cultural identity of India as a nation as they believe cultural identity (which naturally is Hindutva identity) is a threat to the society especially for the minorities. In the meantime, they covertly or overtly find themselves at the side of fundamentalists of the minorities.

Once, the ultra-leftists (Maoist) leader Kishan ji, in an interview with a newspaper, famously stated that there is no need to oppose Islāmic fundamentalism because at its very nature the Islamists were the true crusaders against US imperialism and capitalism. interestingly, it was just like promoting Taliban and Bin Laden by US to counter Russian aggression which ultimately resulted 9/11.

You can easily find out how Indian leftists and its allies are more concerned about Palestine than the plight of Kashmiri Pundits in their own homeland. You may counter that fundamentalism of the majority is much more dangerous than the other one but promoting or defending the fundamentalism of the minorities can surly ignite the fire of the fundamentalism of the majority as a counter, especially in a bitter-sweet environment of India.

Then, there came the Ram Mandir Andolan, which essentially was the rise of the virat Hindu identity. BJP caught it with both hands to counter Mandal politics and consolidated its vote-bank on the basis of cultural identity of the nation. The opposition parties underestimated the power of consolidated Hindu identity and now they are paying the price of their own ignorance.

The cocktail of Hindu consolidation mixed with the developmental rhetoric has proved lethal not only against the leftists at the academic level but also against the Congress and the socialists at the political level, especially in the Modi era. Modi has gotten a cult status whose popularity is beyond the validity or fragility of any argument.

The right-wing has a tough battle ahead to fight against. It needs to try hard to challenge the leftist hegemony at the intellectual level. But at least it has successfully disrupted the status quo of the Indian politics which itself is quite an achievement, isn’t it?

Dirty state of public sector bank branch in Kanpur


One of the first actions taken by the new UP Government is to instigate a culture of cleanliness and hygiene amongst all governments entities functioning within the state. However, there is still a long way to go until this initiative starts to see actual results.

Go anywhere near the State Bank Of India’s Juhi branch in Kanpur, and pungent smells and repulsive conditions greet you. As is evident from the pictures, the surrounding areas are filled with rotting corners full of flies and stagnant water ponds. One would not imagine going into any bank branch under such conditions, let alone the biggest public sector bank of this country.

It gets worse as one enters the branch office though. ACs on the wall are filled with dust and obviously not working. The electric lines all throughout the branch all badly exposed to any kind of hazard. The fire alarm attached at the entrance keeps making a beeping noise all the time, due to smoke coming out from cooking activities around the branch building, and the security guard is completely oblivious to it despite sitting right next to the alarm. One can only imagine what would a response be like in case of an actual fire!

This is just one instance of a public sector bank branch in a pathetic state in one of the largest cities of U.P. Imagine how worse off the branches of other banks must be.

Why politicians usually shy of talking about reservation


Reservation is a self-proclaimed word used by politicians to get votes in election. Most of the politicians don’t even hold any degree but each can a give a long speech on this single word. The most interesting fact is after Bihar Assembly Election, many political analysts present their analysis that RSS was going to review reservation policy is the reason behind BJP’s loss.

However, it doesn’t work this time in UP assembly election. That’s a difficult one to understand but no one presented any solid evidences or data that how much it helped the community like SC/ST in upbringing their life quality. No doubt it helped politician who stands on ideology that supports reservation. Almost every party stands for this affirmative action.

Politics of Reservation

No government has ever presented any model which can be an alternative of reservation, although PM Modi is presenting a different model from beginning he came to power as Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas. This slogan is alternative of reservation politics applauded by public of great population too.

It’s similar to the school model where without giving any special status, the teacher teaches everyone the same, although the weak one gets more attention and help but doesn’t bring any sense of discrimination among children who do well. The most importantly they all remains friend for long until the model of reservation come in front of them as they go to take admission in college. The same friend now becomes Dalit, OBC General. But who’s responsible for this internal discrimination? The politicians or the media who ruined this issue for a long period of time and still people of afraid talking over it.

Politicians get safe seat for their children and relatives in the name of community representatives but genuine representation hardly comes up.

मृत्युशैया पर आखिरी साँसें गिनता “सेकुलरिज्म”


हाल ही में ५ राज्यों के विधान सभा चुनावों में भारतीय जनता पार्टी के अभूतपूर्व प्रदर्शन से सभी चुनावी विश्लेषक और मीडिया में बैठे “वरिष्ठ पत्रकार” स्तब्ध हैं. सभी तरह के पूर्वानुमानों को धता बताते हुए भाजपा ने ५ में से ४ राज्यों में विजय तो प्राप्त की ही है, उत्तर प्रदेश जैसे राज्य में प्रचंड बहुमत से ४०३ में से ३२५ सीटें जीतकर सभी को सकते में दाल दिया है. उत्तर प्रदेश के चुनाव परिणामों से सबसे बड़ा धक्का उन तथाकथित धर्मनिरपेक्ष (छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्ष) ताकतों को लगा है, जो आज तक देश की जनता को जाति-पाति और धर्म-संप्रदाय के नाम पर बांटकर देखा करते थे, इन लोगों का चुनावी आकलन कभी भी “मुस्लिम-दलित” या फिर “अल्पसंख्यक-पिछड़ा वर्ग” के गठजोड़ के आगे नहीं बढ़ सका.

इस “घोर साम्प्रदायिकता और जाति-पाति की राजनीति” को गैर-भाजपाई राजनीतिक दल, मीडिया में बैठे उनके चाटुकार और कुछ स्व-घोषित बुद्धिजीवी लोग “धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” या “सेक्युलरिज्म” का नाम देते रहे. देश की जनता इन लोगों के षड्यंत्र से अनजान थी और जाति -पाति के जहर से युक्त इस “घोर साम्प्रदायिकता” को ही “सेक्युलरिज्म” समझती रही और पिछले ६०-७० सालों से इन गैर भाजपाई राजनीतिक दलों की “सेक्युलर” सरकारें इसी तरह बनती रहीं और लोगों को छलती रहीं. छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता के चलते यह लोग बिहार में भी सत्ता हथियाने में कामयाब हो गए- बिहार के लोग जब तक अपनी “भयंकर गलती” को समझ पाते, तब तक बहुत देर हो चुकी थी और वे लोग बिहार में “जंगल राज ” की वापसी के लिए खुद अपने आप को जिम्मेदार ठहराने के सिवाय और कुछ नहीं कर सकते थे. लेकिन देश के अन्य भागों में बैठे हुए लोगों ने और खासकर उत्तर प्रदेश की जनता ने बिहार की जनता की भयंकर गलती से सबक लेते हुए उस गलती को दुबारा नहीं दोहराया.

आगे बढ़ने से पहले आइए आपको यह बताएं कि यह “छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” आखिर होती क्या है. कायदे से देखा जाए तो धर्मनिरपेक्षिता का सीधा सादा मतलब उस व्यवस्था से है जिसमे बिना किसी भेदभाव के सभी जाति और धर्म-संप्रदाय के लोगों के साथ समानता का व्यवहार किया जाए. दुर्भाग्य से देश आजाद होने के बाद से ही उस समय के राजनीतिक दलों ने अपनी राजनीतिक जड़ें मजबूत करने के लिए, चुपचाप इस “धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” का स्वरुप बिगाड़कर उसे “छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” का रूप दे दिया और उसी के सहारे लगभग ६०-७० सालों तक अपनी सरकारें चलाते रहे. देश में भारतीय जनता पार्टी एकमात्र राजनीतिक दल है जिसने शुरू से ही अपनी धर्मनिरपेक्षिता की नीति न सिर्फ बनाई हुयी है, बल्कि उस पर मुस्तैदी से अमल भी कर रहा है. पी एम् मोदी ने “सबका साथ-सबका विकास” का जो नारा दिया है, उससे भी भाजपा की इसी नीति की पुष्टि होती है.

क्योंकि देश में सिर्फ भाजपा ही एकमात्र “धर्मनिरपेक्ष” राजनीतिक पार्टी थी, इसलिए उसके बारे में ६०-७० सालों से लगातार यह दुष्प्रचार किया जाता रहा कि भाजपा तो “सांप्रदायिक” पार्टी है और जिस “छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” को बाकी के राजनीतिक दल अपनाये हुए हैं, वही असली मायनों में “धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” है. इस दुष्प्रचार में मीडिया और बुद्धिजीवी लोग सभी जोर शोर से लगे हुए थे और अभी भी लगे हुए है. वह तो भला हो सोशल मीडिया और उसके बदौलत बढ़ती हुयी जागरूकता का, जिसके चलते देश की जनता “सेक्युलरिज्म” के खूबसूरत डिब्बे में पैक की गयी इस “घोर साम्प्रदायिकता” को २०१७ के चुनावों से पहले समझने में कामयाब हुयी और उसने धर्मनिरपेक्षिता का ढोंग करने वालों को इन चुनावों में पूरी तरह नकार दिया.

उत्तर प्रदेश में मायावती, अखिलेश और राहुल गाँधी जिस तरह से “मुस्लिम-दलित” समीकरण के सहारे सत्ता हथियाने के सपने देख रहे थे, राज्य की जनता ने इन लोगों को निर्णायक ढंग से लताड़ कर भगा दिया है. जनता ने यह बता दिया है कि इस देश में सिर्फ मुस्लिम-दलित ही नहीं, अन्य वर्गों और जाति-सम्प्रदाय के लोग भी रहते हैं और उन सभी के साथ समानता का व्यवहार होना चाहिए. इस सन्दर्भ में पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री और वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी नेता मनमोहन सिंह के उस बयान का जिक्र करना भी जरूरी हो जाता है, जो उन्होंने ने सन २००६ में नेशनल डेवलपमेंट कौंसिल की ५२ वीं सभा को संबोधित करते हुए दिया था. वह विवादित बयान इस प्रकार है: “अल्पसंख्यकों,खासकर मुस्लिमों का, देश के संशाधनों पर पहला हक़ है.” देश की जनता खुद यह फैसला करे कि यह बयान कितना “धर्मनिरपेक्ष” है. हैरानी की बात यह है कि किसी मीडिया हाउस, अखबार, टी वी चैनल या किसी बुद्धिजीवी ने इस बयान की हल्की सी भी आलोचना नहीं की. अब आप जरा कल्पना कीजिये कि अगर यही बयान इसी मौके पर पी एम् मोदी ने कुछ इस तरह से दिया होता कि: “बहुसंख्यकों, खासकर हिंदुओं का, देश के संशाधनों पर पहला हक़ है.” तो समूचा विपक्ष, उसका चाटुकार मीडिया और अवार्ड लिए हुए बुद्धिजीवी सड़कों पर लोट लोट कर तब तक धरना प्रदर्शन करते रहते, जब तक कि मोदी जी से वे लोग इस्तीफ़ा नहीं ले लेते.

इस सारी चर्चा का निष्कर्ष यही है कि लोग पिछले ७० सालों में न सिर्फ पढ़े लिखे हैं, पहले से अधिक समझदार और जागरूक भी हुए हैं. तथाकथित धर्मनिरपेक्ष दलों, उनके द्वारा नियंत्रित मीडिया और बुद्धिजीवियों की बुद्धि पर लोगों ने भरोसा करना अब बंद कर दिया है और सभी लोग खुद इस बात का विश्लेषण कर पा रहे हैं कि “सबका साथ-सबका विकास” के नारे में ही असली धर्मनिरपेक्षिता निहित है. जिस नकली धर्मनिरपेक्षिता के ढोंग के सहारे सभी गैर-भाजपाई पार्टियां पिछले ७० सालों से जनता को लूट रही थी, उन सबकी “छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” को जनता ने इन चुनावों में पूरी तरह अस्वीकार कर दिया है. अगर यह कहा जाए कि “छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षिता” २०१७ आते आते अपनी मृत्यु शैया पर आ गयी है और अंतिम साँसें गिन रही है, तो उसे अतिश्योक्ति नहीं समझना चाहिए.

Physician, heal thyself


As an Anesthesiologist with 30 years of practice behind me, I am deeply anguished at the recent attacks on doctors and the reaction of the authorities. Today, resident doctors in Maharashtra and Delhi are on strike. More might join to express solidarity.

One wonders when and how and why has the situation deteriorated to such an extent that doctors, once respected, are now brutally assaulted. While condemning such violence, I feel some soul searching is required on the part of the medical fraternity, as well as the Govt, to find some answers.

Let us start with Medical education or the making of a doctor. I was fortunate to train in the best Medical college in Mumbai, the G S Medical college; there were no private colleges in Maharashtra then. Now, a large number of the seats are in private colleges owned mostly by politicians. Permission/recognition is granted by the MCI supposedly after the Institute complies with stringent requirements related to infrastructure, equipment, faculty and the number of patients treated both as inpatients and on an OPD basis.

The MCI is a humungously corrupt body and every new college is potential for making crores of rupees. ( It has very recently been replaced by the National Medical Commission). Colleges which apply for recognition pay agencies which, like wedding planners, arrange everything on the day of the inspection. This includes Faculty, equipment, patients and records, all of which are hired/fake/fudged. Clerks in the MCI office are bribed to divulge travel arrangements made in order to alert colleges in that city.

Everything is in place, like a film set when the inspection team arrives for the ‘surprise’ inspection. The MCI inspectors are in the know: they go through the motions. And make crores by giving recognition. The college is allowed to sell 50% of its seats – the so called management seats – which it does for about a crore each, at the MBBS level and a couple of crores at the MD/MS level.

Because of this flawed system, we have students whose merit lies in being able to afford a crore of rupees to buy a seat, being trained in an Institute which has minimal faculty, and very few patients. This is a terrible situation because unlike Engineering or any other stream, Medicine cannot be taught only in Lecture halls and with PPT presentations. We need to see hundreds and thousands of patients to develop that clinical sense which is so essential to a Physician and operate on hundreds of patients to acquire surgical skills.

Now, this ill trained doctor enters practice having spent up to 3 crores for a 3rd rate education – can you blame him/ her for first wanting to recover his investment? Govt service is out of question as doctors are the most poorly paid despite spending 8-10 years in getting a degree. Enter the Corporate hospital, which is a whole different can of worms. Run as a business in which doctors often have little or no say, the only goal is profit and NOT healing the patient. Unnecessary investigations/surgeries are the rule rather than the exception. Grossly inflating the costs, which patients are in no position to question, is the norm, especially if the patient has Insurance.

Several horror stories of patients being kept on Life support for a couple of days after death to collect hefty ICU charges of Rs. 40,000 to 50,000 per day are sadly true. Govt hospitals fare no better and present a dismal scene. Money spent doesn’t translate into equipment/ state of the art facilities.

Even after being acquired, it is not maintained – crores worth of CT scan or MRI machines lie in disrepair while govt employees make money by referring the patient to private hospitals for a cut. Huge amounts change hands in tendering for substandard drugs. Every one is on the take from the watchman at the gate to the ward boy, ayah, nurse and doctor. The doctors are so grossly ill paid that the job doesn’t attract the best talent. Those who do join are so resentful and feel so exploited that they do not wish to do any work – just clock in their attendance and then disappear to attend to their private practice. Those who attend to patients are over burdened and frustrated – hence often rude and insensitive to the anxious relatives – they have no empathy or time to communicate, which is so essential to avoid a backlash.

Even in private practice, doctors often indulge in malpractices. Paying commission/cuts for referrals is now so common that it doesn’t even raise eyebrows. But doctors earn huge amounts from referrals- Rs.2000 for every CT scan,  Rs.6000 if you refer a patient for an entry level hearing aid even! As for the incestuous relationship between Pharma companies and doctors- the tragedy is that it is not even seen as a criminal thing!

Pharma companies sponsor doctors’ conferences, their travel and stay in 5 star comfort and even foot their mobile bills on a regular basis. This is apart from lavish Birthday/Anniversary/New year/Diwali/ Doctor’s day gifts which can range from high end appliances to jewelry.

All this in return for prescribing drugs which are 10 times cheaper if bought in the generic form, or combination drugs with no scientific rationale. Rampant and unnecessary abuse of antibiotics has led to dangerous resistance in the population and sometimes useless drugs like multivitamins which also have side effects and are not benign as assumed, are freely prescribed. Is it any surprise, then, that patients’ faith in doctors has been severely eroded?

While the safety of the doctors is an immediate concern, I would like to urge every one to introspect – providing better security can only be part of the solution. More long term measures are required. For the authorities, I would recommend a complete overhaul of the entire Medical education sector.

Ideally it should not be a for-profit business venture; colleges should admit only the best students, not the ones with the fattest purse. Education should stress on preventive medicine- most of the present day infectious/lifestyle diseases can be easily minimized. Special emphasis should be placed on teaching Ethics and communication skills. Helping patients and near and dear ones to recognize/accept a terminal condition and to walk with them during that difficult journey is never taught- only how to prolong life with ventilators etc. The old family physician tradition is worth reviving – the family doctor was there for you through birth, death, marriage and every thing in between – a true friend, philosopher and guide.

Conditions in govt hospitals need a drastic overhaul – and huge investment. We really need something like the NHS in the UK not this Hobson’s choice between pathetic govt hospitals and greedy corporate ones.

We should make it compulsory for our ‘netas’ to be treated in govt hospitals only, instead of flying abroad. Then and only then can we hope to see some positive change. For my colleagues, I’d like to suggest that there can be nothing better than to revisit our oath to ‘first, do no harm’.

And to remind ourselves why we chose to be in this profession.

London terror attack and the big elephant in the room


Our deepest condolences to the victims of the dastardly and savage terrorist attack on innocent Londoners. As an Indian and a citizen of a nation that has been a victim of terrorism, it’s easy relating to the pain & horror that Londoners are going through.

Yes India does unflinchingly stand with UK today.

But the question is, will UK & EU actually wake up at least now to an existential threat that has festered and thrived like a cancer in every part of it? Without beating around the bush, let’s come to the Big Elephant in the room. Islāmic Extremism.

The West has to collectively acknowledge the threat of Islāmic fundamentalism and the scale of its infiltration through the intellectual defenses of European societies. Without honestly first acknowledging this fact, there is no diagnosis and hence no possibility of a holistic treatment.

The former PM of UK, Tony Blair had in the past publicly accepted in an interview on an Indian news channel that he had made a grave mistake by refusing to look through the lenses of India on the threat of terrorism. Leader of a free democratic nation that fought off the Nazi devils refusing to see the writing on the wall, shows how endemic the problem is in Europe.

Sun Tzu says, battles are either won or lost even before they are fought. Our minds are the true battle fields. Once you have lost in your mind by failing to even rightly find the threats and in result afflicted with a paralyzing inability to do a SWOT analysis, the battle is already lost. It’s just a formality for one to walk the field and be routed. Europe now possesses at this juncture, the mindset of a loser. The state it finds itself today in, is only logical.

After all, India has been one of the leading victims of terrorism for a while. In fact, we can go a step further and say that India has been a victim of Islāmic extremism for over a 1000 years. Waves of invasions by the Islāmic hordes sweeping down from Central Asia from time to time in the name of a ‘Holy Jihad’ to only plunder and rape a peaceful and thriving civilization. It is a fact whether one likes it or not. Anyone who denies this is either ignorant or fatally disingenuous.

All those Indians who have opened their eyes to the real history know what happened after. For those who haven’t yet detoxified themselves of the fake history peddled by the Left for decades; that tragic chapter of India’s history is usually an era of romantic secular saga that the likes of Gowarikers and Bhansalis would want us to believe with their colorful magnum opus. Wherein the tyrants and despots who ravaged this nation, are purposely depicted as secular, loving and benevolent invaders who supposedly lifted this ancient nation from the gutters of incivility.

We no longer have the luxury of political correctness and neither can we afford to gently dance in the straight jackets of secularism imposed on us by the Leftists. The Left has a suicidal tendency in them which doesn’t let them see that oncoming threat around the corner. If anything the history has shown that, these useful idiots are the first ones pulled to the chopping block when their purpose has been served.

Even after ISIS openly claiming to have infiltrated it via the refugee route, the Europeans are clueless that they are romping in the bed with hardcore Islamists who are hell-bent upon slowly but gradually taking over its societies bit by bit. Thanks to the intellectual domination of the Left and the resulting grand narrative on the beautiful virtues of multiculturalism, most of Europe keeps foolishly ignoring the red flags that keep popping up at an alarming rate.

The novelist Boualem Sansel in his book, “2084: The End Of The World” foresees a universal caliphate becoming a grim reality in a short span of the next two generations. If you think it’s a stretch of imagination, then think hard my friend. People had laughed at George Orwell’s ominous classic,”1984″ when it came out. And today we can say that it pretty much nailed it. The fear of a universal caliphate becoming a reality is neither unsubstantiated nor something we can’t predict. It becomes clear when we objectively study the historical patterns combined with our snapshot of the current state of the disturbing events across the world.

They are neither random nor isolated. It is an advanced, determined cultural & ideological war machine that the world faces. And the sad part is, Europe has seen it before.

Europe has to come up with a pragmatic yet sensible plan to tackle this threat sooner than later before it gets steamrolled. It is standing at the same point that it was standing in 1529 prior to the Siege of Vienna, when it faced the mighty Ottoman empire. A expansionist empire driven by it’s religious ideology was hell-bent on knocking down the last of the gates that stood between itself & a total domination of Europe. Europe then fended off an existential threat by fronting a smaller yet strong united defense. Can it now again?

Will it & how it will rise to this threat is the golden question? Especially when scums like Anjem Choudarys and Zakir Naiks rampantly abuse (and then gloat) their freedom of speech which Democracies & Free Republics bestow upon them.

Let them not be fooled by solutions like this one peddled by the romantic Left. One can hear them offer this (coupled with even more secularism) as the only silver bullet solution to tackle a threat of such gigantic proportions. This is not just about education, rather also about civilizational & cultural ideologies. We live in a world which has one of the highest literacy levels when compared to what it was a 100 years before. With the explosion of Internet this is only growing exponentially. But strangely the same world is also experiencing one of the highest levels of terrorist attacks and violence across the globe. If education was the solution like the morally bankrupt Left wants us to believe, then how can one explain this contradicting evidence that is in front of our eyes?

Part of the solution is first to purge all the intellectually bankrupt theories by the Left that have a stranglehold on the narrative around the all important subject of terrorism in the public domain. Most importantly Universities have turned into breeding grounds of such bankrupt theories, identity politics and dangerous ideologies. They are no longer the temples of learning, rather they have become convenient platform for very nefarious powers to pass their ideologies and condition the young minds to their agenda. The rigid enforcement of political correctness around any sort of discussion on Islāmic fundamentalism and limits on critiquing it on most campuses is one of the indicators of this rot that has set in. And then going out-of-the-way to refuse any such benefits to others. Without tackling this rot of Islāmic Apologists, the war against terror is only going on a bridge to nowhere.

Let’s only pray and hope that not only Europe, but rest of the World too wakes up before it’s too late.

असाधारण चुनाव के असाधारण नतीजे

“हमारा अतीत हमारे वर्तमान पर हावी होकर हमारे भविष्य पर प्रश्न चिह्न लगा देता है”: एक कटु सत्य।
‘सबका साथ,सबका विकास’: क्या संभव हो पाएगा जब यूपी में होगा योगी का राज?

यूपी चुनावों के चौंकाने वाले नतीजों से देश के कथित सेकुलर नेता और मीडिया उबर भी नहीं पायी थी कि मुख्यमंत्री के नाम की घोषणा से सभी राजनैतिक पंडितों को ज़ोर का झटका उतने ही ज़ोर से लगा। मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में योगी आदित्यनाथ के चयन को लेकर बीजेपी पर लगातार चौतरफे हमले हो रहे हैं। अगर देश की मीडिया की प्रतिक्रिया की बात करें तो अखबारों की सुर्खियाँ कुछ यूँ हैं, ‘जो लोग यह सोचते थे कि मोदी गुजरात छोड़ने के बाद बदल गए हैं, वो गलत थे। योगी आदित्यनाथ की उप्र के मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में ताजपोशी बता रही है कि पुराने मोदी अब भी जिंदा हैं।’

भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने विशाल बहुमत हासिल करने के बाद भी उप्र का मुख्यमंत्री आदित्यनाथ को बनाया है तो इससे यही जाहिर होता है कि पार्टी की राजनीति में अगर लाग इन “विकास” है तो पासवर्ड “हिन्दुत्व” है।

योगी को यूपी जैसे राज्य का मुख्यमंत्री बनाने की गूँज देश ही नहीं विदेशों में भी पंहुची। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के विकास के एजेन्डे के मद्देनजर ‘न्यूयौर्क टाइम्स’ ने उनके इस कदम को एक झटका कहा, तो ‘द गार्जियन’ का कहना है कि योगी की ताकतवर शख्सियत इस ओर इशारा करती है कि अब भारतीय अल्पसंख्यकों की स्थिति बहुसंख्यकों की गुडविल पर निर्भर हैं। जबकि “द इकोनोमिस्ट” ने मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में योगी के चयन को “एक अनयूस्यल चौइस” अर्थात एक असामान्य चुनाव कहा है।

दरअसल उप्र के विधानसभा चुनावों में बीजेपी की ऐतिहासिक जीत के बाद योगी आदित्यनाथ का नाम मुख्यमंत्री पद के लिए उठाया तो जा रहा था लेकिन यह पार्टी नेताओं के स्तर पर कम और कार्यकर्ताओं के स्तर पर अधिक था। उप्र की जगह देश की राजनीति में खास केवल आबादी के लिहाज से ही नहीं है, बल्कि इसलिए भी है कि वह लोकसभा में 80 सांसद भेजता है। मोदी जिस गुजरात से आते हैं, वहाँ के तीन गुने से भी ज्यादा।

और इन विधानसभा चुनावों में बीजेपी एवं सहयोगी दलों का 325 सीटों पर विजय प्राप्त करना उप्र जैसे राज्य के लिए अपने आप में एक अद्भुत घटना है जहाँ कोई हिन्दू नहीं है। यहाँ केवल ब्राह्मण राजपूत दलित यादव पिछड़े और दूसरी जातियाँ हैं अथवा अल्पसंख्यक हैं। लेकिन यह पहली बार है कि यूपी की जनता ने एक ऐसा जनादेश दिया जिसमें जातियों का भेद खत्म हो गया।

दरअसल यहाँ के आम आदमी ने मोदी को वोट दिया और उस उम्मीद के पक्ष में वोट दिया जो सालों बाद इस देश का कोई प्रधानमंत्री उनके दिलों में जगा सका कि ‘अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं’। उस हताशा के खिलाफ वोट दिया जो मुलायम, अखिलेश, मायावती सरीखे नेताओं की वोट बैंक की गंदी राजनीति और छद्म सेक्यूलरवाद से उपजी। यह वोट केवल हिन्दू वोट भी नहीं था, पूर्वांचल, तराई, बुन्देलखण्ड और अवध क्षेत्र के मुसलमानों ने भी खासी तादाद में भाजपा को वोट दिया है।

सबसे बड़ी बात तो यह है कि उप्र की जनता जानती थी कि भाजपा जीत भी जाए तब भी मोदी मुख्यमंत्री नहीं होंगे और वे यह भी नहीं जानते थे कि भाजपा किसे मुख्यमंत्री बनाएगी उसके बावजूद प्रदेश की जनता का यह जनादेश अपने प्रधानमंत्री पर उसके भरोसे का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इस भरोसे से उपजी जिम्मेदारी का एहसास माननीय मोदी जी को नहीं हो ऐसा सोचना सबसे बड़ी मूर्खता होगी। इसलिए जो लोग योगी आदित्यनाथ को मुख्यमंत्री के तौर पर एक कट्टर हिंदूवादी फैसला मान रहे हैं वो योगी को नहीं मोदी को नहीं समझ पाए। वे पहले उनकी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक नहीं समझ पाए, फिर नोटबंदी भी नहीं समझ पाए और न ही यूपी की जनता को समझ पाए।

यही वजह थी कि अखिलेश को नतीजों के बाद कहना पड़ा कि मेरी जनसभाओं में लोग तो बहुत आए लेकिन चुनावों में वोट नहीं आए। जो लोग यह कह रहे हैं कि जिस व्यक्ति के पास कोई प्रशासनिक अनुभव नहीं है उसे इतने बड़े प्रदेश की बागडोर सौंप देना कहाँ तक उचित है वे भूल रहे हैं कि उप्र के पिछले मुख्यमंत्री के पास किसी प्रकार के प्रशासनिक अनुभव तो क्या कोई राजनैतिक अनुभव भी नहीं था लेकिन योगी द्वारा किए गए संसदीय कार्यों की समीक्षा करने मात्र से ही उनको अपने प्रश्न का उत्तर मिल जाएगा।

1998 से लगातार गोरखपुर से सांसद रहे योगी आदित्यनाथ के व्यापक जनाधार और एक प्रखर वक्ता की छवि को भी शायद यह लोग अनदेखा करने की भूल कर रहे हैं। जब परिवादवाद की देन एक अनुभव हीन मुख्यमंत्री को प्रदेश की बागडोर संभाल सकता है तो योगी को तो 26 वर्ष की उम्र में सबसे कम उम्र के सांसद बनने का गौरव प्राप्त है।

मोदी स्वयं इस बात को स्वीकार कर चुके हैं कि चुनाव की राजनीति और सरकार चलाने की नीति दोनों अलग अलग बातें हैं। एक नेता के रूप में उनके चुनावी भाषण और एक प्रधानमंत्री के रुप में उनके वक्तव्य एवं कार्यशैली दोनों ही विभिन्न विषय हैं इस बात को पूरे देश ने महसूस किया है। इसलिए योगी के व्यक्तित्व को उनके द्वारा दिए गए अभी तक के भाषणों और उनके भगवा वस्त्रों की सीमा में बाँधकर परखना केवल संकीर्ण मानसिकता और असुरक्षा की भावना का द्योतक है।

21 वर्ष की अल्पायु में घर परिवार त्याग कर एक योगी बनने का निर्णय उनकी दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति दर्शाता है। ऐसे समय में जब देश की राजनीति वंशवाद और परिवारवाद के साये में अपना आस्तित्व तलाश रही है, एक सन्यासी को सत्ता के शीर्ष पर बैठाना एक नई सुबह के साथ अनेकों उम्मीद की किरणों का उजाला फैला रहा है।

आदित्यनाथ को एक योगी के रूप में देखने वाले उनके भीतर के सन्यासी की अनदेखी कैसे कर सकते हैं। उनके व्यक्तित्व को उनके वस्त्रों के रंग में सीमित करने वाले यह कैसे भूल सकते हैं कि जिस दिन एक आदमी सांसारिक विषयों का त्याग करके इन वस्त्रों को धारण करता है वो जात पात से ऊपर उठ जाता है और एक ही धर्म का पालन करता है, ‘मानवता’।

एक मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में उनके कार्यों को देखे बिना पूर्वाग्रहों के आधार पर उनका आंकलन करना न सिर्फ उनके साथ बल्कि लोकतंत्र के साथ बहुत बड़ा अन्याय होगा। और अन्त में प्रधानमंत्री का यह कथन तो देश भूला नहीं है कि, “हममें अनुभव की कमी हो सकती है, हम गलती कर सकते हैं लेकिन हमारे इरादे गलत नहीं हैं”।

और जब इरादे नेक हों तो नतीजे गलत हो ही नहीं सकते।