Saturday, October 26, 2024
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From JNU to Ramjas: What we need to understand


Last year, when the videos of students raising anti-India slogans in Jawaharlal Nehru University aired on television the whole nation was shocked and surprised. For them it was an accidental case and it must not happen again. But, then something similar happened in Bangalore and now the same thing is happening in Ramjas College. So, it’s clear that it was not an accident, but an action deliberately done and what we need to understand is the mechanism behind it.

As we know the persons as well as the slogans it is not difficult to identify that what are the forces behind these incidents. But what is difficult is to understand that how the Communists and Jihadis who were once at the loggerhead in Afghanistan are moving hand in hand in India or at least in the university campuses. The answer lies in the understanding that how after the disintegration of Soviet Union the communists scattered all over the world, who were in a desperate need of financial and international support, joined their hands with the Islamic regimes as well as the radical Islamic forces.

This gave them a reach to the petro-dollars and political support of gulf countries and the despotic rulers of these countries got advocates to defend their misdeeds on the international forums. The very first thing which came out from this alliance was that the Sharia rules were justified saying that western democracy doesn’t fit with the eastern traditions second that Islam became an ideology of opposition to the west. As per the use of force by the rulers of gulf countries is concerned, communism never had a problem with that as it is equally comfortable with the use of violence on their own citizens and is equally intolerant of opposition.

In India as recognized by B R Ambedkar also that there are certain elements in Muslim society who use to think that the Hindus and Muslims must perpetually struggle; the Hindus to establish their dominance over the Muslims and the Muslims to establish their historical position as the ruling community- that in this struggle the strong will win, and to ensure strength they must suppress or put in cold storage everything which causes dissension in their rank. So, for the communist the only thing which they needed to do is to fit this idea of communal struggle being advocated by the radical Islamists with the idea of class struggle. And, they did it successfully by shifting the blame of backwardness of Muslims on the state and brand it as a Brahmanical state. With this new conceptual tool the communists got a new strength in their fight against the Indian State. With which they are fighting right from the independence.

There always has been a debate within the Muslims over the idea of Qaum and Watan. Islam calls for only one loyalty (or at least supreme loyalty) that is loyalty towards Allah and it considers all Muslims as brothers belonging to one Qaum. But at the same time, they are also divided in different countries i.e. Watan. So, there has always been a debate between Qauamparasti and Watanparasti and nationalism sits comfortable with Watanparasti but not with Qauamparasti. So, for the Muslims it is a matter of which comes first? Is it religion or nation. But this debate of religion or nation is a not an universal debate within the Muslim community.

Here radicals are very clear that for them it is religion. And this is what makes them a strategic ally to the communists. Who has always been ready to make alliances to fight against nationalism.

Ernest Gellner says that Marxist basically like to think that the spirit of humanity or human consciousness made a terrible boob. The awakening message was intended for classes, but by some terrible postal error was delivered to nations. In the words of Eric Hobsbawm, “There is not much likelihood that peasants would identify with a ‘country’ that consisted of community of the lords who were, inevitably the chief targets of their discontents”.

Now this whole design is coming face to face with the nationalism almost across the campuses, where the radical Islamists are using communist framed arguments against the Indian state to propagate their hidden agenda of communal struggle and communists who has been wiped out in the terms of number is trying to make a comeback with the help of cadres of radical Islamists. The evidences for these arguments can be found from the demography of the mob who was raising the slogans at JNU as well as Ramjas and the leadership. In both the cases the mob was not from any single university and the presence of radical elements cannot be denied. As per the question of leadership is concerned, in both the cases it was provided by the communists with one difference that in JNU the people leading the mob were communist students whereas in Ramjas where they don’t have much standing in the students the provocation of Azadi slogan came from the comrades in faculties.

And what makes this fight most interesting is that this is the centenary not only of the greatest success which communism ever got, the Russian Revolution but also of the period of the first World War in which in whole of Europe – except Russia – communism was defeated badly by the nationalism.

The Lal Krishna Advani column: The UP elections and why Yogi Adityanath was chosen as CM


Greetings mere Deshvasiyo! Those old enough to know better of course know me. To those who don’t, let me introduce myself. You may have not heard much about me. I am Lal Krishna Advani. I just turned 89 a few months back. You may be wondering why I am writing this column here. What will I have to say that you the smart generations of today do not already know?

Let me tell you something. I have either been a participant in, or a ringside viewer of, almost all the seminal developments in independent India’s history. I have groomed, nurtured and mentored several trainees who today hold top position in India’s polity; for example Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitley, Rajnath Singh and Sushma Swaraj to name a few. Despite my political differences with leaders from other parties, I have shared a very good personal rapport with them. Today, sitting in the Margdarshak Mandal, I can look at all leaders and events with equanimity. That’s the reason, I can offer you, the younger generation an unbiased and insightful perspective no one else ever can. That’s why I have decided to write for you. My today’s topic is about the UP elections.

As soon as the UP election results started trickling in and showed that the BJP was poised for a landslide win, I was both happy and sad. Happy that the BJP was sweeping. But why sad you may ask. Well, I have worked tirelessly for several decades to change India from a one party monopoly to a sustainable two party democracy. And Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi were undoing my life’s efforts in just a matter of months!

While everyone was surprised with Modi picking Yogi Adityanath for CM, I was not. I am his Guru. I know my Shishya well.

Several reasons have been given for Yogi Adityanath being selected; his popularity, the RSS support, the appeal across castes, appeasing the rightwing and several others. But let me tell you, all these reasons may be true but not one of them is the main reason.

The main reason Yogi Adityanath was chosen as CM was because he wears saffron. Modi wanted to pander to his Twitter vote bank and nothing delights this vote bank more than the liberals losing their bearings. And since Yogi Adityanath wears saffron, he really has to do nothing. Waving saffron in front of an Indian liberal has the same effect as waving red in front of a Spanish bull. You don’t even have to wave it, just wear it. When our liberals see saffron, they see red. Why India liberals, even liberals in UK are shocked to an extent that they have graduated from showing an angry saffron clad extremist to a dancing saffron clad extremist as you can see here.

Narendra Modi occasionally does something silly like wearing a monogrammed suit which the liberals can visualize and mock him. But every time the liberals try to visualize Yogi Adityanath, they visualize saffron and lose all their senses. One liberal wanted to type “affront to the idea of India” but when he visualized Yogi Adityanath instead wrote “Saffront to the idea of India”.

I attended the swearing ceremony of Yogi Adityanath with a childlike curiosity. Not that I have not seen a chief minister before, in fact, I have appointed many chief ministers, including Narendra Modi who these days appoints chief ministers. But most chief ministers I have seen are ones who both apply Tilak and wear topi. A CM wearing saffron was a novelty for me.

Alright then Mere Deshwasiyon. See you soon with another post.

Lal Krishna Advani

Inspiration for this post is the autobiographical book by L. K. Advani “My Country My Life” and the following 2 tweets from Bhavesh Kansara:

When Rajdeep Sardesai caught Yogi Adityanath red handed


Journalist Rajdeep Sardesai caught Yogi Adityanath’s impropriety and tweeted:
“Shocked: Mahant of the Gorakhnath Math Yogi Adityanath eating chicken. Yeh kahan aa gaye hum.


Later he tweeted:
“Only in India would an elected representative threaten peace with a gun.”


This was followed by another tweet:
“Angry saffron clad Yogi Adityanath intimidating those who disagree with him.”

However, he later tweeted:
“The pics of Yogi Adityanath have turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. Apologizing to him and withdrawing tweet.”

Image References:

Education & Government’s shirking responsibility


For the last few days, WhatsApp groups primarily of Gujarat Locals are flooded with News Paper clippings of Government of Gujarat’s proposed decision to fix the upper limits that a private school can charge as a fee.

Now Private Primary School Operators will be able to collect more than Rs. 16000 as fees

To top it up, my local Vadodara MLA, Mr. Yogesh Patel had floated a letter in the social media where he calls all sort of names for the Private School Operators. He went to extent of calling Private School Operators School Mafia. [pdf]

My problem isn’t that Mr. Patel is calling them names, but the fact that he isn’t offering any solutions. I do not deny the fact that school do fleece parents under various pretexts. I personally having handled operations of a chain school, am aware the extent of money making activities that a school can undertake over and above the ‘Fees’.

But my this article has originated from the fact, that government after government have done nothing to improve the quality of Government Schools but when it comes to appeasing the common man, all they have to do is demonize the school operators without even taking step towards improving, forget the quality, even the infrastructure of government schools.

Education department has set down guidelines to the extent of defining the area of classrooms to the water taps to student ratio you need to maintain. They have defined the area required to start a School. A typical CBSE school is required to have anywhere between 1 to 2 acre of land in its name or leased to it for at least 30 years depending on the location of the school. The teachers are required to be paid 6th Pay Commission pay scales, now 7th not to mention other benefits like ESIC, PF, etc. There is a long To-Do list for the school to even get permission. Did you know, for every additional classroom or section you increase in the school, there is a cost of Rs. 5,000- Rs. 10,000. This is the official cost. The under the table cost is different story altogether. And to top it up, there is a mandatory 25% reservation for RTE students, the refunds for which haven’t arrived in the last 5 years at the least.

Now as a Private School operator, where do I get all this money from? Let’s forget profit, with the kind of Fee slabs being recommended.

In the 1st place there are limits to the number of students that you can have in a classroom which is maximum 40. Now to teach these 40 students in the Primary Section (1st to 8th) alone, you need at least 10-14 teachers assuming the schools operate on a Mother Teacher concept from 1st to 3rd standard. This is just teachers, and then there are support staff, administrative staff, etc. Also this section of the school has the maximum load of RTE i.e. 25% seats are to be reserved to be taught without any fees coming.

In the above scenario, where does the school bring the money to fund the expenses? Forget making profits with the above mentioned fees, they will end up shutting down the schools due to lack of funds.

Simply put, I see 2 solutions: (My Opinion Purely)

  • Why can’t the government just incentivize these private schools by letting them charge any fees they want provided they run a parallel school for the under-privileged community by using the existing setup for which the government need not compensate? Because frankly, there are people willing to pay top bucks for schools offering good education.

PS: try and find out fees of schools like Ecole Mondiale School, Mumbai, Oberoi International School, Mumbai & Aga Khan International School Hyderabad just to name few.

  • Government takes the Education Sector seriously. Instead of populist decisions like Fee Ceilings, they decide to upgrade and offer the best quality Education & Infrastructure in Government Schools.

All the Governments since Independence have just done lip-service to the Education Sector. No one is serious about changing how the future generation of our country is being taught. RTE which was being claimed by the liberal buffoons as revolutionary idea is nothing but Government Shirking its responsibility and outsourcing or rather burdening the Non-Minority Private Schools with something that it should do itself.

Lastly, you can flog a dead horse only so much.

Why triple talaq is unconstitutional: A legal perspective


Recently on the question of the constitutional validity of triple talaq and polygamous marriage, the Honourable Supreme Court (SC) has framed an issue “Whether personal laws are law within the meaning of Art 13 (1) of the Constitution of India”. In a number of earlier decisions, the SC has held that personal laws are not law within the meaning of Art. 13(1).

My humble opinion is that the view of the SC as stated above is not correct. The SC has proceeded on the premise that Art. 13(1) is the source of the protection of fundamental rights whereas the truth is that Art. 13 is not the source but merely an expression of the protection. To put it in simple words, imagine that Art. 13 was not present at all in Part III of the Constitution. In that case, could any law or law in force contravene or be inconsistent with the provisions of part III of the Constitution? The answer is simple, that the constitution is supreme and all laws are subject to the provisions of the Constitution.

To give an example, if the Parliament makes a law on a matter included in the State List of the 7th Schedule then such a law is unconstitutional. Art. 13 protects Part III from violation. However, there is no other article which protects the remaining parts of the Constitution. Yet, all parts of the Constitution are protected from contravention or violation.

Personal laws confer certain rights and obligations on individuals which are enforceable in the court of law. There is absolutely no reason to give such laws a primacy over the sacrosanct and supreme provisions of our Constitution. Moreover, The Shariat Act 1937 makes the Muslim personal law or Sharia applicable to Muslims. That gives personal law of Muslims a statutory recognition. Hence, it will come within the term “all laws in force” in Article 13(3) of the Constitution.

The definition of Law & Law in force in Art.13(3) is an inclusive definition and not an exhaustive one. Having regard to the sacrosanct nature of the fundamental rights it will be odious to hold that it was the intention of the framers of the Constitution to exclude the personal laws of any religion from the purview of the fundamental rights. Even the freedom of religion under Art.25 is not absolute, being subject to public order, health and morality. Further, the provisions of the Muslim personal law in criminal matters have long been abolished with no complaints from the community. Hence the only point for consideration remains as to whether arbitrary triple talaq and allowing 4 wives to Muslim males and denying the same right to Muslim female are violation of Articles 14 and 15 and 21 of the Constitution of India. As far as Art.25 is concerned these two rights of talaq and polygamy in favour of Muslim males are not the essential tenets of Islam.

To sum up, our Constitution is Sovereign, Supreme and Sacrosanct. There is nothing that can go against the provisions of the Constitution. The fundamental rights provided in the Constitution can only be curtailed to the extent expressly provided in the Constitution. Triple talaq gives the husband an arbitrary right to get rid of his marriage, for which he need not assign any reason whatsoever. This amounts to a violation of the Muslim woman’s right to live with dignity which is guaranteed to her under Article 21 of the Constitution. Hence, triple talaq is unconstitutional and needs to be struck down by the Honorable Supreme Court of India.

Not enough outrage


Another day passed by and another outrage takes place by social media junta. Most of us contribute in this ground by tweets, Facebook posts, trending hashtags or any other means. For some people this ground is a battleground and for some it is just a playground. But sometimes this witless keyboard crusade leaves us with very significant impacts on our life.

Here rules are simple to get support for your voice if look from outside the system but story line is quite different from inside. Today when Twitter is trending with #BoycottCCD at the same time my mind was having some inquisitions as to which factors affect this social media outrage game and I have some findings.

  1. If you are a left supported mid aged college student then you are an emerging star of social media. There will be debate for your #FOE & by then you can be declared most eligible Prime Ministerial candidate, but remember you are not.
  2. Minority tag can get you a lot of RTs and likes from secular personalities, you be treated as snowflake and no one is allowed to cross check your claims or facts. But hey! minority means only religion of peace and religion of love  here.
  3. Being a Dalit may give you reservation in jobs or admissions but on SM if your narrative does not suit the idea of liberal ecosystem then you don’t deserve any of the support by so-called progressive clan. Yet the chances are high for you to get a big support base.
  4. If by any chance you are a man on social media platform that does not help you a bit. No body cares what happens with you if you belong to male gender. You may have beaten, threaten, attacked, abused or same, but no body cares about your kind. You will be branded as criminal before anything and your victimization is not accepted.

This new media is not so different from its big brother MSM. Only and if only your story falls in this outrage friendly scope then good news for you. You can be next sensation in news and can get thousands of followers and blue tick but if you have failed to do so please go and fight your stupid battle alone.

There will be no one to support you and no one will be ashamed as society because you are a male.

हिंदी भाषा का बढ़ता अंग्रेजीकरण


बहुत पहले मैंने एक उद्धरण पढ़ा था कि ‘जो समाज अपनी भाषा पर गर्व नहीं कर सकता उसका पतन निश्चित है।’ यह पतन सांस्कृतिक हो सकता है, नैतिक हो सकता है। आज जब हमारे पर्यावरण में हर प्रकार का प्रदूषण फैल रहा है तब हिंदी भाषा भी इससे अछूती नहीं है, अंतर सिर्फ यह है कि हिंदी भाषा मे बढ़ता प्रदूषण हिंदी के अंग्रेजीकरण का है। यह बात मैं आज आकस्मिक ही नहीं कह रहा हूँ अपितु अपने पिछले कई वर्षों के अनुभव पर कह रहा हूँ। हम सब रोजाना हिंदी के विकृत रूप से दो चार होते हैं परन्तु हम सब ने इसे बहुत सामान्य रुप से देखना शुरु कर दिया हैं। आज चाहे वह समाचार पत्रिकाएं हो या फिर हिंदी समाचार चैनल या अन्य कोई हिंदी धारावाहिक, हम रोजाना हिंदी भाषा के चीरहरण को देखते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए:

यह सभी उदाहरण एक दो दिन पूर्व के ही हैं। ऐसे न जाने कितनी बार हम हिंदी भाषा का मजाक बनते हुए देखते हैं परन्तु हमारे लिए यह सब अब ‘नार्मल’ हो चला है। पर हम सब के लिए अपवाद की स्थिति तब होती है जब कोई अंग्रेजी मे हिंदी का मिश्रण करता है। भाषा में बढ़ते प्रदूषण के लिए मीडिया से ज्यादा हम एक समाज के तौर जिम्मेदार हैं। हमारा समाज अपनी भाषा के अंग्रेजीकरण के प्रति शून्य हो चला है। हम आज भी औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता से ग्रसित है। हम अपने आस पास न जाने ही कितने ऐसे उदाहरण देखते हैं जहाँ लोग अपने बच्चों पर अंग्रेजी बोलने का दबाव डालते हैं और बच्चों को अंग्रेजी का ज्ञान न होना हीनता का बोध कराता है। ऐसी मानसिकता के लिए हम सब एक समाज के तौर पर जिम्मेदार हैं। तभी हम भाषा मे बढ़ते प्रदूषण का विरोध नहीं करते हैं। और इस मानसिकता का एक बहुत बड़ा कारण हमारी आज की शिक्षा व्यवस्था भी है, जहाँ हिंदी मात्र एक विषय और अंग्रेजी भाषा बन गई हो, वहाँ ऐसा प्रदूषण अचरज पैदा नही करता। अंग्रेजी कुछ रोजगारों के लिए आवश्यक तो हो सकती है पर समाज के लिए नही।

अपनी भाषा, समाज, सभ्यता के प्रति जैसी हीनभावना का प्रदर्शन हमारे समाज करता है, शायद ही विश्व में अन्यत्र कोई समाज ऐसा करता हो। इसका एक बड़ा कारण हमारी शिक्षा व्यवस्था पर एवं सभी संस्थाओ पर जो भी वर्ग का रहा उसे सारे प्रगतिशील विचार सिर्फ पश्चिम में ही दिखे। इतिहास से लेकर भाषा तक तथा भाषा से समाज तक में इस वर्ग को सिर्फ पिछड़ापन ही दिखाई दिया। इस वर्ग ने कभी भी समाज को अपनी सभ्यता, भाषा पर गौरव करने के लिए प्रेरित ही नही किया।

आज के वैश्विक युग अंग्रेजी भाषा का ज्ञान आवश्यक है। हमारी अंग्रेजी भाषा पर अच्छी पकड़ हमें आज विश्व में सूचना तकनीकी के क्षेत्र एवं अन्य क्षेत्रों में आगे बढने मे एक महत्वपूर्ण कारण है। पर हमें यह भी ध्यान रखना होगा कि हमारी अपनी भाषाओं ह्रास न हो। हमें एक होकर अपनी भाषा के लिए आवाज उठानी होगी तभी हम अपनीं भाषाओं के साथ हो रहे खिलवाड़ को रोक सकेंगे।

वरिष्ठ पत्रकार श्री राहुल देव जी का एक संगोष्ठी में हिंदी के बिगड़ते स्वरूप पर दिये गये भाषण के एक वीडियो के साथ अपनी कलम को विराम देता हूँ।


कैसी कैसी चाल चले केजरीवाल


“जिस राज्य की प्रजा लोभी और लालची होती है, वहां ठग शासन करते हैं.” चाणक्य ने जब यह बात अपनी चाणक्य नीति में लिखी थी, उस समय शायद उन्हें भी नहीं मालूम था कि कभी दिल्ली जैसे राज्य में उनकी लिखी गयी नीति को पूरी सच्चाई के साथ अमल में लाया जाएगा. जब से दिल्ली में केजरीवाल की सरकार बनी है, लोग अपने मुफ्त के वाई-फाई, मुफ्त के पानी और सस्ती बिजली के लालच में अपना वोट एक ऐसी पार्टी को देने पर लगातार अपना सर पीट रहे हैं, जिसे न सरकार चलाना आता है और न ही सरकार चलाने कि कोई मंशा नज़र आती है. नतीजतन दिल्ली में पिछले लगभग दो ढाई सालों से जो कुछ भी हो रहा है, वह सब भगवान् भरोसे चल रहा है. अगर कुछ अच्छा हो जाए तो दिल्ली सरकार उसका श्रेय अपनी सरकार को दे देती है और जो कुछ भी ख़राब हो जाए या न हो पाए, उसके लिए वह सीधे सीधे मोदी सरकार को जिम्मेदार बताकर अपनी जिम्मेदारी से पल्ला झाड़ लेती है.

दिल्ली में विधान सभा चुनावों से पहले केजरीवाल ने जनता से यह वादा किया था कि दिल्ली कि बिजली कंपनियां गड़बड़ कर रही हैं और उनका सी ऐ जी ऑडिट कराया जाएगा और उस ऑडिट के बाद से दिल्ली में बिजली अपने आप ही सस्ती हो जाएगी. जिस समय केजरीवाल ने यह वादा किया था, उस समय भी उन्हें यह बात अच्छी तरह मालूम थी कि दिल्ली की बिजली कम्पनियाँ प्राइवेट कम्पनियाँ हैं और उनका सी ऐ जी ऑडिट कानूनन संभव नहीं है. बाद में क्या हुआ, यह सभी को मालूम है – सी ऐ जी ऑडिट के खिलाफ प्राइवेट बिजली कम्पनियाँ अदालत चली गयीं और अदालत ने कानून का पालन करते हुए सी ऐ जी ऑडिट पर रोक लगा दी. केजरीवाल सरकार ने शर्मा शर्मी अपनी इस हार पर पर्दा डालने के लिए “सब्सिडी” के रास्ते से बिजली के बिलों में कुछ राहत देने की नौटंकी को अंजाम दिया . यह सभी जानते हैं कि “सब्सिडी” का मतलब यह होता है कि आप की एक जेब से पैसा निकालकर उसी पैसे को आपकी दूसरी जेब में डाल दिया जाए.

पिछले दो ढाई साल के शासन काल में केजरीवाल की सरकार और इसके नेता इतने विवादों में पकडे जा चुके हैं, जिनकी गिनती भी करना अपने आप में एक बड़ा काम है. अभी हाल ही में दिल्ली के उप राज्यपाल ने केजरीवाल की आम आदमी पार्टी से विज्ञापन घोटाले में ९७ करोड़ रुपये वसूलने का आदेश दिल्ली के मुख्य सचिव को दिया है. बाकी के कारनामे रोजाना अख़बारों की सुर्खियां बनते ही रहते हैं.

केजरीवाल के इन्ही कारनामों के चलते हालिया विधान सभा चुनावों में गोवा में इन्हें ४० में से ३९ सीटों पर अपनी जमानत जब्त करानी पडी और पंजाब में भी लगभग २ दर्जन सीटों पर इनके नेताओं कि जमानत जब्त कर ली गयी. लेकिन इन सब बातों से कोई भी सबक न लेते हुए केजरीवाल ने दिल्ली नगर निगम चुनावों से ठीक पहले जनता को एक बार फिर से अपनी चाल में फंसाने की नाकाम कोशिश की है. इस बार जनता को यह लालच दिया जा रहा है कि अगर यह नगर निगम चुनावों में जीत गए तो दिल्ली में हाउस टैक्स को पूरी तरह ख़त्म कर देंगे. दिल्ली नगर निगम कानून, १९५७ के अन्तर्गत हाउस टैक्स को केवल कानून में संशोधन लाकर ही ख़त्म किया जा सकता है और कानून में संसोधन सिर्फ संसद की सहमति से ही किया जा सकता है. इनकी पार्टी के शिक्षा मंत्री इस बात को बार बार कह रहे हैं कि नहीं हम तो कानून में संसोधन के बिना ही हाउस टैक्स ख़त्म कर देंगे. लेकिन यह सबको मालूम है कि जब संसद में इस तरह का कोई संसोधन मंजूर नहीं होगा तो केजरीवाल मोदी सरकार पर यह आरोप लगाकर एक तरफ हो जाएंगे कि, “उनकी सरकार तो हाउस टैक्स ख़त्म करना चाहती है, वह तो मोदी जी उन्हें हाउस टैक्स ख़त्म नहीं करने दे रहे”.

यहां जो समझने वाली बात है वह यह है कि किसी भी नगर निगम को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए पैसों की जरूरत होती है और हाउस टैक्स से होने वाली आय ही किसी भी नगर निगम के लिए सबसे अधिक राजस्व इकठ्ठा करती है. अब केजरीवाल जी नगर निगम को होने वाली आय के मुख्य स्रोत को ही बंद करना चाहते हैं- वह भी यह बताये बिना कि अगर यह आय नगर निगम को नहीं होगी तो नगर निगम चलेगा कैसे ? अभी जब हाउस टैक्स की वसूली जनता से की जा रही है, उसके बाबजूद नगर निगम राजस्व की कमी से इस हद तक जूझ रहे है कि दिल्ली में सफाई कर्मचारी कई बार सिर्फ इसी लिए हड़ताल पर जा चुके है कि उन्हें उनका वेतन नहीं मिल पा रहा था. अब जरा कल्पना कीजिये कि अगर हाउस टैक्स से होने वाली आय को भी बंद कर दिया गया तो क्या नगर निगम सुचारू रूप से चल पायेगा?

अपने चुनावी फायदे के लिए जनता को बार बार बेबकूफ बनाने में माहिर केजरीवाल इस बार कामयाब होंगे या नहीं, यह तो चुनाव नतीजों के आने की बाद ही मालूम होगा.

Can Hindutva deliver Vikas or it is a state of mind


I read this impressive column by Sagarika Ghose in Times blogs this morning. She begins by highlighting how ‘Hindutva + Economic aspirations’ of the people can be a winning formula in elections, referring to UP and Gujarat. There is another reference to Owaisi’s quote where she highlights how ‘Hindutva + Development’ is the key to an impressive mandate. The column ends in this manner, ‘State power + ideology’ fails to complement social creativity or boost chances of entrepreneurship.

As I sat back and contemplated whether this was really the case in the country, a few saffron clad questions arose in my mind. The thing referred to as Hindutva in this column doesn’t seem to be clearly defined. It is left to the understanding of the readers to judge what comprises Hindutva. This term has been misused by politicians and journalists alike since ages and anyone who wishes to criticize the current regime uses it as a Brahmastra to validate their point.

Is banning illegal slaughter houses and creating Anti-Romeo squads to curb eve-teasing the prime focus of Hindutva? Is the election of a Saffron clad 5 time MP, who embraced monkhood decades back, as the CM of the most populous state in the country a disturbing sign of pushing Hindutva ideology in the country? Is Modi silently working on promoting his hidden Hindutva agenda in the garb of development? And many more! These saffron clad questions were silenced by thoughts which appeared to active the greener pastures of the millions of neurons in me. Only God can help those who see a tinge of communalism in my usage of colors to describe my state of mind.

A Government elected with a thumping win is expected to go full throttle against the irregularities existing in the society and clearly demonstrate that it has taken complete charge of the situation. This is only possible if law is implemented with ruthlessness. This is what the current UP regime seem to be doing. The tough action expected of Kejriwal, when he was crowned the CM with a dream mandate, now seem to be played before us by an overly active YOGI regime. Wouldn’t the same Media have appreciated an AAM looking CM going against illegalities in the society in the same tone and tenor that oozed from his persona during rallies? Then why this discrimination and a lame attempt to paint the efforts of saffron clad monk to cleanse the system, with an ideological brush? PM Modi should also be credited with appointing a strong decision maker to govern the state rather than install a puppet and rule from behind the screen or else we wouldn’t have witnesses so much of action in so little time.

Coming back to economic aspirations of the people and the development plank getting a backseat due to this presumed onslaught of Hindutva on businesses dealing in meat, a report published in THE HINDU dated 29th October 2016 quotes, a beef trader that close to 60-70 percent of those who consume buffalo meat in restaurants in UP were Hindus. Due to social stigma they prefer not to take the meat home for cooking. This clearly shows the change in eating habits of some Hindus. A ban on illegal slaughter houses is bound to affect both involved in its production and those who consume it (but this cannot be termed as Hindutva on onslaught), since those having valid license can still go ahead with their businesses and find out means to increase production. A means of balancing the demand-supply arithmetic needs to be worked out.

People whose livelihood is lost due to closure of slaughter houses need to understand that in the age of modernization and ambitious political regimes a number of modern/traditional professions have either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Any attempt to paint it with a communal brush and thrust the blame on the regime can be out rightly termed as mischief.

A report published in the ECONOMIC TIMES on Jan 20 2017 clearly states “Close to 9,000 employees of Infosys were being layed off due to automation”. We don’t hear any voice protesting against these unexpected job losses and demanding job security and rehabilitation for these young IT engineers. A report in THE TELEGRAPH cites “Close to 35000 people lost their jobs and the state incurred a loss of 5400 crore rupees in the fiscal year 2016-17 due to liquor ban in Bihar”. But this move was hailed as a bold step and we didn’t hear any cries for rehabilitation at the national level. For a state that is aspiring to take giant strides on the path of development 5400 crore loss is huge. This clearly demonstrates that ambitious regimes tend to make their arrival with sweeping changes which may disrupt the economics momentarily.

As far as development is concerned, it has to be driven by a distinct and clearly defined ideology which encompasses all sections of society, only then will the regime hold onto power and grow its base in states where it has minimal presence. This is clearly demonstrated since 2014 when this NDA government first embraced the seat of power. If you refuse to call this ideology Hindutva and ascribe everything that is divisive to it, then as an emerging leader of this country and a youth icon once called Poverty as a state of mind, we may as well add, “Hindutva is a state of mind”.

How vegetarianism makes environment as well as economy stronger


In recent times, Indian media is going brouhaha over the shut down of illegal slaughterhouses in Uttar Pradesh. This issue can be debated from a number of perspectives. You might argue that UP government is anti minority. Some might feel that India will become a Hindu Rashtra if this approach continues, etc. Others might cry about job losses. But that is not the end of the entire debate.

There is some interesting (but old) news that is related to the controversial topic of cow protection, vegetarianism and kebabs:

Estimates show that a 25% reduction in global consumption of livestock products worldwide would yield the 12.5% reduction in global anthropogenic GHG emissions that delegates tried, but failed, to negotiate in 2009 at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen.

More than 90% of the world population consumes a substantial amount of meat on a daily basis. The current level of meat consumption is not sustainable. The world needs to drastically change its food habits. Researchers around the world, (including those of  UN and IPCC) feel that vegetarianism could be a potent weapon to combat climate change, one of the biggest challenges faced by the world.

Hang on! Are researchers saying that reduction in chicken, mutton, pork and beef consumption can save the planet?The answer is a resounding YES. You might be disappointed to know that these researchers were not trained by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. They were trained in top research universities of US and Europe.


Livestock production is responsible for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions

Livestock production industry pumps methane gas into the atmosphere. It’s a leading contributor to global warming. Methane is 25 times more effective than CO2 in trapping the sun’s heat and raising the earth’s temperature. Without doubt, animal husbandry is the single largest source of methane in the world!

65% of the Nitrous Oxide emissions originates from the animal rearing. This gas is 200 times more potent than CO2 in trapping earth’s heat. PETA says the following about animal protein:

Feeding massive amounts of grain and water to farmed animals and then killing them and processing, transporting, and storing their flesh is extremely energy-intensive. And forests—which absorb greenhouse gases—are cut down in order to supply pastureland and grow crops for farmed animals. Finally, the animals themselves and all the manure that they produce release even more greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.

As we complain about soaring temperatures during summer, floodsCo, cyclones and droughts, we should voluntarily change our food habits in order to save the planet. It includes India and of course, Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in the country.

Animal husbandry sector might lose jobs if societies move towards vegetarianism. But the expansion of pulse cultivation, food processing and allied industries , jobs lost in animal husbandry and slaughterhouses can be compensated.

Uttar Pradesh’s population is bigger than all European nations. Imagine the amount of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere because of all those Tunday Kebabs being consumed in the state. Of course , some researchers can take up this challenge and compute the actual figure.

If a large number of illegal slaughterhouses stay closed for the entire term of Yogi Adityanath’s administration, it might result in reduction of tons of methane and nitrous oxide emissions! Issues are now related to environment in addition to politics and economics. Media needs to discuss contemporary issues from all perspectives .